Korea : Trump = Peace + Security. Dems("Socialists") = War + Insecurity ?

Nov 7, 2016
Korea : Trump = Peace + Security. Dems("Socialists") = War + Insecurity ?

New US President Don Trump's succesful breakthrough for Nuclear Peace and Stability in the World at the Historic, 1st ever Summit with North Korean leader Kim at Singapore, on June 2018, obviously depended, in order to be completed into a full and final success asap., mainly from 1 key point :

- For the basic Exchange between DeNuclearisation (of all the Korean peninsula) and Security Guarantees (i.e. Non-Aggression, etc.), in addition to the lifting of hard Economic Sanctions, USA would have to sign and ratify a kind of International Treaty in order to ensure North Korea for its safety in the future, (i.e. that it will not end, later-on, like Libya, or Iraq, etc).

But this needs, in addition to President Trump's signature, also a Ratification by the Congress. And, since the Democratic ("Socialist"/"Liberal") Party, meanwhile, got a Majority in the House (even if Trump strengthened his Republican Majority in the Senate), at the Mid-Term Elections, then, inevitably, it all depends now by at least from an elementary good Bi-Partisan cooperation inside the USA.

Or, will the Dems play the game, or not ? Naturally, if they Block, under any pretext, a Peace Treaty on Korea, then, they will Bear a very Heavy Responsibility for the risks and consequences, vis a vis all those who are concerned in that Dangerous Nuclear Arms imbroglio.

What relevant Signs is the Dems' Lobby giving nowadays ? - The Worst !

Instead of Helping the POTUS to reach a solid Peace, on the Contrary, they are attempting to Destabilize him, precisely at this Moment, with any hollow pretext, from all sides...

F.ex., the House (controled Today by Dems) decided to hold an Open, Public Hearing, transmitted "Live", of a Turn-Coat former Lawyer, traped in the notoriously abusive "Enquiry" of Mueller about a so-called Russian interference in US Elections, (who is largely expected to Slander President Trump, in a vain attempt to get away himself), precisely at the Same Day that a Crucial, 2nd USA - North Korea Summit, with Trump and Kim, is opening at Hanoi, Vienam !

+ In parallel, controversial Leftist LGBTI Businesman Bejos' Paper, the War Mongering former "Washington Post", alias "WA-PO", (or, rather : "WAR-PIG"...), has just launched another yet Slandering Campaign against President Trump, with another yet Woman, (this time a Black one), reportedly claimining that he would have unsuccesfully tried to kiss her, 3 or 4 Years in the Past, (etc)...

Rarely had the Dems ("Socialists"/"Liberals") Fallen si Low in petty "Politics" !

And it's Not the 1st Time that they Play with Fire, Peace or War, even at the edge of Dangerous Nuclear confrontation :

F.ex., among others, it's also Dems. who were at the White House when the "Cold War" Started, back in the 1940ies/50ies, including the Korea War, followed by the Vietnam War, and the Bloody Conflicts in the Balkans, Syria (with ISIS' and other Islamist Terrorists added), Ukraine, etc.

Republicans, comparatively, were mainly dealing with Peace Agreements, or being pushed to comparatively Minor, Geo-Politically Limited interventions, (as Kuweit, etc., while Iraq was the result of British Labour ("Socialist") Tony Blair's stuborn "push" on GWBush after 9/11, etc).

=> So that, IF Now Dems dare Undermine the Good Chances for a Stable Peace, at last, in the Korean peninsula and its surroundings (including Japan, etc), at a period when even US Territory is no more safe from eventual Nuclear Rockets which may be launched from there, then, they will take a too Heavy Responsibility for their irresponsible and Dangerous War Mongering !

Both the American People, and all the Peace and Security loving People all over the World, will Never Forget such an odious, petty, irresponsible and Catastrophic behavior by Dems, and they will be widely and firmly Condemned for ever.

It will be much Worse than back in Johnson's horrible era...
Just like the so called negotiated trade agreements we have never seen I doubt anything comes from Trump's meeting with Kim..
=> So that, IF Now Dems dare Undermine the Good Chances for a Stable Peace, at last, in the Korean peninsula and its surroundings (including Japan, etc), at a period when even US Territory is no more safe from eventual Nuclear Rockets which may be launched from there, then, they will take a too Heavy Responsibility for their irresponsible and Dangerous War Mongering !
Man, you must be sniffing some really good stuff.

