News Flash for sorry ass Dem's....please enter the 21st century, please!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Joe Kennedy to give state of the Union rebuttal......another effin Kennedy. Already the attacks are starting....what the hell is the matter with Democrats? If its not a Clinton, its 80 year old white people who knew Kennedy and 80 year old blacks who knew Dr. King. Guys, its time we move on.....please for the sake of the party, find some new blood to champion this party.....and lets leave the Kennedy's, the Clintons, the old white and blacks who marched for civil rights and abortion rights....lets leave these people in the 20th century....please or this party is dead for sure

Here is the Deal. Its a bit complicated, but you can trust an old Deplorable white boy from the Heartland who is just enjoying the show.

Jewish people and other Northeast Liberal White People have been running the Democratic Party for a long time now and have had Blacks, Hispanics and Blue Collar White Boys from the Northern Rust Belt in their hip pocket...not doing shit for any of you except hauling you to the polls on Election Day....because you are all Dumb-Asses.

Well, the Blue Collar White Boys from the Northern Rust Belt wised up....which is why Trump is President.

That has gotten the Blacks and Hispanics to thinking. (if yall had "thought" 30 years ago, instead of blindly trusting the Northeast Liberal White People, maybe your big cities wouldn't be rotting down around you. But, at least you wised up a little after Trump got elected and told the Northeast Liberal White People to get fucked and you took over running the Democratic Party----See Perez (Hispanic) and that Black Muslim Bigot Keith Ellison from Minnesota----both of whom were very very poor choices.

But the real problem is that the Blacks and the Hispanics don't trust each other---nor should they because their interests are not very compatible. Plus, you haven't figured out which Black you want--Kamala Harris or Cory Booker.

So, you have failed this test as leaders of the Democratic Party and have defaulted back to the Northeast Liberal White People---and picked one of those turds...yet again...just because his name is Kennedy. They have got that crazy bitch (Maxine Waters) giving a speech on BET...and I guess that is suppose to placate you---because they still figure you are Dumb-Asses.

You have finally figured out that the Northeast Liberal White People don't give a rats ass about you Blacks or the Hispanics...except when they need your vote....that's a start...but you have to learn to lead and not be led....and not settle for having that crazy bitch wailing and ranting on BET ....while the Northeast Liberal White People are still effectively running the show.

Joe Kennedy to give state of the Union rebuttal......another effin Kennedy. Already the attacks are starting....what the hell is the matter with Democrats? If its not a Clinton, its 80 year old white people who knew Kennedy and 80 year old blacks who knew Dr. King. Guys, its time we move on.....please for the sake of the party, find some new blood to champion this party.....and lets leave the Kennedy's, the Clintons, the old white and blacks who marched for civil rights and abortion rights....lets leave these people in the 20th century....please or this party is dead for sure
Thanks to your greedy idiot mega-rich BS and hate GOP of the last 35 years, you still have to fight for those things... thIs Kennedy is like 38 years old so eat shirt and stop listening to bought off lying High School grad pundits... Super dupe.
Joe Kennedy to give state of the Union rebuttal......another effin Kennedy. Already the attacks are starting....what the hell is the matter with Democrats? If its not a Clinton, its 80 year old white people who knew Kennedy and 80 year old blacks who knew Dr. King. Guys, its time we move on.....please for the sake of the party, find some new blood to champion this party.....and lets leave the Kennedy's, the Clintons, the old white and blacks who marched for civil rights and abortion rights....lets leave these people in the 20th century....please or this party is dead for sure
As you found an Orange Great Grabber Douche. Tired and fizzled

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