Now That The Impeachment Is Over, Why Shouldn't He?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
After Trump’s Acquittal, No President Will Ever Be Removed From Office

Now that Trump has been acquitted (which we already knew from the beginning) -- I wonder why was there such an effort to deny witnesses and block evidence from being released in the first place?? If it was blatantly clear he would never be convicted -- why the panic over evidence coming out if you already know it will end with acquittal?? Fear of embarrassment? Really? Part of the appeal with Trump is the embarrassment -- especially if it triggers the libs.....

"On Friday afternoon, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski announced that she would vote against witnesses in Donald Trump’s Senate trial, all but ensuring that the president will be promptly acquitted Friday night. The impeachment saga has revealed many unseemly facts about American politics , but perhaps the most important is this: Future presidents may be impeached, but none will ever be removed from office. As the New York Times’ Jamelle Bouie has written, the anti-federalists, opponents of the Constitution, correctly predicted that the Senate would never remove a president, in part because too many senators would have an interest in his political survival."

So since the impeachment saga is over and since thanks to Allen Derp -- the new legal standard is that a president can do whatever he wants if he or she feels its in the public interest -- why shouldn't Trump do just that?? Who is going to stop him? -- If I was an insecure narcissist with delusions of grandeur like Trump -- I would pull off more shakedown schemes if I thought it would help me fact, anything is justified as long as it helps you win...I would definitely use the leverage of my office to force not just Ukraine, but Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar anyone we have some influence over -- I will have them all ANNOUNCE investigations into Biden, Bernie, Warren, anyone I feel maybe a potential political opponent of mine...…

If these countries actually do an investigation or not is unnecessary, if the people I accuse of crimes are actually innocent doesn't matter -- what matters is that I can get foreign governments to ANNOUNCE they are investigating my opponents -- that alone is enough -- the casual voter will believe that that candidate have to had done something or else why would they announce an investigation -- and the best part is -- my opponent isn't the president of the United States -- so they won't have the power to cheat in an election like I would -- hell maybe I can even force states to all use my daughter's voting machines for the 2020 election --- who cares if it looks shady, as long as I feel its in the best interest, I can do what I want.....

Ivanka Trump granted trademark for 'voting machines' in China

Future elections just got more fun....
Last edited:
After Trump’s Acquittal, No President Will Ever Be Removed From Office

Now that Trump has been acquitted (which we already knew from the beginning) -- I wonder why was there such an effort to deny witnesses and block evidence from being released in the first place?? If it was blatantly clear he would never be convicted -- why the panic over evidence coming out if you already know it will end with acquittal?? Fear of embarrassment? Really? Part of the appeal with Trump is the embarrassment -- especially if it triggers the libs.....

"On Friday afternoon, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski announced that she would vote against witnesses in Donald Trump’s Senate trial, all but ensuring that the president will be promptly acquitted Friday night. The impeachment saga has revealed many unseemly facts about American politics , but perhaps the most important is this: Future presidents may be impeached, but none will ever be removed from office. As the New York Times’ Jamelle Bouie has written, the anti-federalists, opponents of the Constitution, correctly predicted that the Senate would never remove a president, in part because too many senators would have an interest in his political survival."

So since the impeachment saga is over and since thanks to Allen Derp -- the new legal standard is that a president can do whatever he wants if he or she feels its in the public interest -- why shouldn't Trump do just that?? Who is going to stop him? -- If I was an insecure narcissist with delusions of grandeur like Trump -- I would pull off more shakedown schemes if I thought it would help me fact, anything is justified as long as it helps you win...I would definitely use the leverage of my office to force not just Ukraine, but Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar anyone we have some influence over -- I will have them all announce investigations into Biden, Bernie, Warren, anyone I feel maybe a potential political opponent of mine...…

If these countries actually do an investigation or not is unnecessary, if the people I accuse of crimes are actually innocent doesn't matter -- what matters is that I can get foreign governments to announce they are investigating my opponents is enough -- the casual voter will believe that that candidate have to had done something or else why would they announce an investigation -- and the best part is -- my opponent isn't the president of the United States -- so they won't have the power to cheat in an election like I would -- hell maybe I can even force states to all use my daughter's voting machines for the 2020 election --- who cares if it looks shady, as long as I feel its in the best interest, I can do what I want.....

