Now That Whites Are The Most Oppressed -- What Do We Do?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

Subsequent to the election of Obama, whites quickly realized that they are currently experiencing a level of institutional racial oppression that has never been seen in this country. If we want to end the oppression of white people, we must attack it in every sector in which it exists.

Economic oppression of whites is one of the main factors that ushered Trump to the white house -- Currently, a white household headed by someone with at least a bachelor’s degree is 11 times wealthier than a black household headed by a college graduate, according to Pew Research. Only 11 times wealthier? Before Obama came into office, I am sure that number was much higher -- there needs to be more action taken to end white economic oppression of whites and get those numbers back to where they belong.

Educational oppression of whites first began with school desegregation because of the influx students brought down the quality of education provided by that school -- in fact, the higher number of black students in a school, the lower the funding that school receives; thus oppressing the white students at that school. While the college enrollment rates for both blacks and whites increased from 2000 to 2016, the moment a white student graduates, he owes less money and earns a higher income than his black counterparts -- This is oppression because if enrollment rates for blacks rose over the past few years, most of those black students got in due to affirmative action, thus blocking a white student from getting into college -- which is oppression.

These are just 2 examples, they are plenty, plenty more -- It's time we face the gravity of the situation and ask ourselves, what can we do to stop it? At one time, it can be argued that blacks were possibly unfairly inconvenienced in this country -- since then we have afforded them "black privilege" -- and that privilege has gotten out of hand. Obviously ending affirmative action in both education and in the workplace is one solution, but do you have any other policies we can put in place to help end the institutional oppression of whites?

I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense, once hate is gone, they will be forced to deal with pain -- James Baldwin
Yo, Declare The Socialist Democrat Party And It`s Protesters Terrorist, That Will Solve Everything! Maybe Russia Will Accept Them, Or China?


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