Nobel Prize! For what?


Diamond Member
Jan 19, 2010
Al Gore and the Truth, or Lack of It

For all of you who cry "foul" whenever someone brings up the subject of liberal media bias, I would like to bring up a couple of scenarios.
Now suppose Dick Cheney was the one who made the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" making dire predictions about icebergs melting and polar bears becoming extinct and the planet warming to the extent that certain areas would be unable to support agriculture in a few short decades, New York being under water and all manner of dire, unfounded prophecies.

And let's just suppose that Cheney tried to sell us carbon credits to offset our excessive use of energy when his own carbon footprint was wide enough to operate a small town, while he flies around on a private jet and rides in chauffer driven cars while telling the rest of us we should all but revert to the horse and buggy days. Oh, and by the way, the horses are not allowed to emit flatulence.

And suppose we had a winter of record low temperatures and the biggest snowfalls on record.

Now just what do you think the New York Times would be saying about Cheney's global warming theory.

And by the way where is Al Gore? Shouldn't this be the time when him and his band of green fanatics and scientists come out from under their rocks and tell us what's happening?

If there really is anything at all to the global warming hoax, wouldn't now be the time to explain to us peons what all this cold and white stuff is?
Now we're reading that the record cold and snowfall is being caused by none other than global warming.

I don't claim to be a genius but will somebody please explain to me how the warming of the Earth causes cold weather?

If you will look back at the history of the global warming fanatics you will find that since the early 1900s they have vacillated between global warming and global ice ages.

Now you can't have it both ways. Either the Earth is going to burn up or it is going to freeze over, but these people go back and forth using whichever tactic they can scare the most people with.

People let's be rational, there are many diverse, clear and present catastrophic dangers to Planet Earth but global warming is not one of them any more than global freezing is.

The global warming hoax is nothing more than an international effort to control every facet of human life on Planet Earth.
I'm a lot more worried about the nuclear bomb Iran is developing.

I'm much more anxious about having an Attorney General dumb enough to try Islamic terrorists in New York City.

I'm much more worried about the insupportable national debt Obama and the spend-drunk Congress are running up.

I'm more worried about how an early withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan will play out.

I'm much more concerned about the terrorist training camps right here in the homeland.

I am more worried about a Director of Homeland Security who thinks she's dealing with "man caused disasters".

I'm a lot more concerned about the well-equipped army the drug cartels are assembling in Mexico.

America if you're going to worry about something, pick something worthy of your anxiety and leave Al Gore and his band of alarmists to freeze or roast or whatever they're doing this week.

Even if common citizens would abide by all the rules laid down by crooks who are trying to force the rigid global warming lifestyle on us, the elite -like Al Gore- would still not give up their private airplanes, their limousines and the lavish and energy gobbling lifestyles they live.
This is a "Do as I say, not as I do" philosophy" and is nothing more than a planetary power grab.

It's a bunch of junk, folks. Don't give an inch.

What do you think?

Pray for our troops, and for our country.

God Bless America

Charlie Daniels ©Copyright The Charlie Daniels Band
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Now suppose Dick Cheney was the one who made the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" making dire predictions about icebergs melting and polar bears becoming extinct and the planet warming to the extent that certain areas would be unable to support agriculture in a few short decades, New York being under water and all manner of dire, unfounded prophecies.

Dick Cheney did worse..

He made up a story about WMDs, about how the US would be treated as liberators in Iraq, about how the insurgency was in its last throes, about how torture is acceptable if it works
The Nobel "Peace" Prize is handed out by Leftist Nutters so it's not very surprising that only fellow Leftist Nutters receive the prize. It really has lost all of its credibility at this point. How could Al Bore and Barack Obama receive a "Peace" prize? That's beyond stupid. That's just plain bizarre.
The Nobel "Peace" Prize is handed out by Leftist Nutters so it's not very surprising that only fellow Leftist Nutters receive the prize. It really has lost all of its credibility at this point. How could Al Bore and Barack Obama receive a "Peace" prize? That's beyond stupid. That's just plain bizarre.

Because we all know how liberal Henry Kissenger is, right?

The Nobel Prize has been a joke since it was formed, by a man who invented dynamite, and killed his two brothers in the process.
Now suppose Dick Cheney was the one who made the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" making dire predictions about icebergs melting and polar bears becoming extinct and the planet warming to the extent that certain areas would be unable to support agriculture in a few short decades, New York being under water and all manner of dire, unfounded prophecies.

Dick Cheney did worse..

