The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
The Russian Collusion Hoax and Accusations are just another attempt to exonerate Clinton and Obama for dealing with Russia and giving them an Official Invitation to interfere in the 2016 Elections, and disrupt our Democracy via the way they used, paid for, and propagated The Dirty Russian Dossier. The Dirty Dossier was THE CENTRAL PLANK in THE DNC's CAMPAIGN against Trump in The Election, and After The Election it was the Lynch Pin of The Obama Administration's Failed COUP against President Trump.

Mueller will make ZERO mention of The Dirty Dossier, how it was sourced, who paid for it, how the chain of possession originated in Russia, and how it was used to file false affidavits in FISA to launch an Espionage and Smear Campaign against at first Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump and afterwards The President of The United States, Donald J. Trump.

There will also be ZERO mention of Seth Rich, no sworn statements from Assange or that Seth Rich was given the emails by Pakistani hackers who betrayed Clinton, The DNC and Podesta to make a quick buck, after they finished their working hacking in to Congressional Files to get dirt for Clinton and Obama on their political enemies. Mueller is not seeking truth. He is seeking a way out for Obama, Clinton and their Co-Conspirators, and he is attempting to seek a little revenge for The Left who thought they had the 2016 Election rigged in their favor. Mueller is part of The Democrat Party's 2020 Election Strategy, and he is aware of this and is carrying out his mission faithfully for his friends.

Yet, Seth Rich has no justice, while The Unjust, roam free to level manufactured charges at others so they may distract, deflect and save themselves from True Justice.

Seth Rich died for his country and should be revered as an American Martyr. Both he, and those who plotted The COUP may never see True Justice until Judgment Day.

Mueller's report, like his Faux Investigation will be a manufactured pack of lies and innuendos with NO EVIDENCE of RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

"Russian Collusion" FAILED MISERABLY, so Mueller to cover his own ass, and to justify spending enough money to pay for the National Defense of several small nations, is just shotgun blasting all his victims with the charges of "lying".

Mueller, if he wanted to PROVE RUSSIAN COLLUSION beyond a shadow of a doubt, only has to spend one day investigating The Clinton Campaign and Barak Obama. There is a mountain of evidence there, and even a paper trail to follow where money changed hands for services rendered:

The Services Solicited of Russian Intelligence and a Propaganda Machine that The Kremlin has made the Gold Standard of Political Smear Campaigns.

But Mueller is never going to do that. He is never going to look in to THAT! Because his role is the same as Comey's; to cover for Obama and Clinton and their tampering in the 2016 Elections with The Help of Vladimir Putin at their Invitation. No, he, like Comey, and Lynch have been ordered to sweep their crimes, and treachery under the rug.

Truth Be Damned, and so are they.

Now The Collusion Narrative Is Deflating, The Left Is Shifting Goalposts
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I also wanted to add, that looking at the Mueller Investigation, it is really more about Revenge for Seth Rich uploading Clinton and Podesta's Nasty Emails to Wikileaks.

Yet Mueller will never have the DNC Server independently examined, nor will he Subpoena it which is within his power, and neither will he take statements from or Julian Assange.

This tells you all you need to know what Mueller's Marching Orders are.

Protect Clinton and Obama at all costs.
How many threads are you stupid Russians going to start today?

You must be scared shitless, and really you should be. Gina Haspell and Christopher Wray are up on Capital Hill today saying that you motherfuckers are the greatest threat to the United States facing the country today. You're No. 1 with a bullet.

The greater question here is why does this message board, which claims to be all about American freedom and independence, continue to allow you asshats to post here. I guess they're that desperate for your membership fees. I note you're all donating members.
After 2 years and we get jaywalkers. Everyone has been indicted for process crimes committed after Mueller was appointed SC, and have ZERO connections to the main reason the SC was established. Reminds me of going to the super market to find a good steak, but coming home with spam

Proof of more lies by Mueller and The Leftist Globalists. Essentially Hillary Clinton, The DNC, and Barak Obama launched this whole mess to try to take down Trump before he was elected president, and they just continued on with it, morphing it in to a COUP afterwards. They were plotting all the actions they took a good 4 months before The Election. And BTW, I guarantee the unnamed (FBI AGENT) was James Comey.

