NYT: Daughter of doctor who helped Trump avoid the draft speaks up

Yeah he did. He definitely dodged the draft.

Trump Draft Deferment

You’ll notice he was classified as able to be drafted all those years, or got a deferment for college which was normal. He final rating was given by a military doctor for deferment, that isn’t “draft dodging”.
He got a medical deferment for bone spurs. He was never given a rating by a military doctor. He wasnt in the military. Thats draft dodging.
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.


How far did you have to hunt for that one?

Back here at Dictionary.com:

draft dodger

See more synonyms for draft dodger on Thesaurus.com
  1. a person who evades or attempts to evade compulsory military service.
-- this could be before or after being drafted; before could mean contriving some fake exemption, or knowingly absenting oneself from availability. This would be the same as desertion, which is what you have listed above.

Let's look at a couple of examples, shall we?

Example the First:
A guy turns 18, but wants to avoid the draft. Let's call him "Ted" just to pick a random name. He's into guns and all that but doesn't want to put himself on the line. He just wants to play guitar. So he puts on a set of clothes for a month and shits in them, eats cheetos and burritos and never cleans himself up. Drives himself to serious health risks. Shows up at the draft board that way at the appointed time and they have no choice but to reject him.

Example the Second:
A teenager in Germany knows he has compulsory military service coming up (again, let's pick a random name and call him oh, I dunno, "Frederick Trump". He gets up in the wee hours of the night, sneaks out of the house and gets on a boat that eventually takes him to the States, out of his country. There he runs bordellos in the Pacific Northwest and builds a nest egg eventually taking a wife and returning to Germany. But the German authorities know about his desertion and deny hiim his citizenship back, so he has to migrate back to New York.

See how it works?
Yeah he did. He definitely dodged the draft.

Trump Draft Deferment

You’ll notice he was classified as able to be drafted all those years, or got a deferment for college which was normal. He final rating was given by a military doctor for deferment, that isn’t “draft dodging”.
He got a medical deferment for bone spurs. He was never given a rating by a military doctor. He wasnt in the military. Thats draft dodging.
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.


How far did you have to hunt for that one?

Back here at Dictionary.com:

draft dodger

See more synonyms for draft dodger on Thesaurus.com
  1. a person who evades or attempts to evade compulsory military service.
-- this could be before or after being drafted; before could mean contriving some fake exemption, or knowingly absenting oneself from availability. This would be the same as desertion, which is what you have listed above.

Let's look at a couple of examples, shall we?

Example the First:
A guy turns 18, but wants to avoid the draft. Let's call him "Ted" just to pick a random name. He's into guns and all that but doesn't want to put himself on the line. He just wants to play guitar. So he puts on a set of clothes for a month and shits in them, eats cheetos and burritos and never cleans himself up. Drives himself to serious health risks. Shows up at the draft board that way at the appointed time and they have no choice but to reject him.

Example the Second:
A teenager in Germany knows he has compulsory military service coming up (again, let's pick a random name and call him oh, I dunno, "Frederick Trump". He gets up in the wee hours of the night, sneaks out of the house and gets on a boat that eventually takes him to the States, out of his country. There he runs bordellos in the Pacific Northwest and builds a nest egg eventually taking a wife and returning to Germany. But the German authorities know about his desertion and deny hiim his citizenship back, so he has to migrate back to New York.

See how it works?
/—-/ You idiot kids have no idea what you’re talking about.

Oh I know exactly what I'm talking about. You see Hunior, I was actually alive and of draft age when it was a thing. Unlike O'bama.
/----/ How did Billy (I loathe the military) Clintoon avoid Vietnam?


You do know that every time you play the "whatabout" game all you do is prove how alike Trump is to whomever you are evoking...right? Are you smart enough to grasp that fact?
History is history, right?
It's open game for a sitting president and a former president to be discussed about
methods of keeping out of the Vietnam Police Action.
Unless, the democrats have some kind of clearance for not have it discussed.

