No Good guy with a gun, but here is a hero


Gold Member
Jan 10, 2009
There was no "good guy with a gun" to stop the evil one, but against this:


was a U.S. Marine Corps veteran that took action to save lives:

Marine Veteran Stole Truck to Transport Dozens of Vegas Victims to Hospital

He stole a truck to transport the injured away from the melee. TRAVIS WINSTON, a hero without a gun.
Be kinda hard to hit a target 37 floors up hundreds of yards away with a 9MM anyways.
But the OP brings up a good debate.
Should we allow rifles and snipers carried around in public? Obviously they wont be concealed, but someone could have stopped this early on..
Be kinda hard to hit a target 37 floors up hundreds of yards away with a 9MM anyways.
They could do it in the cowboy movies. Shoot a revolver 29 times and never reload and never miss!

empty revolver.jpg
Be kinda hard to hit a target 37 floors up hundreds of yards away with a 9MM anyways.

when will we be hearing from the NRA's little darling, wayne laPIErre saying the answer to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with an RPG?
The "good guy with a gun" mantra fails. So do oppressive firearm laws; the killer had the makings of a bomb, and as with McVeigh, the desire to kill as many humans as possible.
The "good guy with a gun" mantra fails. So do oppressive firearm laws; the killer had the makings of a bomb, and as with McVeigh, the desire to kill as many humans as possible.
Thats because he was hundreds of yards away. Concealed carry laws dont cover sniper rifles..
But the OP brings up a good debate.
Should we allow rifles and snipers carried around in public? Obviously they wont be concealed, but someone could have stopped this early on..

nevada has some of the most lax gun laws in the nation. here's your wild wild west.

Weapon laws (NRS Ch. 202)
Concealed weapon permits (CCW) are-shall issue and open carry is legal without a permit. Nevada does not ban 'assault weapons' and there is no magazine capacity limit. There are no purchase permits, gun registration, or gun-owner licensing. Blue cards are no longer required. There is no waiting period mandated for firearm purchases and private gun sales are okay. Local gun laws are prohibited. You do not have to "register" a gun to someone else.

Government Buildings
You cannot carry in the secure area of airports (past TSA checkpoints) and concealed carry only is prohibited in public buildings where 'no guns' signs are posted or metal detectors are present at each public entrance. (NRS 202.3673). Open carry is not regulated in any non-school public building.

No guns signs
Signs do not have the force of law on private property. In public buildings, only concealed carry is banned where 'no guns' signs are posted or metal detectors are present at each public entrance (NRS 202.3673).

Bar carry
It is legal to carry concealed or openly in a bar or restaurant, even while consuming alcohol. One cannot possess a firearm if their blood alcohol content is more than .10 BAC (NRS 202.257).

Casino carry
It is legal to carry openly or concealed inside a casino, on the Las Vegas Strip, or at the Fremont Street Experience. Most casinos will ask you to leave or disarm if they observe you carrying firearms, but it is not a crime unless you refuse to leave or comply (only trespassing).

School carry
Firearms are prohibited on K-12 school property, including child care facilities. This includes parking lots. Written permission from the principal is the only exemption, which is seldom granted (NRS 202.265).

Campus carry (colleges/universities)
Firearms are prohibited on college/university property, including in parking lots, except with written permission, which is seldom granted (NRS 202.265).

Car carry
It is legal to have a loaded handgun anywhere in your vehicle, including in the glove box, as long the weapon is not concealed on your body without a permit. Rifles and shotguns cannot have a round in the chamber (NRS 503.165).

Home carry
You cannot carry concealed without a permit at home or on your own private property. Concealed carry requires a permit anywhere in the state. Technically, a firearm, loaded or unloaded, carried in bag or case is illegal without a permit.

Where can I shoot?
Laws vary by county and city. Check your local ordinances. Click the map for a list of shooting spots near Las Vegas.

Gun Safety
1. Treat all guns as if they were loaded. 2. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. 3. Never point at a gun at anything you are not willing to shoot. 4. Know your target and what lies beyond. 5. Keep weapons locked away from children.