But I suppose we should be grateful that the regime that returned the living body of the brain-dead Otto Warmbier, that murdered its own close family members, that starves whole masses...now gets the full frontal flattery and certification as a nuclear power from the President of the United States. The kid with the ugly haircut has made it. AND if he builds a Trump Tower he will absorb S Korea into his Utopian orbit.
Korea : Trump = Peace + Security. Dems("Socialists") = War + Insecurity ?

New US President Don Trump's succesful breakthrough for Nuclear Peace and Stability in the World at the Historic, 1st ever Summit with North Korean leader Kim at Singapore, on June 2018, obviously depended, in order to be completed into a full and final success asap., mainly from 1 key point :

- For the basic Exchange between DeNuclearisation (of all the Korean peninsula) and Security Guarantees (i.e. Non-Aggression, etc.), in addition to the lifting of hard Economic Sanctions, USA would have to sign and ratify a kind of International Treaty in order to ensure North Korea for its safety in the future, (i.e. that it will not end, later-on, like Libya, or Iraq, etc).

But this needs, in addition to President Trump's signature, also a Ratification by the Congress. And, since the Democratic ("Socialist"/"Liberal") Party, meanwhile, got a Majority in the House (even if Trump strengthened his Republican Majority in the Senate), at the Mid-Term Elections, then, inevitably, it all depends now by at least from an elementary good Bi-Partisan cooperation inside the USA.

Or, will the Dems play the game, or not ? Naturally, if they Block, under any pretext, a Peace Treaty on Korea, then, they will Bear a very Heavy Responsibility for the risks and consequences, vis a vis all those who are concerned in that Dangerous Nuclear Arms imbroglio.

What relevant Signs is the Dems' Lobby giving nowadays ? - The Worst !

Instead of Helping the POTUS to reach a solid Peace, on the Contrary, they are attempting to Destabilize him, precisely at this Moment, with any hollow pretext, from all sides...

F.ex., the House (controled Today by Dems) decided to hold an Open, Public Hearing, transmitted "Live", of a Turn-Coat former Lawyer, traped in the notoriously abusive "Enquiry" of Mueller about a so-called Russian interference in US Elections, (who is largely expected to Slander President Trump, in a vain attempt to get away himself), precisely at the Same Day that a Crucial, 2nd USA - North Korea Summit, with Trump and Kim, is opening at Hanoi, Vienam !

+ In parallel, controversial Leftist LGBTI Businesman Bejos' Paper, the War Mongering former "Washington Post", alias "WA-PO", (or, rather : "WAR-PIG"...), has just launched another yet Slandering Campaign against President Trump, with another yet Woman, (this time a Black one), reportedly claimining that he would have unsuccesfully tried to kiss her, 3 or 4 Years in the Past, (etc)...

Rarely had the Dems ("Socialists"/"Liberals") Fallen si Low in petty "Politics" !

And it's Not the 1st Time that they Play with Fire, Peace or War, even at the edge of Dangerous Nuclear confrontation :

F.ex., among others, it's also Dems. who were at the White House when the "Cold War" Started, back in the 1940ies/50ies, including the Korea War, followed by the Vietnam War, and the Bloody Conflicts in the Balkans, Syria (with ISIS' and other Islamist Terrorists added), Ukraine, etc.

Republicans, comparatively, were mainly dealing with Peace Agreements, or being pushed to comparatively Minor, Geo-Politically Limited interventions, (as Kuweit, etc., while Iraq was the result of British Labour ("Socialist") Tony Blair's stuborn "push" on GWBush after 9/11, etc).

=> So that, IF Now Dems dare Undermine the Good Chances for a Stable Peace, at last, in the Korean peninsula and its surroundings (including Japan, etc), at a period when even US Territory is no more safe from eventual Nuclear Rockets which may be launched from there, then, they will take a too Heavy Responsibility for their irresponsible and Dangerous War Mongering !

