NRA Puppet Donald Trump Blames Mental Health Issues On Las Vegas And Florida/Slashes MH Funding


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.
Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.
Wtgf is wrong wit ewe libtards?
just keep the USA well stocked with guns for the next 20-40 years and i'll be alright . ------------ just a comment !!
The crazy radical left has been preaching hatred since inauguration day when they smashed windows and torched cars. Spokespeople for the hate filled radical left in Hollywood threatened the President with assault and arson and murder. A pretty second rate actress thought it was funny to be photographed with a facsimile of the President's severed bloody head. Where are you going to start with mental health therapy? A democrat activist Sanders supporter opened fire on a republican baseball team last spring and the MSM buried the story faster than they buried James Hodgkinson. It's incredible that the MSM managed a complete blackout of the Vegas shooter when it's becoming evident that Stephen Paddock opened fire on a conservative patriotic concert out of the same hatred that motivated Hodgkinson. Is it any wonder that borderline personalities **** the Florida shooter are motivated to commit atrocities when the MSM has been preaching hatred and anarchy for the last year? It ain't about mental health funding. It's about the mental health of the MSM who promote hatred and violence every freaking day.
Trump is just pretending to be ‘presidential.’

Trump is merely going through the motions, waiting for this latest shooting to blow over so that he and other Republicans can go back to ignoring the problem – they have no will or desire to address the issue.
Trump is just pretending to be ‘presidential.’

Trump is merely going through the motions, waiting for this latest shooting to blow over so that he and other Republicans can go back to ignoring the problem – they have no will or desire to address the issue.
------------------------------------------------- GOOD , i hope that it works out that way Clayton .
Trump is just pretending to be ‘presidential.’

Trump is merely going through the motions, waiting for this latest shooting to blow over so that he and other Republicans can go back to ignoring the problem – they have no will or desire to address the issue.

Just what is the issue? Keeping firearms out of the hands of ineligible people? Aren't there already laws on the books that are supposed to do that?
Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.
Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.
The crazy radical left has been preaching hatred since inauguration day when they smashed windows and torched cars. Spokespeople for the hate filled radical left in Hollywood threatened the President with assault and arson and murder. A pretty second rate actress thought it was funny to be photographed with a facsimile of the President's severed bloody head. Where are you going to start with mental health therapy? A democrat activist Sanders supporter opened fire on a republican baseball team last spring and the MSM buried the story faster than they buried James Hodgkinson. It's incredible that the MSM managed a complete blackout of the Vegas shooter when it's becoming evident that Stephen Paddock opened fire on a conservative patriotic concert out of the same hatred that motivated Hodgkinson. Is it any wonder that borderline personalities **** the Florida shooter are motivated to commit atrocities when the MSM has been preaching hatred and anarchy for the last year? It ain't about mental health funding. It's about the mental health of the MSM who promote hatred and violence every freaking day.
You got that right!
Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.

Yeah, you make no sense. Come back with an OP that makes sense, then we can talk.
Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.

Orange Assclown has a big brain...

too bed it's made of shit... which spills out his mouth
Trump and the GOP puppets love to blame mental health issues on mass shooting, but Trump's budget slashes funding for mental health and the GOP has been doing the same thing for years.
We have the gun freaks proposing teachers with guns, that there big solution.
The point and facts of all this bullshit is, we have way too many guns in America and America is the only country in the world, were mass shooting are becoming common incidences. All those guns and yet all these senseless shooting. And the answer is more guns. Well that has worked really well as facts show.
Then Trump ($31 million NRA contributions), doesn't mention guns, he blames mental health. Trumps budget? Cuts funding for mental health centers
.Trump and the GOP's huge hypocrisy on mental health care
What a crap of steaming shit.
Now you gun worshipers can go back a fellate your guns and continue to turn your backs on reality.

You might want to look at the budget.
FY 2018 Budget in Brief

The Budget includes high-priority mental health funding that addresses suicide prevention, homelessness prevention, and children’s mental health. It also includes funding to address the needs of adults with serious mental illness and children experiencing a mental health crisis. The Budget provides $119 million for the Children’s Mental Health Services program, which helps States, Tribes, and communities deliver evidence-based services and support for children and youth with serious mental health concerns. These funds facilitate effective collaboration between child and youth-serving systems such as juvenile justice, child welfare, and education. The Budget also proposes that up to 10 percent of the funds will be available for a new demonstration project focused on earlier interventions. This new set-aside reflects recent research by the National Institute on Mental Health indicating that earlier psychosocial interventions with those who are high-risk may prevent the further development of serious emotional disturbances and ultimately serious mental illness.

What if I told you that you were a dumbass or need to help to spot and avoid such blatant lies?

Truthfully, your educators should have done this, but apparently they did not.

There's a link in my signature that explains a lot.

Not sure if the indoctrinated are capable of comprehending, though.

Sue your state for fucking you out of a proper education, maybe?

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