No, We Shouldn’t Launch A ‘War On Terror’ Against Trump Voters


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
No, We Shouldn’t Launch A ‘War On Terror’ Against Trump Voters
Except to those seeking an excuse to turn the national security apparatus on American citizens, the Capitol riot was not equivalent to the horror of 9/11.
No, We Shouldn't Launch A 'War On Terror' Against Trump Voters (
4 Feb 2021 ~~ By Nathanael Blake

The occupation of West Virginia is going to be a sight to see.
Following the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, some pundits and members of the national security state have been demanding a new war on terror. This time, however, the targets will be Americans. To take a representative example, Kevin Carroll writes in the Washington Examiner, “We ruthlessly hunted down foreign terrorists after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and must do the same to their domestic equivalents.”
But the Capitol riot was not equivalent to the horror of 9/11, except to those eager for an excuse to unleash the national security apparatus on their fellow Americans.
Those who broke into the Capitol and attacked the police guarding it were largely a disorganized rabble, sprinkled with a few instigators who planned for violence. Their behavior was deluded and wicked, but it was not the equivalent of al-Qaida bringing down the Twin Towers, blowing a hole in the Pentagon, and murdering nearly 3,000 Americans. Frankly, it’s nothing short of grotesque to pretend the situations are equivalent.
Furthermore, even if the situations were similar, launching a War on Terror 2.0 against American citizens would be unnecessary. Law enforcement has been diligently tracking down and arresting those who participated in the rioting.
Indeed, he and those who share his views do not respect the Constitution. As far as they are concerned, enumerated powers and the Bill of Rights are obstacles to be overcome, not limits to be observed. Spying on Americans, and then lying about it to Congress, is routine for them.
They (Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats) don’t believe in democracy or the rule of law, they believe in their power. The permanent security state that has been setting American policy in Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen and Syria and all the rest have already wrested huge amounts of control from the elected branches of government. Giving more power, especially over American citizens, to such people is a greater threat to our constitutional government than the idiot rioters who attacked the Capitol.
If the War on Terror 2.0 gets to the “arming the moderates on the ground” stage, however, please ignore these criticisms and put me down as one of the “moderates.” I promise to make good use of the pallets of cash and guns.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Leftists tell us, they have to destroy the Constitution in order to save it.
I thoroughly enjoyed the videos of congress-SCUM being scurried around like beheaded chickens.
That's how it looks when an American election gets stolen.
They should be thankful there wasn't a REAL insurrection... instead their trying to make it a Reichstag fire - like the Nazis they are.
PM/DSA Democrat Commie Leftists have declared war on the conservative moderate right. They should be careful about what they ask for. They have close similarities to fascist regimes, including the Nazi Party.
Oddly, anarchist rioters spent 5 months burning, looting, murdering in the name of Anifa and BLM marxist ideology have been allowed to rove and menace as they please in a catch and release program. Same for the pussyhats who stormed the Senate office building. Same for the leftist teachers who stormed the Wisconsin state house. The Keystone pipeline idiots who caused a mountain of damage and delay. You name it...
They only get angry about demonstrations FOR normal America to be saved, not rising against it.
What a strange dichotomy from the riots of Jan 20, 2017:
Sounds like the PM/DSA Democrat Commie left is ramping up for their own "Night of Broken Glass." This is why all the gun confiscation laws are being pushed, because they want a helpless victims, not ones that can shoot back.
They want the enact "The Purge", but only one way (their way).
They should be thankful there wasn’t a REAL insurrection... instead their trying to make it a Reichstag fire - like the Nazis they are.
It’s interesting to note the similarities between the Dems and the Nazis:
1) Both put party ahead of everything else, including country;
2) Both had their “militia,” the SA (Brownshirts) and the Dems (Antifa and BLM);
3) Both employed terror, and blamed it on their political opponents;
4) Both had their “Nights of the Broken Glass;” the Nazis had Kristallnacht and the Dems had the Antifa/BLM riots and destruction of 2020;
5) Both manufactured red flag operations to justify crackdowns on their political opponents: the Nazis had the Reichstag Fire and the Dems had the January 6 Capitol “insurrection;”
6) Both politicized federal law enforcement against their perceived enemies: The Nazis had the Getaspo and the SD; the Dems have the alphabet agencies;
7) Both ignored or perverted their nation’s existing constitutions to establish dictatorships: The Nazis in 1933 (see #5 above) and the Dems — incrementally — over many years, but in earnest since 2009;
8) Both purged the military of “dissenters;”
9) Both eagerly employed censorship;
10) Both advocated the use of “re-education camps” for their political opponents or boogey-man du jour;
11) Both vigorously sought to disarm the citizenry;
12) Both used “the private sector” for implement their political philosophies and goals.​
There are other similarities, but you get the picture.
" This time, however, the targets will be Americans. "

No the targets are inbreds racists and Q supporters. You know. The terrorists among us.
Tl;dr, but I went to the link and bought a new hat from their advertisers:

Trump hat.jpg

$20 bucks seemed a little much. As an artist, it's important PR for people to think that I'm nuts. It's worth it.
Fixing much of this could be as simple as relatively few people simply admitting publicly that they have been lying to and creating anger, suspicion and paranoia in millions of conservatives for many years, for their own personal and/or professional gain. They could apologize for what they have done and admit that they have caused a great deal of damage.

The last President for example. Five or six prominent talk radio hosts -- Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Tucker, Beck. Five or six prominent online pundits.

