Now we know. It's the Tea Party's fault!!!

Regarding the Tea Party. . . .

  • I mostly support Tea Party goals.

    Votes: 37 75.5%
  • I mostly oppose Tea Party goals.

    Votes: 12 24.5%
  • Other and I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I have never been to a Tea Party event that did not make me proud to be an Amerivcan. I have never read an honest account of a Tea Party event that did not make me proud to be an American.

The Tea Party stands for smaller, more effective, more efficient, more honest government, a return to our Constitutional roots, and a reaffirmation of unalienable rights, liberty, individual responsibility, and accountability.

Anybody who tells me that they started out admiring the Tea Party and then rejected it tells me that they are a socialist, big government, statist member of the Political Class or a brainwashed leftist who despises anything that is truly American. And I have little respect for those who go to leftwing hate sites for photos and ammunition to use to dishonestly smear the truly good and decent people that make up the Tea Party movement.

Having said that, the topic is the Obama Adminiistration using the Tea Party for yet another reason to blame for their ineffectiveness and failed policies.

It is interesting that those bashing the Tea Party have refused to even look at that.
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I have never been to a Tea Party event that did not make me proud to be an Amerivcan. I have never read an honest account of a Tea Party event that did not make me proud to be an American.

The Tea Party stands for smaller, more effective, more efficient, more honest government, a return to our Constitutional roots, and a reaffirmation of unalienable rights, liberty, indibvidual responsibility, and accountability.

Anybody who tells me that they started out admiring the Tea Party and then rejected it tells me that they are a socialist, big government, statist member of the Political Class or a brainwashed leftist who despises anything that is truly American. And I have little respect for those who go to leftwing hate sites for photos and ammunition to use to dishonestly smear the truly good and decent people that make up the Tea Party movement.

Having said that, the topic is the Obama Adminiistration using the Tea Party for yet another reason to blame for their ineffectiveness and failed policies.

It is interesting that those bashing the Tea Party have refused to even look at that.

Agreed. There are always the wingnuts that show up with their own agenda, which isn't always in-line with the TP goals. They show up, speak their piece and make their points, and then they go home. No arrests, no violence, no trouble. Might be a few isolated incidents, like the spitting thing; if it was more commonplace someone could make a negative case for them, but considering how many events they've had and how many people were there and how few problems they had, there's no basis for the way they're being teated by the left. They're just expressing their pov, which is their right. I do not agree with those on the left who denigrate them for no reason other than a difference of opinion.
I have never been to a Tea Party event that did not make me proud to be an Amerivcan. I have never read an honest account of a Tea Party event that did not make me proud to be an American.

The Tea Party stands for smaller, more effective, more efficient, more honest government, a return to our Constitutional roots, and a reaffirmation of unalienable rights, liberty, indibvidual responsibility, and accountability.

Anybody who tells me that they started out admiring the Tea Party and then rejected it tells me that they are a socialist, big government, statist member of the Political Class or a brainwashed leftist who despises anything that is truly American. And I have little respect for those who go to leftwing hate sites for photos and ammunition to use to dishonestly smear the truly good and decent people that make up the Tea Party movement.

Having said that, the topic is the Obama Adminiistration using the Tea Party for yet another reason to blame for their ineffectiveness and failed policies.

It is interesting that those bashing the Tea Party have refused to even look at that.

Agreed. There are always the wingnuts that show up with their own agenda, which isn't always in-line with the TP goals. They show up, speak their piece and make their points, and then they go home. No arrests, no violence, no trouble. Might be a few isolated incidents, like the spitting thing; if it was more commonplace someone could make a negative case for them, but considering how many events they've had and how many people were there and how few problems they had, there's no basis for the way they're being teated by the left. They're just expressing their pov, which is their right. I do not agree with those on the left who denigrate them for no reason other than a difference of opinion.

Exactly. When you have hundreds or thousands of people who show up for an event, one or two is likely to not be an ideal representative of the group. However, we have found the case to more likely be a handful of anti-Tea Party plants though who show up for the TV cameras to portray the Tea Partiers as something they are not and then leave when the media moves on. But I can't say there has never been anybody who has misbehaved at a Tea Party. Shoot, when I give a party of people I love the most, it is not unusual that somebody misbehaves.

