NO NUKE DEAL: Did Cohen distract Trump?


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?
There wasn't going to be a nuke deal in the first place. Cohen played no part in it, and if one good thing comes out of this, Trump FINALLY admitted that the U.S. intel agencies were telling the truth and that North Korea wasn't following through with any stuff they had told Trump in Singapore.
How many threads just like this will be started in the next 48 hours?

I'm betting a dozen, easy.

Somehow you snowflakes get your your MSM talking points and think you're going to be the 1st one to have this "epiphany" and never check to see if there's 10 more threads on the same subject. Why is that?
Lefties are like :banana:woo we still have nuclear Armageddon hanging over our heads, yay!
There was never going to be a deal. NoKo was never going to denuclearize. This isn't on tRumPutin, this can has been kicked down the road since Truman and landed in his lap. I actually give him some kudos for trying but also some shame for not listening to his Intel services about what to really expect.
Who knows maybe a deal gets done in the future but it is not likely.
Him taking questions from the Journalists was the funniest thing ever.....The guy is not stable mentally, I sometimes think this is all a joke. Have you guys seen how answers? completly off subject, keeps repeating the same shit, praises himself about everything. WTF happened to the US? How can a guy like him make it? Wow just wow.
Him taking questions from the Journalists was the funniest thing ever.....The guy is not stable mentally, I sometimes think this is all a joke. Have you guys seen how answers? completly off subject, keeps repeating the same shit, praises himself about everything. WTF happened to the US? How can a guy like him make it? Wow just wow.

That's called deflection and all politicians do it.
Realistically if NK can hit Hawaii or San Francisco, should we even give a fuck? The Socialist democrat Communist Progressives may have a point.
I doubt anyone expected a denuclearization deal. Kim isnt giving up his toys, not for Trump or anyone.
Him taking questions from the Journalists was the funniest thing ever.....The guy is not stable mentally, I sometimes think this is all a joke. Have you guys seen how answers? completly off subject, keeps repeating the same shit, praises himself about everything. WTF happened to the US? How can a guy like him make it? Wow just wow.

As the song goes...

"Where you end usually depends on where you start."
I doubt anyone expected a denuclearization deal. Kim isnt giving up his toys, not for Trump or anyone.

After following this in the news and reading the comments of DJTs base on USMB and elsewhere, they sure did and still do believe that "The Art of the Deal" Master would hammer out a denuclearization deal. Including POTUS. Everybody else that knows their history knew better.
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Lefties are like :banana:woo we still have nuclear Armageddon hanging over our heads, yay!

again, he doesn't have missiles that can hit the US, or nukes that have even the yield of the Hiroshima bomb.

The thing is, all this stuff should have been worked out in advance before there was ever a summit. Instead, Trump thought he'd go over there, bully Kim like some old lady who didn't want to sell her house where he wanted to put a casino, and come home claiming a victory. He failed, because, really, he had nothing to negotiate with. All he had to offer was lifting sanctions, and the Chinese have already made sure that Sanctions won't bite that hard.


A working lunch and joint signing ceremony were unexpectedly canceled on Thursday afternoon.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un failed to reach a nuclear agreement during their second summit, which was abruptly cut short in Hanoi, Vietnam on Thursday afternoon.

Trump, Kim Fail To Reach Agreement In Hanoi After Talks Abruptly Cut Short

Did Cohen distract Trump? What do you think?
/——-/ I think so. Trump was laughing so hard at the democRATs freak show, he couldn’t concentrate.
/——-/ I think so. Trump was laughing so hard at the democRATs freak show, he couldn’t concentrate.

Wow, so he can't do his job because he's easily distracted?

During the Height of Watergate, Nixon was still able to negotiate trade with China and an end to the Vietnam War.
/—-/ I gave a ridiculous response to a ridiculous OP. Win, lose or draw libtards will bash Trump.

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