Both the American People, and all the Peace and Security loving People all over the World, will Never Forget such an odious, petty, irresponsible and Catastrophic behavior by Dems, and they will be widely and firmly Condemned for ever.

It will be much Worse than back in Johnson's horrible era...

More partisan blather ,while reality skates

Trump's got a better chance of getting offed' by a meteor ,than signing a sustainable nuke deal with an insane dictator

Sure, it'll look good on paper, all the yes men heads will bobble up/down , and he'll be told what he wants to hear

Dibs a few years along, they'll be weaponizing any technology, BS'ing any inspectors , and the cycle of threats start again.

Maybe you bootlickers thinking this some sort of libtard prediction should consult recent history....

Korea : Trump = Peace + Security. Dems("Socialists") = War + Insecurity ?

New US President Don Trump's succesful breakthrough for Nuclear Peace and Stability in the World at the Historic, 1st ever Summit with North Korean leader Kim at Singapore, on June 2018, obviously depended, in order to be completed into a full and final success asap., mainly from 1 key point :

- For the basic Exchange between DeNuclearisation (of all the Korean peninsula) and Security Guarantees (i.e. Non-Aggression, etc.), in addition to the lifting of hard Economic Sanctions, USA would have to sign and ratify a kind of International Treaty in order to ensure North Korea for its safety in the future, (i.e. that it will not end, later-on, like Libya, or Iraq, etc).

But this needs, in addition to President Trump's signature, also a Ratification by the Congress. And, since the Democratic ("Socialist"/"Liberal") Party, meanwhile, got a Majority in the House (even if Trump strengthened his Republican Majority in the Senate), at the Mid-Term Elections, then, inevitably, it all depends now by at least from an elementary good Bi-Partisan cooperation inside the USA.

Or, will the Dems play the game, or not ? Naturally, if they Block, under any pretext, a Peace Treaty on Korea, then, they will Bear a very Heavy Responsibility for the risks and consequences, vis a vis all those who are concerned in that Dangerous Nuclear Arms imbroglio.

What relevant Signs is the Dems' Lobby giving nowadays ? - The Worst !

Instead of Helping the POTUS to reach a solid Peace, on the Contrary, they are attempting to Destabilize him, precisely at this Moment, with any hollow pretext, from all sides...

F.ex., the House (controled Today by Dems) decided to hold an Open, Public Hearing, transmitted "Live", of a Turn-Coat former Lawyer, traped in the notoriously abusive "Enquiry" of Mueller about a so-called Russian interference in US Elections, (who is largely expected to Slander President Trump, in a vain attempt to get away himself), precisely at the Same Day that a Crucial, 2nd USA - North Korea Summit, with Trump and Kim, is opening at Hanoi, Vienam !

+ In parallel, controversial Leftist LGBTI Businesman Bejos' Paper, the War Mongering former "Washington Post", alias "WA-PO", (or, rather : "WAR-PIG"...), has just launched another yet Slandering Campaign against President Trump, with another yet Woman, (this time a Black one), reportedly claimining that he would have unsuccesfully tried to kiss her, 3 or 4 Years in the Past, (etc)...

Rarely had the Dems ("Socialists"/"Liberals") Fallen si Low in petty "Politics" !

And it's Not the 1st Time that they Play with Fire, Peace or War, even at the edge of Dangerous Nuclear confrontation :

F.ex., among others, it's also Dems. who were at the White House when the "Cold War" Started, back in the 1940ies/50ies, including the Korea War, followed by the Vietnam War, and the Bloody Conflicts in the Balkans, Syria (with ISIS' and other Islamist Terrorists added), Ukraine, etc.

Republicans, comparatively, were mainly dealing with Peace Agreements, or being pushed to comparatively Minor, Geo-Politically Limited interventions, (as Kuweit, etc., while Iraq was the result of British Labour ("Socialist") Tony Blair's stuborn "push" on GWBush after 9/11, etc).

=> So that, IF Now Dems dare Undermine the Good Chances for a Stable Peace, at last, in the Korean peninsula and its surroundings (including Japan, etc), at a period when even US Territory is no more safe from eventual Nuclear Rockets which may be launched from there, then, they will take a too Heavy Responsibility for their irresponsible and Dangerous War Mongering !