Amazing how many of the Co-Conspirators were immediately hired by Mueller for his so called team, but then had to be fired for their involvement in The COUP.

Mueller may as well have hired Hillary Clinton herself to investigate her political rival his investigation was so crooked and biased.

New details of 2016 meeting with Trump dossier author conflict with Dems’ timeline

New details contained in congressional transcripts and emails about a July 2016 meeting involving the author of the anti-Trump “dossier,” Justice Department official Bruce Ohr, and his wife, Nellie, appear to conflict with claims from Democrats -- and the co-founder of the firm behind the dossier -- that significant contacts did not occur until after the election.

According to the records, the little-known breakfast meeting was held on July 30, 2016 at Washington, D.C.’s Mayflower Hotel.

Congressional transcripts, confirmed by Fox News, showed Nellie Ohr told House investigators last year that Christopher Steele, the British ex-spy who compiled the dossier, wanted to get word to the FBI at the time.

“My understanding was that Chris Steele was hoping that Bruce (Ohr) could put in a word with the FBI to follow-up in some way,” Nellie Ohr testified in response to a Republican line of questioning, regarding the purpose of the meeting. Bruce Ohr did just that, almost immediately contacting then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and FBI lawyer Lisa Page.

In her testimony, Nellie Ohr also said that pieces of the unverified dossier – which later would be used to secure a surveillance warrant for Trump campaign aide Carter Page – may have been shared during the meal.

In response to a committee Democrat's line of questioning, Ohr stated, "At the breakfast, I – if I recall correctly, they may have shown pieces ..." of the document.

Subsequent emails between Ohr and Steele also confirmed the July 30 meeting in Washington.

Nellie Ohr’s testimony regarding Steele and the FBI would appear to align with her husband’s.

Fox News recently confirmed the Bruce Ohr transcript said: “Andy McCabe, yes and met with him and Lisa Page and provided information to him. I subsequently met with Lisa Page, Peter Strzok, and eventually [an FBI agent]. And I also provided this information to people in the criminal division specifically Bruce Swartz, Zainab Ahmad, Andrew Weissmann.” (Strzok and Page left the bureau last year after their anti-Trump texts emerged. Swartz was a deputy assistant attorney general. Weissmann was chief of the DOJ Criminal Division’s Fraud Section before becoming a senior prosecutor on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team. Ahmad worked at the DOJ and is also now assigned to Mueller’s team.)

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After 2 years and we get jaywalkers. Everyone has been indicted for process crimes committed after Mueller was appointed SC, and have ZERO connections to the main reason the SC was established. Reminds me of going to the super market to find a good steak, but coming home with spam


After 2 years and we get jaywalkers. Everyone has been indicted for process crimes committed after Mueller was appointed SC, and have ZERO connections to the main reason the SC was established. Reminds me of going to the super market to find a good steak, but coming home with spam


Oh it's over. There is NO Russian Collusion, and this is why Mueller has to accuse everyone of lying, because he can't find his own ass if both of his hands were glued to it.

Process Crimes are just a nice way to signal to everyone that this is nothing but a political with hunt, based on a lie manufactured by the political opposition.

You know, Banana Republic stuff just like in your homeland of Venezuela.

There was no Original Crime to justify Mueller's appointment, and there will be No Original Crime found when he is forced to close it out in total failure to find "Russian Collusion".
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After 2 years and we get jaywalkers. Everyone has been indicted for process crimes committed after Mueller was appointed SC, and have ZERO connections to the main reason the SC was established. Reminds me of going to the super market to find a good steak, but coming home with spam


Oh it's over. There is NO Russian Collusion, and this is why Mueller has to accuse everyone of lying, because he can't find his own ass if both of his hands were glued to it.

