Newt Gingrich voicing concerns over the dangers of atheism!!

“The rise of a secular, atheist philosophy” in the West is "an equally or even more dangerous threat” to Christianity than terrorist organizations that will kill Christians if “they don’t submit,” Gingrich said.


While still married to his second wife, he began an affair with his aide (20 years younger) in 93 while still married but got divorced in 2000 and he has the nerve to talk about Clinton. He was minority whip and speaker of the House through from 1995-1999.

How ironic. He is a staple on the Hannity show. Its a good thing that aide married him in a civil ceremony, and then later in a Catholic ceremony in 2009 (must of cost him dearly for an annulment) before he ran for Potus in 2012.

One could say he was saved by Callista, who by the way carried on a 9 year affair with a married man.

For those too young to really know who Newt Gingrich is, you will see him a lot on Hannity.

hahahahaha... newtie.. the guy who impeached a sitting president for an affair while he was bonking his assistant... whom he left his wife for and who he served with divorce papers while she was in the hospital after a mastectomy...

yeah, that loser should be talking about atheists. :rofl:
An imperfect man mustn't opine on the importance of Christianity. Right, Penelope?
Sure he can offer his opinion. The point is that he is a hypocrite and a lousy Christian. I will add that he is full of shit as well. To say that Atheists are a treat to civilization, is to say that human kind has no moral compass, no compassion or empathy for fellow creatures and are unable to conduct themselves in a civilized manner- unless they believe in some version of a sky fairy. I damned sure would rather live in a world dominated by atheists than a world dominated by religious fanatics OF ANY STRIPE.
5th post 10th post
I mean, if YHWH doesn't appear to be concerned about the atheist threat to Christianity, should Christians care about the purported threat?
Oh how the left hates Newt. Anyone with a superior intelligence.
That is certainly not why we hate you.
At least you admit your hate. That's the first step to healing. Poor thing.
That's right sparky. I do admit it. You guys are to cowardly and dishonest to. There are things and people who are deserving of hate This might interest you.

Far-Right Legal Orgs Object to 'Hate Group' Label, But It Fits

Those on the extreme right love to accuse the liberals and progressive of being hateful and intolerant but they are either willfully lying, or in denial, projecting their own hatred, and not in touch with reality.

They can say that we are hateful, bigoted, or intolerant all they wish. But let me sum up the difference between them and us. We do indeed have a problem with people who are hateful towards others simply because they do not approve of them or do not understand them. We are not tolerant of people who are on a mission to make life miserable for others in the name of ideology. We are not tolerant of the selfish and greedy who kick those who are less fortunate and struggling to get by to the curb, so that they and their donors can have even more. We have a problem- and you can call it hateful if you wish- with people who arbitrarily and capriciously chose to marginalize, demean and deprive others of the rights that they take for granted.

We have a problem with people who discriminate and incite violence against others who they do not like, do not understand, or are threatened by them in some vague way. The same goes for vilify the poor, immigrants and with those of other ethnic groups and religions.

In summary, the rights intolerance is driven by hate, greed and ideology . All intolerance is not equal.

Anyone who has hatred and intolerance directed at them- whether it be subtle or overt, verbal or physical, in private or in the public/ political arena has the right to respond proportionately. If that response is portrayed or characterized as hatred so be it. But, know this all hatred and intolerance is not equal. Consider the following:

Officials with the Alliance Defending Freedom and Liberty Counsel say their organizations aren’t anti-LGBT “hate groups,” as labeled by the Southern Poverty Law Center — but the SPLC says the designation definitely fits.

Both are right-wing legal organizations that represent mostly fundamentalist Christian clients, including many who are anti-LGBT and/or anti-abortion. ADF, which last week hosted a closed-door speech by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, objected to ABC News calling it a hate group in coverage of the matter. It has asked ABC to apologize.

The SPLC, however, says the shoe fits in both cases.

Regarding ADF, SPLC president Richard Cohen released this statement: "The Alliance Defending Freedom spreads demonizing lies about the LGBT community in this country and seeks to criminalize it abroad. If the ADF had its way, gay people would be back in the closet for fear of going to jail. It was inappropriate for Attorney General Sessions to lend his credibility to the group by appearing before it, and it was ironic that he would suggest that the rights of ADF sympathizers are under attack when the ADF is doing everything in its power to deny the equal protection of the laws to the LGBT community."

On Liberty Counsel, Cohen said, "We stand ready to support our designation of Liberty Counsel as a hate group. Liberty Counsel is a group that has consistently called LGBT people 'immoral, unnatural and self-destructive.' It has a track record of attempting to criminalize homosexual conduct and to legalize discrimination against the LGBT community. There is nothing 'pro-family' about dehumanizing LGBT people. This lawsuit and other recent attacks against GuideStar are simply attempts to distract the public from Liberty Counsel’s hateful agenda."
Oh how the left hates Newt. Anyone with a superior intelligence.
That is certainly not why we hate you.
At least you admit your hate. That's the first step to healing. Poor thing.
That's right sparky. I do admit it. You guys are to cowardly and dishonest to. There are things and people who are deserving of hate This might interest you.

