NRA and the black community....


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009

Obama and Holder didn't expect this!!

[ame=][SHORT VERSION] Black conservative leaders discuss how the NRA was created to protect freed slaves - YouTube[/ame]​

The Supreme Court even recognizes the right of American sea vessels to carry military grade naval weaponry lolol

1900: THE PANAMA - The court recognized that a ship carries guns and cannons for "self-defense" and quoted from Portalis, "defense is a natural right, and means of defense are lawful in voyages at sea, as in all other dangerous occupations of life"
How retarded do you have to be to believe the current gun control movement is an attempt by liberals to disarm negroes?


Holy shit, the idiots just get dumber and dumber by the second.

Keep doing what you always do, and you will keep getting what you always get. Keep inventing strawmen, and keep getting your asses kicked.
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How retarded do you have to be to believe the current gun control movement is an attempt by liberals to disarm negroes?

When I look around the United States (Chicago, NYC, etc), the only populations that are subject to intense gun control laws are black communities.

Gun violence is not the cause of crime, Gun violence if the effect of crime. To fix the crime problems you need to police the border against drug trafficking (and stop 99% of the drugs from crossing) OR legalize narcotics.

The system currently punishes blacks and keeps them impoverished, most noticeable are the inferior educational facilities. The only way out of poverty is crime for most of these young men. The Democrats like it this way, because the majority of blacks are forced to become dependent on handouts just to survive, while the Republicans like it because it causes many blacks to be convicted of felonies revoking their voting rights. Both parties are using the blacks as pawns. That's why both parties want to disarm them.
How retarded do you have to be to believe the current gun control movement is an attempt by liberals to disarm negroes?

When I look around the United States (Chicago, NYC, etc), the only populations that are subject to intense gun control laws are black communities.

Gun violence is not the cause of crime, Gun violence if the effect of crime. To fix the crime problems you need to police the border against drug trafficking (and stop 99% of the drugs from crossing) OR legalize narcotics.

The system currently punishes blacks and keeps them impoverished, most noticeable are the inferior educational facilities. The only way out of poverty is crime for most of these young men. The Democrats like it this way, because the majority of blacks are forced to become dependent on handouts just to survive, while the Republicans like it because it causes many blacks to be convicted of felonies revoking their voting rights. Both parties are using the blacks as pawns. That's why both parties want to disarm them.

Keep building those strawmen! It's been working so well for you.
How retarded do you have to be to believe the current gun control movement is an attempt by liberals to disarm negroes?

When I look around the United States (Chicago, NYC, etc), the only populations that are subject to intense gun control laws are black communities.

Gun violence is not the cause of crime, Gun violence if the effect of crime. To fix the crime problems you need to police the border against drug trafficking (and stop 99% of the drugs from crossing) OR legalize narcotics.

The system currently punishes blacks and keeps them impoverished, most noticeable are the inferior educational facilities. The only way out of poverty is crime for most of these young men. The Democrats like it this way, because the majority of blacks are forced to become dependent on handouts just to survive, while the Republicans like it because it causes many blacks to be convicted of felonies revoking their voting rights. Both parties are using the blacks as pawns. That's why both parties want to disarm them.

Keep building those strawmen! It's been working so well for you.

Historical facts are not strawmen, they happened.

Listen to the video faggot and STFU.
Going to put the highlights (from the long version) right here for everyone to read:

About 18 minutes into the long version:
"How many of will allow our children are going to die, by putting signs in front of schools in front of our schools that invite people to come and kill them."

What do you mean Pasteur (rhetorical question)?

Let me tell you?

How many of you would put a sign in front of your home that said Gun Free Zone?

How many of you would put in front of your house, I have diamonds, I have gold, I have silver, I have precious metals, I have some great expensive artifacts, and I am not home, my guard dogs are locked up, and I won't be home until 3:30 tomorrow afternoon.

Would you put that sign in front of your house?

But yet, we want to put Gun Free Zone in front of our schools?

How many children have to die before you even care, you even realize that criminals and mass murderers are drawn to these zones like magnets?

Actually, I wish there was an entire transcript, the whole conference of full of win.

You took an oath to uphold the Constitution, if you don't like it, either resign from office, or continue to follow the Constitution, while proposing to amend it. Otherwise, you're guilty of breaking your oath and subject to impeachment.

What man would not fight to protect his wife? What woman wouldn't fight to protect her child? What nation would not fight to protect their rights?
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Here's a brief history of the NRA from their website. Do you see ANY references to "helping freed slaves?
A Brief History of NRA

I wonder why the NRA isn't bragging about their noble deed?

They have been, you just willingly ignore everything they say.

Why didn't they include that information on their "History of the NRA" page I linked to? Do you have any information from the NRA that cites the assertion made in the OP?

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