Less than 15 people could probably make a profound difference in one day. But it won't happen.
Fixing much of this could be as simple as relatively few people simply admitting publicly that they have been lying to and creating anger, suspicion and paranoia in millions of conservatives for many years, for their own personal and/or professional gain. They could apologize for what they have done and admit that they have caused a great deal of damage.

The last President for example. Five or six prominent talk radio hosts -- Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Tucker, Beck. Five or six prominent online pundits.

Less than 15 people could probably make a profound difference in one day. But it won't happen.
Those five are the bottom layer of rotting sediment in the looney bin republican conspiracy theory tank. They have zero morals or ethics. You're asking for a miracle.
Fixing much of this could be as simple as relatively few people simply admitting publicly that they have been lying to and creating anger, suspicion and paranoia in millions of conservatives for many years, for their own personal and/or professional gain. They could apologize for what they have done and admit that they have caused a great deal of damage.

The last President for example. Five or six prominent talk radio hosts -- Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Tucker, Beck. Five or six prominent online pundits.

Less than 15 people could probably make a profound difference in one day. But it won't happen.
The lack of self-awareness here is breathtaking.
No, We Shouldn’t Launch A ‘War On Terror’ Against Trump Voters
Except to those seeking an excuse to turn the national security apparatus on American citizens, the Capitol riot was not equivalent to the horror of 9/11.
No, We Shouldn't Launch A 'War On Terror' Against Trump Voters (
4 Feb 2021 ~~ By Nathanael Blake

The occupation of West Virginia is going to be a sight to see.
Following the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, some pundits and members of the national security state have been demanding a new war on terror. This time, however, the targets will be Americans. To take a representative example, Kevin Carroll writes in the Washington Examiner, “We ruthlessly hunted down foreign terrorists after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and must do the same to their domestic equivalents.”
But the Capitol riot was not equivalent to the horror of 9/11, except to those eager for an excuse to unleash the national security apparatus on their fellow Americans.
Those who broke into the Capitol and attacked the police guarding it were largely a disorganized rabble, sprinkled with a few instigators who planned for violence. Their behavior was deluded and wicked, but it was not the equivalent of al-Qaida bringing down the Twin Towers, blowing a hole in the Pentagon, and murdering nearly 3,000 Americans. Frankly, it’s nothing short of grotesque to pretend the situations are equivalent.
Furthermore, even if the situations were similar, launching a War on Terror 2.0 against American citizens would be unnecessary. Law enforcement has been diligently tracking down and arresting those who participated in the rioting.
Indeed, he and those who share his views do not respect the Constitution. As far as they are concerned, enumerated powers and the Bill of Rights are obstacles to be overcome, not limits to be observed. Spying on Americans, and then lying about it to Congress, is routine for them.
They (Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats) don’t believe in democracy or the rule of law, they believe in their power. The permanent security state that has been setting American policy in Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen and Syria and all the rest have already wrested huge amounts of control from the elected branches of government. Giving more power, especially over American citizens, to such people is a greater threat to our constitutional government than the idiot rioters who attacked the Capitol.
If the War on Terror 2.0 gets to the “arming the moderates on the ground” stage, however, please ignore these criticisms and put me down as one of the “moderates.” I promise to make good use of the pallets of cash and guns.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Leftists tell us, they have to destroy the Constitution in order to save it.
I thoroughly enjoyed the videos of congress-SCUM being scurried around like beheaded chickens.
That's how it looks when an American election gets stolen.
They should be thankful there wasn't a REAL insurrection... instead their trying to make it a Reichstag fire - like the Nazis they are.
PM/DSA Democrat Commie Leftists have declared war on the conservative moderate right. They should be careful about what they ask for. They have close similarities to fascist regimes, including the Nazi Party.
Oddly, anarchist rioters spent 5 months burning, looting, murdering in the name of Anifa and BLM marxist ideology have been allowed to rove and menace as they please in a catch and release program. Same for the pussyhats who stormed the Senate office building. Same for the leftist teachers who stormed the Wisconsin state house. The Keystone pipeline idiots who caused a mountain of damage and delay. You name it...
They only get angry about demonstrations FOR normal America to be saved, not rising against it.
What a strange dichotomy from the riots of Jan 20, 2017:
Sounds like the PM/DSA Democrat Commie left is ramping up for their own "Night of Broken Glass." This is why all the gun confiscation laws are being pushed, because they want a helpless victims, not ones that can shoot back.
They want the enact "The Purge", but only one way (their way).
They should be thankful there wasn’t a REAL insurrection... instead their trying to make it a Reichstag fire - like the Nazis they are.
It’s interesting to note the similarities between the Dems and the Nazis:
1) Both put party ahead of everything else, including country;​
2) Both had their “militia,” the SA (Brownshirts) and the Dems (Antifa and BLM);​
3) Both employed terror, and blamed it on their political opponents;​
4) Both had their “Nights of the Broken Glass;” the Nazis had Kristallnacht and the Dems had the Antifa/BLM riots and destruction of 2020;​
5) Both manufactured red flag operations to justify crackdowns on their political opponents: the Nazis had the Reichstag Fire and the Dems had the January 6 Capitol “insurrection;”​
6) Both politicized federal law enforcement against their perceived enemies: The Nazis had the Getaspo and the SD; the Dems have the alphabet agencies;​
7) Both ignored or perverted their nation’s existing constitutions to establish dictatorships: The Nazis in 1933 (see #5 above) and the Dems — incrementally — over many years, but in earnest since 2009;​
8) Both purged the military of “dissenters;”​
9) Both eagerly employed censorship;​
10) Both advocated the use of “re-education camps” for their political opponents or boogey-man du jour;​
11) Both vigorously sought to disarm the citizenry;​
12) Both used “the private sector” for implement their political philosophies and goals.​
There are other similarities, but you get the picture.

here are the facts. Right wing terrorism has called more people than terrorists since Trump took office. These harmless people plotted to kidnap the Michigan governor. They have stormed several state capitals and in some instances were armed. This was a inxsurrection. A attempt to stop Congress from certifying Biden's win. The crowd was chanting to hang Mike Pence. This was the right wing's declaration of war on the US. We should use the Patriot Act to combat these vterrorists.