Once again...I think it is great for the Trump sheep to keep going "whatabout..." every time they do they prove that I am correct that Trump is no different
deflect much?

Absolutely *CLASSIC* case of selective literacy.

To paraphrase your own post ----- the topic is the topic, right?

Go look up "Tu Quoque Fallacy". Then essplain to the class how it isn't one.
You’ll notice he was classified as able to be drafted all those years, or got a deferment for college which was normal. He final rating was given by a military doctor for deferment, that isn’t “draft dodging”.
He got a medical deferment for bone spurs. He was never given a rating by a military doctor. He wasnt in the military. Thats draft dodging.
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.


How far did you have to hunt for that one?

Back here at Dictionary.com:

draft dodger

See more synonyms for draft dodger on Thesaurus.com
  1. a person who evades or attempts to evade compulsory military service.
-- this could be before or after being drafted; before could mean contriving some fake exemption, or knowingly absenting oneself from availability. This would be the same as desertion, which is what you have listed above.

Let's look at a couple of examples, shall we?

Example the First:
A guy turns 18, but wants to avoid the draft. Let's call him "Ted" just to pick a random name. He's into guns and all that but doesn't want to put himself on the line. He just wants to play guitar. So he puts on a set of clothes for a month and shits in them, eats cheetos and burritos and never cleans himself up. Drives himself to serious health risks. Shows up at the draft board that way at the appointed time and they have no choice but to reject him.

Example the Second:
A teenager in Germany knows he has compulsory military service coming up (again, let's pick a random name and call him oh, I dunno, "Frederick Trump". He gets up in the wee hours of the night, sneaks out of the house and gets on a boat that eventually takes him to the States, out of his country. There he runs bordellos in the Pacific Northwest and builds a nest egg eventually taking a wife and returning to Germany. But the German authorities know about his desertion and deny hiim his citizenship back, so he has to migrate back to New York.

See how it works?
You’ll notice he was classified as able to be drafted all those years, or got a deferment for college which was normal. He final rating was given by a military doctor for deferment, that isn’t “draft dodging”.
He got a medical deferment for bone spurs. He was never given a rating by a military doctor. He wasnt in the military. Thats draft dodging.
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.


How far did you have to hunt for that one?

Back here at Dictionary.com:

draft dodger

See more synonyms for draft dodger on Thesaurus.com
  1. a person who evades or attempts to evade compulsory military service.
-- this could be before or after being drafted; before could mean contriving some fake exemption, or knowingly absenting oneself from availability. This would be the same as desertion, which is what you have listed above.

Let's look at a couple of examples, shall we?

Example the First:
A guy turns 18, but wants to avoid the draft. Let's call him "Ted" just to pick a random name. He's into guns and all that but doesn't want to put himself on the line. He just wants to play guitar. So he puts on a set of clothes for a month and shits in them, eats cheetos and burritos and never cleans himself up. Drives himself to serious health risks. Shows up at the draft board that way at the appointed time and they have no choice but to reject him.

Example the Second:
A teenager in Germany knows he has compulsory military service coming up (again, let's pick a random name and call him oh, I dunno, "Frederick Trump". He gets up in the wee hours of the night, sneaks out of the house and gets on a boat that eventually takes him to the States, out of his country. There he runs bordellos in the Pacific Northwest and builds a nest egg eventually taking a wife and returning to Germany. But the German authorities know about his desertion and deny hiim his citizenship back, so he has to migrate back to New York.

See how it works?
/—-/ You idiot kids have no idea what you’re talking about.

Oh I know exactly what I'm talking about. You see Hunior, I was actually alive and of draft age when it was a thing. Unlike O'bama.
/——/ So was I. I am deaf in my left ear from childhood measles. I brought my medical records to my pre-induction physical. The Army made me take 8 hearing tests then finally accepted my disability. I tried enlisting in the other branch and the National Guard and they all said no. This was in 1972.
Yeah he did. He definitely dodged the draft.

