Nobel Prize! For what?

I love their new crazed spin..."Weather is different than Climate." Really,no chit? Whenever it's convenient for them,they use bad Weather as an example of "Climate Change" no? The Global Warming fanatics are just losing it at this point. Less & less people are buying their lunacy so now they're stuck scrambling to pin any & all weather fluctuations on "Global Warming." They're just desperate now. Their dreams of Global Warming Gestapos and World Socialism are now fading so expect them to become even more hysterical as their dreams continue to fade away. Kind of feel sorry for them.
Global Warming Gestapos going through your garbage to see if you're throwing your garbage away properly? Fines or imprisonment for violators? They now have these Gestapos in Great Britain. I don't want to see them here in my country. Personal Freedom & Liberty trumps "Global Warming" in my opinion. Live Free or Die.
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And by the way where is Al Gore? Shouldn't this be the time when him and his band of green fanatics and scientists come out from under their rocks and tell us what's happening?

If there really is anything at all to the global warming hoax, wouldn't now be the time to explain to us peons what all this cold and white stuff is?
Now we're reading that the record cold and snowfall is being caused by none other than global warming.

The global warming hoax is nothing more than an international effort to control every facet of human life on Planet Earth.
I'm a lot more worried about the nuclear bomb Iran is developing. Amen!

Record high heat ... global warming
Record high snowfall ... global warming
Floods ... global warming
Record high hurricanes ... global warming
Drought ... global warmning


Your problem with you new religion is that what you claim we had -wasn't. Maybe you weren't listening to the FACTS on this one -but "scientists" faked the data and manipulated the outcome. If you let me fake the data I can "prove" the climate did whatever you want me to make it look like.

In 2007 China had its coldest weather in 100 years. Oh right -GLOBAL WARMING lol
In 2007 there were record levels of Antarctic sea ice -oh right again -GLOBAL WARMING
Record COLD temperatures in Minnesota, Texas, Florida, Mexico, Australia, Iran, Greece, South Africa, Greenland, Argentina, Chile were seen in the past four years -oh right again -GLOBAL WARMING!

All four major global tracking outlets at Hadley, NASA's GISS, UAH, RSS -all released updated data for 2007. And all four showed a PRECIPITOUS DROP on a GLOBAL BASIS of surface temperatures. Oh right -GLOBAL WARMING!

And the worst news for people like you who insist on unquestioning worship on the lying ass altar of unproven scientific THEORY -is that drop in a single year wiped out nearly all the increase in warming of the last 100 years. OOPS. It is the single fastest temperature change up or down ever recorded. And it was DOWN. Sharply. And scientists attribute that drop to a significant drop off in solar activity which is known to be of far more importance in climate change than any man made activity that may or may not have resulted in what is in reality a MINUSCULE change in the level of gas molecules dispersed in our atmosphere of a critically necessary gas needed for the existence of all life.

What you global warmers can't come to grips with and the global warming hoaxsters repeatedly refuse to even discuss -is that there is a very poor correlation between levels of COs and climate change. All legitimate scientists ADMIT THIS -the correlation between CO2 levels and climate change is not a good one at all. But there is a clear and excellent correlation between several different kinds of solar activity and climate change.

And now scientists are admitting that temperatures were likely warmer during the Medieval Warm Age than it is now. Check out on your own whether or not it resulted in global catastrophe. LOL

Turns out one of the strongest correlations between some variable and climate change is changes in the sun's magnetosphere -which goes through its own cycle. One that isn't man's fault -how about that. The stronger the field, the more it shields earth from cosmic rays which acts as a stimulus for cloud formation. The result is less cloud cover and a warmer planet. When the field weakens, clouds increase reflecting more light back to space and the planet cools. Even NASA researcher Drew Shindell at GISS said there are "interesting" relationships between climate and various kinds of solar activity we just don't understand yet. But SURE -let's destroy our economy and forfeit our standard of living with legislation that won't do a damn thing about CO2 levels, have zero impact on "global warming" all so liberals can pretend they accomplished something significant.

For liberals something has to ALWAYS be in crisis state and some -like that lying ass Gore -are more than happy to exaggerate and outright lie to pretend one exists and keep right on doing even after getting caught lying over and over again! Liberals need constant crises because they believe they are more likely to be able to ram unwanted legislation down the throats of people -who otherwise reject their political agenda. THIS was a political hoax intended to further a LIBERAL agenda on a global basis.

Maybe you didn't know this -but when something is a scientifically TRUE -it isn't called a THEORY. That is how it works. We don't keep calling the theory of gravity a theory -because we accept it as scientific truth and fact. The theory of global warming will ALWAYS be called a theory because it is NOT scientific fact and has NOT been accepted as scientific truth and fact by SCIENTISTS. Instead challenges to this theory have only increased since it was revealed that "scientists" were falsifying and manipulating the data and in two cases, destroyed the raw data. Destroying raw data is never done -it is the only way other scientists can confirm and verify the results. Destroying it is only done to prevent other scientists from confirming or verifying the results.