Process Crimes are just a nice way to signal to everyone that this is nothing but a political with hunt, based on a lie manufactured by the political opposition.

You know, Banana Republic stuff just like in your homeland of Venezuela.

There was no Original Crime to justify Mueller's appointment, and there will be No Original Crime found when he is forced to close it out in total failure to find "Russian Collusion".

GIVE HIM 3 DAYS (or less) ... the senile old Russian will post the same thread again.

yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
After 2 years and we get jaywalkers. Everyone has been indicted for process crimes committed after Mueller was appointed SC, and have ZERO connections to the main reason the SC was established. Reminds me of going to the super market to find a good steak, but coming home with spam


Oh it's over. There is NO Russian Collusion, and this is why Mueller has to accuse everyone of lying, because he can't find his own ass if both of his hands were glued to it.

Process Crimes are just a nice way to signal to everyone that this is nothing but a political with hunt, based on a lie manufactured by the political opposition.

You know, Banana Republic stuff just like in your homeland of Venezuela.

There was no Original Crime to justify Mueller's appointment, and there will be No Original Crime found when he is forced to close it out in total failure to find "Russian Collusion".

GIVE HIM 3 DAYS (or less) ... the senile old Russian will post the same thread again.

yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

It takes 3 days for you to get up Russian Collusion in your pants?

You probably need some VLADAGRA.
When is Mueller going to charge Simpson with Lying?
Maybe when he finally gets the balls to charge Comey with lying.

There appeared to be another discrepancy.

The emails showed Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson was in contact with Ohr in August 2016. However, Simpson's November 2017 transcribed interview before the House Intelligence Committee showed him saying he worked through Bruce Ohr "sometime after Thanksgiving."
We know Manafort colluded with the Russians. He shared internal polling data with the Russians so they could better target the Rube Herd on social media.

We know Trump, Jr. colluded with the Russians. He even invited them into Trump Tower!
The Russian Collusion Hoax and Accusations are just another attempt to exonerate Clinton and Obama for dealing with Russia and giving them an Official Invitation to interfere in the 2016 Elections, and disrupt our Democracy via the way they used, paid for, and propagated The Dirty Russian Dossier. The Dirty Dossier was THE CENTRAL PLANK in THE DNC's CAMPAIGN against Trump in The Election, and After The Election it was the Lynch Pin of The Obama Administration's Failed COUP against President Trump.

Mueller will make ZERO mention of The Dirty Dossier, how it was sourced, who paid for it, how the chain of possession originated in Russia, and how it was used to file false affidavits in FISA to launch an Espionage and Smear Campaign against at first Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump and afterwards The President of The United States, Donald J. Trump.

There will also be ZERO mention of Seth Rich, no sworn statements from Assange or that Seth Rich was given the emails by Pakistani hackers who betrayed Clinton, The DNC and Podesta to make a quick buck, after they finished their working hacking in to Congressional Files to get dirt for Clinton and Obama on their political enemies. Mueller is not seeking truth. He is seeking a way out for Obama, Clinton and their Co-Conspirators, and he is attempting to seek a little revenge for The Left who thought they had the 2016 Election rigged in their favor. Mueller is part of The Democrat Party's 2020 Election Strategy, and he is aware of this and is carrying out his mission faithfully for his friends.

Yet, Seth Rich has no justice, while The Unjust, roam free to level manufactured charges at others so they may distract, deflect and save themselves from True Justice.

Seth Rich died for his country and should be revered as an American Martyr. Both he, and those who plotted The COUP may never see True Justice until Judgment Day.

Mueller's report, like his Faux Investigation will be a manufactured pack of lies and innuendos with NO EVIDENCE of RUSSIAN COLLUSION.

"Russian Collusion" FAILED MISERABLY, so Mueller to cover his own ass, and to justify spending enough money to pay for the National Defense of several small nations, is just shotgun blasting all his victims with the charges of "lying".