Ivanka Trump granted trademark for 'voting machines' in China

Future elections just got more fun....

I imagine the main reason is the joy we get from watching those that suffer from the epidemic known as TDS lose their collective minds,,,

so thank you for the entertainment,,,
The standard would be if congress doesn't like the President they can lie and try to remove him just because they are in the majority party. The house is a huge threat to the republic right now.
No president has ever been removed from office, I doubt Nixon would have been, had he rode it out.

because of the 2/3s rule.

The minority party usually has enough votes to prevent removal.
After Trump’s Acquittal, No President Will Ever Be Removed From Office

Now that Trump has been acquitted (which we already knew from the beginning) -- I wonder why was there such an effort to deny witnesses and block evidence from being released in the first place?? If it was blatantly clear he would never be convicted -- why the panic over evidence coming out if you already know it will end with acquittal?? Fear of embarrassment? Really? Part of the appeal with Trump is the embarrassment -- especially if it triggers the libs.....

"On Friday afternoon, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski announced that she would vote against witnesses in Donald Trump’s Senate trial, all but ensuring that the president will be promptly acquitted Friday night. The impeachment saga has revealed many unseemly facts about American politics , but perhaps the most important is this: Future presidents may be impeached, but none will ever be removed from office. As the New York Times’ Jamelle Bouie has written, the anti-federalists, opponents of the Constitution, correctly predicted that the Senate would never remove a president, in part because too many senators would have an interest in his political survival."

So since the impeachment saga is over and since thanks to Allen Derp -- the new legal standard is that a president can do whatever he wants if he or she feels its in the public interest -- why shouldn't Trump do just that?? Who is going to stop him? -- If I was an insecure narcissist with delusions of grandeur like Trump -- I would pull off more shakedown schemes if I thought it would help me fact, anything is justified as long as it helps you win...I would definitely use the leverage of my office to force not just Ukraine, but Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar anyone we have some influence over -- I will have them all ANNOUNCE investigations into Biden, Bernie, Warren, anyone I feel maybe a potential political opponent of mine...…

If these countries actually do an investigation or not is unnecessary, if the people I accuse of crimes are actually innocent doesn't matter -- what matters is that I can get foreign governments to ANNOUNCE they are investigating my opponents -- that alone is enough -- the casual voter will believe that that candidate have to had done something or else why would they announce an investigation -- and the best part is -- my opponent isn't the president of the United States -- so they won't have the power to cheat in an election like I would -- hell maybe I can even force states to all use my daughter's voting machines for the 2020 election --- who cares if it looks shady, as long as I feel its in the best interest, I can do what I want.....

Ivanka Trump granted trademark for 'voting machines' in China

Future elections just got more fun....

Because it's a fucking waste of time and money and the Dems violated the principles and processes at every turn. What they did was illigitimate and the Senate needs to kill it quickly and brutally so that these assholes never try to pull that shit again.
After Trump’s Acquittal, No President Will Ever Be Removed From Office

Now that Trump has been acquitted (which we already knew from the beginning) -- I wonder why was there such an effort to deny witnesses and block evidence from being released in the first place?? If it was blatantly clear he would never be convicted -- why the panic over evidence coming out if you already know it will end with acquittal?? Fear of embarrassment? Really? Part of the appeal with Trump is the embarrassment -- especially if it triggers the libs.....

"On Friday afternoon, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski announced that she would vote against witnesses in Donald Trump’s Senate trial, all but ensuring that the president will be promptly acquitted Friday night. The impeachment saga has revealed many unseemly facts about American politics , but perhaps the most important is this: Future presidents may be impeached, but none will ever be removed from office. As the New York Times’ Jamelle Bouie has written, the anti-federalists, opponents of the Constitution, correctly predicted that the Senate would never remove a president, in part because too many senators would have an interest in his political survival."

