November 29, 1947: War, Ethnic Cleaning Unleashed

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
This was the beginning of the ethnic cleansing and occurred six months before the first regular soldier from a surrounding Arab state entered Palestine, which was on May 15, 1948.

I remind you that the Deir Yassin massacre occurred on April 9, 1948, and also that by May 15, all of the major cities of Palestine had been cleansed of Arabs and about one half of the 750,000 to 800,000 Palestinian refugees has been ethnically cleansed.

Between the time that Israel declared itself a state in May of 1948 and the summer of 2005, Israel killed 50,000 Palestinians, according to Israeli Historian Ilan Pappe, writing in Foreign Policy, in the summer of 2005. And since October of 2000, Israel has killed 6430 Palestinians, according to the web site, If American Knew. The latter figure averages to about 2 Palestinians killed per day by Israel.

According to the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition, Israel has destroyed 34,000 Palestinian homes in the West Bank, and East Jerusalem since 1967, and, in the same period, about 800,000 olive and citrus trees in the west Bank and Gaza resulting in a loss to the Palestinian economy of $55 million, according to a recent estimate by the international humanitarian relief agency Oxfam. And in Israel’s winter assault on Gaza in 2009, Israel destroyed between 4 and 5,000 homes and either damaged destroyed as many as 50,000. Many Gaza families spent the winter of 2010 living in caves dug out of the rubble of their destroyed homes because the area is under siege with building material not allow to enter.

November 29, 1947: War, Ethnic Cleaning Unleashed
Eminent Historian Sir Martin Gilbert
On 15 May, 1948 six Arab armies, those of Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, invaded Israel. They advanced rapidly, threatening to destroy the one-day old State and drive its citizens into the sea. The Israelis resisted and after ten days were able to counter-attack

Kenneth Bilby, Palestine Correspondent for the New York Herald Tribune during the 1948 War
The Arab exodus, initially at least, was encouraged by many Arab leaders, such as Haj Amin al-Husseini, the exiled pro-Nazi Mufti of Jerusalem, and by the Arab Higher Committee for Palestine. They viewed the first wave of Arab setbacks as merely transitory. Let the Palestine Arabs flee into neighboring countries. It would serve to arouse the other Arab peoples to greater effort, and when the Arab invasion struck, the Palestinians could return to their homes and be compensated with the property of Jews driven into the sea [1950]

The Economist, October 2, 1948...
Of the 62,000 Arabs who formerly lived in Haifa not more than 5,000 or 6,000 remained. Various factors influenced their decision to seek safety in flight. There is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors were the announcements made over the air by the Higher Arab Executive, urging the Arabs to quit.....It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades."
Israel attacked Palestine 6 months before any Arab army entered Palestine. There were over 350,000 refugees by then.
Israel attacked Palestine 6 months before any Arab army entered Palestine. There were over 350,000 refugees by then.

Nonie Darwish, Author, human rights activist, whose father, Colonel Mustafa Hafez, was a senior intelligence officer in the Egyptian army.
My father came from a large middle-class Egyptian family. born in 1920, he fought against the new state of Israel in the War of 1948 when the Jewish state was first established. Arab countries from all sides invaded Israel to "drive it into the sea" That did not happen.
Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I ... - Nonie Darwish - Google Books

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he fought against the new state of Israel in the War of 1948 when the Jewish state was first established.

Yeah, 6 months after Israel began its major ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
he fought against the new state of Israel in the War of 1948 when the Jewish state was first established.

Yeah, 6 months after Israel began its major ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

You lost, as usual, Scout. Go to mommy, stupid little boy.

Nonie Darwish, Author, human rights activist, whose father, Colonel Mustafa Hafez, was a senior intelligence officer in the Egyptian army.
My father came from a large middle-class Egyptian family. born in 1920, he fought against the new state of Israel in the War of 1948 when the Jewish state was first established. Arab countries from all sides invaded Israel to "drive it into the sea" That did not happen.
Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I ... - Nonie Darwish - Google Books

Israel cleansed over 300,000 Palestinians before the 1948 war.
Israel cleansed over 300,000 Palestinians before the 1948 war.