The similarities to the Nazis are with Trump.
1. Trump ignored the coronavirus and as a result it is out of control. He was too busy suing because bhe lost. He put himself ahead of the country.
2. Right wing militia groups have killed more people since Trump took office than Islamic terrorists. Trump encouraged them.
3. Right wing militias are more dangerous than Islamic terrorists.
4. Democratsw have the right wing fascists who attecked the Capitol on Jan 6.
5 You apparently are a right wing terrorist yourself. Right wing fascists attacked the capito,l.
6. The alphabet soup agencies did their job. You are the ones who want to turn them into political weapons.
7. trump and the Republicans wanted to create a dictatorship by overturning the legal results of the election.
8. Military leaders and law enforcement officials must act to purge their ranks of these right wing thugs.
9. The government censored no one.
10. Trump tried to rewrite history by suggesting slavery was not bad among other things.
11. Reasonable gun control measures do not disarm anyone.
12. That is what you are trying to do. You want to take over private companies like tswitter and facebook because they refuse to allow you to spread your propaganda.
Prithee, someone explain to me how the paranoia to believe conservative conspiracies is any different than the paranoia to believe that conservatives, as a group, are racist.

Liberals like to point accusing fingers at conservative pundits, politicians and journalists for fomenting and pushing false conspiracy theories while liberal pundits, politicians and journalists have been fomenting and pushing a false narrative for years that conservatives are racist. What’s more, they had their own paranoid false conspiracy theory in the Russia collusion accusation and then failed to prove it.

I hate to break it to you but Democrats and liberals have been doing the exact same thing for years.
Fixing much of this could be as simple as relatively few people simply admitting publicly that they have been lying to and creating anger, suspicion and paranoia in millions of conservatives for many years, for their own personal and/or professional gain. They could apologize for what they have done and admit that they have caused a great deal of damage.

The last President for example. Five or six prominent talk radio hosts -- Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Tucker, Beck. Five or six prominent online pundits.

Less than 15 people could probably make a profound difference in one day. But it won't happen.
Irony just took a corny shit in its pants.
No, We Shouldn’t Launch A ‘War On Terror’ Against Trump Voters
Except to those seeking an excuse to turn the national security apparatus on American citizens, the Capitol riot was not equivalent to the horror of 9/11.
No, We Shouldn't Launch A 'War On Terror' Against Trump Voters (
4 Feb 2021 ~~ By Nathanael Blake

The occupation of West Virginia is going to be a sight to see.
Following the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, some pundits and members of the national security state have been demanding a new war on terror. This time, however, the targets will be Americans. To take a representative example, Kevin Carroll writes in the Washington Examiner, “We ruthlessly hunted down foreign terrorists after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and must do the same to their domestic equivalents.”
But the Capitol riot was not equivalent to the horror of 9/11, except to those eager for an excuse to unleash the national security apparatus on their fellow Americans.
Those who broke into the Capitol and attacked the police guarding it were largely a disorganized rabble, sprinkled with a few instigators who planned for violence. Their behavior was deluded and wicked, but it was not the equivalent of al-Qaida bringing down the Twin Towers, blowing a hole in the Pentagon, and murdering nearly 3,000 Americans. Frankly, it’s nothing short of grotesque to pretend the situations are equivalent.
Furthermore, even if the situations were similar, launching a War on Terror 2.0 against American citizens would be unnecessary. Law enforcement has been diligently tracking down and arresting those who participated in the rioting.
Indeed, he and those who share his views do not respect the Constitution. As far as they are concerned, enumerated powers and the Bill of Rights are obstacles to be overcome, not limits to be observed. Spying on Americans, and then lying about it to Congress, is routine for them.
They (Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats) don’t believe in democracy or the rule of law, they believe in their power. The permanent security state that has been setting American policy in Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen and Syria and all the rest have already wrested huge amounts of control from the elected branches of government. Giving more power, especially over American citizens, to such people is a greater threat to our constitutional government than the idiot rioters who attacked the Capitol.
If the War on Terror 2.0 gets to the “arming the moderates on the ground” stage, however, please ignore these criticisms and put me down as one of the “moderates.” I promise to make good use of the pallets of cash and guns.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Leftists tell us, they have to destroy the Constitution in order to save it.
I thoroughly enjoyed the videos of congress-SCUM being scurried around like beheaded chickens.
That's how it looks when an American election gets stolen.
They should be thankful there wasn't a REAL insurrection... instead their trying to make it a Reichstag fire - like the Nazis they are.
PM/DSA Democrat Commie Leftists have declared war on the conservative moderate right. They should be careful about what they ask for. They have close similarities to fascist regimes, including the Nazi Party.
Oddly, anarchist rioters spent 5 months burning, looting, murdering in the name of Anifa and BLM marxist ideology have been allowed to rove and menace as they please in a catch and release program. Same for the pussyhats who stormed the Senate office building. Same for the leftist teachers who stormed the Wisconsin state house. The Keystone pipeline idiots who caused a mountain of damage and delay. You name it...
They only get angry about demonstrations FOR normal America to be saved, not rising against it.
What a strange dichotomy from the riots of Jan 20, 2017:
Sounds like the PM/DSA Democrat Commie left is ramping up for their own "Night of Broken Glass." This is why all the gun confiscation laws are being pushed, because they want a helpless victims, not ones that can shoot back.
They want the enact "The Purge", but only one way (their way).
They should be thankful there wasn’t a REAL insurrection... instead their trying to make it a Reichstag fire - like the Nazis they are.
It’s interesting to note the similarities between the Dems and the Nazis:
1) Both put party ahead of everything else, including country;​
2) Both had their “militia,” the SA (Brownshirts) and the Dems (Antifa and BLM);​
3) Both employed terror, and blamed it on their political opponents;​
4) Both had their “Nights of the Broken Glass;” the Nazis had Kristallnacht and the Dems had the Antifa/BLM riots and destruction of 2020;​
5) Both manufactured red flag operations to justify crackdowns on their political opponents: the Nazis had the Reichstag Fire and the Dems had the January 6 Capitol “insurrection;”​
6) Both politicized federal law enforcement against their perceived enemies: The Nazis had the Getaspo and the SD; the Dems have the alphabet agencies;​
7) Both ignored or perverted their nation’s existing constitutions to establish dictatorships: The Nazis in 1933 (see #5 above) and the Dems — incrementally — over many years, but in earnest since 2009;​
8) Both purged the military of “dissenters;”​
9) Both eagerly employed censorship;​
10) Both advocated the use of “re-education camps” for their political opponents or boogey-man du jour;​
11) Both vigorously sought to disarm the citizenry;​
12) Both used “the private sector” for implement their political philosophies and goals.​
There are other similarities, but you get the picture.

