No Banker Left Behind


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
What made Obama pick a Treasury Secretary who arranged a secret $30 billion loan to Goldman Sachs at .01% while taxpayers were paying 25% on missed credit card payments?

"It was merely one small part of that reckless policy of throwing mad money at the banks while ignoring the plight of homeowners whom the banks had swindled, a plan pursued by both the Bush and the Obama administrations that set the stage for the current slide into a double-dip recession.

"On Tuesday it was reported that home values have continued an eight-month decline back to their lowest point since the recession began.

"With housing in deep trouble there can be no rebound of consumer confidence or job creation, and the first-quarter growth rate was an anemic 1.8 percent even as Wall Street profits and bonuses flourished.

"Wages are stagnant, unemployment claims have recently risen and, as The Wall Street Journal headlined on Tuesday, 'Economists Downgrade Prospects for Growth.'

"That same edition of the Journal reported that 44.6 million Americans now survive on food stamps, an 11 percent increase in that misery index over the past year, while Geithner’s friends at Goldman are doing quite well."

Geithner and Goldman (and Obama): Thick as Thieves.

Robert Scheer: Geithner and Goldman, Thick as Thieves - Robert Scheer's Columns - Truthdig
Yep but no change from the previous administration.
It's hard to see how any meaningful change is possible as long as voters continue "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican.

Citizens United seems to have ensured even more money from the richest 1% of voters will be used to pre-select the candidates from both major parties.

Republicans AND Democrats could be FLUSHED by the hundreds from DC beginning in 2012.

With very little additional effort required beyond casting a ballot.
Yep but no change from the previous administration.
It's hard to see how any meaningful change is possible as long as voters continue "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican.

Citizens United seems to have ensured even more money from the richest 1% of voters will be used to pre-select the candidates from both major parties.

Republicans AND Democrats could be FLUSHED by the hundreds from DC beginning in 2012.

With very little additional effort required beyond casting a ballot.
Yes could be, but will not be. Americans for the most part are well programmed sheeple.
Yep but no change from the previous administration.
It's hard to see how any meaningful change is possible as long as voters continue "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican.

Citizens United seems to have ensured even more money from the richest 1% of voters will be used to pre-select the candidates from both major parties.

Republicans AND Democrats could be FLUSHED by the hundreds from DC beginning in 2012.

With very little additional effort required beyond casting a ballot.
Yes could be, but will not be. Americans for the most part are well programmed sheeple.
I think the key is motivating the 30% to 40% of eligible voters who don't usually see anything worth voting FOR to get involved and vote AGAINST Republicans AND Democrats.

Huey Long + the Internet could make this happen.
Yep but no change from the previous administration.
It's hard to see how any meaningful change is possible as long as voters continue "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican.

Citizens United seems to have ensured even more money from the richest 1% of voters will be used to pre-select the candidates from both major parties.

Republicans AND Democrats could be FLUSHED by the hundreds from DC beginning in 2012.

With very little additional effort required beyond casting a ballot.


Seriously GP, how?

What organization can the people rally behind that won't be just another cut-out shamocratic organization orchestrated by the powers that be?

The Tea Party?

Anybody or any person who becomes a real threat to the Puppeteers is targeted for takeover or character assassination.

Frankly I am dubious that this nation's path to a more democratic, more economically just society can be found through the election process.

This society's fundamental flaw is philosophical, not political.

We are a nation of materialists and a highly materialistic people are far too easy to divide and conquer, far too easy to anticipate and manipulate.

The "I got mine, get yours; Greed is good" zeitgeist replaced the nationalistic zeitgeist that once existed.

Nationalism is a kind of commmunal sense that means that enough people will do the right thing. That enough of them will make that personal sacrifice in day to day decision making that it takes to make community vibrant and functional.

And as long as one can always hire one worker to kill another the GOLDEN RULE will be in effect.

It isn't politics by which the American people are captured and controlled, it is by economic means that they are kept powerless.

And NOBODY is challenging the economic machinations that keep them and this nation on a path to destruction.
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And as long as one can always hire one worker to kill another the GOLDEN RULE will be in effect

yup, and you know what Editec? I ain't too proud when i'm hungry either.....
Yep but no change from the previous administration.
It's hard to see how any meaningful change is possible as long as voters continue "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican.

Citizens United seems to have ensured even more money from the richest 1% of voters will be used to pre-select the candidates from both major parties.

Republicans AND Democrats could be FLUSHED by the hundreds from DC beginning in 2012.

With very little additional effort required beyond casting a ballot.


Seriously GP, how?

What organization can the people rally behind that won't be just another cut-out shamocratic organization orchestrated by the powers that be?

The Tea Party?

Anybody or any person who becomes a real threat to the Puppeteers is targeted for takeover or character assassination.

Frankly I am dubious that this nation's path to a more democratic, more economically just society can be found through the election process.

This society's fundamental flaw is philosophical, not political.

We are a nation of materialists and a highly materialistic people are far too easy to divide and conquer, far too easy to anticipate and manipulate.

The "I got mine, get yours; Greed is good" zeitgeist replaced the nationalistic zeitgeist that once existed.