Eminent Middle East Historian Bernard Lewis...
Between 1947 and 1949 a large part of the Arab inhabitants of the territories included in the new state of Israel left their homes and took refuge on the West Bank, in the Gaza Strip, and in the neighboring countries. The Israelis claim that they left at the instigation of their own leaders, who told them to go so as not to interfere with the movements of troops, and promised them that they would return in the wake of the triumphant Arab armies very shortly. The Arabs maintain that they were driven out by the Israelis. Both arguments are true; both are false. Some were undoubtedly told to go by their own leaders; some, notably in the strategically vital corridor between Jerusalem and the coast, were ordered to leave by the advancing Israeli troops.

The great majority, like countless millions of refugees elsewhere, left their homes amid the confusion and panic of invasion and war—one more unhappy part of the vast movement of populations which occurred in the aftermath of World War II. As the Poles fled from the eastern areas seized by the Russians, as the Germans fled from East German territories annexed by the Poles, as millions of Muslims and Hindus fled from India to Pakistan and from Pakistan to India, so too did great numbers of Arabs flee from Palestine to the neighboring Arab states while large numbers of Jews, most of them previously unaffected by Zionist ideology, fled from the tensions which had arisen in the Arab states to the relative safety of Israel.

At the time it was hoped that this problem would be resolved, like the refugee problems in Eastern Europe and in the Indian subcontinent, and that the Arab refugees would be partly resettled in the Arab countries, partly returned to their homes. This did not happen, and with the exception of Jordan, the Arab governments made a point of not according citizenship to the refugees and of opposing their resettlement.

Israel attacked Palestine 6 months before any Arab army entered Palestine. There were over 350,000 refugees by then.

Nonie Darwish, Author, human rights activist, whose father, Colonel Mustafa Hafez, was a senior intelligence officer in the Egyptian army.
My father came from a large middle-class Egyptian family. born in 1920, he fought against the new state of Israel in the War of 1948 when the Jewish state was first established. Arab countries from all sides invaded Israel to "drive it into the sea" That did not happen.
Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I ... - Nonie Darwish - Google Books

PF wishes to end the state of Israel. It's no wonder he complains that his side refused to negotiate and simply continued to refuse discussion and move towards attacking the Jews even before Israel was created.

In that they lost as well. The Arabs lost their attempt to stop the fledgling birth of Israel and to this day both Shia and Sunni Muslims wish and work towards that end.

As PF calls for a one state solution... :)


The Palestinian issue is just a red herring to accomplish what has been the continued call for the end of Israel even before it began.
Israel attacked Palestine 6 months before any Arab army entered Palestine. There were over 350,000 refugees by then.

Nonie Darwish, Author, human rights activist, whose father, Colonel Mustafa Hafez, was a senior intelligence officer in the Egyptian army.
My father came from a large middle-class Egyptian family. born in 1920, he fought against the new state of Israel in the War of 1948 when the Jewish state was first established. Arab countries from all sides invaded Israel to "drive it into the sea" That did not happen.
Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I ... - Nonie Darwish - Google Books

PF wishes to end the state of Israel. It's no wonder he complains that his side refused to negotiate and simply continued to refuse discussion and move towards attacking the Jews even before Israel was created.

In that they lost as well. The Arabs lost their attempt to stop the fledgling birth of Israel and to this day both Shia and Sunni Muslims wish and work towards that end.

As PF calls for a one state solution... :)


The Palestinian issue is just a red herring to accomplish what has been the continued call for the end of Israel even before it began.

