No time to quarrel: Kerry warns of climate 'tragedy'

LOL, there are a lot of words to describe the AGW crowd, but "reasonable" isn't on the list. That's just funny.

Yep, you just keep throwing insults and ignore the debate. Ignorance is bliss huh?

No, I actually am concerned about global warming. I'm not an ideological extremist like you and the "AGW Crowd." I would like to take reasonable steps. The problem is, nothing the AGW moon bats propose has anything to do with the environment. They are using it as an excuse to pump socialism. Sending trillions to Africa may make you feel good, but it has nothing to do with global warming. The AGW crowd in their zealotry kills all rational debate. That is why to call them "reasonable" is ridiculous. They are whack jobs. That's why you like them, you are just like them. That you support the hard left like that shows again your ridiculous claim that you aren't liberal for what it is.

If Al Gore actually believes what he says, then he is one of the most morally despicable men in our county's history. Someone who believes the world is about to go to catestrophic changes would cut partisanship and cross party lines. Not use it as a partisan hammer to elect Democrats.

I respect Bono for that reason even though he's a leftist extremist. He worked with Republicans to further his cause of African aid. He believed in the cause over party. You, Al Gore and the AGW crowd clearly do not.
LOL, there are a lot of words to describe the AGW crowd, but "reasonable" isn't on the list. That's just funny.

Yep, you just keep throwing insults and ignore the debate. Ignorance is bliss huh?

No, I actually am concerned about global warming. I'm not an ideological extremist like you and the "AGW Crowd." I would like to take reasonable steps. The problem is, nothing the AGW moon bats propose has anything to do with the environment. They are using it as an excuse to pump socialism. Sending trillions to Africa may make you feel good, but it has nothing to do with global warming. The AGW crowd in their zealotry kills all rational debate. That is why to call them "reasonable" is ridiculous. They are whack jobs. That's why you like them, you are just like them. That you support the hard left like that shows again your ridiculous claim that you aren't liberal for what it is.

If Al Gore actually believes what he says, then he is one of the most morally despicable men in our county's history. Someone who believes the world is about to go to catestrophic changes would cut partisanship and cross party lines. Not use it as a partisan hammer to elect Democrats.

I respect Bono for that reason even though he's a leftist extremist. He worked with Republicans to further his cause of African aid. He believed in the cause over party. You, Al Gore and the AGW crowd clearly do not.

I'm an ideological extremist huh?

Basically your post is just another attack. I've not seen a single piece of evidence, a single argument come forward so far. Just attacks, attacks and more attacks.
LOL, there are a lot of words to describe the AGW crowd, but "reasonable" isn't on the list. That's just funny.

Yep, you just keep throwing insults and ignore the debate. Ignorance is bliss huh?

No, I actually am concerned about global warming. I'm not an ideological extremist like you and the "AGW Crowd." I would like to take reasonable steps. The problem is, nothing the AGW moon bats propose has anything to do with the environment. They are using it as an excuse to pump socialism. Sending trillions to Africa may make you feel good, but it has nothing to do with global warming. The AGW crowd in their zealotry kills all rational debate. That is why to call them "reasonable" is ridiculous. They are whack jobs. That's why you like them, you are just like them. That you support the hard left like that shows again your ridiculous claim that you aren't liberal for what it is.

If Al Gore actually believes what he says, then he is one of the most morally despicable men in our county's history. Someone who believes the world is about to go to catestrophic changes would cut partisanship and cross party lines. Not use it as a partisan hammer to elect Democrats.

I respect Bono for that reason even though he's a leftist extremist. He worked with Republicans to further his cause of African aid. He believed in the cause over party. You, Al Gore and the AGW crowd clearly do not.

Geldof working with President Bush for Africa. Bono working with Harper and Bush and Republicans.

Hands across the aisles. Because their causes are true and just.

Not political. But involve politicians to make the charities function.
There as much of a argument as there is a discussion over the temperature at which water boils.

You dunces will be portrayed in future stories about this like the dumb farmers prior to the dust bowl.
There as much of a argument as there is a discussion over the temperature at which water boils.

You dunces will be portrayed in future stories about this like the dumb farmers prior to the dust bowl.

There is no argument that climate changes. No argument at all.

That we should hand over quizzillions of dollars to politicians who can't even fix our pot holes let alone our economies so that they can go forth and fucking change the weather for the planet is insane.

Give it up.

I'm an ideological extremist huh?

You don't think leftists extremists are extremist. The company you keep...

Basically your post is just another attack. I've not seen a single piece of evidence, a single argument come forward so far. Just attacks, attacks and more attacks.

You're obviously not reading what I write then.

The company I keep? Jeez, it just keeps coming, attack after attack after attack. Get real.

