NY Times Op-Ed Reveals Endgame of Border Crisis: Let Illegals Vote

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
In a little over six months, the Biden administration has allowed hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to flow across America’s southern border. Many conservatives have suggested that this is nothing more than a cynical attempt to change America’s electorate by creating more Democrat voters.

A writer for the New York Times just seemed to confirm that this was the endgame all along.

The NY Times piece is behind a paywall, but Phil Shiver of The Blaze has posted some excerpts:

Liberal journalist: There is ‘no good reason’ only citizens can vote

A guest columnist for the New York Times argued this week that “there is no good reason you should have to be a citizen to vote.”

According to the Times, the essay is “part of a series exploring bold ideas to revitalize and renew the American experiment.”

Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, a New York-based progressive journalist and former senior editor of the Nation, claimed in an opinion piece Wednesday that “it’s time for Democrats to radically expand the electorate.”

How? First by granting permanent legal residents the right to vote. Why? Because, according to Abrahamian, they contribute as much to the country as any natural-born citizen.

(Excerpt) Read more at legalinsurrection.com ...

“And we all knew that”

Yeah Imma have to file this under:”duh”

Most of us are well aware that DemonRATS are making a power grab for a permanent majority and one party rule...

Of course they think they will get away with it....they believe they are the majority....and the majority will support such insanity....

As they lose support amongst minorities...they have moved to let felons vote...

They will import voters if they have to...and look you straight in the eye and deny it...
Between stealing an election plus having million of illegals voting....well....it's obvious, isn't it....who the winner will be...the Rats of course.

Feeling sad for America.:(
If you can come here to fill jobs, you should be able to vote.

There are legal channels to come to America.

If you break the law like these hordes of illegals, America doesn't want you.

Only the scummy Rats do.
There are legal channels to come to America.

If you break the law like these hordes of illegals, America doesn't want you.

Only the scummy Rats do.

It makes no difference if there is. People don't have to use them to get hired. America does want them.
I suppose Cuban's can fill jobs also. Do you know a reason they can't? I don't.
Cubans tend to support the GOP. Therefore, they are verboten by the inclusive, tolerant, loving-left.
It makes no difference if there is. People don't have to use them to get hired. America does want them.
well then, let them move in w/you....chinese flu and all....you don't have a problem w/that, do ya?

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