Both the American People, and all the Peace and Security loving People all over the World, will Never Forget such an odious, petty, irresponsible and Catastrophic behavior by Dems, and they will be widely and firmly Condemned for ever.

It will be much Worse than back in Johnson's horrible era...

Another one of Trump's accomplishments! And he got Messiko to pay for the wall as well! WINNING!!!
This is nothing but agreed upon theater between a smart guy and a bumbling dictator...

The bumbling dictator desperately wants to appear competent on the world stage so he will grab at any photo op he can....

The smart guy knows the narcissistic insecurities of the bumbling dictator, so he uses this to his advantage to placate him all while vowing to never give up nukes...

The smart guy also knows that all of the fans of the bumbling dictator are just as brainwashed as his own people....except, his own people have an excuse, the fans of the bumbling dictator do not...they are willfully stupid...
"Reporters asked Trump about Michael Cohen during the Kim summit — so he banned them
Cohen’s testimony may overshadow Trump’s high-profile diplomacy with North Korea.
By Alex Ward@AlexWardVox[email protected] Feb 27, 2019, 9:50am EST"

Trump bans reporters from North Korea summit over Michael Cohen questions

"Right before the first private meeting between Trump and Kim was about to begin on Wednesday, a reporter shouted questions at Trump, asking if he had any comments about Cohen’s planned testimony to Congress.

"After slightly shaking his head, Trump simply replied, 'Thank you.'

"But it appears Trump, or at least his staff, was frustrated by the inquiry — and shortly after, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders announced that four American print reporters would be barred from attending the next press availability: the start of a dinner between Trump, Kim, and their top aides."
Korea : Trump = Peace + Security. Dems("Socialists") = War + Insecurity ?

New US President Don Trump's succesful breakthrough for Nuclear Peace and Stability in the World at the Historic, 1st ever Summit with North Korean leader Kim at Singapore, on June 2018, obviously depended, in order to be completed into a full and final success asap., mainly from 1 key point :

- For the basic Exchange between DeNuclearisation (of all the Korean peninsula) and Security Guarantees (i.e. Non-Aggression, etc.), in addition to the lifting of hard Economic Sanctions, USA would have to sign and ratify a kind of International Treaty in order to ensure North Korea for its safety in the future, (i.e. that it will not end, later-on, like Libya, or Iraq, etc).

But this needs, in addition to President Trump's signature, also a Ratification by the Congress. And, since the Democratic ("Socialist"/"Liberal") Party, meanwhile, got a Majority in the House (even if Trump strengthened his Republican Majority in the Senate), at the Mid-Term Elections, then, inevitably, it all depends now by at least from an elementary good Bi-Partisan cooperation inside the USA.

Or, will the Dems play the game, or not ? Naturally, if they Block, under any pretext, a Peace Treaty on Korea, then, they will Bear a very Heavy Responsibility for the risks and consequences, vis a vis all those who are concerned in that Dangerous Nuclear Arms imbroglio.

What relevant Signs is the Dems' Lobby giving nowadays ? - The Worst !

Instead of Helping the POTUS to reach a solid Peace, on the Contrary, they are attempting to Destabilize him, precisely at this Moment, with any hollow pretext, from all sides...

F.ex., the House (controled Today by Dems) decided to hold an Open, Public Hearing, transmitted "Live", of a Turn-Coat former Lawyer, traped in the notoriously abusive "Enquiry" of Mueller about a so-called Russian interference in US Elections, (who is largely expected to Slander President Trump, in a vain attempt to get away himself), precisely at the Same Day that a Crucial, 2nd USA - North Korea Summit, with Trump and Kim, is opening at Hanoi, Vienam !

+ In parallel, controversial Leftist LGBTI Businesman Bejos' Paper, the War Mongering former "Washington Post", alias "WA-PO", (or, rather : "WAR-PIG"...), has just launched another yet Slandering Campaign against President Trump, with another yet Woman, (this time a Black one), reportedly claimining that he would have unsuccesfully tried to kiss her, 3 or 4 Years in the Past, (etc)...

Rarely had the Dems ("Socialists"/"Liberals") Fallen si Low in petty "Politics" !

