Now in Be'er Sheva, scattering water bowls for animals

Why would I celebrate it?? :confused:

Israelis. Jews.

Sunni man.

That is kinda says it all...
As I have said here a thousand times.

I have nothing against the Jewish people or the beautiful religion of Judaism.

I'm only opposed to the terrorist state of Israel and the murdering zionists who rule it. :cool:

I have nothing against the muslim people--------I am only opposed to the vile disgusting filth of SHARIAH and any person or any country that does not blot out the VILE OBSCENITY COMPLETELY The vile and disgusting filth of Shariah and its underlying "ideology" has been responsible for the murder of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS (including far more jews than the nazis murdered) and hundreds of millions of rapes and enslavements and inhuman oppression of hundreds of millions-----the FILTH IS ONGOING----its epicenter is the cesspool ARABIA a once sparkling land of diversity and culture and now a cesspool that leads to sewers across the globe.
Aw c'mon now. I'm no supporter of a people who prefer death over life, but I don't call the Palestinians "assholes."

That's nice.

Circumstances? reasons? IDF spokesman response?


You just said something without saying anything at all. might just well ignore it.

Where's the evidence?

Israel regularly destroys Palestinian water sources because they are assholes.

[ame=]Israeli army demolishes water cisterns in Khashem Ad-Daraj, South Hebron Hills - YouTube[/ame]
I have nothing against the muslim people--------I am only opposed to the vile disgusting filth of SHARIAH and any person or any country that does not blot out the VILE OBSCENITY COMPLETELY The vile and disgusting filth of Shariah and its underlying "ideology" has been responsible for the murder of HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS (including far more jews than the nazis murdered) and hundreds of millions of rapes and enslavements and inhuman oppression of hundreds of millions-----the FILTH IS ONGOING----its epicenter is the cesspool ARABIA a once sparkling land of diversity and culture and now a cesspool that leads to sewers across the globe.
After that unsanitary rant you might need to buy a pack of these. :cool:

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Israel is using that step only when the families of those people are responsibly for killing Israelis, or when they took over the land that belonged to Jews. Israel does not bulldoze people's home out of the blue.

You didn't give any explanation or response of the IDF of the case. You speculate. So let me speculate that that was a terrorist clan that killed Israelis;


The Negev Bedouins have not killed Israelis ( as a matter of fact they are Israelis, just not Jews ) and they have lived on the land for around 7000 years ( that is 3000 years before Abraham showed up in Canaan ). Yet the IDF and the JNF regularly bulldoze their homes, gardens, animal pens, and olive groves. To top it off they also destroy the water resources of the villages. Last but not least they expect the Bedouins to pay for this destruction. That is your Israeli government policies work.

Bedouins are BY DEFINITION persons of no borders They have been so for THOUSANDS OF YEARS Interestingly enough they are intricately described in very ancient writings------THEY WANDER THRUOUT THE MIDDLE EAST --------and have always been typically illiterate and a bit crimminal Describing "bedouin land" in the middle east is something like describing "gypsy land" in england. Suggesting that the present Bedouin of the negev have been there for THOUSANDS OF YEARS -----is quite a joke Chances are that most of them found it better to be in the Negev than in the deserts of arabia or Iraq or egypt ----so they wandered there An interesting factoid-------in the talmud------the generic term for Bedouins is ISHMAELITE The word itself connotes
a landless person who tends to be dangerous and is always illiterate-----the kind of person about which travelers WORRIED I think in england such people were sometimes called HIGHWAYMEN There is nothing at all to suggest that the BEDOUIN of today are somehow descendants of the various people of CANAAN------those people had organized cities etc etc. Of course human behavior being what it is-------GENETIC ADMIXTURE IS INEVITABLE -----however CULTURALLY---they are unrelated I doubt any of them worship MOLOCH
How are you holding up on your disposable diapers?

Israel regularly destroys Palestinian water sources because they are assholes.

Israeli army demolishes water cisterns in Khashem Ad-Daraj, South Hebron Hills - YouTube

Are you like 10 years old? there are rules in this country, which Arab invaders should respect. Nothing the IDF does is out of the blue. ALL has its reasoning. make it sound so much like germany under the NAZIs.

Israel is using that step only when the families of those people are responsibly for killing Israelis, or when they took over the land that belonged to Jews. Israel does not bulldoze people's home out of the blue.

You didn't give any explanation or response of the IDF of the case. You speculate. So let me speculate that that was a terrorist clan that killed Israelis;


The Negev Bedouins have not killed Israelis ( as a matter of fact they are Israelis, just not Jews ) and they have lived on the land for around 7000 years ( that is 3000 years before Abraham showed up in Canaan ). Yet the IDF and the JNF regularly bulldoze their homes, gardens, animal pens, and olive groves. To top it off they also destroy the water resources of the villages. Last but not least they expect the Bedouins to pay for this destruction. That is your Israeli government policies work.

I was not speaking about Beduins. I was speaking of Palestinians of the WB and Gaza. This is not the same.

And Bedouins don't have green gardens and olive groves. I think you're confusing two different Arab ethnic groups.
Ok. I'll ask this.

1. Which government the state will have?

2. how will the politics work? will it be a democracy? theocracy?
It would be a power shared democratic government between Jews, Christians, and Muslims.

Each having numbers of representitives based on demographics. :cool:

And Muslims will let other ethnic groups co-exit with them? and Sheiks will authorize a none-Islamic movement or anti-religious movement be? And Christians will block out Missionary movements who harrass others?

There are many things to take to mind. I hardly think that's gonna work.
So you support a Jewish-Arab one state solution?

That is what the Palestinian Muslim, Christians, and Jews called for a hundred years ago but the foreign invaders had a different plan.

Just think of all the death and destruction we could have avoided.

Then why oppose the immigration waves of Jews who escaped Europe during the carnage?

Actually, the vast majority of Jews who "immigrated" to Palestine were imported by the Zionists as part of their plan to take over the country.
That is what the Palestinian Muslim, Christians, and Jews called for a hundred years ago but the foreign invaders had a different plan.

Just think of all the death and destruction we could have avoided.

Then why oppose the immigration waves of Jews who escaped Europe during the carnage?

Actually, the vast majority of Jews who "immigrated" to Palestine were imported by the Zionists as part of their plan to take over the country.

I was speaking about immigration of Jewish refugees from Europe. Stick to the point please.
So you support a Jewish-Arab one state solution?

That is what the Palestinian Muslim, Christians, and Jews called for a hundred years ago but the foreign invaders had a different plan.

Just think of all the death and destruction we could have avoided.

Then why oppose the immigration waves of Jews who escaped Europe during the carnage?

so you approve of the recent African immigrants too? :eusa_whistle:
Israelis protest against African migrant workers in south Tel Aviv, May 23, 2012.
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