Now white conservatives can understand how Blacks feel about the justice system.

I do not support cops killing unarmed people......but, I am not dumb enough to believe dic suckers like you would support these people storming the Capitol and not being gunned down....

View attachment 773730

Again, yall are clowns.....

That's a lie. You've been very vocal about your support for cops killing unarmed Americans. Don't try to fake outrage now, no one's buying it. You LOVE it.

Again, must I quote your posts enthusiastically supporting cops killing unarmed Americans? There are lots of them.
In an open carry state? Why is that justified?

Are you saying its legal to just open fire on someone who is open carrying?

Do you know what happened in that case?
Yes, dumb ass, I do.
Callers had reported that he was "pointing it at people".
When cops arrived they told him to show his hands but instead, they report, he began to draw it.

Are you saying its legal to just open fire on someone who is open carrying?
No, try again Biffy.
He was talking about them targeting white supremacists -- but I like that you think white nationalists are synomous with white conservatives....

And yes, black folks have been warning you about the FBI since the days of COINTELPRO -- but back then, conservatives loved it because they have always loved it when the target of government oppression were people who didn't look like them...
You call anyone who is pro constitution a white supremacist. That's the problem.
Here’s just one example: CRT training teaches employees that white is not right, and thus promotes racism against whites. It’s also why HALF of all blacks are racist, via the study that shows that half of them believe it is NOT OK to be white.

The discrimination against whites is going to be stopped. In several weeks, the SCOTUS will announce that schools can’t make “special” admissions policies to discriminate by race.

Perhaps you should revisit the Rasmussen "study".

It very clearly stated the following that will help you get your facts straight:

Out of 1000 total surveyed

of Black respondents agreed that it IS OK to be White

of Black respondents voted it is not OK to be White

21% of Black respondents were undecided

*79% of respondents agreed that Black people can be racist....INCLUDING 66% of the Black respondents.

Lastly, a survey of 1000 respondents does not establish an irrefutable fact that HALF of ALL Blacks are "Racist", except to an intellectually dishonest individual.
Get a new line, I'm not going any damn where. Black folks have earned pur right to be in America. How about you take your pasty white ass to Siberia and then I would love it here.
then stop bitching and do your part to make this country better for everyone.
Perhaps you should revisit the Rasmussen "study". It very clearly stated the following and get your facts straight:

Out of 1000 total surveyed

of Black respondents agreed that it IS OK to be White

of Black respondents voted it is not OK to be White

21% of Black respondents were undecided

*79% of respondents agreed that Black people can be racist....INCLUDING 66% of the Black respondents.

Lastly, a survey of 1000 respondents does not establish an irrefutable fact that HALF of ALL Blacks are "Racist", except to an intellectually dishonest individual.
A survey of 1000 is statistically reliable. And only half said it was OK to be white. That’s horrible.

And you mods really shouldn’t let your personal animus against posters influence what your write - which was to call me a liar.
A survey of 1000 is statistically reliable. And only half said it was OK to be white. That’s horrible.

And you mods really shouldn’t let your personal animus against posters influence what your write - which was to call me a liar.
There is no "personal animus" against you at all. Perhaps you should read the forum guidelines. "Moderators", like ALL other members here, are allowed to respond to comments in this forum.

No one called you a liar, you were merely provided some facts that you either intentionally distorted or accidently overlooked.

If you are too thin skinned to address that, it is not my problem
Here's a test: suppose it came out that Republican President Richard Nixon, or Ronald Reagan, had behaved towards a a White House intern as John F Kennedy did towards Mimi Alford. Do you think you would know about it now?

If it was a modern Republican president, we'd know about it because Republicans would try to prosecute the intern, after a vicious slur campaign against the intern and their family, and their attempts to prosecute several other Democrats for unrelated things.

If it was a modern Democratic president, Democrats would demand resignation.

