Now the Left is trying to force that Baker to make a transgender cake.

Read the law again. A lawyer can pick and choose his clients but not on a discriminatory basis. And under the 6th amendment require lawyers to take clients they would normally refuse.
of course it's on a discriminatory bases. A lawyer can simply be a racist if they want to, or sexist. Lawyers aren't public accomodations

The 6th Amendment makes no such requirement. A lawyer can refuse whoever they want.
You can't force the artist to do any work at all to begin with. That's the point. If the artist doesn't want to paint you a picture, he doesn't have to
You can't force a person to drive. But if he chooses to, there are thousands of rules he has to follow.


If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.
You're misperceiving. I am not disagreeing with you. I am just intellectually curious as to what the religious claim would be. I may have mistakenly assumed thats what he used. Im rereading the article and may have misunderstood.

The guy's got placards with Bible verses displayed in his shop. It's pretty clear he's a Christian who does not believe that gays should be allowed to marry or that someone can change genders. Forcing him to accept gays and transgenders as clients violates his first amendment rights...
of course it's on a discriminatory bases. A lawyer can simply be a racist if they want to, or sexist. Lawyers aren't public accomodations

The 6th Amendment makes no such requirement. A lawyer can refuse whoever they want.
A lawyer is the first to know he can be sued for discrimination for refusing a client based on a protected status.

And a lawyer selected under the 6th amendment can't refuse, except for a substantial legal basis.

Freedom to do whatever the state tells you is allowed.

Statists really know how to party.
If you get sea-sick, don't become a ships captain.
If you get air-sick, don't become a pilot.
If for whatever reason you can't do, what your profession requires, find another profession.
If you get sea-sick, don't become a ships captain.
If you get air-sick, don't become a pilot.
If for whatever reason you can't do, what your profession requires, find another profession.
It's a fascinating mindest. Basically, you're saying we have the "freedom" to obey, or get fucked for not. Lovely.

If big daddy government says jump, you say "How high?" - or you're "free" go jump in a lake.
The guy's got placards with Bible verses displayed in his shop. It's pretty clear he's a Christian who does not believe that gays should be allowed to marry or that someone can change genders. Forcing him to accept gays and transgenders as clients violates his first amendment rights...
There are bible verses on the Supreme Court building.
It's a fascinating mindest. Basically, you're saying we have the "freedom" to obey, or get fucked for not. Lovely.
You don't have the freedom to pick which side of the road you want to drive on.
But you have the freedom to chose whether or not to drive.
If you get sea-sick, don't become a ships captain.
If you get air-sick, don't become a pilot.
If for whatever reason you can't do, what your profession requires, find another profession.
Have you ever considered liberalism as a viable alternative to your current political positions?

Is it any wonder we're headed for totalitarian government? It's just a question of which party pushes us over the edge.
You confuse communist soviet union, which the state would pick a persons career, and force them to work at that job.

Here we are free to choose whatever job or career we want. But knowing that we have to follow the requirements of that job or career,

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