When the daughter of a former Egyptian military leader in the '48 War acknowledges the Arabs intended to ethnically cleanse the Jews out of Israel, that pretty much ends the debate for poor little Tinhead.
Israel drove the Palestinians out at the point of a gun. Only a few percent were advised to move to safety.
Israel attacked Palestine 6 months before any Arab army entered Palestine. There were over 350,000 refugees by then.

Nonie Darwish, Author, human rights activist, whose father, Colonel Mustafa Hafez, was a senior intelligence officer in the Egyptian army.
My father came from a large middle-class Egyptian family. born in 1920, he fought against the new state of Israel in the War of 1948 when the Jewish state was first established. Arab countries from all sides invaded Israel to "drive it into the sea" That did not happen.
Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I ... - Nonie Darwish - Google Books

PF wishes to end the state of Israel. It's no wonder he complains that his side refused to negotiate and simply continued to refuse discussion and move towards attacking the Jews even before Israel was created.

In that they lost as well. The Arabs lost their attempt to stop the fledgling birth of Israel and to this day both Shia and Sunni Muslims wish and work towards that end.

As PF calls for a one state solution... :)


The Palestinian issue is just a red herring to accomplish what has been the continued call for the end of Israel even before it began.

If someone steals your car, what is there to negotiate?
Israel drove the Palestinians out at the point of a gun. Only a few percent were advised to move to safety.

Eminent Historian Sir Martin Gilbert, Author of Three Books on the History of Jerusalem...
On 15 May, 1948 six Arab armies, those of Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, invaded Israel. They advanced rapidly, threatening to destroy the one-day old State and drive its citizens into the sea. The Israelis resisted and after ten days were able to counter-attack

Nonie Darwish, Author, human rights activist, whose father, Colonel Mustafa Hafez, was a senior intelligence officer in the Egyptian army.
My father came from a large middle-class Egyptian family. born in 1920, he fought against the new state of Israel in the War of 1948 when the Jewish state was first established. Arab countries from all sides invaded Israel to "drive it into the sea" That did not happen.
Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I ... - Nonie Darwish - Google Books
On 15 May, 1948 six Arab armies, those of Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, invaded Israel.

Not so. None of those countries entered Israel.
On 15 May, 1948 six Arab armies, those of Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, invaded Israel.

Not so. None of those countries entered Israel.
:bsflag: :cuckoo:

Eminent Historian Sir Martin Gilbert, Author of Three Books on the History of Jerusalem ...
On 15 May, 1948 six Arab armies, those of Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, invaded Israel. They advanced rapidly, threatening to destroy the one-day old State and drive its citizens into the sea. The Israelis resisted and after ten days were able to counter-attack

Nonie Darwish, Author, human rights activist, whose father, Colonel Mustafa Hafez, was a senior intelligence officer in the Egyptian army.
My father came from a large middle-class Egyptian family. born in 1920, he fought against the new state of Israel in the War of 1948 when the Jewish state was first established. Arab countries from all sides invaded Israel to "drive it into the sea" That did not happen.
Now They Call Me Infidel: Why I ... - Nonie Darwish - Google Books

The Economist, October 2, 1948
"Of the 62,000 Arabs who formerly lived in Haifa not more than 5,000 or 6,000 remained. Various factors influenced their decision to seek safety in flight. There is but little doubt that the most potent of the factors were the announcements made over the air by the Higher Arab Executive, urging the Arabs to quit.....It was clearly intimated that those Arabs who remained in Haifa and accepted Jewish protection would be regarded as renegades.
When the foreigners declared themselves to be a state in Palestine they failed to acquire any land or define any borders.
When the foreigners declared themselves to be a state in Palestine they failed to acquire any land or define any borders.

