New York Times: "It’s Seven Grandkids, Mr. President"

of course voters don’t vote on grandkids…but they do vote for character of the person running

Xiden’s cold heart in denying his own grandchild is a reflection of who he is, and frankly it’s a reflection of all those that support him.
And the fact that he’s even running for re-election in his current mental state is a reflection of his wife. And not in a good way.
They care about the right for children to get ”transitioned” to the opposite gender without the parents’ permission.
Could be. At least they waste a lot of ink in that issue.

I saw a couple of episodes a few years ago of a series concerning a little boy who very early on decided that he was really a girl. I believe the show was named “Jazzy.” That was her name.

I felt bad for the kid. It seemed pretty clear to me that he was (mentally) a girl. He even looked considerably feminine.

Recently, I found out that he has undergone some transition surgery. This is mutilation, pure and simple. And the kid is evidently suffering the consequences of having undergone the surgery.

I find it a very sad situation. But it’s also pretty rare. So, it doesn’t appear to be the kind of “issue” Dims ought to be dwelling on.
Mareen Dowd of course is one of their very left of center columnists. Can't imagine not acknowledging one of your grandchildren.

NY Times columnist rebukes Biden’s ‘cold' heart for denying existence of granddaughter: ‘It’s seven grandkids’​

Funny how Biden claims he wants to be inclusive.
China Joe was sold to us as the compassionate old dude who was going to unite America.

In reality, he's a corrupt grifter who rejects his own flesh and blood when it's politically expedient. An innocent child no less who had no choice how she was brought into this World.

Purposeful denseness on your part....I hope.
This is the guy they said was better than Trump.

They got rid of Trump for THIS guy.
Mareen Dowd of course is one of their very left of center columnists.

Eeerr....I'm pretty sure that's the only kind they got.

And don't give me any shit about Brooks or Douthat.

Those two imbeciles wouldn't know an original thought if it whacked em in the face.
Has any enterprising reporter asked the Mother if she has attempted to introduce the child to the Grandparents? Maybe she is holding out for more money?
Why wouldn't Biden acknowledge his 7th grandchild?

She is a sweet little girl.... he is such a weird man. :cuckoo:'s all money I guess.

I'm wondering if there's more at play here. Maybe lawyers have told Joe that if he publicly acknowledges she's his grandchild, it will open the family up for some liability.

Wouldn't surprise me that Joe would choose money over acknowledging a grandchild.
In the ranking of things, voters care the most about when voting for a candidate, I am yet to see grandchildren in the list.
When the candidate and his campaign make his being a wonderful loving parent who deeply loves his corrupt, addicted son, it is then an issue.

Joe nor his son Hunter are devoted family men. Never have been. I have no problem with such a person being president. Except for the fact that they both want to play that part.

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