But you simply do not read news accounts where any Tea Party group has been disorderly, disruptive, or that has defaced or damaged property or that has broken any laws or that has not left their rally location as clean and neat, if not more so, than it was.

And again, the photo shopped photos from hate sites and other dishonest ways of attacking the Tea Party show me nothing other than people who really do hate America and anybody who loves it and wants to make it better.

And you notice that our anti-Tea Party friends here continue to attack the Tea Party and are studiously avoiding dealing with the OP. :)
Tell me honestly. We know your politics are serious and deeply felt, but how can you expect the American people to take your message as important when this is how you looked on television? Advertising agencies have been fired for less than this. What was your leadership thinking of? OWS sees and learns.


I think the thing that pretty much pulled me away from you was this little bit of comedy from the left, that turned the Tea Party into a national punch line. An entire political movement stalled because of poor control of the image of the movement. Again, OWS is listening, and you guys still have not turned it around. I don't know if you are even trying.

It is sad. I mean I really feel sorry for you. Scuttled by your own public relations. Now, going into an election what do we see? We see the president offering one legislative solution after another for the economy being turned down by Republicans/Tea Party who offer nothing of their own. Who do you think America blames for the do-nothing Congress with its 9% approval rating? Name calling is not going to get you out of this one. Everyone understands the facts.

OK, I have been a liberal. I have been an independent. I have considered conservatism. I don't see anything out there I really like. The Tea Party chased me away, I did not walk out on you. OWS, I don't know, but many Americans are at the point of "give us anything but what we have." Simply stated "America does not work and it is the fault of Wall Street and Washington. Nationalize the banks? Scary, very scary. But, if it will make the country work again, go for it. Call it Communism, Capitalism, Socialism or Hedonism, if there is a regular pay check in it America is going to take it.

Do you really think you're fooling anyone here??? Seriously? :lol:

The 'I have been a liberal' might be the only true statement out of your mouth, other than it's obvious that you still are a liberal, I'll just leave it at that. :lol:
Rave on Catalist. You've bought into every leftwing talkiing point and propaganda gimmick out there. As an active Tea Partier myself, I KNOW what the movement is all about, how it operates, how it thinks, and I know how much it terrifies you guys on the Left because it has been effective and continues to promote power from the people instead of giving power to the government, the media, and the left wing socialists. Now that you've moved to our neck of the woods, perhaps you'll attend some of our Tea Party gatherings and rallies and will learn how badly you have been deceived.

I'd bet good money he's never been 'deceived' Fox, he is one of the deceivers... but, it's nice of you to give benefit of the doubt. ;)
Listen, jackazz Pub Dupe dittohead MORON. They had a supermajority for less than 6 months, half of that they were out of session. The Pubs had 130 filibusters in those 2 years. Biden could well be right. The braindead "no compromise, Un-American" Tea Party did nothing but sap confidence, block normal GOP jobs bills, and believe a lot of crap. Loudmouth BAD CITIZENS like YOU.

130 Filibusters? Are you retarded? The democrats could have passed anything in that time and there was no chance of a filibuster happening, the democrats had super majorities in both houses and a man in the white house. There is no excuse, they pushed through their agenda and that was all they cared about, economy be damned.
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According to Joe Biden, the economy would be fixed if it just hadn't been for that nasty old Tea Party. (Presumably we would also have a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, the millionaires would have been humbled, corporate welfare would be ended, and everybody would be healthy, wealthy, and wise too??????)

Vice President Joe Biden admitted to a group of supporters in New Hampshire this afternoon that the President would have been able help the economy "much, more" if the Tea Party hadn't taken the House.

Biden showed the audience the Obama campaigns chart of job growth during the President's first term in office and accused the Tea Party for stalling the recovery, because of the debt limit fight.
Biden: Tea Party stopped us from growing economy | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Of course we dont want to mention the two years that President Obama had a super majority in the Senate, a healthy majority in the House for his first two years while he ran up trillion dollar plus deficits and passed a healthcare bill that now a large majority of Americans want repealed and the Supreme Court will probably declare unconstitutional. And he didn't do a damn thing to fix the economy.


