North Carolina’s special election is great news for Trump’s reelection chances

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Republican Dan Bishop’s narrow win in Tuesday’s redo election in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District isn’t just good news for House Republicans. Despite Bishop’s small, two-percentage-point margin of victory, it’s a rare bit of positive news for President Trump’s reelection chances.

It’s no secret that Trump had a bad August. His job approval rating has slumped to only 43.1 percent in Wednesday’s RealClearPolitics average, about two points down from mid-July. Polls generally show him trailing Democratic front-runner Joe Biden by more than 10 percentage points, and they show him behind other potential nominees such as Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) by smaller margins. Numbers like these caused many pundits to think the 9th District’s Democratic nominee Dan McCready could pull off a win in a seat Trump carried by 12 percentage points in 2016.

Bishop’s win shows that Trump’s appeal to his voters remains strong even as his ratings are in a slump. Bishop received 50.7 percent, only a few percentage points below Trump’s 54.4 percent from 2016. Moreover, past patterns from congressional special elections during the Trump era suggest that Democrats, who obviously detest the president, are likelier to turn out than Republicans in these lower-profile races. That’s what happened in the demographically similar race in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District in 2018. Republican Troy Balderson captured only 50.1 percent in his special election win but increased that to 51.4 percent when he ran against the same Democratic opponent in November’s general election.

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Typical BULLSHIT from the Compost....

If Trump keeps having “bad months” like August he will crush his DemonRAT opponent......Yang 8 points ahead of Trump in N.H......they have no idea who Yang is, let alone vote for someone who will raise taxes and let illegals into their towns to rape and murder!....These idiots think most will believe their shit!

Now—Biden, there is a guy who had a bad August!

It is good news; the Democratic base is becoming unraveled over the cognitive dissonances among the various racist groups ad lack of any real policy. They parrot he same stuff they have since the 1970's and yet, despite all kinds of opportunities over the decades to do pass that stuff, they never do, for one, and without a racist candidate they're nothing these days; their arrogance and blatant pandering to criminal illegal aliens and faggots has caused divisions in their racial demographics, their plans to completely bankrupt the social safety nets to buy the illegal alien votes has turned off both blacks and the elderly, as has their support for faggot fetishists. Bishop's 2 point win here will back up to a 12%-20% win for Trump there in 2020.
Republican Dan Bishop’s narrow win in Tuesday’s redo election in North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District isn’t just good news for House Republicans. Despite Bishop’s small, two-percentage-point margin of victory, it’s a rare bit of positive news for President Trump’s reelection chances.

It’s no secret that Trump had a bad August. His job approval rating has slumped to only 43.1 percent in Wednesday’s RealClearPolitics average, about two points down from mid-July. Polls generally show him trailing Democratic front-runner Joe Biden by more than 10 percentage points, and they show him behind other potential nominees such as Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) by smaller margins. Numbers like these caused many pundits to think the 9th District’s Democratic nominee Dan McCready could pull off a win in a seat Trump carried by 12 percentage points in 2016.

Bishop’s win shows that Trump’s appeal to his voters remains strong even as his ratings are in a slump. Bishop received 50.7 percent, only a few percentage points below Trump’s 54.4 percent from 2016. Moreover, past patterns from congressional special elections during the Trump era suggest that Democrats, who obviously detest the president, are likelier to turn out than Republicans in these lower-profile races. That’s what happened in the demographically similar race in Ohio’s 12th Congressional District in 2018. Republican Troy Balderson captured only 50.1 percent in his special election win but increased that to 51.4 percent when he ran against the same Democratic opponent in November’s general election.

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Typical BULLSHIT from the Compost....

If Trump keeps having “bad months” like August he will crush his DemonRAT opponent......Yang 8 points ahead of Trump in N.H......they have no idea who Yang is, let alone vote for someone who will raise taxes and let illegals into their towns to rape and murder!....These idiots think most will believe their shit!

Now—Biden, there is a guy who had a bad August!


This seat was designed to elect a Republican. Republicans bragged that no Democrat would win a House seat under their map except for the 2 black majority seats. It turns out they are right. However you can't gerrymander a state. The Democrats made gains in the suburban portion of the district which puts NC and Georgia in play for 2020.

The Washington Examiner got it right.

"But Bishop merely retained a congressional seat drawn by Republicans for Republicans. This close shave should serve as a serious warning to conservatives that 2020, up and down the ticket, will be a blood bath if things keep going like this. Southern suburbs are showing an increasing impatience with Trump's Republican Party, such that the GOP cannot bank on winning in states like North Carolina and Georgia.

Naturally, the Trump fan club praised the president, using Bishop's win as evidence that Republicans can take back the suburbs and the House next year. But the breakdown of votes paints a more dire picture. Bishop performed even better than usual in rural areas of the district. But his Democratic opponent, Dan McCready, even in losing by a greater margin than in last year's controversial race, pulled more votes from the suburbs than he did during 2018's blue wave.
This follows the trend that already cost Republicans the House and could spell doom in 2020. A party that wins rural areas without suburbs or cities is a party that's going to start losing everywhere.

Republicans aren't just performing poorly relative to the pre-Trump days of the Republican Party. They're performing terribly relative to Trump's election in 2016. Both the president and Mitt Romney carried the same district by 12 points. Three years after Trump's victory, Bishop, who based his entire campaign on Trump, won last night just by two points.

It's good news for Republicans that they kept this seat. It's terrifying for their political future how they won it."

Republicans shouldn't get too excited about North Carolina
If you're Thom Tillis...or Donald Trump, I don't think you look at the results last night & feel very good about what might happen in 2020.

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