NRA To USA(?)! "An AK-47 In Every BedRoom & A Secret Service Agent For Every Kid(?)!"


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So the NRA has finally gone ballistically out of control. (1) They ran an ad on SportsTV network suggesting that Secret Service protection of the children of the President was some nature of hypocrisy. (2) The White House opened up an attack-stream, about the ad: Essentially debasing the NRA to a cowardice-level. So (3) The Head-Idiot-In-Charge, H-I-I-C, at N-R-A responded suggesting--more or less vigorously--that every kid ought to have Secret Service protection, just like the two children of the President of the United States! Anything else is hypocrisy(?)!

NRA ad brings Obama kids into gun debate; White House fights back - TODAY News

To be more succinct: The H-I-I-C at N-R-A has actually cemented the deal for increased Gun Control in the United States! There is clearly something wrong if it is necessary to provide Secret Service protection for every U. S. Child because of guns! That is now on public record!

Every Kid gets an Ak-47, and The Secret Service watches over whatever comes of that?

Soon maybe someone will so-state. The NRA has lost it completely!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Would A Rose By Any Other Name, In Fact, Smell Half So Sweet? "Dead Rose," of course, does come to mind--and other varietals, being grown--well. . .nourished!)
That is Not The Question(?)! When mom and dad start to fight over the money--needed to pay the Secret Service, and that too--then how have the spawn of the critters been helped in any way, shape, or form?

Spock would also say it: "It is curious how often you humans manage to obtain that which you do not want."

That goes more to the matter of somehow getting the NRA stopped: And even before it is way too soon(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many Tongues spoken on Lands of Many Nations--unfamiliar with Jewish Historical Records of Tower Buildings. Many young braves learn language of Shakespeare, not even spoken: Not on the Land of Many Nations(?)!)

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