Our job growth does drop a few months after the TPers get into the House.

Of course it did, the economy was still being driven by democrat policies at that point.
Obama has offered 4.1 TRILLION in cuts and Boehner and Pubs ran for the hills. He also wants to tax (ONLY) the bloated rich. You are totally duped.

Screwing with the Debt Limit only caused a a four month stall in the recovery and a rating cut. BAD GOVERNMENT by brainwashed a-holes.

If Obama wants to be taken seriously, those cuts need to come from social programs, not defense spending.
Listen, jackazz Pub Dupe dittohead MORON. They had a supermajority for less than 6 months, half of that they were out of session. The Pubs had 130 filibusters in those 2 years. Biden could well be right. The braindead "no compromise, Un-American" Tea Party did nothing but sap confidence, block normal GOP jobs bills, and believe a lot of crap. Loudmouth BAD CITIZENS like YOU.

lol, of course it's EVERYBODY elses fault BUT THEIR OWN..
nothing else has worked for them so far so it's time to drag out the Tea Party made us do it...:lol:

Everything the Dems were able to do has worked perfectly thanks, while everything the GOP has done has been a disaster for years. Thanks for 9/11, the stupidest wars ever, the Depression, and 90% of the debt. Now fuq off, stupid. LOL!

Can you give examples of what the democrats have done that has worked perfectly?
I was very enthused when I first heard about the Tea Party, but feel it has gotten lost in all the rhetoric about race. Now, as a white, I think we have been taking a lot of crap from the third world that is unjustified. But, how do you have an organization that represents the interest of white America without being labeled racist?

Look for example at illegal immigration. 82% of illegals come from south of our border, and happen to be brown skinned. But as soon as you attack illegal aliens as an economic drain you are branded a "racist." We are talking about an economic issue for God sake, not a racial one. They love to paint anything that would hurt illegals with a human rights brush, and that quite simply is bull. Yet if someone stands up and says "Asia for Asians," that is OK.

We whites need a good advertising agency to tell our story and avoid the pitfalls of racism. And this #OWS movement? We damn well better be out there recruiting too. Traditional America has a story to tell, and needs to be represented. This is not a partisan political situation, it is an American one.

If you have left the Tea Party because of racial matters, you have bought into the exact rhetoric with the exact effect the Obama supporters wanted you to believe. They hope to sucker as many people into that concept as they can. With a surrogate media on their side, it is easy for those who don't do their homework to get sucked in.

The Tea Party is not and has never been concerned with race in any form or fashion, or any other social issue for that matter. The Tea Party has three goals and three goals only: To rein in a runaway government and restore fiscal integrity; to restore Constitutional integrity and principles including respect for unalienable rights and individual liberty; and to begin rolling back the national debt.

Really? Here is a photo of Dale Robertson, Tea Party activist and founder of Tea Here's the Latest Crazy Teabagger Photo Scandal | Indecision Blog | Political Humor | Comedy Central's Indecision A picture is worth a thousand words!


If you have left the Tea Party because of racial matters, you have bought into the exact rhetoric with the exact effect the Obama supporters wanted you to believe. They hope to sucker as many people into that concept as they can. With a surrogate media on their side, it is easy for those who don't do their homework to get sucked in.

The Tea Party is not and has never been concerned with race in any form or fashion, or any other social issue for that matter. The Tea Party has three goals and three goals only: To rein in a runaway government and restore fiscal integrity; to restore Constitutional integrity and principles including respect for unalienable rights and individual liberty; and to begin rolling back the national debt.

Really? Here is a photo of Dale Robertson, Tea Party activist and founder of Tea Here's the Latest Crazy Teabagger Photo Scandal | Indecision Blog | Political Humor | Comedy Central's Indecision A picture is worth a thousand words!



Yep. That photoshopped photo was debunked three years ago. But our friends here still drag it off leftwing hate sites and trot it out as the real deal. Dishonesty is sometimes so much more tempting for anti-American types than dealing with the truth.
That photo has been debunked many times over......