AND -pretending one year proves global warming is RIDICULOUS. WEATHER is not climate. You nutcases will insist ANY and ALL conditions somehow "prove" global warming -no matter what it is. I've seen you nutjobs insist the tsunami that hit in 2006 was caused by global warming -so apparently some of you bozos think earthquakes are caused by surface temperature and not shifting tectonic plates like geologists and vulcanologists seem to believe actually cause them. And FYI -if those tectonic plates don't keep shifting, it means our core isn't rotating anymore and that means life on this planet is not possible so let's not pretend we need to somehow stop that, ok?

Snowfall is part of WEATHER, not CLIMATE. Climate and weather are NOT the same thing and are not interchangeable terms. And where were these big droughts you seem to think means we are already underway with catastrophic global warming? I guess you never knew the planet has drought cycles that are actually fairly predictable now. Droughts happen during any and all climates. Since we haven't been keeping records all that long -the odds that in any given year some record high/low rain/snow levels will be seen is actually extremely high. NOTHING has happened outside the norm to indicate impending catastrophe. NOTHING. When I was a kid we had a 4 foot snowfall in 36 hours -never had it before or since. GLOBAL WARMING! Except at THAT time some scientists were insisting it proved were were getting ready to enter a new ice age! Gee isn't it interesting how drama queens can use the same kind of event to "prove" the exact opposite thing! ROFL

You know what some scientists wanted to do to forestall that ice age? Blow up and destroy a big chunk of the polar ice caps, let them drift off and melt as they traveled towards the equator. Now what do you think would have happened if we treated their theory we were entering a new ice age as a mandatory religion and blew up the ice caps? Yet just a few decades later people like you are insisting we need to take the same kind of immediate, drastic action that would NO LESS negatively impact the lives of millions, if not billions -with legislation that would leave them unable to recover financially in their lifetime.

FUCK the scientists. I do NOT worship at their altar, I do NOT pretend they are my gods. Their nonstop theories are NOT a religion. I am NOT obligated to worship at their altar and pretend whatever they utter is writ in stone. They are people -fallible, mistaken and error prone people and when it comes to science, scientists propose theories that end up being dead wrong literally hundreds and hundreds of time -before getting a single one right. That is the nature of science -it is basically a series of educated GUESSES that people can typically spend the rest of the lives trying to figure out if their guess has any legs to it or not. The theory of global warming doesn't have legs at this time and it may never have them. And once again we have other legitimate and well credentialed scientists putting forth their theory that we are on the verge of a new ice age and have all their data lined up that suggests it true. How soon before you leftists demand we all bow down at THAT altar? ROFLMAO
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Global warming? Nonsense
It can't be warming if it snowed this winter..

Antarctic melting due to global warming; sea levels may rise - Science Fair: Science and Space News -

The ice shelves in the southern part of the Antarctic Peninsula appear to be disappearing because of climate change, according to a new report from the U.S. Geological Survey and the British Antarctic Survey.

"The loss of ice shelves is evidence of the effects of global warming," says USGS scientist and lead author Jane Ferrigno.

US Geological Survey? Liberal mamby pambies
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Global warming? Nonsense
It can't be warming if it snowed this winter..

Antarctic melting due to global warming; sea levels may rise - Science Fair: Science and Space News -

The ice shelves in the southern part of the Antarctic Peninsula appear to be disappearing because of climate change, according to a new report from the U.S. Geological Survey and the British Antarctic Survey.

"The loss of ice shelves is evidence of the effects of global warming," says USGS scientist and lead author Jane Ferrigno.

US Geological Survey? Liberal mamby pambies

You are guilty of cherry picking what suits your own "religious" beliefs on this while refusing to even consider the mountains of evidence that does not. I have not done that -you aren't showing me anything I haven't already seen. Just because your worship of this THEORY means you MUST insist it is entirely true and NOTHING can be allowed to contradict or challenge it -doesn't mean it hasn't been seriously and credibly challenged. To say NOTHING of the fact a slew of these so-called leading global warming "scientists" have been proven to have sold their souls and LIED. What is it about FALSIFIED and MANIPULATED data you just can't wrap your brain around? These are THE top people you global warming nuts have been quoting for years now! And now discredited.

You are NOT objective on this. But this is a scientific theory and NOT a religion. So how about you quit treating it like one because until you approach the subject with an open mind willing to consider other evidence that doesn't fall in line -it means your personal OPINION is irrelevant to the discussion. You can pull up as many sites and sources as you want that are or were trumpeting GLOBAL WARMING -and I can pull up at least as many from just the last six months showing what we have been led to believe has been a LIE, motivated by people who intended to personally profit and/or were seeking to manipulate science in order to carry out by means of deceit their extremist political agenda.