He made up a story about WMDs, about how the US would be treated as liberators in Iraq, about how the insurgency was in its last throes, about how torture is acceptable if it works

Hmmmm...he made up that WMD thing.....

So please tell did he get the other intelligence agencies of OTHER COUNTIRES make that stuff up for him as well?

Just curious....please tell me.
The Nobel Peace Prize has sadly gone the way of the UN at this point. Just a bunch of silly Leftist Nutters trying to force their warped agendas on everyone. Both have very little credibility left with most common sense thinking people.
Now suppose Dick Cheney was the one who made the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" making dire predictions about icebergs melting and polar bears becoming extinct and the planet warming to the extent that certain areas would be unable to support agriculture in a few short decades, New York being under water and all manner of dire, unfounded prophecies.

Dick Cheney did worse..

He made up a story about WMDs, about how the US would be treated as liberators in Iraq, about how the insurgency was in its last throes, about how torture is acceptable if it works

I'm not interested in spending a lot of time arguing that bullshit again with the mindless, irrational left when the UNs own FINAL report in 1997 said inspectors estimated only 1/4 of his WMD stockpiles had been discovered and destroyed. Yeah right ONLY in liberal la-la land would the guy who spent a fortune and decades making WMD, then spent years trying to hide them from UN inspectors so he could KEEP THEM -then kick out UN inspectors and THEN turn around and destroy them all ONLY when no one was looking? But then could not provide a single document or even a single witness to that destruction? ROFLMAO Get real.

Bush gave more than 10 justifications for the Iraq war when he spoke before Congress. The fact Saddam had WMD wasn't one of them. THAT is the liberal fabrication. That he had WMD was a longstanding given by every intelligence agency and nation in the world -after all, he USED them. That he might use them AGAIN was given as a reason but not that he had them. Several countries have WMD we wish didn't but no one has suggested going to war with them over it. If waterboarding is "torture" then why did those trained to carry it out have to first endure it themselves. You mean its only "torture" if done to someone other than an AMERICAN? And only THREE people were ever waterboarded. You should research on how long any of these three were waterboarded before agreeing to talk -because we are talking about MERE MINUTES. NOT waterboarded for "confessions" which would truly be pointless and only a vengeful act - but for information -information which was verified to be true and prevented other attacks. Maybe the life of YOUR child isn't worth a few minutes of temporary discomfort of a man who would gladly see your kid gutted like a fish -but it sure as hell is worth the life of MINE. "Torture" as defined by the Geneva Conventions is an act that places the life or limb of an individual in JEOPARDY. Waterboarding doesn't do that -which is why it is and has been employed in OTHER Geneva Convention signatory nations as well. Our Constitution is NOT a suicide pact where Americans are all supposed to pretend the COMFORT of that one individual is more valuable than thousands of LIVES. It is a fact that waterboarding saved hundreds, if not thousands of lives. Which is why Obama REFUSED to release the full information about what resulted from the waterboarding of these THREE PEOPLE.

They weren't mollycoddled, read their rights, given a lawyer and then offered a PLEA deal months and years later in exchange for outdated information that was of no benefit any longer and after people have been killed.

Even if you really believe Cheney KNOWINGLY lied about these things -then you must believe it justifies a liberal engaging in bad acts as well, right? Otherwise why would you refuse to even comment on the reality here. Al Gore is still a major participant in THE largest global conspiracy in history -one intended to result in THE most massive transfer of wealth away from those who created and earned it to those who didn't. All while he was actively deceiving the American people he also personally positioned himself to make BILLIONS from this conspiracy -but only if this conspiracy stays on track.

In spite of being accused of trying to help Halliburton make money off the war, keep in mind Cheney made no personal profit from it and never attempted to try and do so. (To say nothing of the idiotic belief that anyone with a brain would try and help a company they once worked for but no longer had any financial ties whatsoever and whose only received monies were the exact amount called for in his contract and that had been paid out in full even before he ran for VP -yet go ahead and CORRUPTLY help that company make money when there wasn't a darn thing in it for him except to be falsely accused of doing so anyway! Maybe that works in liberal la-la land but not here in reality. Say what you want about Cheney, he isn't stupid.)

