NYC SNOWY Thanksgiving? GloBULL Warming!

All that "Science" but no lab work.


How do we know about the age of the universe? We can't exactly reproduce it in a lab. Science is a lot more than just lab work. ;) Lots of math and theory.

Not the point, my little pointy headed friend.

The AGWCult assures us they've eliminated all the variables except for an additional wisp of CO2, but there never ever, never ever, never ever have any lab work.

Why is that?

How hard is it to put an additional 120PPM CO2 in a control tank?


^ AGW Ass Clowns


^ Real science experiment that can replicate conditions a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang

See the difference?

Already been covered.

They're very obtuse about exactly what they tested until you go to 1:37 in the video and it shows CO2 at over 7%. That's demonstrating that pressure affect temperature which we already knew, It does NOT test for 400PPM CO2. I've called the lab and Gupta and they've never responded to me.

Call them and ask them if they tested 400PPM CO2

I'm not sure I understand you.
Are you saying that the gas will heat up because it was under pressure?

The gas pressure increases the temperature. It's why the surface of Venus is so hot
The fact that NYC might face the second snowy Thanksgiving in the last quarter century MUST be attributable to the paradoxical effects of GloBULL Warmering.

SO SAY all the Computer MODELS! I believe they have achieved CONSENSUS!

Can I hear an AMEN? Gaia be praised, yo.

A Snowy Thanksgiving for NYC Roy Spencer PhD. And look at the "reply" by some dude named Krusty.


your lack of understanding that extreme weather swings is part of global climate change is no one's fault but your own.

that is all...

Ah silly Jilly. The fundamental lack of understanding is all yours. It might be your fault or maybe your inability to grasp the easily understandable is the fault of some other malfunction in your life.

Extreme weather swings are a basic repeating climate fact that predates human society. Pretty solid evidence that climate change isn't necessarily traceable to human industry, etc.

You really should be able to grasp that simple clear undeniable fact.
But why did you make a thread screaming that snow on Thanksgiving is due to global warming? Snow on Thanksgiving isn't particularly unusual.

The denier mindset here is just odd. You all attribute everything to global warming, right after saying global warming doesn't exist. No wonder nobody pays any attention to you. You're just not rational.
Er, the AGWCult predicted a snowy Thanksgiving because they said that there will be "wider and wider swings" meaning that anytime you turn on the Weather Channel you're looking at Manmade Global Warming.

It's perfect!

They never have to perform any experiment, they just point to the Weather Channel and shriek, "Manmade Global Warming you fucking DENIER!!!!!"

What do their model predict for December...hmm turn on the Weather Channel in December and they'll tell you!
Doc, we're on record that your "Scientists" are full of crap and altered data and rigged computer models.

Frank, of course, is also on record as claiming Obama was deliberately spreading ebola so he could declare martial law and cancel the elections. Yes, that disease with currently zero cases in the USA.

It gets worse. Frank is proud genocidal denier cultist who has called for the mass execution of all liberals.

Need to take them all out at once like the Corleone Baptism

Frank's "them" in that statement refers to ISIS and all liberals together.

I know better than to ask any of the other deniers to condemn such calls for violence. Some of them agree with Frank, while the rest are too chicken to criticize a fellow cultist for any reason, even if that cultist is calling for a body count in the millions.
Doc, we're on record that your "Scientists" are full of crap and altered data and rigged computer models.

Frank, of course, is also on record as claiming Obama was deliberately spreading ebola so he could declare martial law and cancel the elections. Yes, that disease with currently zero cases in the USA.

It gets worse. Frank is proud genocidal denier cultist who has called for the mass execution of all liberals.

Need to take them all out at once like the Corleone Baptism

Frank's "them" in that statement refers to ISIS and all liberals together.

I know better than to ask any of the other deniers to condemn such calls for violence. Some of them agree with Frank, while the rest are too chicken to criticize a fellow cultist for any reason, even if that cultist is calling for a body count in the millions.

So far, Ebola was a fizzle. But I stand by my original that short of spraying cities with crop dusters full of Ebola, Obama and the CDC are doing everything in their power to give Ebola an American host

Using the AGWCult's "Because we say so" methodology, Moron-mooth decides I was talking about Liberals...Hmmmkay

How do we know about the age of the universe? We can't exactly reproduce it in a lab. Science is a lot more than just lab work. ;) Lots of math and theory.

Not the point, my little pointy headed friend.

