Not a good night for the Repubs

being a sore loser is such a bad look for you! :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Bear in mind that the very essence of Trumpery is soreloserism.

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really? you think your wife is stupid? about the other woman in your life?....
My wife has Dementia.
I'm basically her memory.
I have no other women in my life.

But since you think you can get away with patronizing women in such an obvious manner, I ask you....don't you think that abortion is a purely emotional issue?
After all, no woman has been forced to have a baby against her will in America.
That's nothing but Pobbycock and fearmongering.
The fact is nothing has changed since they reversed Roe vs Wade.
But ask just about any woman and they'll tell you that evil Republicans have tried to take away their rights to murder their baby.
Nevermind that fact that it's nothing but pure fantasy.
My wife has Dementia.
I'm basically her memory.
I have no other women in my life.

But since you think you can get away with patronizing women in such an obvious manner, I ask you....don't you think that abortion is a purely emotional issue?
After all, no woman has been forced to have a baby against her will in America.
That's nothing but Pobbycock and fearmongering.
The fact is nothing has changed since they reversed Roe vs Wade.
But ask just about any woman and they'll tell you that evil Republicans have tried to take away their rights to murder their baby.
Nevermind that fact that it's nothing but pure fantasy.
sorry to hear about your wife mud.....but i stay away from the abortion issue....that is between the parties involved,they are the ones that have to live and deal with it...

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