Mental Health and Gun Ownership.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
Every mass shooting. Every murder. We are told by the Right Wing that we need to address mental health. Prevent the crazies from getting guns. I’ve decided they are right. We have an easy test.

First let me link to the news story that gave me the epiphany.

So why are there so many shootings of innocents? Paranoia.

The perception among Republicans is that Crime is skyrocketing. This is due to their constant ingestion of massive amounts of Propaganda.


The reality is that overall crime is lower according to Police who would know.


This is the same police departments year over year. This shows that crime really isn’t skyrocketing. So what does the constant screeds succeed in doing? Reinforcing the illusion succeeds in boosting the fear to paranoia status.

Paranoia. Paranoia is a serious mental health issue. And as we have seen deadly to innocents. So the first thing we should do is get the guns away from the crazies.

People who believe crime in their area is skyrocketing without any factual basis should lose the right to keep and bear arms. People who believe in vast conspiracies without proof to cheat them of something they believe they are owed. They have to lose their guns.

I’m not suggesting we take the guns from everyone. Not by a long shot. I’m agreeing with the Right that we should take the guns only from those with demonstrated mental health issues. Those with paranoia. Those who believe in insane conspiracy theories.

Because both of those are based in delusions. And we wouldn’t want delusional people owning guns now would we? Let’s do it. Let’s make sure only rational and fact based people are able to own guns. Let’s make sure those who suffer from serious delusional mental illness are kept from hurting anyone.
Every mass shooting. Every murder. We are told by the Right Wing that we need to address mental health. Prevent the crazies from getting guns. I’ve decided they are right. We have an easy test.

First let me link to the news story that gave me the epiphany.

So why are there so many shootings of innocents? Paranoia.

The perception among Republicans is that Crime is skyrocketing. This is due to their constant ingestion of massive amounts of Propaganda.

View attachment 781213

The reality is that overall crime is lower according to Police who would know.

View attachment 781214

This is the same police departments year over year. This shows that crime really isn’t skyrocketing. So what does the constant screeds succeed in doing? Reinforcing the illusion succeeds in boosting the fear to paranoia status.

Paranoia. Paranoia is a serious mental health issue. And as we have seen deadly to innocents. So the first thing we should do is get the guns away from the crazies.

People who believe crime in their area is skyrocketing without any factual basis should lose the right to keep and bear arms. People who believe in vast conspiracies without proof to cheat them of something they believe they are owed. They have to lose their guns.

I’m not suggesting we take the guns from everyone. Not by a long shot. I’m agreeing with the Right that we should take the guns only from those with demonstrated mental health issues. Those with paranoia. Those who believe in insane conspiracy theories.

Because both of those are based in delusions. And we wouldn’t want delusional people owning guns now would we? Let’s do it. Let’s make sure only rational and fact based people are able to own guns. Let’s make sure those who suffer from serious delusional mental illness are kept from hurting anyone.
Is it really paranoia if they ARE out to get you?
Anyone see the well regulated militia?

"Fourteen-year-old boys are not part of a well-regulated militia. Members of wacky religious cults are not part of a well-regulated militia. Permitting unregulated citizens to have guns is destroying the security of this free state." Molly Ivins

So what, jaywalking has declined while violent crime rates have escalated since the DEMPANIC!!! & Georgie Floyd OD'd?

Does anyone her believe serious crime rates have been going down since the meat puppet was installed?
Particularly in large Dem-witted blue cities, it's like a war zone in some areas.

Violent crimes are on the rise in major cities across the country this year following 2020's already skyrocketing national murder spike that bled into the following year.

Fox News Digital examined crime data from Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, Seattle and Washington, D.C., and found violent crimes have increased anywhere from nearly 5% to up to 40% compared to the same time frame in 2021. Violent crimes are typically defined as reports of rape, sexual assault, robbery, assault and murder.

Violent crimes have reached unprecedented numbers in the last two years, with murders increasing by nearly 30% in 2020 compared to 2019, according to FBI data. By 2021, homicides continued to rise in major American cities across the country, with the Council on Criminal Justice releasing data in January showing a 5% increase in homicides compared to 2020’s wildly bloody year.

New York City has so far seen the largest increase in violent crimes out of the cities reviewed by Fox News, with a 40.6% increase compared to 2021. The city has recorded 43,244 violent crime incidents since May 15, compared to 2021’s 30,754 recorded during the same timeframe.

Or.....Anyone that believes anything WaPo has to say about any matter.....See how that works? ;)
WaPo isn`t claiming to be mental health experts but mental health experts are. Paranoia is indeed a symptom of mental problems.
Anyone see the well regulated militia?

"Fourteen-year-old boys are not part of a well-regulated militia. Members of wacky religious cults are not part of a well-regulated militia. Permitting unregulated citizens to have guns is destroying the security of this free state." Molly Ivins

Why would you need to belong to a militia to own a firearm?
So what, jaywalking has declined while violent crime rates have escalated since the DEMPANIC!!! & Georgie Floyd OD'd?