here are the facts. Right wing terrorism has called more people than terrorists since Trump took office. These harmless people plotted to kidnap the Michigan governor. They have stormed several state capitals and in some instances were armed. This was a inxsurrection. A attempt to stop Congress from certifying Biden's win. The crowd was chanting to hang Mike Pence. This was the right wing's declaration of war on the US. We should use the Patriot Act to combat these vterrorists.

The similarities to the Nazis are with Trump.
1. Trump ignored the coronavirus and as a result it is out of control. He was too busy suing because bhe lost. He put himself ahead of the country.
2. Right wing militia groups have killed more people since Trump took office than Islamic terrorists. Trump encouraged them.
3. Right wing militias are more dangerous than Islamic terrorists.
4. Democratsw have the right wing fascists who attecked the Capitol on Jan 6.
5 You apparently are a right wing terrorist yourself. Right wing fascists attacked the capito,l.
6. The alphabet soup agencies did their job. You are the ones who want to turn them into political weapons.
7. trump and the Republicans wanted to create a dictatorship by overturning the legal results of the election.
8. Military leaders and law enforcement officials must act to purge their ranks of these right wing thugs.
9. The government censored no one.
10. Trump tried to rewrite history by suggesting slavery was not bad among other things.
11. Reasonable gun control measures do not disarm anyone.
12. That is what you are trying to do. You want to take over private companies like tswitter and facebook because they refuse to allow you to spread your propaganda.

What a load of horse shit.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. Good Lord. What an idiot you are.
No, We Shouldn’t Launch A ‘War On Terror’ Against Trump Voters
Except to those seeking an excuse to turn the national security apparatus on American citizens, the Capitol riot was not equivalent to the horror of 9/11.
No, We Shouldn't Launch A 'War On Terror' Against Trump Voters (
4 Feb 2021 ~~ By Nathanael Blake

