No Doubt, I Could Love This Guy!


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Shoot, what a way with words! Just found this site:

A Word About Jimmy
I'm all over the place. I meant in the previous post to get to that paragon of virtue, Jimmy Carter, via a religious incursion. To wit: what a fraud. What a shameless self-aggrandizing putz. I'm with Jay Nordlinger at National Review on this one: the man is a venal, self-serving poseur who hides behind a cornpone grin and a reputation as a human rights champion (my words, not Jay's).

I've known about this gripdick for a long time. His gubernatorial signature was on my learner's permit and my first driver's license. My father served with the preening prick in the Georgia General Assembly in the sixties when Jimmy was elected to the State Senate in 1962 and my father had moved from the Senate to the House. I knew Jimmy back when it was still uncool to know Jimmy.

My two big beefs with Carter?

One: He's a former President: instead of promoting himself for a Nobel Prize (which his harridan wife will eventually clunk him over the head with, she being an even bigger bastard than he) and attacking the current administration, he should keep his gaping maw shut. We pride ourselves in the South on producing gentlemen. Jimmy Carter is no gentleman. He is, in local vernacular, a peckerhead.

Two: Carter prides himself on being Mr. Human Rights. Fine. Let's look at the record: under Mr. Human Rights' watch Nicaraugua fell under the Soviet sphere via the Sandinistas. Angola became a bloodbath populated by Cuban mercenaries. Afghanistan was invaded by the Soviets (albeit to overthrow a totally fucking insane local communist regime with a more placable Moscow-centered one, but hey! as they say about Iraq, an invasion is an invasion). Poland felt the scourge on its back. The Stasi in East Germany cracked the whip. The Khmer Rouge slathered the Cambodian fields in blood, just like their neighbors in Ho Chi Minh Hellhole. That's a hell of a human rights record. I'm fucking impressed.

Reagan and the Bushes liberated tens (hundreds) of millions of human beings from serfdom. Why aren't THEY the Human Rights Guys? Why is this charlatan who sits through the most criminal election frauds in history as an International Elections Advisor Mr. Human Rights? I posit Jimmy Carter has more innocent blood on his hands than any non-communist or non-fascist in history. He is the Ultimate Useful Idiot.

I have to drive by Plains, Georgia when I visit my sister in Columbus. It's a beautiful drive once you get off I-75, but I always get a chill when I drive by Plains. I'm always reminded of another Useful Idiot, a fellow who worked on our farm for a while in the sixties, until my mother got him into one of those Retarded Boy Training Programs in Plains. I can't remember his name. It was either Wayne, or Newton. I just remember a connection with Wayne Newton. Maybe he looked like Wayne Newton? At any rate, he played a little too roughhouse with my little brother in Lake Number Three, and my mother was scared he'd drown the lad in his Baby Huey enthusiasm (Huey Newton? It's there, somewhere, damn it).

That's who Jimmy Carter reminds me of. A big fucking retard who thinks he's a genius because he's just finished making a perfect broom, or mop. And, yes, no one has the guts, or the decency, to say "Hey. It's just a fucking mop".

Posted by Velociman at 09:27 PM
Merlin1047 said:
:thup: :thup:

I like it.

Yep. Nice reading! Got me a Pepper and am enjoying. Maybe I would like it down South?? Nah, awful lizards!
Bonnie said:
What a way with's almost a turn on :boobies: LOL

Yeah, one could say that! :kiss2: Good writing, sigh! :fifty:
Kathianne said:
Yep. Nice reading! Got me a Pepper and am enjoying. Maybe I would like it down South?? Nah, awful lizards!

They're chameleons. And they're cute.
Merlin1047 said:
They're chameleons. And they're cute.

Chameleons are cute I used to try and catch them, besides it's not the lizards yo need to watch out for down South, it's those giant flying roaches aka Palmetto Bugs :firing:
Merlin1047 said:
They're chameleons. And they're cute.

Anything green that isn't a plant, ewww. Seriously, moths scare me! :firing:
he is right on about Carter except on maybe one thing. I think Kerry may have quite alot of innocent blood on his hands. i mean it was partly due do his lying about what happened in vietnam that caused our eventual withdrawl and allowed the Communists to overrun southeast asia, slaughtering millions of people. But who knows with all things he said about carter, he might have more than kerry.

Regardless, i had to laugh at the guy who uses such language and complaining that Carter isnt a gentleman. I mean i agree with the assessment but if these are the examples of the gentlemen the south produces maybe we need to produce better.
Avatar4321 said:
he is right on about Carter except on maybe one thing. I think Kerry may have quite alot of innocent blood on his hands. i mean it was partly due do his lying about what happened in vietnam that caused our eventual withdrawl and allowed the Communists to overrun southeast asia, slaughtering millions of people. But who knows with all things he said about carter, he might have more than kerry.

Regardless, i had to laugh at the guy who uses such language and complaining that Carter isnt a gentleman. I mean i agree with the assessment but if these are the examples of the gentlemen the south produces maybe we need to produce better.

Maybe, but I'd say he sounded fine to Bonnie and me. :laugh: Hey, can you write drawl???
freeandfun1 said:
You sure you are interested in his well endowed "mind" or "?" ????

Yes I was speaking strickly in Cerebral Cortex terms, you know what they say about the brain being the sixiest bodily organ???? ;)
Bonnie said:
Yes I was speaking strickly in Cerebral Cortex terms, you know what they say about the brain being the sixiest bodily organ???? ;)

And you know what they say about men having two brains......
dilloduck said:
LOL I'm beginning to think we're not taking good care of our conservative women here, Free ! :)

I'm beginning to wonder myself dillo...... :sausage:

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