Mueller, if he wanted to PROVE RUSSIAN COLLUSION beyond a shadow of a doubt, only has to spend one day investigating The Clinton Campaign and Barak Obama. There is a mountain of evidence there, and even a paper trail to follow where money changed hands for services rendered:

The Services Solicited of Russian Intelligence and a Propaganda Machine that The Kremlin has made the Gold Standard of Political Smear Campaigns.

But Mueller is never going to do that. He is never going to look in to THAT! Because his role is the same as Comey's; to cover for Obama and Clinton and their tampering in the 2016 Elections with The Help of Vladimir Putin at their Invitation. No, he, like Comey, and Lynch have been ordered to sweep their crimes, and treachery under the rug.

Truth Be Damned, and so are they.

Now The Collusion Narrative Is Deflating, The Left Is Shifting Goalposts
We know Manafort colluded with the Russians. He shared internal polling data with the Russians so they could better target the Rube Herd on social media.

We know Trump, Jr. colluded with the Russians. He even invited them into Trump Tower!

There's no crime called "collusion," moron. Talking to people is perfectly legal.
When is Mueller going to charge Simpson with Lying?
Maybe when he finally gets the balls to charge Comey with lying.

There appeared to be another discrepancy.

The emails showed Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn Simpson was in contact with Ohr in August 2016. However, Simpson's November 2017 transcribed interview before the House Intelligence Committee showed him saying he worked through Bruce Ohr "sometime after Thanksgiving."
Given the standard applied to Trump associates, that should be enough to send him away for life.
How many threads are you stupid Russians going to start today?

You must be scared shitless, and really you should be. Gina Haspell and Christopher Wray are up on Capital Hill today saying that you motherfuckers are the greatest threat to the United States facing the country today. You're No. 1 with a bullet.

The greater question here is why does this message board, which claims to be all about American freedom and independence, continue to allow you asshats to post here. I guess they're that desperate for your membership fees. I note you're all donating members.
Unlike Canada, we have a thing here called freedom of speech. The real question is why should a message board e all about American freedom and independence allow a foreign commie douchebag like you continue to post?
We know Manafort colluded with the Russians. He shared internal polling data with the Russians so they could better target the Rube Herd on social media.

We know Trump, Jr. colluded with the Russians. He even invited them into Trump Tower!

There's no crime called "collusion," moron. Talking to people is perfectly legal.
If there was a crime called Russian Collusion, Clinton would have been arrested for paying for The Dirty Russian Dossier and pushing it through to a FISA court via her Russian Mole Lackeys in The FBI and DOJ
We know Manafort colluded with the Russians. He shared internal polling data with the Russians so they could better target the Rube Herd on social media.

We know Trump, Jr. colluded with the Russians. He even invited them into Trump Tower!

There's no crime called "collusion," moron. Talking to people is perfectly legal.
If there was a crime called Russian Collusion, Clinton would have been arrested for paying for The Dirty Russian Dossier and pushing it through to a FISA court via her Russian Mole Lackeys in The FBI and DOJ

so ?
We know Manafort colluded with the Russians. He shared internal polling data with the Russians so they could better target the Rube Herd on social media.

We know Trump, Jr. colluded with the Russians. He even invited them into Trump Tower!

There's no crime called "collusion," moron. Talking to people is perfectly legal.
If there was a crime called Russian Collusion, Clinton would have been arrested for paying for The Dirty Russian Dossier and pushing it through to a FISA court via her Russian Mole Lackeys in The FBI and DOJ

so ?
Did you take your VLADAGRA today?

Or are you as impotent and flaccid as your commitment to truth and true justice are?
We know Manafort colluded with the Russians. He shared internal polling data with the Russians so they could better target the Rube Herd on social media.

We know Trump, Jr. colluded with the Russians. He even invited them into Trump Tower!

There's no crime called "collusion," moron. Talking to people is perfectly legal.
If there was a crime called Russian Collusion, Clinton would have been arrested for paying for The Dirty Russian Dossier and pushing it through to a FISA court via her Russian Mole Lackeys in The FBI and DOJ
Cool story, bro. You must have drank a LOT of cups of piss to come up with it.

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