NYT: Daughter of doctor who helped Trump avoid the draft speaks up

/——/ Draft Dodging is a crime. Take your evidence to the nearest JAG office so Trump can be charged and removed from office. DemocRATs will honor you and Nancy Pelosi will give you a hummer.
"Draft dodging" is not a crime moron. There is no such legal term. :rolleyes:
/——/ yes it was. Why did Jimma Carter have to pardon them?
Draft evasion
Draft evasion is any successful attempt to elude a government-imposed obligation to serve in the military forces of one's nation. Sometimes draft evasion involves refusing to comply with the military draft laws of one's nation. Illegal draft evasion is said to have characterized every military conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries. Such evasion is generally considered to be a criminal offense, and laws against it go back thousands of years.More at Wikipedia
Draft dodging is not a crime moron. You even posted the evidence. Draft evasion is not the phrase that is being used. :rolleyes:
/——/ Draft adodging And Draft Evasion are interchangeable you nitwit. https://www.quora.com/What-is-wrong-with-draft-dodging
No they are not interchangeable moron. One is a legal term and the other is not. :rolleyes:
/——/ Wrong again, as usual. 11 ways people dodged the Vietnam draft
Purposely pursuing a legal waiver or deferment for any reason is draft avoidance. Those who could not meet the criteria for legal would mitigate their responsibilities by illegal means, this is called draft evasion or more popularly known as "draft dodging."
"Draft dodging" is not a crime moron. There is no such legal term. :rolleyes:
/——/ yes it was. Why did Jimma Carter have to pardon them?
Draft evasion
Draft evasion is any successful attempt to elude a government-imposed obligation to serve in the military forces of one's nation. Sometimes draft evasion involves refusing to comply with the military draft laws of one's nation. Illegal draft evasion is said to have characterized every military conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries. Such evasion is generally considered to be a criminal offense, and laws against it go back thousands of years.More at Wikipedia
Draft dodging is not a crime moron. You even posted the evidence. Draft evasion is not the phrase that is being used. :rolleyes:
/——/ Draft adodging And Draft Evasion are interchangeable you nitwit. https://www.quora.com/What-is-wrong-with-draft-dodging
No they are not interchangeable moron. One is a legal term and the other is not. :rolleyes:
/——/ Wrong again, as usual. 11 ways people dodged the Vietnam draft
Purposely pursuing a legal waiver or deferment for any reason is draft avoidance. Those who could not meet the criteria for legal would mitigate their responsibilities by illegal means, this is called draft evasion or more popularly known as "draft dodging."
No dummy. You cant be charged with draft dodging you moron. :rolleyes:
Bone Spur isn't a soldier. He just plays one on TV.

Just like he plays an apprentice President on TV.


Some people are too fucking stupid to comprehend the the reason that the military rejected potential recruits who were diagnosed with heel spurs.

Are you one of those idiots?
Wait--I've been told heel spurs aren't the same thing as bone spurs of the heels.
I thought a heel spur was a bone spur of the heel? :laugh:
Technically, no. A bone spur is a build up of calcium BETWEEN two bones, in a joint. A heel spur is a build up of calcium on the bottom of the heel.
Either way, if ol' Donald had them, they would have hurt--if he knew he had them. Bone spurs often have no symptoms for many years, and are usually caused by arthritis, which I doubt he had at 22. But hey.
I'm no podiatrist.
No it doesnt have to be in a joint to be a bone spur. One of my good friends had one while we were trying out for a team in Italy.

Treating Heel Spur and Bone Spurs in Feet | Osteophyte | Dr. Weil

"A bone spur (or osteophyte) is a small bony growth or collection of bony growths on or near the joints. When a bone spur occurs on heel, it is called a heel spur. They may or may not cause pain, and patients often confuse heel spurs with a related condition known as plantar fasciitis – inflammation of the band of tissue that stretches from the ball of the foot to the heel, forming the arch. Many people have a bone spur without ever knowing it, and about 70 percent of patients with plantar fasciitis who do have discomfort will also be found to have a heel spur when observed via X-ray. It is likely that a bone spur forms as the body tries to repair itself from repeated injury by laying down extra bone at the site of trauma. Plantar fasciitis is typically another result of such trauma. Heel spurs are most often seen in middle-aged men and women, but can be found in all age groups."

Proving that Dr. Braunstein, the Queens podiatrist, was a criminal quack is going to be hard.