The occupation of West Virginia is going to be a sight to see.
Following the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, some pundits and members of the national security state have been demanding a new war on terror. This time, however, the targets will be Americans. To take a representative example, Kevin Carroll writes in the Washington Examiner, “We ruthlessly hunted down foreign terrorists after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and must do the same to their domestic equivalents.”
But the Capitol riot was not equivalent to the horror of 9/11, except to those eager for an excuse to unleash the national security apparatus on their fellow Americans.
Those who broke into the Capitol and attacked the police guarding it were largely a disorganized rabble, sprinkled with a few instigators who planned for violence. Their behavior was deluded and wicked, but it was not the equivalent of al-Qaida bringing down the Twin Towers, blowing a hole in the Pentagon, and murdering nearly 3,000 Americans. Frankly, it’s nothing short of grotesque to pretend the situations are equivalent.
Furthermore, even if the situations were similar, launching a War on Terror 2.0 against American citizens would be unnecessary. Law enforcement has been diligently tracking down and arresting those who participated in the rioting.
Indeed, he and those who share his views do not respect the Constitution. As far as they are concerned, enumerated powers and the Bill of Rights are obstacles to be overcome, not limits to be observed. Spying on Americans, and then lying about it to Congress, is routine for them.
They (Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats) don’t believe in democracy or the rule of law, they believe in their power. The permanent security state that has been setting American policy in Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen and Syria and all the rest have already wrested huge amounts of control from the elected branches of government. Giving more power, especially over American citizens, to such people is a greater threat to our constitutional government than the idiot rioters who attacked the Capitol.
If the War on Terror 2.0 gets to the “arming the moderates on the ground” stage, however, please ignore these criticisms and put me down as one of the “moderates.” I promise to make good use of the pallets of cash and guns.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Leftists tell us, they have to destroy the Constitution in order to save it.
I thoroughly enjoyed the videos of congress-SCUM being scurried around like beheaded chickens.
That's how it looks when an American election gets stolen.
They should be thankful there wasn't a REAL insurrection... instead their trying to make it a Reichstag fire - like the Nazis they are.
PM/DSA Democrat Commie Leftists have declared war on the conservative moderate right. They should be careful about what they ask for. They have close similarities to fascist regimes, including the Nazi Party.
Oddly, anarchist rioters spent 5 months burning, looting, murdering in the name of Anifa and BLM marxist ideology have been allowed to rove and menace as they please in a catch and release program. Same for the pussyhats who stormed the Senate office building. Same for the leftist teachers who stormed the Wisconsin state house. The Keystone pipeline idiots who caused a mountain of damage and delay. You name it...
They only get angry about demonstrations FOR normal America to be saved, not rising against it.
What a strange dichotomy from the riots of Jan 20, 2017:
Sounds like the PM/DSA Democrat Commie left is ramping up for their own "Night of Broken Glass." This is why all the gun confiscation laws are being pushed, because they want a helpless victims, not ones that can shoot back.
They want the enact "The Purge", but only one way (their way).
They should be thankful there wasn’t a REAL insurrection... instead their trying to make it a Reichstag fire - like the Nazis they are.
It’s interesting to note the similarities between the Dems and the Nazis:
1) Both put party ahead of everything else, including country;​
2) Both had their “militia,” the SA (Brownshirts) and the Dems (Antifa and BLM);​
3) Both employed terror, and blamed it on their political opponents;​
4) Both had their “Nights of the Broken Glass;” the Nazis had Kristallnacht and the Dems had the Antifa/BLM riots and destruction of 2020;​
5) Both manufactured red flag operations to justify crackdowns on their political opponents: the Nazis had the Reichstag Fire and the Dems had the January 6 Capitol “insurrection;”​
6) Both politicized federal law enforcement against their perceived enemies: The Nazis had the Getaspo and the SD; the Dems have the alphabet agencies;​
7) Both ignored or perverted their nation’s existing constitutions to establish dictatorships: The Nazis in 1933 (see #5 above) and the Dems — incrementally — over many years, but in earnest since 2009;​
8) Both purged the military of “dissenters;”​
9) Both eagerly employed censorship;​
10) Both advocated the use of “re-education camps” for their political opponents or boogey-man du jour;​
11) Both vigorously sought to disarm the citizenry;​
12) Both used “the private sector” for implement their political philosophies and goals.​
There are other similarities, but you get the picture.
You try attacking law abiding T supporters and you will have more dead bodies than you can count
No, We Shouldn’t Launch A ‘War On Terror’ Against Trump Voters
Except to those seeking an excuse to turn the national security apparatus on American citizens, the Capitol riot was not equivalent to the horror of 9/11.
No, We Shouldn't Launch A 'War On Terror' Against Trump Voters (
4 Feb 2021 ~~ By Nathanael Blake

The occupation of West Virginia is going to be a sight to see.
Following the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, some pundits and members of the national security state have been demanding a new war on terror. This time, however, the targets will be Americans. To take a representative example, Kevin Carroll writes in the Washington Examiner, “We ruthlessly hunted down foreign terrorists after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and must do the same to their domestic equivalents.”
But the Capitol riot was not equivalent to the horror of 9/11, except to those eager for an excuse to unleash the national security apparatus on their fellow Americans.
Those who broke into the Capitol and attacked the police guarding it were largely a disorganized rabble, sprinkled with a few instigators who planned for violence. Their behavior was deluded and wicked, but it was not the equivalent of al-Qaida bringing down the Twin Towers, blowing a hole in the Pentagon, and murdering nearly 3,000 Americans. Frankly, it’s nothing short of grotesque to pretend the situations are equivalent.
Furthermore, even if the situations were similar, launching a War on Terror 2.0 against American citizens would be unnecessary. Law enforcement has been diligently tracking down and arresting those who participated in the rioting.
Indeed, he and those who share his views do not respect the Constitution. As far as they are concerned, enumerated powers and the Bill of Rights are obstacles to be overcome, not limits to be observed. Spying on Americans, and then lying about it to Congress, is routine for them.
They (Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats) don’t believe in democracy or the rule of law, they believe in their power. The permanent security state that has been setting American policy in Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen and Syria and all the rest have already wrested huge amounts of control from the elected branches of government. Giving more power, especially over American citizens, to such people is a greater threat to our constitutional government than the idiot rioters who attacked the Capitol.
If the War on Terror 2.0 gets to the “arming the moderates on the ground” stage, however, please ignore these criticisms and put me down as one of the “moderates.” I promise to make good use of the pallets of cash and guns.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Leftists tell us, they have to destroy the Constitution in order to save it.
I thoroughly enjoyed the videos of congress-SCUM being scurried around like beheaded chickens.
That's how it looks when an American election gets stolen.
They should be thankful there wasn't a REAL insurrection... instead their trying to make it a Reichstag fire - like the Nazis they are.
PM/DSA Democrat Commie Leftists have declared war on the conservative moderate right. They should be careful about what they ask for. They have close similarities to fascist regimes, including the Nazi Party.
Oddly, anarchist rioters spent 5 months burning, looting, murdering in the name of Anifa and BLM marxist ideology have been allowed to rove and menace as they please in a catch and release program. Same for the pussyhats who stormed the Senate office building. Same for the leftist teachers who stormed the Wisconsin state house. The Keystone pipeline idiots who caused a mountain of damage and delay. You name it...
They only get angry about demonstrations FOR normal America to be saved, not rising against it.
What a strange dichotomy from the riots of Jan 20, 2017:
Sounds like the PM/DSA Democrat Commie left is ramping up for their own "Night of Broken Glass." This is why all the gun confiscation laws are being pushed, because they want a helpless victims, not ones that can shoot back.
They want the enact "The Purge", but only one way (their way).
They should be thankful there wasn’t a REAL insurrection... instead their trying to make it a Reichstag fire - like the Nazis they are.
It’s interesting to note the similarities between the Dems and the Nazis:
1) Both put party ahead of everything else, including country;​
2) Both had their “militia,” the SA (Brownshirts) and the Dems (Antifa and BLM);​
3) Both employed terror, and blamed it on their political opponents;​
4) Both had their “Nights of the Broken Glass;” the Nazis had Kristallnacht and the Dems had the Antifa/BLM riots and destruction of 2020;​
5) Both manufactured red flag operations to justify crackdowns on their political opponents: the Nazis had the Reichstag Fire and the Dems had the January 6 Capitol “insurrection;”​
6) Both politicized federal law enforcement against their perceived enemies: The Nazis had the Getaspo and the SD; the Dems have the alphabet agencies;​
7) Both ignored or perverted their nation’s existing constitutions to establish dictatorships: The Nazis in 1933 (see #5 above) and the Dems — incrementally — over many years, but in earnest since 2009;​
8) Both purged the military of “dissenters;”​
9) Both eagerly employed censorship;​
10) Both advocated the use of “re-education camps” for their political opponents or boogey-man du jour;​
11) Both vigorously sought to disarm the citizenry;​
12) Both used “the private sector” for implement their political philosophies and goals.​
There are other similarities, but you get the picture.