Does anyone her believe serious crime rates have been going down since the meat puppet was installed?
Particularly in large Dem-witted blue cities, it's like a war zone in some areas.

Violent crimes are on the rise in major cities across the country this year following 2020's already skyrocketing national murder spike that bled into the following year.

Fox News Digital examined crime data from Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, Seattle and Washington, D.C., and found violent crimes have increased anywhere from nearly 5% to up to 40% compared to the same time frame in 2021. Violent crimes are typically defined as reports of rape, sexual assault, robbery, assault and murder.

Violent crimes have reached unprecedented numbers in the last two years, with murders increasing by nearly 30% in 2020 compared to 2019, according to FBI data. By 2021, homicides continued to rise in major American cities across the country, with the Council on Criminal Justice releasing data in January showing a 5% increase in homicides compared to 2020’s wildly bloody year.

New York City has so far seen the largest increase in violent crimes out of the cities reviewed by Fox News, with a 40.6% increase compared to 2021. The city has recorded 43,244 violent crime incidents since May 15, compared to 2021’s 30,754 recorded during the same timeframe.

Now that people are getting shot for ringing the wrong doorbell or driving up the wrong driveway, you can put the Chicago gangbanger shit to rest. It`s the shootings at schools, movie theaters, places of worship, grocery store, etc. that people are tired of. Most people don`t give a shit about Chicago. They don`t like seeing people leaving grocery stores in body bags.
So what, jaywalking has declined while violent crime rates have escalated since the DEMPANIC!!! & Georgie Floyd OD'd?

Does anyone her believe serious crime rates have been going down since the meat puppet was installed?
Particularly in large Dem-witted blue cities, it's like a war zone in some areas.

Violent crimes are on the rise in major cities across the country this year following 2020's already skyrocketing national murder spike that bled into the following year.

Fox News Digital examined crime data from Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, Seattle and Washington, D.C., and found violent crimes have increased anywhere from nearly 5% to up to 40% compared to the same time frame in 2021. Violent crimes are typically defined as reports of rape, sexual assault, robbery, assault and murder.

Violent crimes have reached unprecedented numbers in the last two years, with murders increasing by nearly 30% in 2020 compared to 2019, according to FBI data. By 2021, homicides continued to rise in major American cities across the country, with the Council on Criminal Justice releasing data in January showing a 5% increase in homicides compared to 2020’s wildly bloody year.

New York City has so far seen the largest increase in violent crimes out of the cities reviewed by Fox News, with a 40.6% increase compared to 2021. The city has recorded 43,244 violent crime incidents since May 15, compared to 2021’s 30,754 recorded during the same timeframe.

FOX News Digital? :laughing0301:
I’m not suggesting we take the guns from everyone. Not by a long shot. I’m agreeing with the Right that we should take the guns only from those with demonstrated mental health issues. Those with paranoia. Those who believe in insane conspiracy theories.
The right’s hypocrisy and dishonesty are infinite.

However, individuals cannot be designated prohibited persons the consequence of mental illness absent due process – having been adjudicated mentally ill by a magistrate based on evidence and testimony documenting mental illness.

Conservatives who lie about ‘skyrocketing crime’ as ‘justification’ to possess guns is more of a manifestation of dishonesty than paranoia and mental illness.

It’s part of the right’s campaign of fearmongering and lies in an effort to derail good faith debate concerning gun crime and violence – fearmongering and lies about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated,’ lies about possessing guns to deter and defend against ‘government tyranny’ when in fact the Second Amendment codifies no such ‘right.’
Anyone see the well regulated militia?

"Fourteen-year-old boys are not part of a well-regulated militia. Members of wacky religious cults are not part of a well-regulated militia. Permitting unregulated citizens to have guns is destroying the security of this free state." Molly Ivins

No private citizen is part of a ‘militia’ – well regulated or otherwise.

Only government has the authority to authorize a militia (Presser v. Illinois (1886)).

Armed private citizens cannot unilaterally declare themselves a ‘militia’ – they are subject to the same Federal. state, and local firearm laws and regulations as anyone else, and any effort to ‘take up arms’ against a government perceived to be ‘tyrannical’ would be lawless rebellion and treason.
The right’s hypocrisy and dishonesty are infinite.

However, individuals cannot be designated prohibited persons the consequence of mental illness absent due process – having been adjudicated mentally ill by a magistrate based on evidence and testimony documenting mental illness.

Conservatives who lie about ‘skyrocketing crime’ as ‘justification’ to possess guns is more of a manifestation of dishonesty than paranoia and mental illness.

