Israeli Innovators Build New 'Silicon Valley'


Jun 29, 2011
Israeli innovators build new 'Silicon Valley'

With a concentration of start-ups just behind that of Silicon Valley and an impressive pool of engineers, Israel is becoming the new standard for high-tech, with a unique business model.

A handout picture made available by the France-Israel Foundation shows David Kadouch (L), product manager for Google Israel, speaking to French bloggers in Haifa on June 20. With a concentration of start-ups just behind that of Silicon Valley and an impressive pool of engineers, Israel is becoming the new standard for high-tech, with a unique business model.

From Microsoft to Intel through Google, IBM and Philips, almost all the giants of the Internet and technology have set up important research and development centres in Israel, spawning products and systems used worldwide.

"Israel is the country with the most engineers in its population, and it ranks second behind the United States in the number of companies listed on Nasdaq," said David Kadouch, product manager at Google Israel, which opened its R&D operation in 2007 and currently has 200 employees. "It's really a second Silicon Valley. Besides the multinationals, all the major American investment funds are present," he said.

Israel's higher education institutions, particularly the Technion, the prestigious technological university in the northern city of Haifa, must take a large share of the credit for this creativity. "All the groups have set up subsidiaries here because of the proximity of the talents of the Technion university where there are (people with) excellent CVs," said Yoel Maarek, president of Yahoo Research Israel, which employs about 50 people. "I myself have studied at the school of bridge engineering in France but when IBM hired me it was thanks to my degree from the Technion," he said.

In Israel there is a constant struggle with all kinds of adversity," he added. "These adversities are a source of creation and energy. Israel is a country with a purpose, a mission."
Israeli innovators build new 'Silicon Valley'
self published on the world wide web

Work on some ingenious innovations---Masturbating to gay porn in your bedroom while playing video games doesn't count.

[ame=]Peter Griffin's find a jew app - YouTube[/ame]

You're a definite Nobel Prize Laureate for science! With the prize money, you'll be able to finally move out of your parents' house and still buy lots of your gay porn :clap2:
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