race baiting, tolerance & oppression vs the real world

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
The ONLY place I CONSTANTLY hear about whitey is here on usmb and bsnbs. Why is that? Almost every issue of "race" is carelessly tossed about by the left....why? Are you so inept when it comes to the real issues that face our nation that this is your default comeback?

Then there is the oppression accusation. Women, blacks, gays, Mexicans....basically everyone but whitey.

Then there is the issue of tolerance. Liberals brag about tolerating and being inclusive of everyone. But tolerating abhorrent behavior is hardly something to brag about when you shun moral behavior.
Oh there's plenty of prejudice to share some with we White men of Euro descent.

Look harder at college student stats, and how, many and much money women in middle managment are now making compared to their male counterparts.

What you discover might surprise you.
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Oh there's plenty of prejudice to share some with we White men of Euro descent.

Look harder at college student stats, and how, many and much money women in middle managment are now making compared to their male counterparts.

What you discover might surprise you.

Without doubt there are racists among us on both sides but they are a minority and have virtually no power or influence. The left on here make it sound as if they're in control and we are all a part of it.

As to your college and corporate stats that has nothing to do with politicians.

The only oppression I see is the oppression of free thought by the left.
The ONLY place I CONSTANTLY hear about whitey is here on usmb and bsnbs. Why is that? Almost every issue of "race" is carelessly tossed about by the left....why? Are you so inept when it comes to the real issues that face our nation that this is your default comeback?

Then there is the oppression accusation. Women, blacks, gays, Mexicans....basically everyone but whitey.

Then there is the issue of tolerance. Liberals brag about tolerating and being inclusive of everyone. But tolerating abhorrent behavior is hardly something to brag about when you shun moral behavior.

Some of my best friends are white.
It's always directed at the white man for some reason? Every single race does it in some percentage, but somehow whitey is always the one directed out.

Hell, I'd say 10 times as many blacks have these sentiments, but you never tell your brother not to be racist towards whites, etc. A lot of blacks go around beating whites for fun...Not to say that whites haven't but it seems to be a weekly event. :(

You always blame whitey as the cause of slavery and everything wrong within your patheric little lives without thinking about the fact that these things occurred in all cultures, races and lands. Why not stop blaming and work to better your own damn selfs? Sounds like a solution to me.
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The ONLY place I CONSTANTLY hear about whitey is here on usmb and bsnbs. Why is that? Almost every issue of "race" is carelessly tossed about by the left....why? Are you so inept when it comes to the real issues that face our nation that this is your default comeback?

Then there is the oppression accusation. Women, blacks, gays, Mexicans....basically everyone but whitey.

Then there is the issue of tolerance. Liberals brag about tolerating and being inclusive of everyone. But tolerating abhorrent behavior is hardly something to brag about when you shun moral behavior.

Some of my best friends are white.

Then love them and be a good person. Don't blame anyone for your problems-- unless someone really is causing you problems.
It's always directed at the white man for some reason? Every single race does it in some percentage but somehow whitey is always the one directed out.

Hell, I'd say 10 times as many blacks have these sentiments but you never tell your brother not to be racist towards whites, etc.

You always blame whitey as the cause of slavery and everything wrong within your patheric little lives without thinking about the fact that these things occurred in all cultures, races and lands. Why not stop blaming and work to better your own damn selfs? Sounds like a solution to me.

but that would require that they take responsibility for their lives, liberals always have to have someone else responsible---if its something good--obama did it. if its something bad---bush did it.

liberals refuse to be responsible for their own lives, they enjoy being slaves to the state and having the state make all of their decisions for them. they are pathetic creatures.
Then there is the oppression accusation. Women, blacks, gays, Mexicans....basically everyone but whitey.

Id love to hear how whitey is oppressed

Maybe we're less oppressed(normally) as we don't whine, but work toward advancing our selves? Maybe other peoples should think about doing what we do?

One place is south africa, zimbabwe and I'm sure within black cities(detroit, etc) blacks are extremely abusive towards whites.
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You people need to keep up.

Seriously very few of you are remotely aware of the world you're living in.
Then there is the oppression accusation. Women, blacks, gays, Mexicans....basically everyone but whitey.

Id love to hear how whitey is oppressed

Maybe we're less oppressed(normally) as we don't whine, but work toward advancing our selves? Maybe other peoples should think about doing what we do?

One place is south africa, zimbabwe and I'm sure within black cities(detroit, etc) blacks are extremely abusive towards whites.

Maybe? And you just whined about it seeing how anytime a minority mentions inequaltity it's seen as whining.

Stop your whining
If you could keep your ignorant people in line we would not have to had this conversation so much. At CPAC:

“What about it?” Smith responded. “Here’s an example: When Douglass escaped from slavery, I think 10 years or 20 years after he escaped, he writes a letter to his former slave master and said, ‘I forgive you for all the things you did to me.’”

“For giving him shelter and food and all that?” Terry asked.

“No!” Smith said.

CPAC attendee defends slavery because slave owners provided ?food and shelter? | The Raw Story
I said everyone but whitey. Lrn2rd

So whitey is not oppressed? and other races shouldnt say anything when they are? I dont understand the point of that statement.

Whitey isn't an oppressor. He's a scapegoat for all the ills of society be they real issues or not.

Evil white conservatives...thats the talking point so repeat it

No one says that you just like to play the victim...and translate what someone complaints are to "evil". "white". and "conservatives"

You gotta ask yourself, is it everyone elses fault conservatives are seen the way they are? Or is it conservatives fault?

Now tell me how blacks need to stop blaming everyone else after you answer that.
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The ONLY place I CONSTANTLY hear about whitey is here on usmb and bsnbs. Why is that? Almost every issue of "race" is carelessly tossed about by the left....why? Are you so inept when it comes to the real issues that face our nation that this is your default comeback?

Then there is the oppression accusation. Women, blacks, gays, Mexicans....basically everyone but whitey.

Then there is the issue of tolerance. Liberals brag about tolerating and being inclusive of everyone. But tolerating abhorrent behavior is hardly something to brag about when you shun moral behavior.

Liberals know they are hard core intolerant of all points of view non liberal.
Liberals entire M O is "problems"..Everything with these people is based on problems whether real or self created.
Liberals willingly accept credit for things that go right and reject any responsibility when things do not. They readily blame other for all that ills them or their most favored politically correct classes. Classes which liberals create faster than carpet picks up dog hair.
Liberals first do "causes". Causes which are used to create new protected classes. The latest of these causes is this ridiculous notion of "transgender". UGH!!!!
The race issue....Libs are so race focused it is a miracle they have time for anything else, save their little cupcake's soccer games.
When race is the ONLY issue which guides a debate, it usually means they have no argument at all. Race baiting, playing the race card or whatever one wishes to call it, it is simply a fall back position.
Oh there's plenty of prejudice to share some with we White men of Euro descent.

Look harder at college student stats, and how, many and much money women in middle managment are now making compared to their male counterparts.

What you discover might surprise you.

And this has what to do with what?
Women make up the majority of college students both undergrad and graduate are female.
Pay disparity as viewed by the left is nonsense. They like to eliminate factors on which pay is determined. This is done to create the narrative.
Your invective here is nothing more than deflection.
Stay on point.

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