News Corp. defends $1 million donation to Republican Governors Association

I agree, the Rock Spectacle live version is the best live one they made.

Well hey, you go to youtube and find it. I found one version, seemed better but it was just static over and over. :lol:
Just for the record, all of the following percentages favor the DNC:

Comcast: 64% - 36%
Time Warner: 88% - 12%
Disney: 62% - 36%
GE: 92% - 8%
NEWSCORP (y'know...the guys who own FOX NEWS!): 79% - 19%

TV / Movies / Music: Top Contributors to Federal Candidates and Parties | OpenSecrets

heres the proof for you Beo

now man up and admit you look like a fucking idiot

It's so rude, forcing facts into his fantasy...libs have a Constitutional right to be deluded by their masters.
I listened to midday NEWS on Foxnews today (not the primetime editorial shows). I haven't in awhile.

The bias is ASTOUNDING. Any of my liberal comrades who don't watch or no longer watch, Foxnews, need to tune in a little (for as long as you can stand).

See,and yet you guys throw such hissy-fits when we call you Marxist/Communists. "Liberal Comrades?" Hmm?

Look! Here's some Marxist/Communists honoring one of their COMRADES:

Quantico Sentry - Military Police honor comrade, Iraq war vet in memorial service
you too eh?
the lib fail in this thread is too fuckin funny

I agree, the Rock Spectacle live version is the best live one they made.
yeah, stay on the deflection and ignore your own fucking stupidity

how fucking typical

Hey man, it is. I'm sorry, the band hasn't been the same since Stephen page left. Personally, I think their best work is a decade behind them anyway, they're not gonna top what they did since Stunt.
[ame=]YouTube - Barret Strong - Money (That's what I want) (EXCELLENT SOUND)[/ame]
its funny how modbert gets all pissy when people derail his threads....yet he has no problem derailing this one because it makes liberals look stupid...

the hypocrisy and fail in this thread is awesome
its funny how modbert gets all pissy when people derail his threads....yet he has no problem derailing this one because it makes liberals look stupid...

the hypocrisy and fail in this thread is awesome

:lol: More fail. I posted a funny song and Divecon freaked out. So I decided post a few more. Besides, this thread was derailed by Page Two. Some of you need to lighten up and go outside. :thup:
Call me when CBS, NBC, CNN, etc. have to defend providing countless free hours of airtime for pro-Obama segments cloaked as "news" stories.... then we'll talk.

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Call me when CBS, NBC, CNN, etc. have to defend providing countless free hours of airtime for pro-Obama segments cloaked as "news" stories.... then we'll talk.


Why would they have to defend it? They are proud of it. Besides, that's just how free speech works.
moveon.orgm is a credible source.

only andrew breitbart has an agenda.
its funny how modbert gets all pissy when people derail his threads....yet he has no problem derailing this one because it makes liberals look stupid...

the hypocrisy and fail in this thread is awesome

EPIC, even!

At the risk of overusing my p/s'ed image too much:


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