As for not reading what you write. No, I am reading what you write and all it is, is attacks. There's no substance there, there never has been, you're a shit stirrer and nothing else.
Just seems that you don't agree with him, so you call him an idiot. Well done, great argument. Not.

I'm not Moonbats. Why should I rethink MY argument because of what HE said?

If you believe in this AGW scam then there is almost a 100% chance that you are a Moonbat. That is one of the defining attributes of a Moonbat. If you believe in this global warming scam and think Kerry is peachy keen then there is no doubt.

Kerry's public record (which I referenced) is one of being an idiot. He has always been that way. He is an embarrassment to this country.

Do you know the reason the Democrats support the global warming scam?

It is very simple. There is a billionaire environmental wacko in California that is paying the Democrats to spout this nonsense and the Obama administration is doing what it is paid to do. Just follow the money.

The man made global warming scam has been debunked so many times that it is not not even funny any more. Everything from the Climategate I & II revelations that the scientists were making up data to the fact that the past "hocky stick" data was erroneous to the fact that the earth is really not warming to fact that none of the predictions the wackos made has come true.

Kerry is an idiot for even mentioning it. Of course he is a Liberal Democrat so you kind of expect him to get it wrong on most things, don't you?

The question has to be, why do you think your view is much better than my view? My view is based on as much evidence as I can get. It's based on most scientists having anything to do with this matter agreeing that man made global warming is a problem. It's based on a lot. Yours is based on what? Misconceptions and the advice of oil companies and car manufacturers. Right.

Yeah, the "myth" has been "debunked so many times that it is not not even funny any more", though no one said the debunking was actually any good.

The whole debate line of "if I say something enough times it must be true" might work in religion, but in science, it doesn't. Sorry.

You haven't backed up anything you've said. You've just spouted stuff that doesn't mean anything to me. You just manage to keep yourself happy who you'd never convince anyone. But it's people like you who are killing the planet (for human habitation at least). Maybe it would be a good idea if humanity died out, the more advanced we get the more idiotic we seem to get too.

LOL I am a retired Environmental Engineer. I spent 30 years cleaning up pollution so your little statement about "people like me are killing the planet" isn't as accurate as you think it is. I have abated more pollution in my career than ten thousand Environmental Wackos will see in their lifetimes.

After retiring I also taught a few college level courses in Environmental Science and while not an expert on Climate Change by a long shot I am a little more better read and more knowledgeable on the subject than most people.

In my classes I taught that humans have affected the biosphere in many ways and have polluted the earth in many ways but changing the climate significantly through CO2 emissions is not one of them because the data does not support that claim.

I have debated this crap many times in Internet discussion boards (many times to great depth) and no matter how much data I provide the Moonbats will never accept it. It is like an obsession or a religion to them and they refuse to listen to the facts. I don't even bother to get into Google Wars with the Moonbats over this subject anymore because these idiots will ignore the data and that they don't want to hear.

Most of the Environmental Wackos that believe in this climate change scam also voted for Obama thinking he was going to do a good job as President so you know they are not exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier therefore I am not surprised that they get it wrong.
There as much of a argument as there is a discussion over the temperature at which water boils.

You dunces will be portrayed in future stories about this like the dumb farmers prior to the dust bowl.

The AGW scam will go down in history as one of the greatest examples of humans being duped in the history of the world.

Scammers "Hey, let destroy the economies of all the major countries in the world although by telling everybody that the world is going burn up because the people are driving around in SUVs".

Libtards "Sounds good to me, sign me up".

Ted Kaczynski: "Right on!"
There as much of a argument as there is a discussion over the temperature at which water boils.

You dunces will be portrayed in future stories about this like the dumb farmers prior to the dust bowl.

The AGW scam will go down in history as one of the greatest examples of humans being duped in the history of the world.

Scammers "Hey, let destroy the economies of all the major countries in the world although by telling everybody that the world is going burn up because the people are driving around in SUVs".

Libtards "Sounds good to me, sign me up".

Ted Kaczynski: "Right on!"

Only you cannot provide evidence for what you are claiming. Quick to the talk, extremely slow to back it up, if at all.
I'm an ideological extremist huh?

You don't think leftists extremists are extremist. The company you keep...

Basically your post is just another attack. I've not seen a single piece of evidence, a single argument come forward so far. Just attacks, attacks and more attacks.

You're obviously not reading what I write then.

The company I keep? Jeez, it just keeps coming, attack after attack after attack. Get real.

As for not reading what you write. No, I am reading what you write and all it is, is attacks. There's no substance there, there never has been, you're a shit stirrer and nothing else.

Yes, wow, the company you keep, pretty vicious stuff. Here's a tissue, little girl. a good cry will make you feel better.

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