Did you know that more than a few scientists have been predicting that global warming scientists would end up being discredited? Why would they stick their necks out like that I wonder -and it turned out THEY were right about that. Think no other scientists suspected that some hanky-panky wasn't going on with the data? Think none of them wondered why raw data had been destroyed or why NASA has spent the last two years trying to avoid releasing its raw data and is still dragging its feet even though being sued for its release under the Freedom of Information Act? Is that kind of thing the hallmark of REPUTABLE science in your world?

What do you think about what Steven Guibeault of Greenpeace said not too long ago when he said that global warming can mean "colder or warmer, drier or wetter". Pretty much whatever, huh. What he meant was that global warming can mean whatever the activists NEED it to mean. A phrase that can mean anything someone wants it mean in reality means NOTHING. And global warming is a trashcan phrase that now means NOTHING. It is why activists have switched to using the phrase "climate change". If they use "climate change" then it doesn't matter whether it is warmer, colder, wetter or drier -it will mean whatever they need it mean. Another trashcan phrase.

Just consider a few things more. Some global warming "scientists" in 2006 predicted 2007 would be the warmest year on record. It wasn't. It was only the 9th warmest on record. But it was also the coldest year in a CENTURY. That sharp unexpected drop in temperatures on a GLOBAL basis now considered to be the result of a change in solar activities that I mentioned in a previous post wiped out nearly all the incremental warming of the past 100 years in just a single year -poof. If solar activities can unexpectedly lower the average global temperature in one year and essentially wipe out the slight, incremental warming that occurred over the course of a century -then why the hell would I EVER get behind any legislation that would destroy our economy and force millions (if not billions) to forfeit their standard of living when it not only would NOT do a damn thing about global warming whatsoever, but when there is absolutely NO WAY of knowing where nature itself is going to take us on its own. What a USELESS WASTE and sheer stupidity to deliberately inflict that kind of massive suffering on our own species! Those scientists were WRONG in their prediction about 2007 for many reasons -not the least of which is the fact they actually have very little understanding about what variables are at play in climate change, much less any ability to predict when any of them will come into play -or why. Scientists cannot accurately predict the weather any further out than 5 days or so and yet have a MUCH better understanding of what causes weather changes than scientists know about what causes climate change. So the notion scientists can reliably predict climate change that is supposed to occur decades and centuries in the future even though they don't even know all the variables involved or when they come into play and how - is ridiculous on its face. As many scientists themselves have pointed out.

The highly selective reporting by the media which is leftwing feeds into this. Just one example of hundreds. When the Arctic sea ice hit the lowest level recorded by satellites -it was treated like major news and received widespread coverage. When the VERY NEXT YEAR Arctic sea ice reached its highest level ever recorded by satellite -it was IGNORED. Now why would that be do you think? LOL Who benefits by that selective reporting do you think? Does that kind of selective reporting lead you to trust the media that you are being told the FULL facts so you can make the best informed decisions- or whether you are being manipulated. If they are willing to keep that kind of information from you -what else aren't you being told? And do you have a clue where to look to find out? Because our public schools no longer try to teach our kids to THINK. THINKING is undesirable by the left -FEELING and wallowing in EMOTION are what the left wants. Even though emotions are so often irrational, misleading and unfounded -while FACTS are what they are.

HONEST scientists admit that what we don't know about climate change could not only be far more important than the little we do -it appears it IS far more important than the little we do know about climate change. The absolute proof of that is the FACT that we still do not know what caused the earth to enter OR leave any previous ice age. Not one. Until we do -then we don't know jackshit about climate change! So to pretend that in spite of having no real understanding of what caused any of the major climate changes in the past, we'll pretend we know it all NOW while lying assholes like Gore practically demand that anyone who disagrees or even challenges the idiocy that Mighty Mouse MAN is the cause of impending calamity because MAYBE man caused some (but not all) of a MINUSCULE rise in a MINUSCULE but critically necessary gas needed for all life to even exist -must be treated like a religious heretic deserving of being burned at the stake. THAT is beyond stupidity. It is INHUMANE!

You go ahead and worship at that altar but just because doing so feeds into some unfulfilled need of yours places no obligation on me to do so EVER.
Progression of the Global Warming argument by conservatives

Stage 1 Denial- Global Warming does not exist. It takes thousands of years to determine if the climate is really changing with statistical certainty. It is snowing like crazy today and we have 24 inches of snow, this proves there is no global warming

Stage 2 Accountability- Global Warming is occuring but you can't prove that man contributes to it. Climate has always changed without the assistance of man. We need more studies to prove that man is causing climate change. We should not do anything until we are 100% sure

Stage 3 Surrender- Global Warming has occurred but we are too far gone to do anything about it. The damage is already done, we will have to live with it

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