So since the impeachment saga is over and since thanks to Allen Derp -- the new legal standard is that a president can do whatever he wants if he or she feels its in the public interest -- why shouldn't Trump do just that?? Who is going to stop him? -- If I was an insecure narcissist with delusions of grandeur like Trump -- I would pull off more shakedown schemes if I thought it would help me fact, anything is justified as long as it helps you win...I would definitely use the leverage of my office to force not just Ukraine, but Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar anyone we have some influence over -- I will have them all ANNOUNCE investigations into Biden, Bernie, Warren, anyone I feel maybe a potential political opponent of mine...…

If these countries actually do an investigation or not is unnecessary, if the people I accuse of crimes are actually innocent doesn't matter -- what matters is that I can get foreign governments to ANNOUNCE they are investigating my opponents -- that alone is enough -- the casual voter will believe that that candidate have to had done something or else why would they announce an investigation -- and the best part is -- my opponent isn't the president of the United States -- so they won't have the power to cheat in an election like I would -- hell maybe I can even force states to all use my daughter's voting machines for the 2020 election --- who cares if it looks shady, as long as I feel its in the best interest, I can do what I want.....

Ivanka Trump granted trademark for 'voting machines' in China

Future elections just got more fun....
Because the senate impeachment trial could have gone on for months tying up the senate and giving pencil neck more air time to tell fictional stories about how Trump abuses his power as president.
After Trump’s Acquittal, No President Will Ever Be Removed From Office

Now that Trump has been acquitted (which we already knew from the beginning) -- I wonder why was there such an effort to deny witnesses and block evidence from being released in the first place?? If it was blatantly clear he would never be convicted -- why the panic over evidence coming out if you already know it will end with acquittal?? Fear of embarrassment? Really? Part of the appeal with Trump is the embarrassment -- especially if it triggers the libs.....

"On Friday afternoon, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski announced that she would vote against witnesses in Donald Trump’s Senate trial, all but ensuring that the president will be promptly acquitted Friday night. The impeachment saga has revealed many unseemly facts about American politics , but perhaps the most important is this: Future presidents may be impeached, but none will ever be removed from office. As the New York Times’ Jamelle Bouie has written, the anti-federalists, opponents of the Constitution, correctly predicted that the Senate would never remove a president, in part because too many senators would have an interest in his political survival."

So since the impeachment saga is over and since thanks to Allen Derp -- the new legal standard is that a president can do whatever he wants if he or she feels its in the public interest -- why shouldn't Trump do just that?? Who is going to stop him? -- If I was an insecure narcissist with delusions of grandeur like Trump -- I would pull off more shakedown schemes if I thought it would help me fact, anything is justified as long as it helps you win...I would definitely use the leverage of my office to force not just Ukraine, but Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar anyone we have some influence over -- I will have them all ANNOUNCE investigations into Biden, Bernie, Warren, anyone I feel maybe a potential political opponent of mine...…

If these countries actually do an investigation or not is unnecessary, if the people I accuse of crimes are actually innocent doesn't matter -- what matters is that I can get foreign governments to ANNOUNCE they are investigating my opponents -- that alone is enough -- the casual voter will believe that that candidate have to had done something or else why would they announce an investigation -- and the best part is -- my opponent isn't the president of the United States -- so they won't have the power to cheat in an election like I would -- hell maybe I can even force states to all use my daughter's voting machines for the 2020 election --- who cares if it looks shady, as long as I feel its in the best interest, I can do what I want.....

Ivanka Trump granted trademark for 'voting machines' in China

Future elections just got more fun....

Because it's a fucking waste of time and money and the Dems violated the principles and processes at every turn. What they did was illigitimate and the Senate needs to kill it quickly and brutally so that these assholes never try to pull that shit again.
And then with the final effort at showing how massively lost the democrats are, the pos known as Liz Warren insults Justice Roberts. It's done, and the democrats are fucked. Thank God.
After Trump’s Acquittal, No President Will Ever Be Removed From Office

Now that Trump has been acquitted (which we already knew from the beginning) -- I wonder why was there such an effort to deny witnesses and block evidence from being released in the first place?? If it was blatantly clear he would never be convicted -- why the panic over evidence coming out if you already know it will end with acquittal?? Fear of embarrassment? Really? Part of the appeal with Trump is the embarrassment -- especially if it triggers the libs.....

"On Friday afternoon, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski announced that she would vote against witnesses in Donald Trump’s Senate trial, all but ensuring that the president will be promptly acquitted Friday night. The impeachment saga has revealed many unseemly facts about American politics , but perhaps the most important is this: Future presidents may be impeached, but none will ever be removed from office. As the New York Times’ Jamelle Bouie has written, the anti-federalists, opponents of the Constitution, correctly predicted that the Senate would never remove a president, in part because too many senators would have an interest in his political survival."

