Munich/Leviathan: Olympics Terrorism [Christian News]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a terrorism-vignette inspired by 9/11 and Munich, and since it's a post-Christmas patriotism-parable, I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section of USMB.

This vignette references images/ideas about Mister Fantastic and Baroness (Marvel Comics).

I hope you find it relevant!

Cheers (signing off),



The Summer Olympics of 1972 in Munich (Germany) saw great undesirable intrigue when Palestinian terrorists infiltrated the hotel where Israeli athletes were residing and created a death-and-hostage scenario for journalists and politicians. Fortunately, the marvelous superhero Mister Fantastic, a man comprised of rubber and capable of stretching to great lengths, was on-hand to intercede and prevent the terrorists from using a nuclear explosive at the hotel where they were holding the Olympians hostage. However, the press never reported this heroic fact. Why?


Terrorism would mar the face of globalization-politics in the modern post-Industrialization era. As consumerism began to take off, the forces of anti-capitalism sentiment, mostly hovering around the hairy Israel-Palestine issue of territory/sovereignty, destabilized humanity's idealism towards commerce-gauged peace. After 9/11, when Muslim terrorists destroyed the World Trade Center in NYC, the world knew that globalization would be 'confounded' by the reality of anti-networking terrorists seeking to create multiple forms of 'confusing havoc.'


When journalists in 1972 released the photos of the Israeli athletes killed and taken hostage by the Palestinian terrorists in the Summer Olympics (Munich), some social critics cited the philosophical treatise on revolutionary fervor written by Thomas Hobbes (Leviathan) as a symbol of relevant sociological analysis. According to Hobbes, humans constantly 'reinvented' social control analysis to create forms of rebellion inventiveness for the purpose of reorienting the 'arms' of governance stability. In other words, humans liked 'daydreaming' about the structural integrity of governance, which is why terrorism had become such a nuisance. Terrorism clouded our perspective on networking...and pluralism(!).


When the Catholic-TV network EWTN was conceived and began to become popular, people took notice of the power of media and communication in guiding democratic values around the globe. When the Muslim-TV network Al Jazeera likewise gained prominence, people realized that media was another 'vehicle' for customs evaluation in this modern era of commerce-oriented social contracts. Comic books presented outlandish villains and 'anti-heroines' who typified humanity's newfound fascination with the 'ergonomics' of governance-metaphysics, justice-folklore, and terrorism-paranoia. What would commentators working for EWTN say about this new form of 'incendiary art' (and violence)?


Would Hobbes have suggested that Munich 1972 was a 'leviathan' of pure energy and journalism intrigue? Would he have compared Munich 1972 to 9/11, suggesting that anti-globalization terrorism was a new 'form' of network destabilization, arguably more 'frightening' than even the presence of despots/dictators like Mussolini/Hitler? Certainly, terrorism had become synonymous with the currents of complete species instability, and if commerce was to forge serious alliances between rival nations/groups (as it had done during the PyeongChang Olympics of 2018 which saw a vital alliance between the Koreas!), Christian journalists might have to discuss governance in terms of folklore. It was a grand pageant.


TRUMP: It'd help if we banned water-guns!
CARTER: What do you mean, Mr. President?
TRUMP: The sale of violence-promoting toys hypes terrorism!
CARTER: Well, it's difficult censoring consumer markets today.
TRUMP: In that case, we should endorse parental-controls on cable-boxes.
CARTER: Did you see the terrorism-journalistic film Munich (Eric Bana)?
TRUMP: Yes; I'm surprised there hasn't been a substantial film about 9/11.
CARTER: I believe Spielberg is working on a script, starring Leo DiCaprio.
TRUMP: Sounds intriguing; terrorism surely undermines modern capitalism!
CARTER: We want Christian journalists to talk about the value of negotiation.
TRUMP: Yes, we want Christian media to keep 'pace' with Muslim media...
CARTER: Maybe Munich 1972 was a 'leviathan' of democracy.
TRUMP: Maybe news-reporters have to be mature about terrorism-folklore!




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