Nobel Winner to Obama on Global Warming: 'Mr. President, You're Wrong'

So called man-made climate change is all about control has nothing to do with helping the planet out. Dip shit
Absolutely right, US rightard dumb fuck. It's a vast global conspiracy to get you to pay for climate scientists' lunches.
You go ahead and believe in your myth, leave the rest of us out of your Ponzi scheme. LOL
It's all about control and the global redistribution of wealth.
Yes, a vast worldwide conspiracy to get you to redistribute your wealth to climate scientists. I bet the designer of the scheme lives on an island in a hill shaped like a skull and has a white cat as a pet.

You need to get up to speed. From the UN reps own mouths.

"One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy.

This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole," said Edenhofer, who co-chaired the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change working group on Mitigation of Climate Change from 2008 to 2015.

So what is the goal of environmental policy?

"We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy," said Edenhofer.


Last year, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change, made a similar statement.

"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," she said in anticipation of last year's Paris climate summit.

"This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history."


"The plan is to allow Third World countries to emit as much carbon dioxide as they wish -- because, as Edenhofer said, "in order to get rich one has to burn coal, oil or gas" -- while at the same time restricting emissions in advanced nations.

This will, of course, choke economic growth in developed nations, but they deserve that fate as they "have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community," he said."
The leftwing whackos have tried for decades to come up with a scam to impose their radical policies and they knew they needed some invented global crisis. In the 70's, they tried to push a global cooling scam.
False, more propaganda for the consumption of US rightard dumb fucks, of which there is no shortage.

The majority of scientific papers in the 70s predicted warming. That you were sucked in by a couple of magazines is only to be expected.


What were climate scientists predicting in the 1970s?

I remember reports of fears of cooling.

Now, we have scientists paid to do studies and many came forth to explain that the testing was flawed. We have laws created due to junk science. No surprise that some will come to the conclusion that is wanted by the ones funding them.

There is no proof that warming is man-made. The one thing no one seems to dispute is that there is little that can alter it. So, why will trillions end up getting redistributed to other countries to shore up public pensions and other things, all in the name of global warming solutions? It's being used as an excuse for government to take control over everything.

Some of us will be totally fucked while others will benefit, at least temporarily. The environment won't change. Some countries aren't participating in the scam and some are just waiting for the money to pour in.
A Nobel winning scientist totally disagrees with Obama and the global warming alarmists.

Of course, the proposed solutions are nothing but crap because it's nothing more than an aid to bringing about a one world government by redistributing wealth worldwide and concentrating control and power among a few global elitists.

The radicals in the past often talked about inventing a crisis of global proportions in order to allow government to seize control over everything. For a one world government, they must control people by having complete control over healthcare, food, energy, communication and they must limit freedoms. The global warming solutions are geared to do that. Nothing they do will have any affect on climate and will have a major impact on life as we know it.

"President Obama’s statements on global warming are “dead wrong,” said Nobel laureate Ivar Giaever, who rejected the president's claims that man-made global warming is causing climate change.

“I think Obama is a clever person, but he gets bad advice. Global warming is all wet,” Giaever said in a speech entitled Global Warming Revisited he gave on July 1 to scientists from 90 countries attending the 65th annual Nobel Laureate Meeting in Lindau, Germany.

Giaever, who was born in Norway and became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1964, was one of three recipients of the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1973.

Although he endorsed Obama in 2008 along with more than 70 other Nobel-winning scientists, Giaever is now criticizing the president’s statements on climate change -- particularly his 2015 State of the Union remark that “no challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.”

"The biggest problem Obama faces is climate change? How can he say that?" Giaever asked. "I say this to Obama: 'Excuse me, Mr. President, but you're wrong.' He is dead wrong...

"So global warming really starts with these two people: Al Gore and [former United Nations climate head Rajendra] Pachauri," Giaever continued. "And what they did - they made this curve popular...And what did this curve measure? Well, this curve measures what is the average temperature for the world for a whole year...For one year. So there's an average temperature for the whole Earth for one year and that measures in a fraction of a degree.

"So what does that mean? I think probably nothing. Let me talk about that again: From 1880 to 2015, the temperature has increased from 288 K [degrees Kelvin] to 288.8 K - 0.3 percent. I think the temperature has been amazingly stable.

"If I take where I live in Albany, New York, there is roughly an 80 K difference between summer and winter at some time, so would you think that a 0.8 degree average on the Earth makes any difference to the climate in Albany? Is that sensible to you?...

"I would say that global warming basically is a non-problem. Just leave it alone, it will take care of itself,” he added."

Nobel Winner to Obama on Global Warming: 'Mr. President, You're Wrong'

Sounds like the Nobel Winner has buyer's remorse.

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