So since the impeachment saga is over and since thanks to Allen Derp -- the new legal standard is that a president can do whatever he wants if he or she feels its in the public interest -- why shouldn't Trump do just that?? Who is going to stop him? -- If I was an insecure narcissist with delusions of grandeur like Trump -- I would pull off more shakedown schemes if I thought it would help me fact, anything is justified as long as it helps you win...I would definitely use the leverage of my office to force not just Ukraine, but Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar anyone we have some influence over -- I will have them all ANNOUNCE investigations into Biden, Bernie, Warren, anyone I feel maybe a potential political opponent of mine...…

If these countries actually do an investigation or not is unnecessary, if the people I accuse of crimes are actually innocent doesn't matter -- what matters is that I can get foreign governments to ANNOUNCE they are investigating my opponents -- that alone is enough -- the casual voter will believe that that candidate have to had done something or else why would they announce an investigation -- and the best part is -- my opponent isn't the president of the United States -- so they won't have the power to cheat in an election like I would -- hell maybe I can even force states to all use my daughter's voting machines for the 2020 election --- who cares if it looks shady, as long as I feel its in the best interest, I can do what I want.....

Ivanka Trump granted trademark for 'voting machines' in China

Future elections just got more fun....
Now that you've had your whine.
1. There are strict rules that must be followed in Impeachment hearings. The Socialist party (I no longer refer to them as Democrats) didn't follow the rules.
2. The Socialists held a secret Socialist party meeting with the so-called witnesses during the Hearing in the basement of the Capitol, refusing the Republicans access. That's not allowed. All parties in the Hearing must be allowed to attend the meetings.
3. The so-called witnesses, were all only providing "their opinion" of what occurred. No individual directly involved was ever a witness.
4. The Republicans weren't allowed to call their own witnesses.
5. The Republicans were only allowed half the time to question the Socialists so-called witnesses that the Socialists were allowed.
Now, you take those I've numbered and reverse the party affiliation and see how fair you think that was.
Make no mistake: if Trump had committed a crime there would be little partisanship in the impeachment process. He would be gone by now. Republicans have no fear of a Pence Presidency.

Delaying a payment by a couple of weeks REGARDLESS OF THE REASON is essentially nothing.

But from here on out, I think Madam Pelosi will want to pick her fights, and not try this again unless there is a serious matter, worthy of removal.
After Trump’s Acquittal, No President Will Ever Be Removed From Office

Now that Trump has been acquitted (which we already knew from the beginning) -- I wonder why was there such an effort to deny witnesses and block evidence from being released in the first place?? If it was blatantly clear he would never be convicted -- why the panic over evidence coming out if you already know it will end with acquittal?? Fear of embarrassment? Really? Part of the appeal with Trump is the embarrassment -- especially if it triggers the libs.....

"On Friday afternoon, Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski announced that she would vote against witnesses in Donald Trump’s Senate trial, all but ensuring that the president will be promptly acquitted Friday night. The impeachment saga has revealed many unseemly facts about American politics , but perhaps the most important is this: Future presidents may be impeached, but none will ever be removed from office. As the New York Times’ Jamelle Bouie has written, the anti-federalists, opponents of the Constitution, correctly predicted that the Senate would never remove a president, in part because too many senators would have an interest in his political survival."

So since the impeachment saga is over and since thanks to Allen Derp -- the new legal standard is that a president can do whatever he wants if he or she feels its in the public interest -- why shouldn't Trump do just that?? Who is going to stop him? -- If I was an insecure narcissist with delusions of grandeur like Trump -- I would pull off more shakedown schemes if I thought it would help me fact, anything is justified as long as it helps you win...I would definitely use the leverage of my office to force not just Ukraine, but Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar anyone we have some influence over -- I will have them all ANNOUNCE investigations into Biden, Bernie, Warren, anyone I feel maybe a potential political opponent of mine...…

If these countries actually do an investigation or not is unnecessary, if the people I accuse of crimes are actually innocent doesn't matter -- what matters is that I can get foreign governments to ANNOUNCE they are investigating my opponents -- that alone is enough -- the casual voter will believe that that candidate have to had done something or else why would they announce an investigation -- and the best part is -- my opponent isn't the president of the United States -- so they won't have the power to cheat in an election like I would -- hell maybe I can even force states to all use my daughter's voting machines for the 2020 election --- who cares if it looks shady, as long as I feel its in the best interest, I can do what I want.....