here are the facts. Right wing terrorism has called more people than terrorists since Trump took office. These harmless people plotted to kidnap the Michigan governor. They have stormed several state capitals and in some instances were armed. This was a inxsurrection. A attempt to stop Congress from certifying Biden's win. The crowd was chanting to hang Mike Pence. This was the right wing's declaration of war on the US. We should use the Patriot Act to combat these vterrorists.

The similarities to the Nazis are with Trump.
1. Trump ignored the coronavirus and as a result it is out of control. He was too busy suing because bhe lost. He put himself ahead of the country.
2. Right wing militia groups have killed more people since Trump took office than Islamic terrorists. Trump encouraged them.
3. Right wing militias are more dangerous than Islamic terrorists.
4. Democratsw have the right wing fascists who attecked the Capitol on Jan 6.
5 You apparently are a right wing terrorist yourself. Right wing fascists attacked the capito,l.
6. The alphabet soup agencies did their job. You are the ones who want to turn them into political weapons.
7. trump and the Republicans wanted to create a dictatorship by overturning the legal results of the election.
8. Military leaders and law enforcement officials must act to purge their ranks of these right wing thugs.
9. The government censored no one.
10. Trump tried to rewrite history by suggesting slavery was not bad among other things.
11. Reasonable gun control measures do not disarm anyone.
12. That is what you are trying to do. You want to take over private companies like tswitter and facebook because they refuse to allow you to spread your propaganda.

What a load of horse shit.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. Good Lord. What an idiot you are.

You are the one who has horse shit for brains. Right wing fascists were arrested for plotting to kidnap the Michigan governor. A Trump supporter sent mail bombs to political opponents of Donald Trump. The shootings in El Paso was by a right wing terrorist. A right wing terrorist shot up a synagogue in California. Several right wing extremists killed a woman in Charlottesville. Now we have 1 capitol police officed dead and over 100 injured in the terrorist attack on our capitol.
No, We Shouldn’t Launch A ‘War On Terror’ Against Trump Voters
Except to those seeking an excuse to turn the national security apparatus on American citizens, the Capitol riot was not equivalent to the horror of 9/11.
No, We Shouldn't Launch A 'War On Terror' Against Trump Voters (
4 Feb 2021 ~~ By Nathanael Blake