I smoke marijuana. Is it legal for me to own/buy a gun?
No. Under federal law, you are an unlawful user of a controlled substance. The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld this rule. Marijuana in any form is illegal under federal law. Users of marijuana are prohibited persons. Checking 'no' on question 11(e) on the Form 4473 would be a lie if you use marijuana. See this ATF letter on the topic.

Blue cards
Effective June 2, 2016, Clark County's handgun registration system, 'blue cards' was eliminated by changes to state law. Blue cards are not required nor issued. You do not have to keep your blue cards. There is no gun registration in Nevada at all. All records have been destroyed. Ballot Question 1 did not create registration.

Be kinda hard to hit a target 37 floors up hundreds of yards away with a 9MM anyways.

when will we be hearing from the NRA's little darling, wayne laPIErre saying the answer to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with an RPG?
Hopefully soon! That's what we need.

uh-huh. except when some nutbag takes down a helicopter or plane.
Duh! No way any one would do that. Besides we'd have special grenades that couldn't be aimed at planes and stuff.
The "good guy with a gun" mantra fails. So do oppressive firearm laws; the killer had the makings of a bomb, and as with McVeigh, the desire to kill as many humans as possible.
Thats because he was hundreds of yards away. Concealed carry laws dont cover sniper rifles..

Gosh, no hit....:eusa_doh:
Be kinda hard to hit a target 37 floors up hundreds of yards away with a 9MM anyways.

when will we be hearing from the NRA's little darling, wayne laPIErre saying the answer to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with an RPG?
Hopefully soon! That's what we need.

uh-huh. except when some nutbag takes down a helicopter or plane.
Duh! No way any one would do that. Besides we'd have special grenades that couldn't be aimed at planes and stuff.

Sure you will, sure. None of the hundreds, if not thousands of "good guys" did -0- to stop Paddock.
Be kinda hard to hit a target 37 floors up hundreds of yards away with a 9MM anyways.

when will we be hearing from the NRA's little darling, wayne laPIErre saying the answer to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with an RPG?
Hopefully soon! That's what we need.

uh-huh. except when some nutbag takes down a helicopter or plane.
Duh! No way any one would do that. Besides we'd have special grenades that couldn't be aimed at planes and stuff.

Sure you will, sure. None of the hundreds, if not thousands of "good guys" did -0- to stop Paddock.
You are talking in circles now. You said RPG and I agreed but as soon as I did, you start talking about pistols. What's the matter with you? If they had RPG's it would have been easy to take him out. Just pop off a few toward the building and hope they hit his room. Simple.
Be kinda hard to hit a target 37 floors up hundreds of yards away with a 9MM anyways.

when will we be hearing from the NRA's little darling, wayne laPIErre saying the answer to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with an RPG?
Well, RPG thru that window would have ended it right there.

i can hear oprah now:

you get an RPG! ... & YOU get an RPG!!... & YOU get an RPG!!!.
Be kinda hard to hit a target 37 floors up hundreds of yards away with a 9MM anyways.

when will we be hearing from the NRA's little darling, wayne laPIErre saying the answer to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with an RPG?
Hopefully soon! That's what we need.

uh-huh. except when some nutbag takes down a helicopter or plane.
Nutbags use vehicles to kill people. Probably happen 1000% more. What you wanna do about that? Cars aint even protected by the Constitution..
Be kinda hard to hit a target 37 floors up hundreds of yards away with a 9MM anyways.

when will we be hearing from the NRA's little darling, wayne laPIErre saying the answer to a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with an RPG?
Hopefully soon! That's what we need.

uh-huh. except when some nutbag takes down a helicopter or plane.
Duh! No way any one would do that. Besides we'd have special grenades that couldn't be aimed at planes and stuff.

Sure you will, sure. None of the hundreds, if not thousands of "good guys" did -0- to stop Paddock.
OMG get off your fallacy please

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