Far-Right Legal Orgs Object to 'Hate Group' Label, But It Fits

Those on the extreme right love to accuse the liberals and progressive of being hateful and intolerant but they are either willfully lying, or in denial, projecting their own hatred, and not in touch with reality.

They can say that we are hateful, bigoted, or intolerant all they wish. But let me sum up the difference between them and us. We do indeed have a problem with people who are hateful towards others simply because they do not approve of them or do not understand them. We are not tolerant of people who are on a mission to make life miserable for others in the name of ideology. We are not tolerant of the selfish and greedy who kick those who are less fortunate and struggling to get by to the curb, so that they and their donors can have even more. We have a problem- and you can call it hateful if you wish- with people who arbitrarily and capriciously chose to marginalize, demean and deprive others of the rights that they take for granted.

We have a problem with people who discriminate and incite violence against others who they do not like, do not understand, or are threatened by them in some vague way. The same goes for vilify the poor, immigrants and with those of other ethnic groups and religions.

In summary, the rights intolerance is driven by hate, greed and ideology . All intolerance is not equal.

Anyone who has hatred and intolerance directed at them- whether it be subtle or overt, verbal or physical, in private or in the public/ political arena has the right to respond proportionately. If that response is portrayed or characterized as hatred so be it. But, know this all hatred and intolerance is not equal. Consider the following:

Officials with the Alliance Defending Freedom and Liberty Counsel say their organizations aren’t anti-LGBT “hate groups,” as labeled by the Southern Poverty Law Center — but the SPLC says the designation definitely fits.

Both are right-wing legal organizations that represent mostly fundamentalist Christian clients, including many who are anti-LGBT and/or anti-abortion. ADF, which last week hosted a closed-door speech by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, objected to ABC News calling it a hate group in coverage of the matter. It has asked ABC to apologize.

The SPLC, however, says the shoe fits in both cases.

Regarding ADF, SPLC president Richard Cohen released this statement: "The Alliance Defending Freedom spreads demonizing lies about the LGBT community in this country and seeks to criminalize it abroad. If the ADF had its way, gay people would be back in the closet for fear of going to jail. It was inappropriate for Attorney General Sessions to lend his credibility to the group by appearing before it, and it was ironic that he would suggest that the rights of ADF sympathizers are under attack when the ADF is doing everything in its power to deny the equal protection of the laws to the LGBT community."

On Liberty Counsel, Cohen said, "We stand ready to support our designation of Liberty Counsel as a hate group. Liberty Counsel is a group that has consistently called LGBT people 'immoral, unnatural and self-destructive.' It has a track record of attempting to criminalize homosexual conduct and to legalize discrimination against the LGBT community. There is nothing 'pro-family' about dehumanizing LGBT people. This lawsuit and other recent attacks against GuideStar are simply attempts to distract the public from Liberty Counsel’s hateful agenda."
One gigantic strawman. It isn't "hate" simply because conservatives disagree with you on the function of government. You enjoy that strawman so you can jusyify your self-righteous indignation over not being able to turn the Federal Government into a welfare office to buy votes.
The secular philosophy dominates universities and is embraced by newspaper editors and Hollywood, Gingrich said. It represents “a repudiation of everything we’ve learned about the importance of the spiritual world,” he said.

Centers of faith are the bastions that must defend religion against such secular thought, he said.

Gingrich, who was House speaker from 1995-99, converted to Catholicism — the religion of his wife, Callista Gingrich — nine years ago. Callista Gingrich serves as U.S. ambassador to the Holy See (the Vatican).

also he said seculars and religious can't live together , one side has to win, I take it that is why the fundamental Christian right love their guns.
It isn't "hate" simply because conservatives disagree with you on the function of government.
No, it's because it's hate...

Of course conversion therapy is harmful. It's a threat to the homo agenda. The fact that homos have greater rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc than the rest of the population isn't harmful at all, huh.
15th post
It isn't "hate" simply because conservatives disagree with you on the function of government.
No, it's because it's hate...

Of course conversion therapy is harmful. It's a threat to the homo agenda. The fact that homos have greater rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, etc than the rest of the population isn't harmful at all, huh.
The truth is the truth and that is harmful to some people's agenda. Too damn bad. We're not going to sacrifice our children to your evil sickness.
“The rise of a secular, atheist philosophy” in the West is "an equally or even more dangerous threat” to Christianity than terrorist organizations that will kill Christians if “they don’t submit,” Gingrich said.


While still married to his second wife, he began an affair with his aide (20 years younger) in 93 while still married but got divorced in 2000 and he has the nerve to talk about Clinton. He was minority whip and speaker of the House through from 1995-1999.

How ironic. He is a staple on the Hannity show. Its a good thing that aide married him in a civil ceremony, and then later in a Catholic ceremony in 2009 (must of cost him dearly for an annulment) before he ran for Potus in 2012.

One could say he was saved by Callista, who by the way carried on a 9 year affair with a married man.

For those too young to really know who Newt Gingrich is, you will see him a lot on Hannity.

He's one, like Hannity, like Pat Robertson and Pence, who pretend with all their might to be Christians but aren't. They freely use that religion as a front for their scams.

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