Ivanka Trump granted trademark for 'voting machines' in China

Future elections just got more fun....

I wonder why was there such an effort to deny witnesses and block evidence from being released in the first place??

I agree, Schiff should have called witnesses and obtained more evidence. What an idiot.
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Make no mistake: if Trump had committed a crime there would be little partisanship in the impeachment process. He would be gone by now. Republicans have no fear of a Pence Presidency.

Delaying a payment by a couple of weeks REGARDLESS OF THE REASON is essentially nothing.

But from here on out, I think Madam Pelosi will want to pick her fights, and not try this again unless there is a serious matter, worthy of removal.
That fool Maxine Waters, declared that once Trump was forced out, they had to Impeach Pence. We really need to end that so-called Democratic political party (more accurately the Socialist party).
Removal from office for a president ought be something really bad, something so egregious that his own party will vote against him and the court of public opinion is also heavily against him too. It would have to be so bad that even the members in his own party would turn on him to appease the public outcry.

This case didn't rise anywhere near that level, hence he won't be removed. Let's face it, the House did a very poor job; their case wasn't anywhere near strong enough to impeach a president and the process they used was antithetical to what justice stands for in this country.

And I doubt any new standard was set here for removal, hopefully a higher one was set for the House though.
No president has ever been removed from office, I doubt Nixon would have been, had he rode it out.

because of the 2/3s rule.

The minority party usually has enough votes to prevent removal.

Clearly you weren't watching in 1974. Nixon was toast, and he knew it, that's why he resigned.

:"Minority party" or "majority party" has no bearing on it. Nixon's party rallied around him until the evidence (tapes) made it clear they couldn't do it any more.
Make no mistake: if Trump had committed a crime there would be little partisanship in the impeachment process. He would be gone by now. Republicans have no fear of a Pence Presidency.

Delaying a payment by a couple of weeks REGARDLESS OF THE REASON is essentially nothing.

It's essentially at the very least circumventing the Constitution by running an end-around play to stop an act the Congress already approved. The Executive Branch simply doesn't have that authority.
No president has ever been removed from office, I doubt Nixon would have been, had he rode it out.

because of the 2/3s rule.

The minority party usually has enough votes to prevent removal.

Clearly you weren't watching in 1974. Nixon was toast, and he knew it, that's why he resigned.

:"Minority party" or "majority party" has no bearing on it. Nixon's party rallied around him until the evidence (tapes) made it clear they couldn't do it any more.

Clearly you weren't watching in 1974.

In 1974, I was in Rota Spain, and we got very little coverage of what was going on in DC
did nadler ever produce that "overwhelming" evidence he had?....

No his pants ate him before he could present it.

No president has ever been removed from office, I doubt Nixon would have been, had he rode it out.

because of the 2/3s rule.

The minority party usually has enough votes to prevent removal.

Clearly you weren't watching in 1974. Nixon was toast, and he knew it, that's why he resigned.

:"Minority party" or "majority party" has no bearing on it. Nixon's party rallied around him until the evidence (tapes) made it clear they couldn't do it any more.

Clearly you weren't watching in 1974.

In 1974, I was in Rota Spain, and we got very little coverage of what was going on in DC

>> Republicans in the Senate had nominated an elder statesman to deliver to Nixon the news that he could no longer avoid impeachment in the House and conviction in the Senate. Sen. Barry Goldwater (R) of Arizona had himself been a losing presidential candidate. He was a curmudgeon, sometimes excitable. But he had great stature in the party and would tell Nixon what he thought – that he himself would now vote for conviction. The White House agreed to a meeting late Wednesday afternoon.

... Goldwater, along with House Republican Leader John Jacob Rhodes and Senate Republican Leader Hugh Scott, entered the Oval Office around 5 p.m. The Arizona senator sat directly in front of Nixon’s desk, the others to the side. Goldwater told Nixon he had perhaps 16 to 18 Senate supporters left – too few to avoid ouster. Congressman Rhodes said House support was just as soft. << -- Nixon Resignation -- the Day Before: A Moment of Truth

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