But if it can be proven, digging up his corpse and putting him on trial is the only fair way of doing it. The precedent was set, in the trial of Pope Formosus in 897 AD.
/——/ Mueller is ordering the doctor’s corpse to testify as we speak. Tick-rock, Tick-tock
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"Draft dodging" is not a crime moron. There is no such legal term. :rolleyes:
/——/ yes it was. Why did Jimma Carter have to pardon them?
Draft evasion
Draft evasion is any successful attempt to elude a government-imposed obligation to serve in the military forces of one's nation. Sometimes draft evasion involves refusing to comply with the military draft laws of one's nation. Illegal draft evasion is said to have characterized every military conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries. Such evasion is generally considered to be a criminal offense, and laws against it go back thousands of years.More at Wikipedia
Draft dodging is not a crime moron. You even posted the evidence. Draft evasion is not the phrase that is being used. :rolleyes:
/——/ Draft adodging And Draft Evasion are interchangeable you nitwit. https://www.quora.com/What-is-wrong-with-draft-dodging
No they are not interchangeable moron. One is a legal term and the other is not. :rolleyes:
/——/ Wrong again, as usual. 11 ways people dodged the Vietnam draft
Purposely pursuing a legal waiver or deferment for any reason is draft avoidance. Those who could not meet the criteria for legal would mitigate their responsibilities by illegal means, this is called draft evasion or more popularly known as "draft dodging."

Right now, all the libs have is 2nd hand hearsay from someone long dead.

If were the media, I'd put out feelers see if someone can come up with something that will prove the case and take Trump down. Who knows , they might get lucky and someone will come forward, just like Burkett did with the Killian documents in 04?
Bone Spur isn't a soldier. He just plays one on TV.

Just like he plays an apprentice President on TV.


Some people are too fucking stupid to comprehend the the reason that the military rejected potential recruits who were diagnosed with heel spurs.

Are you one of those idiots?
Wait--I've been told heel spurs aren't the same thing as bone spurs of the heels.
I thought a heel spur was a bone spur of the heel? :laugh:
Technically, no. A bone spur is a build up of calcium BETWEEN two bones, in a joint. A heel spur is a build up of calcium on the bottom of the heel.
Either way, if ol' Donald had them, they would have hurt--if he knew he had them. Bone spurs often have no symptoms for many years, and are usually caused by arthritis, which I doubt he had at 22. But hey.
I'm no podiatrist.
No it doesnt have to be in a joint to be a bone spur. One of my good friends had one while we were trying out for a team in Italy.

Treating Heel Spur and Bone Spurs in Feet | Osteophyte | Dr. Weil

"A bone spur (or osteophyte) is a small bony growth or collection of bony growths on or near the joints. When a bone spur occurs on heel, it is called a heel spur. They may or may not cause pain, and patients often confuse heel spurs with a related condition known as plantar fasciitis – inflammation of the band of tissue that stretches from the ball of the foot to the heel, forming the arch. Many people have a bone spur without ever knowing it, and about 70 percent of patients with plantar fasciitis who do have discomfort will also be found to have a heel spur when observed via X-ray. It is likely that a bone spur forms as the body tries to repair itself from repeated injury by laying down extra bone at the site of trauma. Plantar fasciitis is typically another result of such trauma. Heel spurs are most often seen in middle-aged men and women, but can be found in all age groups."
It does not matter. Carter pardoned everyone! :)

President Carter pardoned draft dodgers, but did he pardon crooked, criminal doctors who were fraudulating podiatry reports?
/——/ According to your libtard buddy draft dodging isn’t a crime. So nothing for Carter to pardon. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
If Trump had bone spurs at 22, wouldn't he still have them now? Have had them all through his life?
They must cause some issues or he wouldn't have been exempted from the service because of them. Did he wear special shoes? See doctors about the bone spurs?
I suppose we won't ever know. Maybe we should request a foot examination as well as his tax returns.

Trump never had surgery. It was divine intervention.
Are You Kidding Me? This Is Why That NYT Story About Trump's Bone Spur Diagnosis Is Straight Trash!!!


Well, the liberal media is back at it again. What else is new? The Left hates Trump so much that were now re-litigating his bone spur diagnosis, which earned the young Donald Trump a pass from the draft during the Vietnam War. First, who cares? Whatever comes from this story won’t impact his presidency. He’s not going to resign over this, and his supporters surely won’t abandon him either. So, here’s the story, which cannot be verified in any way: the daughters of some podiatrist, who is now dead, say the bone spur diagnosis was a favor to Fred Trump to keep his son out of the war. What’s worst is that The Times admits there are no records to corroborate…anything (via NYT) [emphasis mine]:

In the fall of 1968, Donald J. Trump received a timely diagnosis of bone spurs in his heels that led to his medical exemption from the military during Vietnam.

For 50 years, the details of how the exemption came about, and who made the diagnosis, have remained a mystery, with Mr. Trump himself saying during the presidential campaign that he could not recall who had signed off on the medical documentation.

Now a possible explanation has emerged about the documentation. It involves a foot doctor in Queens who rented his office from Mr. Trump’s father, Fred C. Trump, and a suggestion that the diagnosis was granted as a courtesy to the elder Mr. Trump.