Trump Draft Deferment

You’ll notice he was classified as able to be drafted all those years, or got a deferment for college which was normal. He final rating was given by a military doctor for deferment, that isn’t “draft dodging”.
He got a medical deferment for bone spurs. He was never given a rating by a military doctor. He wasnt in the military. Thats draft dodging.
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.
He was never drafted because he dodged being drafted by becoming Captain Bone Spurs. :rolleyes:
/——/ Draft Dodging is a crime. Take your evidence to the nearest JAG office so Trump can be charged and removed from office. DemocRATs will honor you and Nancy Pelosi will give you a hummer.
"Draft dodging" is not a crime moron. There is no such legal term. :rolleyes:
Okay, this is what they say about heel spurs:

These symptoms may be due to a heel spur. Heel spurs don't go away by themselves and the foot pain can only worsen unless you do something about it. ... This ligament tightens and as a result, pulls on the heel's bone, causing you heelpain.


Heel spurs and bone spurs are different.
You're right. I'm taking down that post.
He got a medical deferment for bone spurs. He was never given a rating by a military doctor. He wasnt in the military. Thats draft dodging.
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.


How far did you have to hunt for that one?

Back here at Dictionary.com:

draft dodger

See more synonyms for draft dodger on Thesaurus.com
  1. a person who evades or attempts to evade compulsory military service.
-- this could be before or after being drafted; before could mean contriving some fake exemption, or knowingly absenting oneself from availability. This would be the same as desertion, which is what you have listed above.

Let's look at a couple of examples, shall we?

Example the First:
A guy turns 18, but wants to avoid the draft. Let's call him "Ted" just to pick a random name. He's into guns and all that but doesn't want to put himself on the line. He just wants to play guitar. So he puts on a set of clothes for a month and shits in them, eats cheetos and burritos and never cleans himself up. Drives himself to serious health risks. Shows up at the draft board that way at the appointed time and they have no choice but to reject him.

Example the Second:
A teenager in Germany knows he has compulsory military service coming up (again, let's pick a random name and call him oh, I dunno, "Frederick Trump". He gets up in the wee hours of the night, sneaks out of the house and gets on a boat that eventually takes him to the States, out of his country. There he runs bordellos in the Pacific Northwest and builds a nest egg eventually taking a wife and returning to Germany. But the German authorities know about his desertion and deny hiim his citizenship back, so he has to migrate back to New York.

See how it works?
He got a medical deferment for bone spurs. He was never given a rating by a military doctor. He wasnt in the military. Thats draft dodging.
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.


How far did you have to hunt for that one?

Back here at Dictionary.com:

draft dodger

See more synonyms for draft dodger on Thesaurus.com
  1. a person who evades or attempts to evade compulsory military service.
-- this could be before or after being drafted; before could mean contriving some fake exemption, or knowingly absenting oneself from availability. This would be the same as desertion, which is what you have listed above.

Let's look at a couple of examples, shall we?

Example the First:
A guy turns 18, but wants to avoid the draft. Let's call him "Ted" just to pick a random name. He's into guns and all that but doesn't want to put himself on the line. He just wants to play guitar. So he puts on a set of clothes for a month and shits in them, eats cheetos and burritos and never cleans himself up. Drives himself to serious health risks. Shows up at the draft board that way at the appointed time and they have no choice but to reject him.

Example the Second:
A teenager in Germany knows he has compulsory military service coming up (again, let's pick a random name and call him oh, I dunno, "Frederick Trump". He gets up in the wee hours of the night, sneaks out of the house and gets on a boat that eventually takes him to the States, out of his country. There he runs bordellos in the Pacific Northwest and builds a nest egg eventually taking a wife and returning to Germany. But the German authorities know about his desertion and deny hiim his citizenship back, so he has to migrate back to New York.

See how it works?
/—-/ You idiot kids have no idea what you’re talking about.

Oh I know exactly what I'm talking about. You see Hunior, I was actually alive and of draft age when it was a thing. Unlike O'bama.
/——/ So was I. I am deaf in my left ear from childhood measles. I brought my medical records to my pre-induction physical. The Army made me take 8 hearing tests then finally accepted my disability. I tried enlisting in the other branch and the National Guard and they all said no. This was in 1972.