The occupation of West Virginia is going to be a sight to see.
Following the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, some pundits and members of the national security state have been demanding a new war on terror. This time, however, the targets will be Americans. To take a representative example, Kevin Carroll writes in the Washington Examiner, “We ruthlessly hunted down foreign terrorists after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and must do the same to their domestic equivalents.”
But the Capitol riot was not equivalent to the horror of 9/11, except to those eager for an excuse to unleash the national security apparatus on their fellow Americans.
Those who broke into the Capitol and attacked the police guarding it were largely a disorganized rabble, sprinkled with a few instigators who planned for violence. Their behavior was deluded and wicked, but it was not the equivalent of al-Qaida bringing down the Twin Towers, blowing a hole in the Pentagon, and murdering nearly 3,000 Americans. Frankly, it’s nothing short of grotesque to pretend the situations are equivalent.
Furthermore, even if the situations were similar, launching a War on Terror 2.0 against American citizens would be unnecessary. Law enforcement has been diligently tracking down and arresting those who participated in the rioting.
Indeed, he and those who share his views do not respect the Constitution. As far as they are concerned, enumerated powers and the Bill of Rights are obstacles to be overcome, not limits to be observed. Spying on Americans, and then lying about it to Congress, is routine for them.
They (Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats) don’t believe in democracy or the rule of law, they believe in their power. The permanent security state that has been setting American policy in Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen and Syria and all the rest have already wrested huge amounts of control from the elected branches of government. Giving more power, especially over American citizens, to such people is a greater threat to our constitutional government than the idiot rioters who attacked the Capitol.
If the War on Terror 2.0 gets to the “arming the moderates on the ground” stage, however, please ignore these criticisms and put me down as one of the “moderates.” I promise to make good use of the pallets of cash and guns.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Leftists tell us, they have to destroy the Constitution in order to save it.
I thoroughly enjoyed the videos of congress-SCUM being scurried around like beheaded chickens.
That's how it looks when an American election gets stolen.
They should be thankful there wasn't a REAL insurrection... instead their trying to make it a Reichstag fire - like the Nazis they are.
PM/DSA Democrat Commie Leftists have declared war on the conservative moderate right. They should be careful about what they ask for. They have close similarities to fascist regimes, including the Nazi Party.
Oddly, anarchist rioters spent 5 months burning, looting, murdering in the name of Anifa and BLM marxist ideology have been allowed to rove and menace as they please in a catch and release program. Same for the pussyhats who stormed the Senate office building. Same for the leftist teachers who stormed the Wisconsin state house. The Keystone pipeline idiots who caused a mountain of damage and delay. You name it...
They only get angry about demonstrations FOR normal America to be saved, not rising against it.
What a strange dichotomy from the riots of Jan 20, 2017:
Sounds like the PM/DSA Democrat Commie left is ramping up for their own "Night of Broken Glass." This is why all the gun confiscation laws are being pushed, because they want a helpless victims, not ones that can shoot back.
They want the enact "The Purge", but only one way (their way).
They should be thankful there wasn’t a REAL insurrection... instead their trying to make it a Reichstag fire - like the Nazis they are.
It’s interesting to note the similarities between the Dems and the Nazis:
1) Both put party ahead of everything else, including country;​
2) Both had their “militia,” the SA (Brownshirts) and the Dems (Antifa and BLM);​
3) Both employed terror, and blamed it on their political opponents;​
4) Both had their “Nights of the Broken Glass;” the Nazis had Kristallnacht and the Dems had the Antifa/BLM riots and destruction of 2020;​
5) Both manufactured red flag operations to justify crackdowns on their political opponents: the Nazis had the Reichstag Fire and the Dems had the January 6 Capitol “insurrection;”​
6) Both politicized federal law enforcement against their perceived enemies: The Nazis had the Getaspo and the SD; the Dems have the alphabet agencies;​
7) Both ignored or perverted their nation’s existing constitutions to establish dictatorships: The Nazis in 1933 (see #5 above) and the Dems — incrementally — over many years, but in earnest since 2009;​
8) Both purged the military of “dissenters;”​
9) Both eagerly employed censorship;​
10) Both advocated the use of “re-education camps” for their political opponents or boogey-man du jour;​
11) Both vigorously sought to disarm the citizenry;​
12) Both used “the private sector” for implement their political philosophies and goals.​
There are other similarities, but you get the picture.

here are the facts. Right wing terrorism has called more people than terrorists since Trump took office. These harmless people plotted to kidnap the Michigan governor. They have stormed several state capitals and in some instances were armed. This was a inxsurrection. A attempt to stop Congress from certifying Biden's win. The crowd was chanting to hang Mike Pence. This was the right wing's declaration of war on the US. We should use the Patriot Act to combat these vterrorists.

The similarities to the Nazis are with Trump.
1. Trump ignored the coronavirus and as a result it is out of control. He was too busy suing because bhe lost. He put himself ahead of the country.
2. Right wing militia groups have killed more people since Trump took office than Islamic terrorists. Trump encouraged them.
3. Right wing militias are more dangerous than Islamic terrorists.
4. Democratsw have the right wing fascists who attecked the Capitol on Jan 6.
5 You apparently are a right wing terrorist yourself. Right wing fascists attacked the capito,l.
6. The alphabet soup agencies did their job. You are the ones who want to turn them into political weapons.
7. trump and the Republicans wanted to create a dictatorship by overturning the legal results of the election.
8. Military leaders and law enforcement officials must act to purge their ranks of these right wing thugs.
9. The government censored no one.
10. Trump tried to rewrite history by suggesting slavery was not bad among other things.
11. Reasonable gun control measures do not disarm anyone.
12. That is what you are trying to do. You want to take over private companies like tswitter and facebook because they refuse to allow you to spread your propaganda.

What a load of horse shit.

I'll just stand over here and LMAO. Good Lord. What an idiot you are.

You are the one who has horse shit for brains. Right wing fascists were arrested for plotting to kidnap the Michigan governor. A Trump supporter sent mail bombs to political opponents of Donald Trump. The shootings in El Paso was by a right wing terrorist. A right wing terrorist shot up a synagogue in California. Several right wing extremists killed a woman in Charlottesville. Now we have 1 capitol police officed dead and over 100 injured in the terrorist attack on our capitol.