It’s part of the right’s campaign of fearmongering and lies in an effort to derail good faith debate concerning gun crime and violence – fearmongering and lies about guns being ‘banned’ and ‘confiscated,’ lies about possessing guns to deter and defend against ‘government tyranny’ when in fact the Second Amendment codifies no such ‘right.’
This fails as an appeal to hysterical regressive fantasy fallacy.
No private citizen is part of a ‘militia’ – well regulated or otherwise.

Only government has the authority to authorize a militia (Presser v. Illinois (1886)).

Armed private citizens cannot unilaterally declare themselves a ‘militia’ – they are subject to the same Federal. state, and local firearm laws and regulations as anyone else, and any effort to ‘take up arms’ against a government perceived to be ‘tyrannical’ would be lawless rebellion and treason.
No private citizen is part of a ‘militia’ – well regulated or otherwise.

Dick championed the Militia Act of 1903, which became known as the Dick Act. The 1903 act repealed the Militia Acts of 1795 and designated the militia (per Title 10 of the U.S. Code, Section 311) as two classes: the Reserve Militia, which included all able-bodied men between ages 17 and 45, and the Organized Militia, comprising state militia (National Guard) units receiving federal support
Every mass shooting. Every murder. We are told by the Right Wing that we need to address mental health. Prevent the crazies from getting guns. I’ve decided they are right. We have an easy test.

First let me link to the news story that gave me the epiphany.

So why are there so many shootings of innocents? Paranoia.

The perception among Republicans is that Crime is skyrocketing. This is due to their constant ingestion of massive amounts of Propaganda.

View attachment 781213

The reality is that overall crime is lower according to Police who would know.

View attachment 781214

This is the same police departments year over year. This shows that crime really isn’t skyrocketing. So what does the constant screeds succeed in doing? Reinforcing the illusion succeeds in boosting the fear to paranoia status.

Paranoia. Paranoia is a serious mental health issue. And as we have seen deadly to innocents. So the first thing we should do is get the guns away from the crazies.

People who believe crime in their area is skyrocketing without any factual basis should lose the right to keep and bear arms. People who believe in vast conspiracies without proof to cheat them of something they believe they are owed. They have to lose their guns.

I’m not suggesting we take the guns from everyone. Not by a long shot. I’m agreeing with the Right that we should take the guns only from those with demonstrated mental health issues. Those with paranoia. Those who believe in insane conspiracy theories.

Because both of those are based in delusions. And we wouldn’t want delusional people owning guns now would we? Let’s do it. Let’s make sure only rational and fact based people are able to own guns. Let’s make sure those who suffer from serious delusional mental illness are kept from hurting anyone.

Ok. So the poll shows that Republicans are more concerned about crime and Democrats just don't give a shit.

That makes sense, much like other things as well: Republicans are concerned about the illegal invasion happening at the southern border too, while Democrats don't give a shit. Republicans are concerned about the massive increase in fentanyl deaths, while Democrats. don't give a shit. Republicans are concerned about mentally-ill men dressing up like women and grooming kids for sex, while Democrats just don't give a shit.

I could go on.
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Ok. So the poll shows that Republicans are more concerned about crime and Democrats just don't give a shit.

That makes sense, much like other things as well: Republicans are concerned about the illegal invasion happening at the southern border too, while Democrats don't give a shit. Republicans are concerned about the massive increase in fentanyl deaths, while Democrats. don't give a shit. Republicans are concerned about mentally-ill men dressing up like women and grooming kids for sex, while Democrats just don't give a shit.

I could go on.
It`s the Republicans that help arm criminals. When I see a reference to "groomers", my idiot alert flag goes up. Who is it that grooms children to become mass shooters? People like yourself.
So why are there so many shootings of innocents? Paranoia
Quantify, and prove the necessary relationship you claim.
.The perception among Republicans is that Crime is skyrocketing. This is due to their constant ingestion of massive amounts of Propaganda.
Propaganda from Democrats,m et a, who seek further restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms.
Paranoia. Paranoia is a serious mental health issue. And as we have seen deadly to innocents. So the first thing we should do is get the guns away from the crazies.

People who believe crime in their area is skyrocketing without any factual basis should lose the right to keep and bear arms. People who believe in vast conspiracies without proof to cheat them of something they believe they are owed. They have to lose their guns.
People who believe the propaganda from the left should lose their guns?
How does that make sense?
I’m not suggesting we take the guns from everyone. Not by a long shot. I’m agreeing with the Right that we should take the guns only from those with demonstrated mental health issues. Those with paranoia. Those who believe in insane conspiracy theories.
Pretty sure this does coorindate well with the 5th Amendment.
The right’s hypocrisy and dishonesty are infinite.
The irony here cannot be overstated
(see below)
Conservatives who lie about ‘skyrocketing crime’ as ‘justification’ to possess guns is more of a manifestation of dishonesty than paranoia and mental illness.
But liberals who lie about skyrocketing crime as means to place more and more unnecessary and inffective restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding...
Well, that.s OK by you.

What did you just say about dishonesty and hypocrisy?


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