". . .Now You Know It, Zeke! I"m Romney Ryan And I'll Do Just What I Please!"


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
"Now You Know It, Ma! Now You Know It, Pa! Now You Know It, Zeke! I'm Romney-Ryan and I'll Do Just What I Please! I'll take your current mortagage, and I'll sell it overseas! I'll bundle it with betting paper in a single pack! It will all be so complex, that you'll never get it back! Ha! Ha! Ha, Ha, Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha, Ha Ha!"

Actually, little kids can understand mortgage banking--De-regulated, per Romney-Ryan--and unchained!

Collateralized Debt Obligations News - The New York Times

It's those people in the link that seem to have the problem! Romney-Ryan, and at Bain Capital, they have the problem. Romney claims business experience is what qualifies him for office--and changes even the concept of what it is he knows about that, every 24 yours, with some new reversal of position.

Unless. . . .Likely that is what they actually mean by it all(?)! Mainly, that would make them saying that it really could be worse: Under Romney-Ryan!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Swine of Many Nations, even meet in one place: And call it even, "Great Financial House!" like in Casino!'
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Dang federal government getting involved in Free Entreprise. (Romney is on whose side?)

From the article:
Since the market’s collapse, the Securities and Exchange Commission has brought a number of cases against banks that it said created C.D.O.’s and sold them to investors without letting them know that the bank was betting that the deals would lose money.
"You Load Sixteen Tons, And What Do You Get--Another Day Older and Deeper In Debt! St. Peter Don't Call Me 'Cause I Can't Go! I owe My Soul To the Company Store!"

Adlai Stevenson once even held his shoe up for a photograph--to show the hole in the sole(?)! Little kids can likely guess what it kind of looked like. Toilet paper doesn't always. . . .well!

Chairman Kruschev never really wanted to work: "Bang a shoe, on the desk, all day!"

Actually, A GOP Tea Partier is now using caricatures of recent President, George Bush, to clarify his own campaign messages.

15 more minutes of 13% tax rates--with or without a payroll tax(?)--is more about an impending disaster: In a nation where nearly 50% of income tax filers have zero liability, instead. Romney wants to make the people proud, like in Greece, maybe?!

Anyone used to say, "Makes you wonder just which poor dumb shmuck is paying all the income taxes, anyway?" Warren Buffet's secretary makes a fortune?

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Make totem with many Bush caricatures! Sell Tickets to see, "Great-Holloween-jack-o-lantern-not-a-pumpkin!" Wind up on Welfare, and maybe SSI Disability, too boot! Signs Say(?): "Not Missing Bush In Florida, Even Now, And In GOP!)

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