The same cannot be said of Gore though. He went out of his way to make sure he stood to benefit from the global warming hoax -and not just benefit a little bit. He still stands to PERSONALLY make BILLIONS from the global warming hoax -which is why he just keeps on pretending this hoax hasn't been exposed or that revelations of manipulated and falsified data by these "top scientists" keep coming to light over and over again. While he continues claiming the science is "settled" the scope of this massive hoax revealed is now suspected to be just the tip of the iceberg. To ANYONE with any intelligence that means everything out of his mouth about global warming is immediately suspect. So NO SURPRISE then when it turns out that what comes out of Gore's mouth is far more likely to be a PROVEN LIE (and not just blind accusations) than the truth. And not just lying when he's talking about global warming. The guy is known to tell his most hysteric, egregious and outrageous lies when he stands to PERSONALLY BENEFIT -either in his career, socially or as in this case, make MASSIVE financial gains. When Gore speaks on ANY subject I assume its a lie -and I'm nearly always right.

Even if you think Cheney KNOWINGLY lied (yet failing to explain how he could possibly know more than the intelligence agencies who gave Bush/Cheney their information about Saddam in the first place) - he was acting to protect this country. Gore continues to lie so he can make a personal FORTUNE at the expense of our entire economy, knowing full well that our nation will suffer such economic damage it may never recover in our lifetime. He LIES and he knowingly LIES because he will be just fine and dandy as one of the world's few BILLIONAIRES and he will and has continued to LIE even after being caught in those lies time and again -because he will never let go of his last chance at being a billionaire. The man is a filthy, corrupt liar who lies for PERSONAL GAIN.

So leave it to a stupid LIBERAL to insist Cheney committed the greater sin here. Excuse me while I vomit.
The Nobel Peace Prize Committee hands out these awards to the people who would prove to the world that they have a sense of humor. It's a good time Charlie kind of organization.
Global Warming /Climate Change is the new Religion.


Now suppose Dick Cheney was the one who made the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" making dire predictions about icebergs melting and polar bears becoming extinct and the planet warming to the extent that certain areas would be unable to support agriculture in a few short decades, New York being under water and all manner of dire, unfounded prophecies.

Dick Cheney did worse..

He made up a story about WMDs, about how the US would be treated as liberators in Iraq, about how the insurgency was in its last throes, about how torture is acceptable if it works

Hmmmm...he made up that WMD thing.....

So please tell did he get the other intelligence agencies of OTHER COUNTIRES make that stuff up for him as well?

Just curious....please tell me.

I didn't see those "other countries" joining the caolition of the willing (I still love that BS name). Even Canada said go fuck yourself based on available evidence
Dick Cheney did worse..

He made up a story about WMDs, about how the US would be treated as liberators in Iraq, about how the insurgency was in its last throes, about how torture is acceptable if it works

Hmmmm...he made up that WMD thing.....

So please tell did he get the other intelligence agencies of OTHER COUNTIRES make that stuff up for him as well?

Just curious....please tell me.

I didn't see those "other countries" joining the caolition of the willing (I still love that BS name). Even Canada said go fuck yourself based on available evidence

Actually that isn't why Canada didn't join in the Iraq War and not a single country complained about the quality of evidence against Saddam. Not one. The entire world agreed only on this when it came to Saddam -that Saddam not only had WMDs but also had the propensity for using them since he had already used them to slaughter thousands of his OWN CITIZENS and there was evidence they had been used (albeit ineffectively) during the Gulf War. The fact Saddam turned in THE identical declaration it turned it after the Gulf War denying it now or at any time had EVER possessed any WMD or had ever had a biological or radiological weapons program in Iraq's history -and was word for word the identical document it had to repeatedly amend as UN inspectors kept discovering tons more WMDs -and thereby proving it intended to play the very same hide-and-seek shell game regarding his WMD as he played the last time - probably didn't help Saddam's case, did it? Except of course with people like you. But keep re-writing history to suit yourself. It is what liberals do best anyway. Leave it to them to insist it is a longstanding repeatedly proven pathological liar, guilty of mass murder every year of his own citizens, guilty of using chemical weapons on his own people who should have been given the benefit of the doubt and not their own President. With "friends" like that....... But hey, if you think Saddam was the guy who deserved the benefit of the doubt on this one, it goes a LONG way to explain why liberals continue to support that pathological lying ass Gore!

The nations least likely to join in that war had a financial interest in Saddam remaining in power. They put their pocketbook before the welfare of millions who suffered under Saddam. Yawn -what else is new in this world.

If you think it is only a legitimate coalition if nations like France and Canada (of all nations) join in -France would be among the least likely of all. France believes freedom is to be hoarded for itself and denied to others -which helps explain why since WWll the US has freed more than 240 million people and France has We gave France the chance to save its soul on this one, but given its longstanding underhanded and corrupt relationship with Saddam, it was never going to happen. In the end France did what France does best and like Canada, chose to put the welfare of its own pocketbook over the freedom and lives of millions of human beings they decided they didn't see any problem with seeing them go right on suffering and dying under Saddam's brutality. Not as long as they stood to make a buck off that suffering. Canada decided it could only get involved if the war were sanctioned by the UN, knowing FULL WELL it was never going to happen because France is a permanent member of the Security Council and was never going to allow that to happen a second time. Not because of any complaints about "evidence", sorry.