And it's Not the 1st Time that they Play with Fire, Peace or War, even at the edge of Dangerous Nuclear confrontation :

F.ex., among others, it's also Dems. who were at the White House when the "Cold War" Started, back in the 1940ies/50ies, including the Korea War, followed by the Vietnam War, and the Bloody Conflicts in the Balkans, Syria (with ISIS' and other Islamist Terrorists added), Ukraine, etc.

Republicans, comparatively, were mainly dealing with Peace Agreements, or being pushed to comparatively Minor, Geo-Politically Limited interventions, (as Kuweit, etc., while Iraq was the result of British Labour ("Socialist") Tony Blair's stuborn "push" on GWBush after 9/11, etc).

=> So that, IF Now Dems dare Undermine the Good Chances for a Stable Peace, at last, in the Korean peninsula and its surroundings (including Japan, etc), at a period when even US Territory is no more safe from eventual Nuclear Rockets which may be launched from there, then, they will take a too Heavy Responsibility for their irresponsible and Dangerous War Mongering !

Both the American People, and all the Peace and Security loving People all over the World, will Never Forget such an odious, petty, irresponsible and Catastrophic behavior by Dems, and they will be widely and firmly Condemned for ever.

It will be much Worse than back in Johnson's horrible era...

If the dotard presents a plan condonin the mass murder and enslavement of the North Korean people by his kindred spirit Kim Jong Un, then it should not be ratified. NK posed no threat anyways.
=> So that, IF Now Dems dare Undermine the Good Chances for a Stable Peace, at last, in the Korean peninsula and its surroundings (including Japan, etc), at a period when even US Territory is no more safe from eventual Nuclear Rockets which may be launched from there, then, they will take a too Heavy Responsibility for their irresponsible and Dangerous War Mongering !
Man, you must be sniffing some really good stuff.

But I suppose we should be grateful that the regime that returned the living body of the brain-dead Otto Warmbier, that murdered its own close family members, that starves whole masses...now gets the full frontal flattery and certification as a nuclear power from the President of the United States. The kid with the ugly haircut has made it. AND if he builds a Trump Tower he will absorb S Korea into his Utopian orbit.
I see youve made the argument that NK is led by an evil dictator. Dont you think it might be smart to make sure they dont have nukes? No, youre too stupid to come to that obvious conclusion on your own.
=> So that, IF Now Dems dare Undermine the Good Chances for a Stable Peace, at last, in the Korean peninsula and its surroundings (including Japan, etc), at a period when even US Territory is no more safe from eventual Nuclear Rockets which may be launched from there, then, they will take a too Heavy Responsibility for their irresponsible and Dangerous War Mongering !
Man, you must be sniffing some really good stuff.

But I suppose we should be grateful that the regime that returned the living body of the brain-dead Otto Warmbier, that murdered its own close family members, that starves whole masses...now gets the full frontal flattery and certification as a nuclear power from the President of the United States. The kid with the ugly haircut has made it. AND if he builds a Trump Tower he will absorb S Korea into his Utopian orbit.
I see youve made the argument that NK is led by an evil dictator. Dont you think it might be smart to make sure they dont have nukes? No, youre too stupid to come to that obvious conclusion on your own.
I see youve made the argument that NK is led by an evil dictator. Dont you think it might be smart to make sure they dont have nukes? No, youre too stupid to come to that obvious conclusion on your own.
Umm, Godboy, how you gonna do that? Because I'm pretty sure that no matter how much ass Trump kisses, the guy with the little button isn't going to go the way of Gaddafi. Sure it would be better, but that isn't the reality, and so far neither are any deals a reality, not even for beach property.
=> So that, IF Now Dems dare Undermine the Good Chances for a Stable Peace, at last, in the Korean peninsula and its surroundings (including Japan, etc), at a period when even US Territory is no more safe from eventual Nuclear Rockets which may be launched from there, then, they will take a too Heavy Responsibility for their irresponsible and Dangerous War Mongering !
Man, you must be sniffing some really good stuff.