Then your exemption is legitimate, and you can't be called a draft dodger unless you went out and deliberately contracted measles with the aim of damaging your own hearing so that you could get out of the draft years later.

It's all about intent. When you live and shit in your own clothes for a month, or when you slip out of the country for your draft-eligible years, you're doing something deliberately to avoid the service. Yours was not deliberate.
You’ll notice he was classified as able to be drafted all those years, or got a deferment for college which was normal. He final rating was given by a military doctor for deferment, that isn’t “draft dodging”.
He got a medical deferment for bone spurs. He was never given a rating by a military doctor. He wasnt in the military. Thats draft dodging.
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.
He was never drafted because he dodged being drafted by becoming Captain Bone Spurs. :rolleyes:
/——/ Draft Dodging is a crime. Take your evidence to the nearest JAG office so Trump can be charged and removed from office. DemocRATs will honor you and Nancy Pelosi will give you a hummer.
"Draft dodging" is not a crime moron. There is no such legal term. :rolleyes:
/——/ yes it was. Why did Jimma Carter have to pardon them?
Draft evasion
Draft evasion is any successful attempt to elude a government-imposed obligation to serve in the military forces of one's nation. Sometimes draft evasion involves refusing to comply with the military draft laws of one's nation. Illegal draft evasion is said to have characterized every military conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries. Such evasion is generally considered to be a criminal offense, and laws against it go back thousands of years.More at Wikipedia
/----/ How did Billy (I loathe the military) Clintoon avoid Vietnam?


You do know that every time you play the "whatabout" game all you do is prove how alike Trump is to whomever you are evoking...right? Are you smart enough to grasp that fact?

Nahhh, just pointing out your blissfully ignorant hypocrisy. Seems if it's someone you like you don't give a shit how bad they are.
He got a medical deferment for bone spurs. He was never given a rating by a military doctor. He wasnt in the military. Thats draft dodging.
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.
He was never drafted because he dodged being drafted by becoming Captain Bone Spurs. :rolleyes:
/——/ Draft Dodging is a crime. Take your evidence to the nearest JAG office so Trump can be charged and removed from office. DemocRATs will honor you and Nancy Pelosi will give you a hummer.
"Draft dodging" is not a crime moron. There is no such legal term. :rolleyes:
/——/ yes it was. Why did Jimma Carter have to pardon them?
Draft evasion
Draft evasion is any successful attempt to elude a government-imposed obligation to serve in the military forces of one's nation. Sometimes draft evasion involves refusing to comply with the military draft laws of one's nation. Illegal draft evasion is said to have characterized every military conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries. Such evasion is generally considered to be a criminal offense, and laws against it go back thousands of years.More at Wikipedia

Gerry Ford will explain it.

He got a medical deferment for bone spurs. He was never given a rating by a military doctor. He wasnt in the military. Thats draft dodging.
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.
He was never drafted because he dodged being drafted by becoming Captain Bone Spurs. :rolleyes:
/——/ Draft Dodging is a crime. Take your evidence to the nearest JAG office so Trump can be charged and removed from office. DemocRATs will honor you and Nancy Pelosi will give you a hummer.
"Draft dodging" is not a crime moron. There is no such legal term. :rolleyes:
/——/ yes it was. Why did Jimma Carter have to pardon them?
Draft evasion
Draft evasion is any successful attempt to elude a government-imposed obligation to serve in the military forces of one's nation. Sometimes draft evasion involves refusing to comply with the military draft laws of one's nation. Illegal draft evasion is said to have characterized every military conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries. Such evasion is generally considered to be a criminal offense, and laws against it go back thousands of years.More at Wikipedia
Draft dodging is not a crime moron. You even posted the evidence. Draft evasion is not the phrase that is being used. :rolleyes:
Bone Spur isn't a soldier. He just plays one on TV.

Just like he plays an apprentice President on TV.


