None of us would wish to live this way. Plus you also have to feel somewhat sorry for the Lebanese


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
None of us would wish to live this way. Plus you also have to feel somewhat sorry for the Lebanese as such a small country has taken in so many refugees.

None of us would wish to live this way. Plus you also have to feel somewhat sorry for the Lebanese as such a small country has taken in so many refugees.

Amid Strains, Syrian Refugees Are Facing Curfews In Lebanon
DECEMBER 16, 2014 1:47 PM ET


Listen to the Story
All Things Considered

5 min 22 sec
A Syrian refuge woman walks past tents at a refugee camp in the eastern Lebanese border town of Arsal, Lebanon, Monday, Nov. 18, 2013.

Bilal Hussein/AP
In Lebanon — a fragile little country of just 4 million people — there are about 1 million refugees from Syria. Many have been here three years, and their welcome is starting to wear thin.

Some towns and villages have imposed a curfew on refugees – enforced by local groups of volunteers. But in a country that experienced a brutal civil war, some are concerned about the return of armed civilian groups.

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Amid Strains Syrian Refugees Are Facing Curfews In Lebanon Parallels NPR?

DECEMBER 16, 2014 1:47 PM ET


Listen to the Story
All Things Considered

5 min 22 sec
A Syrian refuge woman walks past tents at a refugee camp in the eastern Lebanese border town of Arsal, Lebanon, Monday, Nov. 18, 2013.

Bilal Hussein/AP
In Lebanon — a fragile little country of just 4 million people — there are about 1 million refugees from Syria. Many have been here three years, and their welcome is starting to wear thin.

Some towns and villages have imposed a curfew on refugees – enforced by local groups of volunteers. But in a country that experienced a brutal civil war, some are concerned about the return of armed civilian groups.

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Amid Strains Syrian Refugees Are Facing Curfews In Lebanon Parallels NPR?
I often ask myself for what reason was I dealt my life in this world.

I have no answer.

My riches are not measured in money, but in my family and friends.

My home is not my house, nor my tent, but my day. For every one of my days is a journey, and the journey itself is home.

I have weathered poverty time and again. And by determination and will have conquered those storms.

I abide by the laws of my country and give of myself tirelessly and by my own volition. To others.

I cannot bear the burdens of others in distant lands, but I can uplift those around me.

And i do. And for that I am proud.
I often ask myself for what reason was I dealt my life in this world.

I have no answer.

My riches are not measured in money, but in my family and friends.

My home is not my house, nor my tent, but my day. For every one of my days is a journey, and the journey itself is home.

I have weathered poverty time and again. And by determination and will have conquered those storms.

I abide by the laws of my country and give of myself tirelessly and by my own volition. To others.

I cannot bear the burdens of others in distant lands, but I can uplift those around me.

And i do. And for that I am proud.

Good for you, Mr. H. Surely, however, you can spare a few bucks for UNICEF to help these children.
I often ask myself for what reason was I dealt my life in this world.

I have no answer.

My riches are not measured in money, but in my family and friends.

My home is not my house, nor my tent, but my day. For every one of my days is a journey, and the journey itself is home.

I have weathered poverty time and again. And by determination and will have conquered those storms.

I abide by the laws of my country and give of myself tirelessly and by my own volition. To others.

I cannot bear the burdens of others in distant lands, but I can uplift those around me.

And i do. And for that I am proud.

Good for you, Mr. H. Surely, however, you can spare a few bucks for UNICEF to help these children.
Don't you EVER call me Surely. :slap:

I contribute when I can. To our local Food Pantry, Toys for Tots, Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army blah blah blah...

But right now I'm in a bit of a struggle. Who's going to give to ME?

No one. Why? Because I'm not fucking going to ask.

I'm a Republican that's why. You can take your charity shit and shove it up your ass.

I give, but I don't take. :slap:
I often ask myself for what reason was I dealt my life in this world.

I have no answer.

My riches are not measured in money, but in my family and friends.

My home is not my house, nor my tent, but my day. For every one of my days is a journey, and the journey itself is home.

I have weathered poverty time and again. And by determination and will have conquered those storms.

I abide by the laws of my country and give of myself tirelessly and by my own volition. To others.

I cannot bear the burdens of others in distant lands, but I can uplift those around me.

And i do. And for that I am proud.

Good for you, Mr. H. Surely, however, you can spare a few bucks for UNICEF to help these children.
Don't you EVER call me Surely. :slap:

I contribute when I can. To our local Food Pantry, Toys for Tots, Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army blah blah blah...

But right now I'm in a bit of a struggle. Who's going to give to ME?

No one. Why? Because I'm not fucking going to ask.

I'm a Republican that's why. You can take your charity shit and shove it up your ass.

I give, but I don't take. :slap:

That's very nice that you give. If you are in a bit of a bind right now, I sympathize with you. However, I hope everyone else reading can contribute a few bucks to make these unfortunate children's lives a little better. By the way, I am a registered Republican so what has this got to do with anything?
Syrian and Iraqi refugees are overwhelming communities in the region. I feel sorry for them, but I also think things like why the hell should we feed feed them and fight their wars if they are not willing to fight for themselves, and whether or not helping them just delays the day they decide to stand up for themselves from coming. I don't know what to do, but I don't have a lot of extra money and even if I did I would still try to help our own people first. Even if it makes me sound like a prick, I think you just have to take care of your own first.
I often ask myself for what reason was I dealt my life in this world.

I have no answer.

My riches are not measured in money, but in my family and friends.

My home is not my house, nor my tent, but my day. For every one of my days is a journey, and the journey itself is home.

I have weathered poverty time and again. And by determination and will have conquered those storms.

I abide by the laws of my country and give of myself tirelessly and by my own volition. To others.

I cannot bear the burdens of others in distant lands, but I can uplift those around me.

And i do. And for that I am proud.

Good for you, Mr. H. Surely, however, you can spare a few bucks for UNICEF to help these children.
The syrian army could also use some bucks for the fight against terrorism. Please help, your do you want our countries to turn the region into a an Islamist stronghold? Do you?
The real tragedy is that Lebanon was created as the Christian country in the Middle East, and indeed, Beirut was once called the Paris of the Middle East.

Those days are long gone due to Muslim breeding their way to dominance while persecuting all who are not Muslim. .
I often ask myself for what reason was I dealt my life in this world.

I have no answer.

My riches are not measured in money, but in my family and friends.

My home is not my house, nor my tent, but my day. For every one of my days is a journey, and the journey itself is home.

I have weathered poverty time and again. And by determination and will have conquered those storms.

I abide by the laws of my country and give of myself tirelessly and by my own volition. To others.

I cannot bear the burdens of others in distant lands, but I can uplift those around me.

And i do. And for that I am proud.

Good for you, Mr. H. Surely, however, you can spare a few bucks for UNICEF to help these children.
Don't you EVER call me Surely. :slap:

I contribute when I can. To our local Food Pantry, Toys for Tots, Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army blah blah blah...

But right now I'm in a bit of a struggle. Who's going to give to ME?

No one. Why? Because I'm not fucking going to ask.

I'm a Republican that's why. You can take your charity shit and shove it up your ass.

I give, but I don't take. :slap:

I AM serious, and don't call me Shirley.


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