Nothing generates unemployment like liberal policy

And the unskilled worker will still not amount to shit despite being handed a wage far exceeding his/her skill level. It must be bad that despite being handed something you didn't earn the $15/hour workers still have nothing to show for it.

What? Do what they do in third world countries? Throw the unskilled worker on the scrap heap? You think $15 is too much? Why? How much is an unskilled worker worth?

Just a little reminder to you Petals. Not everybody gets a $100,000 job with health and other benefits. Your Utopia has never existed and never will. Stop making your point by trying to make there is this perfect solution. There isn't.
/----/ it's up to the worker to get skills and earn a better wage, just like it's their responsibility to do everything else in life like get dressed, feed themselves and brush their teeth.

I agree. I don't think $15 an hour is a lot of money...
/----/ it's not for a web designer but it is for some pimple face goofball serving up burgers and fries.
/----/ I learned it from Liberals who call all Republicans racist homophobes who hate the environment. You taught me well.

1) I'm not a liberal
2) If you are against same sex marriage, you ARE a homophobe. Nothing else explains your irrational opinion.
3) If you don't believe in climate change, I wouldn't say you hate the environment, but are ill informed.
4) As for racism, all creeds and colours are racist to a degree.
/----/ I learned it from Liberals who call all Republicans racist homophobes who hate the environment. You taught me well.

1) I'm not a liberal
2) If you are against same sex marriage, you ARE a homophobe. Nothing else explains your irrational opinion.
3) If you don't believe in climate change, I wouldn't say you hate the environment, but are ill informed.
4) As for racism, all creeds and colours are racist to a degree.
/----/ My pithy reply went over your head.
3) If you don't believe in climate change, I wouldn't say you hate the environment, but are ill informed.
I believe in science...which has unequivocally proven that "Global Warming" was the biggest hoax ever perpetuated on the world. I don't blame you for feeling the deep shame you feel over being so easily duped. I would too... :laugh:
/----/ I learned it from Liberals who call all Republicans racist homophobes who hate the environment. You taught me well.

1) I'm not a liberal
2) If you are against same sex marriage, you ARE a homophobe. Nothing else explains your irrational opinion.
3) If you don't believe in climate change, I wouldn't say you hate the environment, but are ill informed.
4) As for racism, all creeds and colours are racist to a degree.
/----/ My pithy reply went over your head.
Most things do. Aussie's aren't the sharpest tools in the shed... :laugh:
I didn't refuse to look at other aspects either. Since insurance works the way it does, treating someone with a pre-existing conditions costs others that don't have those conditions.
Of coarse you refused to look at other aspects, you fucking moron. You called the law a disaster simply on whether someone could pick their own doctor. That's refusing to look.

The typical strawman argument claim by a coward refusing to answer.
Ask a real question and I'll give you a real answer, you fuckin' pussy.

When the cost of their premiums is reduced because some other group is subsidizing that cost, they're freeloaders.
Like corporations that are allowed to offshore their profits to avoid paying income taxes? Like no taxes on dividends? Like taxes on capital gains at 10% when I pay 35%? GE makes a billion dollars a year and they paid 0.00 income taxes. How the fuck does that happen? That's corporate welfare.

No such thing as corporate welfare.
See above.

There should be a Franchise Transactions Tax of 0.003% on every single traded share on Wall Street.

I never thought I'd see a group of people dumb enough to think skin color was a qualification for President but you Obama NL sure proved there is.
Go fuck yourself, you fuckin' racist!
/----/ I learned it from Liberals who call all Republicans racist homophobes who hate the environment. You taught me well.

1) I'm not a liberal
2) If you are against same sex marriage, you ARE a homophobe. Nothing else explains your irrational opinion.
3) If you don't believe in climate change, I wouldn't say you hate the environment, but are ill informed.
4) As for racism, all creeds and colours are racist to a degree.
/----/ My pithy reply went over your head.

As did mine over yours...
I didn't refuse to look at other aspects either. Since insurance works the way it does, treating someone with a pre-existing conditions costs others that don't have those conditions.
Of coarse you refused to look at other aspects, you fucking moron. You called the law a disaster simply on whether someone could pick their own doctor. That's refusing to look.

The typical strawman argument claim by a coward refusing to answer.
Ask a real question and I'll give you a real answer, you fuckin' pussy.