But I suppose we should be grateful that the regime that returned the living body of the brain-dead Otto Warmbier, that murdered its own close family members, that starves whole masses...now gets the full frontal flattery and certification as a nuclear power from the President of the United States. The kid with the ugly haircut has made it. AND if he builds a Trump Tower he will absorb S Korea into his Utopian orbit.
I see youve made the argument that NK is led by an evil dictator. Dont you think it might be smart to make sure they dont have nukes? No, youre too stupid to come to that obvious conclusion on your own.
I see youve made the argument that NK is led by an evil dictator. Dont you think it might be smart to make sure they dont have nukes? No, youre too stupid to come to that obvious conclusion on your own.
Umm, Godboy, how you gonna do that? Because I'm pretty sure that no matter how much ass Trump kisses, the guy with the little button isn't going to go the way of Gaddafi. Sure it would be better, but that isn't the reality, and so far neither are any deals a reality, not even for beach property.
Diplomacy is the only way to get them to give up their nukes. Will it happen? Who knows, but it will ONLY happen through diplomacy.

Agree or disagree?
=> So that, IF Now Dems dare Undermine the Good Chances for a Stable Peace, at last, in the Korean peninsula and its surroundings (including Japan, etc), at a period when even US Territory is no more safe from eventual Nuclear Rockets which may be launched from there, then, they will take a too Heavy Responsibility for their irresponsible and Dangerous War Mongering !
Man, you must be sniffing some really good stuff.

But I suppose we should be grateful that the regime that returned the living body of the brain-dead Otto Warmbier, that murdered its own close family members, that starves whole masses...now gets the full frontal flattery and certification as a nuclear power from the President of the United States. The kid with the ugly haircut has made it. AND if he builds a Trump Tower he will absorb S Korea into his Utopian orbit.
I see youve made the argument that NK is led by an evil dictator. Dont you think it might be smart to make sure they dont have nukes? No, youre too stupid to come to that obvious conclusion on your own.
I see youve made the argument that NK is led by an evil dictator. Dont you think it might be smart to make sure they dont have nukes? No, youre too stupid to come to that obvious conclusion on your own.
Umm, Godboy, how you gonna do that? Because I'm pretty sure that no matter how much ass Trump kisses, the guy with the little button isn't going to go the way of Gaddafi. Sure it would be better, but that isn't the reality, and so far neither are any deals a reality, not even for beach property.
Diplomacy is the only way to get them to give up their nukes. Will it happen? Who knows, but it will ONLY happen through diplomacy.

Agree or disagree?
Yep, agree it will only happen thru diplomacy. But, Godboy, the little snot has absolute power over his nation, and absolute power over the life and death of fearful masses will not be given up easily. I'm pretty sure Kim doesn't give a rat's rump about the quality of life of anyone else including his own blood kin. He gets all the perks and all the worship and he eats well. That nobody else does doesn't bother him. And dare I mention he snookered Trump once and maybe is in the process again right now. I don't see Kim giving up any nukes (his big stick) to make life sweeter for the inhabitants of his patch or to please Trump. He has too much to lose if he does.
=> So that, IF Now Dems dare Undermine the Good Chances for a Stable Peace, at last, in the Korean peninsula and its surroundings (including Japan, etc), at a period when even US Territory is no more safe from eventual Nuclear Rockets which may be launched from there, then, they will take a too Heavy Responsibility for their irresponsible and Dangerous War Mongering !
Man, you must be sniffing some really good stuff.

But I suppose we should be grateful that the regime that returned the living body of the brain-dead Otto Warmbier, that murdered its own close family members, that starves whole masses...now gets the full frontal flattery and certification as a nuclear power from the President of the United States. The kid with the ugly haircut has made it. AND if he builds a Trump Tower he will absorb S Korea into his Utopian orbit.
I see youve made the argument that NK is led by an evil dictator. Dont you think it might be smart to make sure they dont have nukes? No, youre too stupid to come to that obvious conclusion on your own.
I see youve made the argument that NK is led by an evil dictator. Dont you think it might be smart to make sure they dont have nukes? No, youre too stupid to come to that obvious conclusion on your own.
Umm, Godboy, how you gonna do that? Because I'm pretty sure that no matter how much ass Trump kisses, the guy with the little button isn't going to go the way of Gaddafi. Sure it would be better, but that isn't the reality, and so far neither are any deals a reality, not even for beach property.
Diplomacy is the only way to get them to give up their nukes. Will it happen? Who knows, but it will ONLY happen through diplomacy.