The AGWCult assures us they've eliminated all the variables except for an additional wisp of CO2, but there never ever, never ever, never ever have any lab work.

Why is that?

How hard is it to put an additional 120PPM CO2 in a control tank?


^ AGW Ass Clowns


^ Real science experiment that can replicate conditions a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang

See the difference?

Already been covered.

They're very obtuse about exactly what they tested until you go to 1:37 in the video and it shows CO2 at over 7%. That's demonstrating that pressure affect temperature which we already knew, It does NOT test for 400PPM CO2. I've called the lab and Gupta and they've never responded to me.

Call them and ask them if they tested 400PPM CO2

I'm not sure I understand you.
Are you saying that the gas will heat up because it was under pressure?

The gas pressure increases the temperature. It's why the surface of Venus is so hot

I'm pretty sure those containers weren't under pressure.
They looked to be be made out of timber and plastic sheeting.
I don't think they'd hold much pressure.
Not the point, my little pointy headed friend.

The AGWCult assures us they've eliminated all the variables except for an additional wisp of CO2, but there never ever, never ever, never ever have any lab work.

Why is that?

How hard is it to put an additional 120PPM CO2 in a control tank?


^ AGW Ass Clowns


^ Real science experiment that can replicate conditions a few nanoseconds after the Big Bang

See the difference?

Already been covered.

They're very obtuse about exactly what they tested until you go to 1:37 in the video and it shows CO2 at over 7%. That's demonstrating that pressure affect temperature which we already knew, It does NOT test for 400PPM CO2. I've called the lab and Gupta and they've never responded to me.

Call them and ask them if they tested 400PPM CO2

I'm not sure I understand you.
Are you saying that the gas will heat up because it was under pressure?

The gas pressure increases the temperature. It's why the surface of Venus is so hot

I'm pretty sure those containers weren't under pressure.
They looked to be be made out of timber and plastic sheeting.
I don't think they'd hold much pressure.

The basic concept it that it looks like they added an additional 7% of gas to the container and that additional volume, irrespective of the type of gas is what raised the temperature

All I've been asking for is a side by side analysis of varying levels of CO2 to see the incremental increase in temperature, if any

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
The additional volume raised the temperature? How's that work Frank?

Already been covered.

They're very obtuse about exactly what they tested until you go to 1:37 in the video and it shows CO2 at over 7%. That's demonstrating that pressure affect temperature which we already knew, It does NOT test for 400PPM CO2. I've called the lab and Gupta and they've never responded to me.

Call them and ask them if they tested 400PPM CO2

I'm not sure I understand you.
Are you saying that the gas will heat up because it was under pressure?

The gas pressure increases the temperature. It's why the surface of Venus is so hot

I'm pretty sure those containers weren't under pressure.
They looked to be be made out of timber and plastic sheeting.
I don't think they'd hold much pressure.

The basic concept it that it looks like they added an additional 7% of gas to the container and that additional volume, irrespective of the type of gas is what raised the temperature

All I've been asking for is a side by side analysis of varying levels of CO2 to see the incremental increase in temperature, if any

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

No, I think they raised the concentration of CO2, not the pressure.
I thought examining the effect of an elevated concentration of CO2 was the whole point.
The fact that NYC might face the second snowy Thanksgiving in the last quarter century MUST be attributable to the paradoxical effects of GloBULL Warmering.

SO SAY all the Computer MODELS! I believe they have achieved CONSENSUS!

Can I hear an AMEN? Gaia be praised, yo.

A Snowy Thanksgiving for NYC Roy Spencer PhD. And look at the "reply" by some dude named Krusty.


your lack of understanding that extreme weather swings is part of global climate change is no one's fault but your own.

that is all...

Ah silly Jilly. The fundamental lack of understanding is all yours. It might be your fault or maybe your inability to grasp the easily understandable is the fault of some other malfunction in your life.

Extreme weather swings are a basic repeating climate fact that predates human society. Pretty solid evidence that climate change isn't necessarily traceable to human industry, etc.

You really should be able to grasp that simple clear undeniable fact.
OK, link some of that solid evidence.
Europe is having one of its coldest winters in over 100 years, Snow and ice bound. The US is having one of its coldest years going into winter and it too is cold with Snow and Ice covering 48 of 50 states..

Then we get old crock and his shit throwing telling us were gonna fry and its the hottest ev'a... Cognitive thinking skills are severely lacking..

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