Tashbih Sayyed, Muslim Pakistani scholar, journalist, author and former Editor in Chief of Our Times, Pakistan Today, and The Muslim World TodayGlobal Politician - Israel’s Arab Citizens And The Jewish State
Blinded by their anti-Semitism, Arabs ignore the fact that neither are they an indigenous group nor is the Jewish nationhood a new phenomenon in Palestine; the Jewish nation was born during 40 years of wandering in the Sinai more than five thousand years ago and has remained connected with Palestine ever since. “Even after the destruction of the last Jewish commonwealth in the first century, the Jewish people maintained their own autonomous political and legal institutions: the Davidic dynasty was preserved in Baghdad until the thirteenth century through the rule of the Exilarch (Resh Galuta), while the return to Zion was incorporated into the most widely practiced Jewish traditions, including the end of the Yom Kippur service and the Passover Seder, as well as in everyday prayers. Thus, Jewish historic rights were kept alive in Jewish historical consciousness.

Palestinian Arabs, on the other hand, never had a separate identity. They always thought of themselves as Arabs rather than as Palestinians. It is a matter of record that the Arabs owe their presence in Palestine to the Ottomans who settled Muslim populations as a buffer against Bedouin attacks and Ibrahim Pasha, the Egyptian ruler who brought Egyptian colonists with his army in the 1830s. And during all those times when Arabs lived under the Ottoman rule, they never showed any desire for national independence. According to Bernard Lewis, “From the end of the Jewish state in antiquity to the beginning of British rule, the area now designated by the name Palestine was not a country and had no frontiers, only administrative boundaries; it was a group of provincial subdivisions, by no means always the same, within a larger entity.” Lewis notes, "There had been a steady movement of Jews to the Holy Land throughout the centuries." In 135 CE Jews took part in the Bar Kochba revolt against imperial Rome and even re-established their capital in Jerusalem. Defeated by the most brutal of the Roman legions under the command of the emperor Hadrian, Jews were forbidden to reside in Jerusalem for nearly five hundred years. Once a year on the ninth of the Hebrew month of Av, they were allowed to weep at the remains of their destroyed Temple at a spot that came to be called "the Wailing Wall." In the meantime, the Roman authorities renamed Judea as Palestina in order to obliterate the memory of Jewish nationhood.

A resolution adopted by the first Congress of the Muslim Christian Association which met in Jerusalem in February 1919 underlines the Arab understanding of the situation conclusively. It said, "We consider Palestine as part of Arab Syria, as it has never been separated from it at any time. We are connected with it by national, religious, linguistic, natural, economic and geographical bonds."

Jerusalem has always remained a Jewish majority – a symbol of Jewish yearning to be an independent nation as they thrived in communities in many of Palestine’s towns. “By 1864, a clear-cut Jewish majority emerged in Jerusalem - more than half a century before the arrival of the British Empire and the League of Nations Mandate. During the years that the Jewish presence in Eretz Israel was restored, a huge Arab population influx transpired as Arab immigrants sought to take advantage of higher wages and economic opportunities that resulted from Jewish settlement in the land. President Roosevelt concluded in 1939 that "Arab immigration into Palestine since 1921 has vastly exceeded the total Jewish immigration during the whole period."

The present Arab declaration challenging the Jewish character of Israel cannot be ignored because it is not just an expression of dissatisfaction by a minority about their socio-economic situation but a reminder that Islamist radicalism and fundamentalism has now decided to challenge openly the legitimacy of the Jewish state using Arab citizens of Israel as its proxy in Israel. It must not be forgotten that the Israeli Arabs are part and parcel of the same Global Jihad that has been murdering our gallant soldiers on the war fronts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
On 15 May, 1948 six Arab armies, those of Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, invaded Israel.

Show me a map of that Israel and where those Arab armies entered Israel.
This was the beginning of the ethnic cleansing and occurred six months before the first regular soldier from a surrounding Arab state entered Palestine, which was on May 15, 1948.

I remind you that the Deir Yassin massacre occurred on April 9, 1948, and also that by May 15, all of the major cities of Palestine had been cleansed of Arabs and about one half of the 750,000 to 800,000 Palestinian refugees has been ethnically cleansed.