Agree or disagree?
Yep, agree it will only happen thru diplomacy. But, Godboy, the little snot has absolute power over his nation, and absolute power over the life and death of fearful masses will not be given up easily. I'm pretty sure Kim doesn't give a rat's rump about the quality of life of anyone else including his own blood kin. He gets all the perks and all the worship and he eats well. That nobody else does doesn't bother him. And dare I mention he snookered Trump once and maybe is in the process again right now. I don't see Kim giving up any nukes (his big stick) to make life sweeter for the inhabitants of his patch or to please Trump. He has too much to lose if he does.
How did he snooker Trump? Trump put a stop to the missile tests. Trump has made more headway than any other president BY FAR.

Dont let your politics turn you into a dishonest person. If you cant acknowledge the positive steps towards peace between the koreas, youve lost your integrity.
How did he snooker Trump? Trump put a stop to the missile tests.
Look what else he put a stop to.....

U.S. drops demand for full accounting of N. Korea nuclear program ahead of talks
Thats probably because we already have a pretty good idea where his program is. We know hes cheating and hiding stuff, but it isnt rampant enough to ruin a shot at denuclearization.

Do you really think Kim Jong wants a target on his back for the rest of his life? Dont you think he might want some cool shit in NK? Even he cant get anything he wants. Its not like he can go into one of his cities and buy the new Air Jordans, a Gucci bag or a Ford GT.
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How did he snooker Trump? Trump put a stop to the missile tests.
Look what else he put a stop to.....

U.S. drops demand for full accounting of N. Korea nuclear program ahead of talks
Thats probably because we already have a pretty good idea where his program is. We know hes cheating and hiding stuff, but it isnt rampant enough to ruin a shot at denuclearization.

Do you really think Kim Jong wants a target on his back for the rest of his life? Dont you think he might want some cool shit in NK? Even he cant get anything he wants. Its not like he can go into one of his cities and buy the new Air Jordans, a Gucci bag or a Ford GT.
My friend, truth is I have no idea what floats Kim Jong Un's boat. But I suspect he is much like Trump in that he needs absolute power and constant praise as much as oxygen. If he can have that AND Air Jordans..fine. But not Air Jordans INSTEAD of. Trump doesn't have that absolute power yet, but his actions and pouting tweets indicate to me that he is working toward it, knocking down most of the traditions that have been the backbone of our nation along the way, and with the enthusiastic support of too many Americans. I take Michael Cohen's words as prophecy that if Trump loses in 2020, there will NOT be a peaceful transition.
But I appreciate your arguments and thank you for expressing them.
I take Michael Cohen's words as prophecy that if Trump loses in 2020, there will NOT be a peaceful transition.
But I appreciate your arguments and thank you for expressing them.

If President Trump were to lose next year, his successor would be treated the same way Trump was during his term.

But as far as America-North Korea negotiations, President Un is in a tough position. The generals in North Korea like the status quo, Un would like to make his country a economic powerhouse, but he isn't as free as people think. Un isn't paranoid at all, there are people in his own country who oppose reform.

I think the Democrat Party in Congress deserve some of the blame for the failure in the talks today. Yesterday's circus in Washington DC made President Trump look weak to Un and made him less confident that we could deliver. If there is war between our two nations, the Democrats in the Clown Car need to man up.
It's Now a Fact that, helas, things evolved as we had Foreseen :

- Contrary to Singapore, during Hanoi US-NK Summit, Dems (Bejos' WAPO/War-Pig + Pelosi's House) slandered Trump in public, treacherously stabed POTUS behind his back, while he was struggling to bring Peace/Stability in dangerous Nuclear Issues abroad, and sabotaged the meeting.

Who could think that he slept well overnight ? Photos indicate the contrary...

=> Dems bear a Heavy Responsibility.

The American People must make them Pay, in the 2020 Elections, what they have just done, with their irresponsible, slanderous, inhuman and treacherous back-stabing, and damaging war-mongering.




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