Nobody is Talking About the Four Black Students Shot in Pittsburgh This Week

The reason nobody is talking about is because we expect this as a daily happening in those hoods. It's normal, whereas a mass shooting at a Big Ten U is not.

America’s most famous mass shooting this week was Monday’s killing of three students and wounding of five others at Michigan State University, another in the country’s long, bloody and entirely unnecessary history of mass murder with high-powered guns. The Michigan State murders were tragic, needless and enraging. But depending on which of the varied definitions of mass shootings you follow, it wasn’t the only one in the past few days.
On Tuesday, four students were shot as they left Westinghouse Academy, a high school in Pittsburgh’s Homewood neighborhood, at the end of the school day. All four survived and are expected to recover. No suspects or motive have been named, and the remainder of Westinghouse’s students have been learning remotely ever since...................................................

Dude, there are only so many hours in any given news cycle.
Give me a break, man!!!
probably because blacks are allowed in the Democratic Party.


The reason nobody is talking about is because we expect this as a daily happening in those hoods. It's normal, whereas a mass shooting at a Big Ten U is not.

America’s most famous mass shooting this week was Monday’s killing of three students and wounding of five others at Michigan State University, another in the country’s long, bloody and entirely unnecessary history of mass murder with high-powered guns. The Michigan State murders were tragic, needless and enraging. But depending on which of the varied definitions of mass shootings you follow, it wasn’t the only one in the past few days.
On Tuesday, four students were shot as they left Westinghouse Academy, a high school in Pittsburgh’s Homewood neighborhood, at the end of the school day. All four survived and are expected to recover. No suspects or motive have been named, and the remainder of Westinghouse’s students have been learning remotely ever since...................................................
You are right; that just isn't on the news, or wasn't this morning.

Yeah, no one cares if it's blacks because they do so much shooting of each other. SSDD.
Nobody died, nobody cares.

Think about said this...."America’s most famous mass shooting this week"....meaning there were multiple to choose from.

I am not blaming guns even one iota, but does it not make you stop and wonder why we have so many to choose from each week?

Rubbish. a lot of Europe has worse crime rates than white America. And those with the higher crime rates in Europe have let pagan savages invade and do the most mayhem there as well.
You are right; that just isn't on the news, or wasn't this morning.

Yeah, no one cares if it's blacks because they do so much shooting of each other. SSDD.

Same with areas like Chicago. The root word of NEWS is New. If it's not new, it's not worth reporting.
The 2nd amendment is a disaster. If it wasn`t, everyone would want their own 2nd amendment. Guns are a tool, just like a screw driver and a crescent wrench? I`ve never heard anyone say that guns make people violent. Where did you come up with that nonsense?

From the left, that's where. If a Democrat opines on any story like this, the first thing they blame is the gun, and blame the person that did the shooting second.
We`re Exhibit A as to how not to deal with guns. We`re more violent than other industrialized countries is only your opinion. Other countries have violent people but their governments make it difficult for their worst people to own or steal guns. What they don`t want is our disastrous 2nd amendment. Their children don`t have to pass through metal detectors to enter their schools and their children don`t leave schools in body bags. In my 69 years I`ve never heard anyone say that guns make us violent.

Those other countries you speak of are mostly single-culture compared to ours which is very multi-cultured. For instance half of all US murders are committed by just 7% of our population which are black males. If you take people of color out of the murder rate, even with our guns, we are comparable to those other countries.

As I've said so many times, it's not the guns that are the problem, it's the people.
The group that insists on saturating this formerly great country with guns is overwhelmingly white. What would you suggest that Black people do about it?

1) Support your police.
2) Vote out Democrats that have leniency on people who commit crimes with guns.
3) Vote in conservative judges that have a tough on crime stance.
4) Setup a video camera system on the outside of your home to record any criminal event taking place.
The reason nobody is talking about is because we expect this as a daily happening in those hoods. It's normal, whereas a mass shooting at a Big Ten U is not.

America’s most famous mass shooting this week was Monday’s killing of three students and wounding of five others at Michigan State University, another in the country’s long, bloody and entirely unnecessary history of mass murder with high-powered guns. The Michigan State murders were tragic, needless and enraging. But depending on which of the varied definitions of mass shootings you follow, it wasn’t the only one in the past few days.
On Tuesday, four students were shot as they left Westinghouse Academy, a high school in Pittsburgh’s Homewood neighborhood, at the end of the school day. All four survived and are expected to recover. No suspects or motive have been named, and the remainder of Westinghouse’s students have been learning remotely ever since...................................................
You are talking about it or do you consider yourself a nobody.

MSN is talking about it or you would've neve known about it.