More than fifty Blue Plantation cities ransacked, loot and burned to the ground, forty or more related murders. thousands of businesses destroyed between May and December 2020. Antifa/BLM riots contine in Seattle, Portland and Denver in Jan 2021.
"It has been established that the attack on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 was planned well in advance and the breach of the building began well before President Donald Trump finished his speech.
It is also established that Black Lives Matter and Antifa activists participated in the breach. One, John Earle Sullivan, was arrested (and reportedly released despite the objections of government prosecutors). A video of Sullivan in the Capitol with CNN photojournalist Jade Sacker has been circulating widely on the Internet".
"James Sullivan, the brother of John Earle Sullivan, stated: “I’m currently working with the FBI to expose and place total blame on John and the 226 members of Antifa that instigated the Capitol ‘riot.’ ”

Last edited:
No, We Shouldn’t Launch A ‘War On Terror’ Against Trump Voters
Except to those seeking an excuse to turn the national security apparatus on American citizens, the Capitol riot was not equivalent to the horror of 9/11.
No, We Shouldn't Launch A 'War On Terror' Against Trump Voters (
4 Feb 2021 ~~ By Nathanael Blake

The occupation of West Virginia is going to be a sight to see.
Following the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, some pundits and members of the national security state have been demanding a new war on terror. This time, however, the targets will be Americans. To take a representative example, Kevin Carroll writes in the Washington Examiner, “We ruthlessly hunted down foreign terrorists after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks and must do the same to their domestic equivalents.”
But the Capitol riot was not equivalent to the horror of 9/11, except to those eager for an excuse to unleash the national security apparatus on their fellow Americans.
Those who broke into the Capitol and attacked the police guarding it were largely a disorganized rabble, sprinkled with a few instigators who planned for violence. Their behavior was deluded and wicked, but it was not the equivalent of al-Qaida bringing down the Twin Towers, blowing a hole in the Pentagon, and murdering nearly 3,000 Americans. Frankly, it’s nothing short of grotesque to pretend the situations are equivalent.
Furthermore, even if the situations were similar, launching a War on Terror 2.0 against American citizens would be unnecessary. Law enforcement has been diligently tracking down and arresting those who participated in the rioting.
Indeed, he and those who share his views do not respect the Constitution. As far as they are concerned, enumerated powers and the Bill of Rights are obstacles to be overcome, not limits to be observed. Spying on Americans, and then lying about it to Congress, is routine for them.
They (Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats) don’t believe in democracy or the rule of law, they believe in their power. The permanent security state that has been setting American policy in Iraq and Afghanistan and Yemen and Syria and all the rest have already wrested huge amounts of control from the elected branches of government. Giving more power, especially over American citizens, to such people is a greater threat to our constitutional government than the idiot rioters who attacked the Capitol.
If the War on Terror 2.0 gets to the “arming the moderates on the ground” stage, however, please ignore these criticisms and put me down as one of the “moderates.” I promise to make good use of the pallets of cash and guns.

Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Leftists tell us, they have to destroy the Constitution in order to save it.
I thoroughly enjoyed the videos of congress-SCUM being scurried around like beheaded chickens.
That's how it looks when an American election gets stolen.
They should be thankful there wasn't a REAL insurrection... instead their trying to make it a Reichstag fire - like the Nazis they are.
PM/DSA Democrat Commie Leftists have declared war on the conservative moderate right. They should be careful about what they ask for. They have close similarities to fascist regimes, including the Nazi Party.
Oddly, anarchist rioters spent 5 months burning, looting, murdering in the name of Anifa and BLM marxist ideology have been allowed to rove and menace as they please in a catch and release program. Same for the pussyhats who stormed the Senate office building. Same for the leftist teachers who stormed the Wisconsin state house. The Keystone pipeline idiots who caused a mountain of damage and delay. You name it...
They only get angry about demonstrations FOR normal America to be saved, not rising against it.
What a strange dichotomy from the riots of Jan 20, 2017:
Sounds like the PM/DSA Democrat Commie left is ramping up for their own "Night of Broken Glass." This is why all the gun confiscation laws are being pushed, because they want a helpless victims, not ones that can shoot back.
They want the enact "The Purge", but only one way (their way).
They should be thankful there wasn’t a REAL insurrection... instead their trying to make it a Reichstag fire - like the Nazis they are.
It’s interesting to note the similarities between the Dems and the Nazis:
1) Both put party ahead of everything else, including country;​
2) Both had their “militia,” the SA (Brownshirts) and the Dems (Antifa and BLM);​
3) Both employed terror, and blamed it on their political opponents;​
4) Both had their “Nights of the Broken Glass;” the Nazis had Kristallnacht and the Dems had the Antifa/BLM riots and destruction of 2020;​
5) Both manufactured red flag operations to justify crackdowns on their political opponents: the Nazis had the Reichstag Fire and the Dems had the January 6 Capitol “insurrection;”​
6) Both politicized federal law enforcement against their perceived enemies: The Nazis had the Getaspo and the SD; the Dems have the alphabet agencies;​
7) Both ignored or perverted their nation’s existing constitutions to establish dictatorships: The Nazis in 1933 (see #5 above) and the Dems — incrementally — over many years, but in earnest since 2009;​
8) Both purged the military of “dissenters;”​
9) Both eagerly employed censorship;​
10) Both advocated the use of “re-education camps” for their political opponents or boogey-man du jour;​
11) Both vigorously sought to disarm the citizenry;​
12) Both used “the private sector” for implement their political philosophies and goals.​
There are other similarities, but you get the picture.
The Dem communists have already crossed the rubicon------------whats the size of the army that they are going to find willing to fight back is the question.

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