Yet, when questioned here, you didn't debunk it did you? No links to support a word you say? Forty eight web sites are displaying this photo, yet you did not attack any of them.
niggar - Google Search What? You think we should just take your word for it?


Then there is this.


And, then you brought the kids into it.​

So, typical. You think if you repeat a lie enough, people will believe it. There is nothing to debunk about this photo, or the others I have provided. Look, I am not against the concept of more efficient government, but the Tea Party has done a sloppy job of promoting itself. We can't let clowns who make these simple mistakes run the country.

Whether you are or are not racist is not the point. People think you are because you did not nip the problem in the bud. And this whole "Teabagger" sex controversy? So, simple to have checked a dictionary before you plastered it all over the country. Then you guys made it worse by making it an issue. And, the Tea Party hats with tea bags makes a complete joke of your political message.

You would rather argue with me about marketing than than deal with your poor perception. Your actions in Congress have labeled you with one word. "Obstructionist," It is your arrogant attitude on top of your mistakes that discredit you. You might have gotten someone like me on your team, but you are so petty I just could not go to a cocktail party and say I was Tea Party, I would be embarrassed. Now, America is going to have to deal with OWS through the Democratic Party because there will be no GOP.

I was not your enemy, just a guy with some questions about a group of people that is way too defensive. You look like you have something to hide. Truly, what a pity. You had a real opportunity until you forgot that the word "compromise" is a very American word placed in our founding documents intentionally by the nation's fathers you claim to admire.
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If you have left the Tea Party because of racial matters, you have bought into the exact rhetoric with the exact effect the Obama supporters wanted you to believe. They hope to sucker as many people into that concept as they can. With a surrogate media on their side, it is easy for those who don't do their homework to get sucked in.

The Tea Party is not and has never been concerned with race in any form or fashion, or any other social issue for that matter. The Tea Party has three goals and three goals only: To rein in a runaway government and restore fiscal integrity; to restore Constitutional integrity and principles including respect for unalienable rights and individual liberty; and to begin rolling back the national debt.

Really? Here is a photo of Dale Robertson, Tea Party activist and founder of Tea Here's the Latest Crazy Teabagger Photo Scandal | Indecision Blog | Political Humor | Comedy Central's Indecision A picture is worth a thousand words!



Prove it with links, your comment is not enough, and what about these other racist photos above?
That photo has been debunked many times over......

Yet, when questioned here, you didn't debunk it did you? No links to support a word you say? Forty eight web sites are displaying this photo, yet you did not attack any of them.
niggar - Google Search What? You think we should just take your word for it?


Then there is this.


And, then you brought the kids into it.​

So, typical. You think if you repeat a lie enough, people will believe it. There is nothing to debunk about this photo, or the others I have provided. Look, I am not against the concept of more efficient government, but the Tea Party has done a sloppy job of promoting itself...........

Sorry if the Tea Party protests didn't look professional enough for you.

Maybe we could pay people to rehearse more before they hold rallies next time.

How bout calling in Steven Fucken Spielberg.
According to Joe Biden, the economy would be fixed if it just hadn't been for that nasty old Tea Party. (Presumably we would also have a chicken in every pot, a car in every garage, the millionaires would have been humbled, corporate welfare would be ended, and everybody would be healthy, wealthy, and wise too??????)

Vice President Joe Biden admitted to a group of supporters in New Hampshire this afternoon that the President would have been able help the economy "much, more" if the Tea Party hadn't taken the House.

Biden showed the audience the Obama campaigns chart of job growth during the President's first term in office and accused the Tea Party for stalling the recovery, because of the debt limit fight.
Biden: Tea Party stopped us from growing economy | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner

Of course we dont want to mention the two years that President Obama had a super majority in the Senate, a healthy majority in the House for his first two years while he ran up trillion dollar plus deficits and passed a healthcare bill that now a large majority of Americans want repealed and the Supreme Court will probably declare unconstitutional. And he didn't do a damn thing to fix the economy.

WOW look at all the TEA partiers.

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