The podiatrist, Dr. Larry Braunstein, died in 2007. But his daughters say their father often told the story of coming to the aid of a young Mr. Trump during the Vietnam War as a favor to his father.

“I know it was a favor,” said one daughter, Dr. Elysa Braunstein, 56, who along with her sister, Sharon Kessel, 53, shared the family’s account for the first time publicly when contacted by The New York Times.

Elysa Braunstein said the implication from her father was that Mr. Trump did not have a disqualifying foot ailment. “But did he examine him? I don’t know,” she said.

“What he got was access to Fred Trump,” Elysa Braunstein said. “If there was anything wrong in the building, my dad would call and Trump would take care of it immediately. That was the small favor that he got.”

No paper evidence has been found to help corroborate the version of events described by the Braunstein family, who also suggested there was some involvement by a second podiatrist, Dr. Manny Weinstein. Dr. Weinstein, who diedin 1995, lived in two apartments in Brooklyn owned by Fred Trump; city directories show he moved into the first during the year Donald Trump received his exemption.

OR#NYTimes runs piece sourced from anti-Trump daughters of a doc who is now dead with ZERO actual evidence any of it is true#Jounalism Yashar Ali on Twitter— Jim Hanson (@Uncle_Jimbo) December 26, 2018

So, no one knows what is going on, and even if there was something to this story, who the hell cares? Say it’s true, let’s just entertain this garbage for a second, you’re meaning to tell me the bombshell is that the well connected and wealthy Trumps received a favor? I’m stunned. I’m shell-shocked…because the Kennedys, Bushes, or the Clintons never asked for favors on anything, right?

The daughters of a podiatrist, who’s dead, say this was a favor to the Trump family that cannot be verified and the only other solid lead, the alleged second podiatrist, is also dead. Sounds like this story was a drooling vegetable from the get-go.

Townhall.com ^ | December 26, 2018
Lmao this is a sad thread.....grasping

Cause suddenly you don’t care about illegally draft dodging. You sold off everything you stand for just to back trump .

He never dodged the draft, dumbass.

His medical condition never exempted him from the service during a time of war.
Yeah he did. He definitely dodged the draft.

Trump Draft Deferment

You’ll notice he was classified as able to be drafted all those years, or got a deferment for college which was normal. He final rating was given by a military doctor for deferment, that isn’t “draft dodging”.

My final deferment was by a military doctor, too. I gave him a letter from my doc., in which he said that I had a herniated disc. The military doc said, "OK", and gave me a deferment. You are not old enough to have been in Vietnam, are you...
If Trump had bone spurs at 22, wouldn't he still have them now? Have had them all through his life?
They must cause some issues or he wouldn't have been exempted from the service because of them. Did he wear special shoes? See doctors about the bone spurs?
I suppose we won't ever know. Maybe we should request a foot examination as well as his tax returns.

Trump never had surgery. It was divine intervention.
/——/ I had bone spurs in 1984. The pain was intense. I was a field sales rep in NYC with a walking territory. I had to wear special inserts for a year. There was no surgery available.
What branch did the obamaturd serve in?
Why do you want to know? Will that make Drumpfs draft dodging more palatable for you? :rolleyes:
/——/ He didn’t, that’s what. And neither did Clinton or Biden. These are draft dodgers. Today in labor history: Vietnam war protests, draft card burned
Yes and their commie buddy Jane dumbassedfonda sat on a tank and mocked our prisoners!

Well, then, that being the case, that excuses the president of the US for having lied to avoid the draft!!!!! Why didn't you say so!
If Trump had bone spurs at 22, wouldn't he still have them now? Have had them all through his life?
They must cause some issues or he wouldn't have been exempted from the service because of them. Did he wear special shoes? See doctors about the bone spurs?
I suppose we won't ever know. Maybe we should request a foot examination as well as his tax returns.

Trump never had surgery. It was divine intervention.
/——/ I had bone spurs in 1984. The pain was intense. I was a field sales rep in NYC with a walking territory. I had to wear special inserts for a year. There was no surgery available.

Damn! That is going to upset my brother, since he had bone spurs removed in 1961!!!
If Trump had bone spurs at 22, wouldn't he still have them now? Have had them all through his life?
They must cause some issues or he wouldn't have been exempted from the service because of them. Did he wear special shoes? See doctors about the bone spurs?
I suppose we won't ever know. Maybe we should request a foot examination as well as his tax returns.

Trump never had surgery. It was divine intervention.
/——/ I had bone spurs in 1984. The pain was intense. I was a field sales rep in NYC with a walking territory. I had to wear special inserts for a year. There was no surgery available.

Damn! That is going to upset my brother, since he had bone spurs removed in 1961!!!
/——/ Heel or bone? My orthopedic guy said no surgery just deal with it
Trump himself has never served in the military. ... in the military draft lottery, where he received an extremely high number, 356 out of 365... He simply was never called up!!!!!!!!

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