Not all Musims are Terrorists. But most Terrorists are Muslims.


Dec 23, 2003
A Muslim reproduces more than she should. Back here in Singapore, those kids with disciplinary problems are mostly Moslems. I'm not being a racist, but that's the truth. If this is the younger generation, what would the future generation be like. While it is terribly wrong to judgs him like this, logically, it is right to say that most Muslims don't contribute positively to Society.
maybe we should sterilize those dirty towelheads......really, put them in camps.......with the gypsies too
Originally posted by mrbitterness

The brave Arabs fire at civilian Israeli targets. When Israel kills the terrorists, the Arabs scream when some of their kids are killed by the IDF.

How can you pick off the Arab terrorist in the following photo without killing the Muslim suicide bombers?
Terrorists know no ethnicity or race. Terrorists are not much more than ignorant people being led by other ignorant people that can afford the loyalties of the less affluent. Dig it?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Terrorists know no ethnicity or race. Terrorists are not much more than ignorant people being led by other ignorant people that can afford the loyalties of the less affluent. Dig it?

So you agree their cause against the west is unfounded?
islam leads to violence just follow the life of mohammad-assainations,murder,torture,rape and war and continued by the first caliph to the modern day.the only person who can say islam does not lead to violence and war is one of only two kind of people. 1-people who have not read the koran and hadiths(life of mohammad)this is both non-muslims and muslims who are like christians who go to church on easter and christmas but rarely open there bible.2-those people who have read the koran and hadith but are not being honest about it,possibly for several reasons:fear,to do a good work for allah by lying to non-believers,or simply just trying to ignore what they know to be true in their mind but they have believed so long that islam is the one true religion they can't let it be true.
Originally posted by Psychoblues

Terrorists know no ethnicity or race. Terrorists are not much more than ignorant people being led by other ignorant people that can afford the loyalties of the less affluent. Dig it?

The Islamic terrorist is doing nothing more than following their mullah religion leaders who tell the ordinary Muslim what the cleric finds in the words of Muhammad's bible.

Can anyone change the words of their own bibles as interpreted by their preachers?
Jihad- religionous war. The US will give them a Jihad to remember.
Originally posted by Barbarossa

Jihad- religionous war. The US will give them a Jihad to remember.

The Islamics are ordered by their god to slay every infidel (unbeliever) from ambush unless they convert to belief in Allah.

Take a look at their site. Simply type in 9:5 in the box and you will see all the Islamic translations of the Koran verse.

So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them; surely Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
I like that phrase. Like that one about the sqaures and the rectangles. That saves me the time of explaining that I don't think all Not all Musims are Terrorists. But most Terrorists are Muslims.
One of the world's major religions has a cancer that will consume it if not expunged... I know kinda far fetched but I think in the long run Islam has hurt itself...

As I am a Christian with the belief that the living God does work in our world; Islam is in for it...
Not all Muslims are dumb, but most dumb people are muslim.

some muslims just don't wanna die thats why they pretend to go along with the whole charade.
if it means me staying alive i would say that bill clinton is god and bush is the anti-christ(it would be a lie but i'd be alive).
nah on second thought i think i would take death over that.
Originally posted by ajwps
Originally posted by mrbitterness

The brave Arabs fire at civilian Israeli targets. When Israel kills the terrorists, the Arabs scream when some of their kids are killed by the IDF.

How can you pick off the Arab terrorist in the following photo without killing the Muslim suicide bombers?

Why would anyone bother to spare the Muslim suicide bombers' lives anyway? Clear conscience? Or it is because they've seen the gas chambers themselves?
Originally posted by The Beaver
Not all Muslims are dumb, but most dumb people are muslim.


Dumb, as in because they died for a false god, tricked into dying for such a noble cause but ultimately they will still rot in hell?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
So you agree their cause against the west is unfounded?

They are probably just trying to make headlines in the New York Times. A bunch of martyrs that will die in glory... Ain't you jealous of all that attention?
Originally posted by ajwps
Originally posted by mrbitterness

The brave Arabs fire at civilian Israeli targets. When Israel kills the terrorists, the Arabs scream when some of their kids are killed by the IDF.

hellooooooooooooo its israrelis who are fighting in full fledge army way while palestinians dont have anything ..
Originally posted by mrbitterness
They are probably just trying to make headlines in the New York Times. A bunch of martyrs that will die in glory... Ain't you jealous of all that attention?

american gov is doing it ,by implanting people themselve to do just an excuse to carry on thier tradition of destroying nations after nation. in greed of oil and colonialism. muslim need no glory by getting printed in new york times. suicide and killing civilan people is forbidden in islam. huh GOTCH YA.......america, an excuse u cant prove and realte to a muslim.
Originally posted by ayesha
american gov is doing it ,by implanting people themselve to do just an excuse to carry on thier tradition of destroying nations after nation. in greed of oil and colonialism. muslim need no glory by getting printed in new york times. suicide and killing civilan people is forbidden in islam. huh GOTCH YA.......america, an excuse u cant prove and realte to a muslim.

:confused: :alco: :scratch:
Originally posted by mrbitterness
Dumb, as in because they died for a false god, tricked into dying for such a noble cause but ultimately they will still rot in hell?

dumb ones are blonde ones .................99.9 % of them christians.......americans, etc......i didn't created this right now like u created for this msg board...........attempting to be noticed, but this fact been around...ummmmmmmmmmmm..........since FOREVER

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