Oakland is dying too. Democrat policies KILL city's.

Yup. The Oakland PD is closed too! Seems like the Detroit of Robocop fame!

they lost Raiders twice? Athletics and Warriors. All three brought in revenue. Warriors lost to nearby rival SF. Really hurt them. Like the Dodgers moving to SF would PO LA.
And this is part of the plan.......rahm emanuel, the thug from the clinton minion collective said you never let a crisis go to waste....what he didn't say? You create the crisis.......and the democrats keep doing this.

When the thugs have to move out, so do their votes for DNC scum. They have to disperse and lose thug concentration. Ghost towns can be taken over a lot easier, dozed, and rebuilt. That's why Democrats get so much support from real estate marketers and lawyers.
Maybe it's a long term plan. Let them go to shit to the point the value is real low then investors swoop up and buy it up, or the Chinese buy it

Good way to get rid of the poor and push them somewhere else so the wealthy can create their own area.

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