Where have you people been living? Seriously, you all seem to be off in opposite-land.
There is no "personal animus" against you at all. Perhaps you should read the forum guidelines. "Moderators", like ALL other members here, are allowed to respond to comments in this forum.

No one called you a liar, you were merely provided some facts that you either intentionally distorted or accidently overlooked.

If you are too thin skinned to address that, it is not my problem
Saying I’m dishonest is the same as calling me a liar. As a mod, try to set a better example.
Why do you think whites should appreciate what it was like to be black 50 years ago?
Agree. That’s in the past. It would be more accurate to say that blacks should appreciate what it‘s like to be white CURRENTLY - with unqualified blacks being picked over them for prestigious jobs due to skin color, leftist school systems requiring students to read a book on how whites made a deal with the devil, having special workarounds in colleges and grad schools to get blacks in while rejecting higher-qualified whites, etc., etc.
Saying I’m dishonest is the same as calling me a liar. As a mod, try to set a better example.
Your statement that "50% of ALL Black people are racist" was in fact, quite dishonest.

You don't personally know 50% of the Black population.

And ANYONE who makes the statement that 50% of ANY race is "racist" is also dishonest.

If the truth hurts your feelings, that is not my problem.

This is a discussion forum, where ADULTS are free to express their opinions, as well as their observations.

Lastly, you are not a moral authority that is in a position to madate what "setting examples" actually looks like.
If it was a modern Republican president, we'd know about it because Republicans would try to prosecute the intern, after a vicious slur campaign against the intern and their family, and their attempts to prosecute several other Democrats for unrelated things.

If it was a modern Democratic president, Democrats would demand resignation.

Where have you people been living? Seriously, you all seem to be off in opposite-land.
Weird. I think the exact same thing about you.
The sad fact is that blacks commit a disproportionate number of crimes in the USA. THAT is why more blacks than whites are in prison. that and only that.
Yes, that is absolutely true, re the proportion of crimes committed. However, it's naive in the extreme to think that the high Black crime rate doesn't affect police in their day-to-day interactions with Blacks and judges, and juries, when the defendant is Black.

Most Black people are not criminals. In fact, the proportion of whites in small Southern towns who enjoyed watching a good lynching -- and were therefore accessories to murder -- was probably much higher than the proportion of Blacks who kill people or are accessories to killing people.
You see no difference between individual cops interacting with blacks or high level government officials conspiring against entire groups of white people

Thats really stupid and illogical
I'm not sure of your point here. Could you elaborate a bit?
Did you watch Chapelle's mono on SNL a few months back.
He said something to the effect about the FBI/CIA that they are targeting white conservatives and then said hey us Blacks we tried to warn you about them.
The inversion of the 'Left' and 'Right' is really astonishing to me. I'm old enough to remember when the Right practically worshipped the FBI and CIA (with the exception of Southern racists, who were actually surprised when the FBI began going after them in the early 60s), and the Left hated them with a passion.

I don't watch SNL, although I've seen some of Dave Chapelle's monologues, which are very funny. (There's a theory about comedians, which is that they have to be outsiders, people who don't totally fit in and benefit from the existing system, which would explain why so many good comedians are Jewish or Black.)
The inversion of the 'Left' and 'Right' is really astonishing to me. I'm old enough to remember when the Right practically worshipped the FBI and CIA (with the exception of Southern racists, who were actually surprised when the FBI began going after them in the early 60s), and the Left hated them with a passion.

I don't watch SNL, although I've seen some of Dave Chapelle's monologues, which are very funny. (There's a theory about comedians, which is that they have to be outsiders, people who don't totally fit in and benefit from the existing system, which would explain why so many good comedians are Jewish or Black.)
Well they has always been corruption in the FBI but they were generally viewed as ok when they were going after commies, terrorists, etc. Now that they are onboard investigating parents who go to school board meeting to protest marxist indoctrination, or Catholics who prefer Latin Mass yeah that's not good.

With the CIA we often have no idea what they are doing until 10, 20, 30 years later.

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