Nationalism is a kind of commmunal sense that means that enough people will do the right thing. That enough of them will make that personal sacrifice in day to day decision making that it takes to make community vibrant and functional.

And as long as one can always hire one worker to kill another the GOLDEN RULE will be in effect.

It isn't politics by which the American people are captured and controlled, it is by economic means that they are kept powerless.

And NOBODY is challenging the economic machinations that keep them and this nation on a path to destruction.
What I'm suggesting, ed, is best characterized as the "Political Leap of Faith Movement."

I'm not sure how many already existing third parties appear on Maine ballots.
In California it is a substantial number.
Pick the third party candidate closest to your political heart and vote accordingly.

Chris Hedges revealed recently this has been a voting technique of his lately.

I think you're right about US First Principles when it comes to politics.
Greed has never been in short supply.
The richest 1% of humanity understand instinctively how to manipulate that fact.

Divide and conquer could be turned on the rulers here if enough of the eligible voters who don't normally see anything worth voting for can be influenced to come into the polls and vote against Republicans AND Democrats.
I second that vote.

Ry mentioned in his interview how "No Banker Left Behind" came to him after reading a column by Bob Scheer and then reflecting on how Uncle Dave Macon could craft a very simple statement like Scheer's into words and music that would appeal to millions.

BB, Ry and Uncle Dave... Wall Street's worst nightmare?
It's hard to see how any meaningful change is possible as long as voters continue "choosing" between Democrat OR Republican.

Citizens United seems to have ensured even more money from the richest 1% of voters will be used to pre-select the candidates from both major parties.

Republicans AND Democrats could be FLUSHED by the hundreds from DC beginning in 2012.

With very little additional effort required beyond casting a ballot.


Seriously GP, how?

What organization can the people rally behind that won't be just another cut-out shamocratic organization orchestrated by the powers that be?

The Tea Party?

Anybody or any person who becomes a real threat to the Puppeteers is targeted for takeover or character assassination.

Frankly I am dubious that this nation's path to a more democratic, more economically just society can be found through the election process.

This society's fundamental flaw is philosophical, not political.

We are a nation of materialists and a highly materialistic people are far too easy to divide and conquer, far too easy to anticipate and manipulate.

The "I got mine, get yours; Greed is good" zeitgeist replaced the nationalistic zeitgeist that once existed.

Nationalism is a kind of commmunal sense that means that enough people will do the right thing. That enough of them will make that personal sacrifice in day to day decision making that it takes to make community vibrant and functional.

And as long as one can always hire one worker to kill another the GOLDEN RULE will be in effect.

It isn't politics by which the American people are captured and controlled, it is by economic means that they are kept powerless.

And NOBODY is challenging the economic machinations that keep them and this nation on a path to destruction.
What I'm suggesting, ed, is best characterized as the "Political Leap of Faith Movement."

I'm not sure how many already existing third parties appear on Maine ballots.
In California it is a substantial number.
Pick the third party candidate closest to your political heart and vote accordingly.

Chris Hedges revealed recently this has been a voting technique of his lately.

I think you're right about US First Principles when it comes to politics.
Greed has never been in short supply.
The richest 1% of humanity understand instinctively how to manipulate that fact.

Divide and conquer could be turned on the rulers here if enough of the eligible voters who don't normally see anything worth voting for can be influenced to come into the polls and vote against Republicans AND Democrats.

George, one ought not vote for a third party candidate who is also a forking nutter.

I remember when I had some hope that the GREEN party might have legs.

Then I started one-on-one talking to that party's front runner here in Maine.

His POV was more of the same elitist crap only with a greenie tinge that gave him a smug satisfaction that he rode in on some high moral horse.

The ARROGANCE of the monied class in America is profoundly distrubing.

But still they rise to the top of every organization, GP.

Hence I refuse to join any revolution I do not control.

The American people are going to have to go though a period of enormous pain before they give up the philosophical POVs that put the insiders in control of this nation.

Until the people (and this means ALL of us, not just one class) are ready to REWRITE the social contract, the problems that you and I and some others here on this board are talking about are not going away, in fact they are only going to get worse.

(garbage in garbage out)

When a society starts out with presuppositions that are inherently false that society is doomed to failure.

Our entire economic philosophy system is flawed from the GETGO.

In the first place it begins with the concept of 'Homo economicus"

Such a flawed belief system as that inevitably lead us to such preposterous notions as perfect markets, invisible hands of the markets, and self-correcting markets.


And every one of those CONCEITs of MASS PSYCHOLOGY (see "animal spirits" ) leads to massive and fundamental tragedies of the commons like we are now experiencing

Tragedies which the INSIDERS not only understand how to take advantage of, but understand how to CREATE for their own personal benefit.

NO voting, no party, no heroic populist is going to change that fundamental flaw in our thinking.

Right now I live in a state with a Governor that got 38% of the vote.

But he's got 100% of the power to pander to the capital class.

You see my point?

VOTING is not going to fix this problem because our governments are no longer in charge of our society except to keep the rest of the hoi polli in check.

We are prisoners of philosophical system that was designed of the capital, by the capital, and FOR the capital class.

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