When the cost of their premiums is reduced because some other group is subsidizing that cost, they're freeloaders.
Like corporations that are allowed to offshore their profits to avoid paying income taxes? Like no taxes on dividends? Like taxes on capital gains at 10% when I pay 35%? GE makes a billion dollars a year and they paid 0.00 income taxes. How the fuck does that happen? That's corporate welfare.

No such thing as corporate welfare.
See above.

There should be a Franchise Transactions Tax of 0.003% on every single traded share on Wall Street.

I never thought I'd see a group of people dumb enough to think skin color was a qualification for President but you Obama NL sure proved there is.
Go fuck yourself, you fuckin' racist!

I used that as on example because it was a blatant lie.

I asked you a real question but because you're an Obama NL, you refused to answer and pucker up to his black ass.

No such things as corporate welfare. Sorry that you don't understand.

Wow, a Liberal wanting to tax the successful to fund the worthless.

Go kiss Obama's ass some more NL. Pucker up.
I didn't refuse to look at other aspects either. Since insurance works the way it does, treating someone with a pre-existing conditions costs others that don't have those conditions.
Of coarse you refused to look at other aspects, you fucking moron. You called the law a disaster simply on whether someone could pick their own doctor. That's refusing to look.

The typical strawman argument claim by a coward refusing to answer.
Ask a real question and I'll give you a real answer, you fuckin' pussy.

When the cost of their premiums is reduced because some other group is subsidizing that cost, they're freeloaders.
Like corporations that are allowed to offshore their profits to avoid paying income taxes? Like no taxes on dividends? Like taxes on capital gains at 10% when I pay 35%? GE makes a billion dollars a year and they paid 0.00 income taxes. How the fuck does that happen? That's corporate welfare.

No such thing as corporate welfare.
See above.

There should be a Franchise Transactions Tax of 0.003% on every single traded share on Wall Street.

I never thought I'd see a group of people dumb enough to think skin color was a qualification for President but you Obama NL sure proved there is.
Go fuck yourself, you fuckin' racist!

I used that as on example because it was a blatant lie.

I asked you a real question but because you're an Obama NL, you refused to answer and pucker up to his black ass.

No such things as corporate welfare. Sorry that you don't understand.

Wow, a Liberal wanting to tax the successful to fund the worthless.

Go kiss Obama's ass some more NL. Pucker up.
I withdrew my support for Obama's policies 18 months in to his first term when it was clear to me he was not a liberal and was not pushing liberal policies.

Unemployment is generated over conservative policies of allowing corporations not to be paying their fair share of taxes and forcing the middle class to make up the difference.

Why am I forced to pay 35% tax rate when some rich prick only has to pay a 20% tax rate?
Only in right wing fantasy. Capitalism died in 1929 and socialism has been bailing us out, ever since.

If Hooverville was so wonderful, why was it only worth, one term.

Laissez-fair, all the way, right wingers.
/----/ Who the hell said anything about Hoover you drooling imbecile? You just make crap up to have something to say.
Nothing but repeal really is worthless in the non-porn sector, even wo-men can do that.
/----/ Do you just open the dictionary and choose random words then string them together to make a post?
Did you know, you need to be more than simply, clueless and Causeless in politics.

Capitalism died in 1929 and socialism has been bailing us out, ever since. Some claim simply having a central bank means no free market.

If Hooverville was so wonderful, why was it only worth, one term. Hoover believed in free markets. FDR believed in socialism.
/----/ Hoover prolonged the depression by interfering in the free market. FDR continued the intervention causing the depression to continue until WWII. The war reinvigorated the free market and it has carried forward. You claim it ended in 1929 is just plain stupid.
Socialism is merely, public sector intervention. There is no free market, and Capitalism died in 1929, simply Because, we had to resort to more socialism, not more capitalism.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
George W. Bush started a trend toward enormous unemployment at the end of this Presidency. Obama put a stop to it. This thread just died:
The fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage movement also, "gathered steam" and provided that, "engine of change", on his watch.
I didn't refuse to look at other aspects either. Since insurance works the way it does, treating someone with a pre-existing conditions costs others that don't have those conditions.
Of coarse you refused to look at other aspects, you fucking moron. You called the law a disaster simply on whether someone could pick their own doctor. That's refusing to look.

