NSA specialist contradict Rosensteins DNC Russian hacking claim


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The transfer speed of documents taken from the DNC indicate they were leaked from the inside rather than hacked across the Internet, according to a group of intelligence officers who sent a July 24, 2017, memo to President Trump.

NSA Specialists Contradict Rosenstein’s DNC “Russian Hacking” Claim

Oh the informtion sheeple can't stand. and on that note that 12 Russian bs lie is jsut that they can't even produce the right informtion and the stupid fks are caught already.

But they do have to get ther leftist SHEEP IDIOTS another Russina thing and that one dumbass on here who thinks everyone is a Russian bot just because some ppl aren't stupid enough to fall for this Russian bs makes them a " Russian Troll".. You have got to be one of the dumbest, most naieve gawd dam morons to believe all this Russina bs esp. when there is proof your DEMOCRATIC IDIOTS are lying, did lie, still lie and are fighting to keep their asshiles believing in them.
You done good. I'm sure Putin will be pleased that your OP is exactly what he was hoping for..

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