NEWEST NBC News Poll: Donald Trump Dominates as Jeb Bush Implodes!!!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
Breitbart ^ | 09/06/2015 | Katie McHugh
Current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump maintains a strong lead in New Hampshire, while establishment pick Jeb Bush has steadily lost support in the early-voting Granite State, says the new NBC News/Marist poll. Trump is 16 percentage points ahead of his closest competitor, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, and has 28 percent of likely Republican voters backing him.Dr. Ben Carson came in third place with 11 percent of the vote, while Bush dropped to fourth place at eight percent.

I hope Donald Trump wins so that on election night he can unzip his skin suit and Andy Kaufman comes walking out.
Trump has staying power. There's really nothing that can stop him at this point. He's the next president.
Bush does better than Trump v. Clinton in the NBC poll.

NBC stands for NOMINATE BUSH or CLINTON....everyone with a 3 digit IQ knows that! LOLOLOLOL!!!!!

Too bad you have a 2-digit IQ, birfer.

If mine is a 2 digit, yours is a definite ONE digit, shit for brains!

No, Vag. You're an idiot.

That's why you're a dumbass birfer and make dozens of threads about the millions of ebola deaths that would befall America.


As I said in another thread about the same thing you posted, perhaps if you were ONE of the TWO that died, you'd think differently.... But probably not, as DEAD you'd think as you currently do! ROTFLMFAO!!!!!
Trump is the greatest man on earth. I hope the illegal asslicker Rubio got 0%

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