The typical strawman argument claim by a coward refusing to answer.
Ask a real question and I'll give you a real answer, you fuckin' pussy.

When the cost of their premiums is reduced because some other group is subsidizing that cost, they're freeloaders.
Like corporations that are allowed to offshore their profits to avoid paying income taxes? Like no taxes on dividends? Like taxes on capital gains at 10% when I pay 35%? GE makes a billion dollars a year and they paid 0.00 income taxes. How the fuck does that happen? That's corporate welfare.

No such thing as corporate welfare.
See above.

There should be a Franchise Transactions Tax of 0.003% on every single traded share on Wall Street.

I never thought I'd see a group of people dumb enough to think skin color was a qualification for President but you Obama NL sure proved there is.
Go fuck yourself, you fuckin' racist!

I used that as on example because it was a blatant lie.

I asked you a real question but because you're an Obama NL, you refused to answer and pucker up to his black ass.

No such things as corporate welfare. Sorry that you don't understand.

Wow, a Liberal wanting to tax the successful to fund the worthless.

Go kiss Obama's ass some more NL. Pucker up.
I withdrew my support for Obama's policies 18 months in to his first term when it was clear to me he was not a liberal and was not pushing liberal policies.

Unemployment is generated over conservative policies of allowing corporations not to be paying their fair share of taxes and forcing the middle class to make up the difference.

Why am I forced to pay 35% tax rate when some rich prick only has to pay a 20% tax rate?

But you voted for him and put him in office. That means it's on you for the bullshit he did.

Prove you pay 35% and we'll talk.
Everywhere liberals get these insane minimum wages shoved through, we see insane unemployment. Businesses move or shut down. Nothing but poverty is left in the wake of liberal policy. What a damn shame...

Minimum wage hikes put pressure on businesses to 're-engineer labor force,' a restaurateur says - LA Times
Some restaurants face pressure to trim menus and staffs under California's wage hike
dude, the liboturds in the city of chicago imposed a penny an once beverage tax on drinks purchased in the city limits to bring in additional revenues to the city. They lied and said it was done to help children avoid obesity The county commissioner stated yesterday that the lack of money coming into the city is now causing businesses to lay off help. How fking stupid are libturds. I mean really, how fking stupid are these idiots?

Cook County officials prepare for vote to repeal beverage tax

you just can't make this shit up. I cannot believe real people vote for this trash.
I didn't refuse to look at other aspects either. Since insurance works the way it does, treating someone with a pre-existing conditions costs others that don't have those conditions.
Of coarse you refused to look at other aspects, you fucking moron. You called the law a disaster simply on whether someone could pick their own doctor. That's refusing to look.

The typical strawman argument claim by a coward refusing to answer.
Ask a real question and I'll give you a real answer, you fuckin' pussy.

When the cost of their premiums is reduced because some other group is subsidizing that cost, they're freeloaders.
Like corporations that are allowed to offshore their profits to avoid paying income taxes? Like no taxes on dividends? Like taxes on capital gains at 10% when I pay 35%? GE makes a billion dollars a year and they paid 0.00 income taxes. How the fuck does that happen? That's corporate welfare.

No such thing as corporate welfare.
See above.

There should be a Franchise Transactions Tax of 0.003% on every single traded share on Wall Street.

I never thought I'd see a group of people dumb enough to think skin color was a qualification for President but you Obama NL sure proved there is.
Go fuck yourself, you fuckin' racist!

I used that as on example because it was a blatant lie.

I asked you a real question but because you're an Obama NL, you refused to answer and pucker up to his black ass.

No such things as corporate welfare. Sorry that you don't understand.

Wow, a Liberal wanting to tax the successful to fund the worthless.

Go kiss Obama's ass some more NL. Pucker up.
I withdrew my support for Obama's policies 18 months in to his first term when it was clear to me he was not a liberal and was not pushing liberal policies.

Unemployment is generated over conservative policies of allowing corporations not to be paying their fair share of taxes and forcing the middle class to make up the difference.

Why am I forced to pay 35% tax rate when some rich prick only has to pay a 20% tax rate?
maybe the rich punk makes his money differently and is taxed differently. Like capital gains and investment taxes. funny, you haven't a clue what is going on in your fking libturd agenda. defund america. go for it slick.

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