Nukes found in libya

The OP is a moron.

From the OP article...

Bigmoron1775 is basing his ire on a report, of a report from an extremely questionable source, which is also the source of the very few pieces I found online regarding this issue.

Does Libya have nuclear materials? yup, no doubt. Does that equal 'Libya has nuclear bombs'? nope. not by a long shot.

Once I see some corroboration from multiple, credible sources (a report, based on a report of a questionable source doesn't qualify), then I'll be concerned.

How fucking old are you? This war you cannot win with me.

Why, because facts don't matter to you?!?! :cool:

I have all kinds of shit to be concerned about with this administration, and across the world. Reports, or reports from questionable sources do not concern me until there are multiple sources corroborating the reports... and NOT based on the initial questionable source.
I fucking warned you this negs for your racist ass.

Pointing out that lily white Pubs are half racists doesn't make one a racist, dittohead. When 50% oama is Kenyan. Muslim, amd Marxist, and ACORN stole the election, DUH!!

Libs don't give a dam* about stupid racists can do that red neck circle jerk as your ignorant numbers dwindle in the Age of Information. And shove your Foxbot/RW blogger BS threads while you're at it. Hoping for your recovery....

isn't this cute.. the dumbass twins are fighting...:rofl:

I have no beef with him because you can't help stupid people , But I declare war on you. You are ignorant fucking moron. I have had my beef with jake starkey but he is a much better person than you are.
Why, because facts don't matter to you?!?! :cool:
The fact that libya has nukes? Is that the fact you are talking about?

show me a source that says they have actual nuclear bombs, dipshit... NOT just materials for one. And NOT based on your initial source, which is suspect at best.

Since this is a new story and the American media is slow to show anything bad against obama it will take time you fucking lying moron.
I have a Masters in History AND French Civilisation, and DON"T start threads based on Pubcrappe, just a gd waste of time- 90% of the RW threads are just that. They think being able to parrot Rush makes them worth a turd. NOT!! Libya has nukes my butt.
Pointing out that lily white Pubs are half racists doesn't make one a racist, dittohead. When 50% oama is Kenyan. Muslim, amd Marxist, and ACORN stole the election, DUH!!

Libs don't give a dam* about stupid racists can do that red neck circle jerk as your ignorant numbers dwindle in the Age of Information. And shove your Foxbot/RW blogger BS threads while you're at it. Hoping for your recovery....

isn't this cute.. the dumbass twins are fighting...:rofl:

I have no beef with him because you can't help stupid people , But I declare war on you. You are ignorant fucking moron. I have had my beef with jake starkey but he is a much better person than you are.

am I supposed to cry now?
The fact that libya has nukes? Is that the fact you are talking about?

show me a source that says they have actual nuclear bombs, dipshit... NOT just materials for one. And NOT based on your initial source, which is suspect at best.

Since this is a new story and the American media is slow to show anything bad against obama it will take time you fucking lying moron.

did not say it had to me American media, dick-spittle. A few corroborating stories from foreign press is fine... as long as they are not just regurgitating the report based on a report from a questionable source that you based this entire dumbass thread on.
The fact that libya has nukes? Is that the fact you are talking about?

Show me the facts. You haven't proved your contention, so that's hardly what I would call a fact. Try again. :cool:

If it was Bush as president and if it was coming from KOS you would accept it, you will never accept anything that shows obama fucked up.

deflection, dick-spittle. He asked you for proof, and instead you whine about what he'd do if the circumstances were different. Deflection is a sign that you have no confidence in your own argument.
show me a source that says they have actual nuclear bombs, dipshit... NOT just materials for one. And NOT based on your initial source, which is suspect at best.

Since this is a new story and the American media is slow to show anything bad against obama it will take time you fucking lying moron.

did not say it had to me American media, dick-spittle. A few corroborating stories from foreign press is fine... as long as they are not just regurgitating the report based on a report from a questionable source that you based this entire dumbass thread on.

I've used several and you cried about them., What else do you want?
Show me the facts. You haven't proved your contention, so that's hardly what I would call a fact. Try again. :cool:

If it was Bush as president and if it was coming from KOS you would accept it, you will never accept anything that shows obama fucked up.

deflection, dick-spittle. He asked you for proof, and instead you whine about what he'd do if the circumstances were different. Deflection is a sign that you have no confidence in your own argument.

No the only deflector here is you and your childish hate for me.
Since this is a new story and the American media is slow to show anything bad against obama it will take time you fucking lying moron.

did not say it had to me American media, dick-spittle. A few corroborating stories from foreign press is fine... as long as they are not just regurgitating the report based on a report from a questionable source that you based this entire dumbass thread on.

I've used several and you cried about them., What else do you want?

several my left nut. EVERYTHING YOU POSTED was based on that report of a report from a questionable source. Hell, one of them was even contradictory between the title and the contents!

All you've proved, like always, is that you're a partisan hack. I don;t give two shits if your a Dem or a Repub... hackery is hackery. YOU...are king of hackery here.
If it was Bush as president and if it was coming from KOS you would accept it, you will never accept anything that shows obama fucked up.

deflection, dick-spittle. He asked you for proof, and instead you whine about what he'd do if the circumstances were different. Deflection is a sign that you have no confidence in your own argument.

No the only deflector here is you and your childish hate for me.

he asked you for proof... your response was not proof, but to whine about what he might do.
THAT, my dear moron... is deflection.

Of course, with your narcissism, you'll never admit it.

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