Some people are too fucking stupid to comprehend the the reason that the military rejected potential recruits who were diagnosed with heel spurs.

Are you one of those idiots?
Bone Spur isn't a soldier. He just plays one on TV.

Just like he plays an apprentice President on TV.


Some people are too fucking stupid to comprehend the the reason that the military rejected potential recruits who were diagnosed with heel spurs.

Are you one of those idiots?
Wait--I've been told heel spurs aren't the same thing as bone spurs of the heels.
Bone Spur isn't a soldier. He just plays one on TV.

Just like he plays an apprentice President on TV.


Some people are too fucking stupid to comprehend the the reason that the military rejected potential recruits who were diagnosed with heel spurs.

Are you one of those idiots?
Wait--I've been told heel spurs aren't the same thing as bone spurs of the heels.
I thought a heel spur was a bone spur of the heel? :laugh:
/——/ what date was Trump “drafted?”
The noun DRAFT DODGER has 1 sense:

1. someone who is drafted and illegally refuses to serve.
He was never drafted because he dodged being drafted by becoming Captain Bone Spurs. :rolleyes:
/——/ Draft Dodging is a crime. Take your evidence to the nearest JAG office so Trump can be charged and removed from office. DemocRATs will honor you and Nancy Pelosi will give you a hummer.
"Draft dodging" is not a crime moron. There is no such legal term. :rolleyes:
/——/ yes it was. Why did Jimma Carter have to pardon them?
Draft evasion
Draft evasion is any successful attempt to elude a government-imposed obligation to serve in the military forces of one's nation. Sometimes draft evasion involves refusing to comply with the military draft laws of one's nation. Illegal draft evasion is said to have characterized every military conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries. Such evasion is generally considered to be a criminal offense, and laws against it go back thousands of years.More at Wikipedia
Draft dodging is not a crime moron. You even posted the evidence. Draft evasion is not the phrase that is being used. :rolleyes:
/——/ Draft adodging And Draft Evasion are interchangeable you nitwit. https://www.quora.com/What-is-wrong-with-draft-dodging
He was never drafted because he dodged being drafted by becoming Captain Bone Spurs. :rolleyes:
/——/ Draft Dodging is a crime. Take your evidence to the nearest JAG office so Trump can be charged and removed from office. DemocRATs will honor you and Nancy Pelosi will give you a hummer.
"Draft dodging" is not a crime moron. There is no such legal term. :rolleyes:
/——/ yes it was. Why did Jimma Carter have to pardon them?
Draft evasion
Draft evasion is any successful attempt to elude a government-imposed obligation to serve in the military forces of one's nation. Sometimes draft evasion involves refusing to comply with the military draft laws of one's nation. Illegal draft evasion is said to have characterized every military conflict of the 20th and 21st centuries. Such evasion is generally considered to be a criminal offense, and laws against it go back thousands of years.More at Wikipedia
Draft dodging is not a crime moron. You even posted the evidence. Draft evasion is not the phrase that is being used. :rolleyes:
/——/ Draft adodging And Draft Evasion are interchangeable you nitwit. https://www.quora.com/What-is-wrong-with-draft-dodging
No they are not interchangeable moron. One is a legal term and the other is not. :rolleyes:
Bone Spur isn't a soldier. He just plays one on TV.

Just like he plays an apprentice President on TV.


Some people are too fucking stupid to comprehend the the reason that the military rejected potential recruits who were diagnosed with heel spurs.

Are you one of those idiots?
Wait--I've been told heel spurs aren't the same thing as bone spurs of the heels.
I thought a heel spur was a bone spur of the heel? :laugh:
Technically, no. A bone spur is a build up of calcium BETWEEN two bones, in a joint. A heel spur is a build up of calcium on the bottom of the heel.
Either way, if ol' Donald had them, they would have hurt--if he knew he had them. Bone spurs often have no symptoms for many years, and are usually caused by arthritis, which I doubt he had at 22. But hey.
I'm no podiatrist.

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