Between the time that Israel declared itself a state in May of 1948 and the summer of 2005, Israel killed 50,000 Palestinians, according to Israeli Historian Ilan Pappe, writing in Foreign Policy, in the summer of 2005. And since October of 2000, Israel has killed 6430 Palestinians, according to the web site, If American Knew. The latter figure averages to about 2 Palestinians killed per day by Israel.

According to the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition, Israel has destroyed 34,000 Palestinian homes in the West Bank, and East Jerusalem since 1967, and, in the same period, about 800,000 olive and citrus trees in the west Bank and Gaza resulting in a loss to the Palestinian economy of $55 million, according to a recent estimate by the international humanitarian relief agency Oxfam. And in Israel’s winter assault on Gaza in 2009, Israel destroyed between 4 and 5,000 homes and either damaged destroyed as many as 50,000. Many Gaza families spent the winter of 2010 living in caves dug out of the rubble of their destroyed homes because the area is under siege with building material not allow to enter.

November 29, 1947: War, Ethnic Cleaning Unleashed

Stop firing rockets at civilians and the Israelis will stop firing back.

by May 15, all of the major cities of Palestine had been cleansed of Arabs and about one half of the 750,000 to 800,000 Palestinian refugees has been ethnically cleansed

Cities of Palestine? Don't they mean Arab cities? Palestinian refugee? What's that?
On 15 May, 1948 six Arab armies, those of Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Iraq, invaded Israel.

Show me a map of that Israel and where those Arab armies entered Israel.

Show me an archaeological record of any Fakestinian civilization in Israel. :lol:

I can show an archaeological record of 3000 years of Jewish civilization in Israel :clap2:

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Writer Charles Krauthammer...
Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store.

Winston Churchill, Nobel Prize Laureate For Historical Literature...
It is manifestly right that the Jews should have a national centre and a National Home...And where else could that be but in this land of Palestine, with which for more than 3,000 years they have been intimately and profoundly associated?

Eminent Historian Andrew Roberts...
Jerusalem is the site of the Temple of Solomon and Herod. The stones of a palace erected by King David himself are even now being unearthed just outside the walls of Jerusalem. Everything that makes a nation state legitimate – bloodshed, soil tilled, two millennia of continuous residence, international agreements – argues for Israel’s right to exist

Tel Dan Stele Verifying King David Dynasty 3000 years ago
The Tel Dan Stela and the Kings of Aram and Israel

Jewish Bar Kokhba Coins Minted 2000 Years Ago...
Bar Kochba Revolt coinage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Judaea Capta Coins Minted By Romans against Jews 2000 years ago
Judaea Capta coinage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jewish Dead Sea Scrolls 2000 years old.
Dead Sea Scrolls - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yale University Press: The Archaeology of Ancient Israel
In this lavishly illustrated book some of Israel's foremost archaeologists present a thorough, up-to-date, and readily accessible survey of early life in the land of the Bible, from the Neolithic era (eighth millennium B.C.E.) to the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the First Temple in 586 B.C.E. It will be a delightful and informative resource for anyone who has ever wanted to know more about the religious, scientific, or historical background of the region.
The Archaeology of Ancient Israel - Ben-Tor, Amnon; Greenberg, R. - Yale University Press

PBS Nova...
In the banks of the Nile in southern Egypt in 1896, British archaeologisit Flinders Petrie unearthed one of the most important discoveries in biblical archaeology known as the Merneptah Stele. Merneptah's stele announces the entrance on the world stage of a People named Israel.

The Merneptah Stele is powerful evidence that a People called the Israelites are living in Canaan over 3000 years ago

Dr. Donald Redford, Egyptologist and archaeologist: The Merneptah Stele is priceless evidence for the presence of an ethnical group called Israel in Canaan.
[ame=]1/13 The Bible's Buried Secrets (NOVA PBS) - YouTube[/ame]

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