The US wanted France to just refrain from casting a vote at all as it did before the Gulf War -because the US knew all along that France would never vote in favor of attacking its own client state that was putting billions in its pocket -but this time France voted to protect their BILLIONS in oil contracts instead. The fact Saddam had threatened to reveal damaging information about the corrupt nature of their dealings if France ever failed to vote to protect Saddam in the Security Council in the future probably had nothing to do with that. Naah Not when you can pretend its Cheney who was devious and dishonest. ROFL

FYI -there were at least 39 nations in that coalition. That France and Canada weren't among them is no surprise to anyone with any understanding of the histories and backgrounds involved. That nations newest to enjoy freedom did join is likewise understandable. And let's not forget -not even France, always intent on protecting its client state and stood to make 35 billion in oil contracts but ONLY if Saddam remained in power, EVER claimed Saddam was in compliance with the UN and ceasefire agreement of the Gulf War and had no WMD. NOT ONCE -because even France knew they were not. In fact it was France that set up the US with that phony "intelligence" about Saddam trying to buy uranium illegally from Niger -all in order to discredit the legitimate and totally different intelligence the UK had proving he really had tried to buy it. Intelligence the UK continues to stand by to this day.

Leave it to liberals to prove what real hypocrisy is. They applauded the most and loudest when a Democrat President deliberately gutted the CIA and crippled its ability to even gather intelligence at all, much less gather accurate intelligence -and then were THE very first to viciously turn like a junkyard dog on the very next President who was the guy left holding the bag for that lethal idiocy in a plot that was entirely undetected by our intelligence agencies and ended up costing thousands of people their lives.
Dick Cheney did worse..

He made up a story about WMDs, about how the US would be treated as liberators in Iraq, about how the insurgency was in its last throes, about how torture is acceptable if it works

Hmmmm...he made up that WMD thing.....

So please tell did he get the other intelligence agencies of OTHER COUNTIRES make that stuff up for him as well?

Just curious....please tell me.

I didn't see those "other countries" joining the caolition of the willing (I still love that BS name). Even Canada said go fuck yourself based on available evidence

Seems to me you were not really listening then.
Canada said "fuck you" because of the evidence?
You did not see other countries join the coalition?

RW....where the hell were you back then?
Ideology is ideology.
Many left wing kooks believe anything that matches their ideology. More taxes and government is good, folks that can work and have a nick should get full disability cash, health careis a right and on and on.
America and Britan are the only countries on earth where all right wing ideologues deny warming science.
Right wing kooks believe in WMDs, Obama was born in Kenya and is a MUslim, Palin is a viable Presidential candidate, God likes America more than other countries and other such nonsense.
Ideologues do not require facts. All they do is get in their way.
Oh come on tired it was the Coalition of the Bribed, when the money ran out so did they , except for England
Nobel "Peace" Prize = Left Wing Nutters giving fellow Left Wing Nutters a pat on the back for doing nothing. The Nobel "Peace" Prize is becoming an even bigger joke than the UN at this point.
Ideology is ideology.
Many left wing kooks believe anything that matches their ideology. More taxes and government is good, folks that can work and have a nick should get full disability cash, health careis a right and on and on.
America and Britan are the only countries on earth where all right wing ideologues deny warming science.
Right wing kooks believe in WMDs, Obama was born in Kenya and is a MUslim, Palin is a viable Presidential candidate, God likes America more than other countries and other such nonsense.
Ideologues do not require facts. All they do is get in their way.

What? You mean we are not the favored country of God?
Then why is his name all over our currency?
And by the way where is Al Gore? Shouldn't this be the time when him and his band of green fanatics and scientists come out from under their rocks and tell us what's happening?

If there really is anything at all to the global warming hoax, wouldn't now be the time to explain to us peons what all this cold and white stuff is?
Now we're reading that the record cold and snowfall is being caused by none other than global warming.

The global warming hoax is nothing more than an international effort to control every facet of human life on Planet Earth.
I'm a lot more worried about the nuclear bomb Iran is developing. Amen!

Record high heat ... global warming
Record high snowfall ... global warming
Floods ... global warming
Record high hurricanes ... global warming
Drought ... global warmning


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