New York is waking up !!!

So you believe in hate, anger and fear to dictate decisions.
Me? I believe in allowing the free market to dictate decisions.
You with the loud voices and fists in the air decided that your neighbors had no say.
Perhaps if you allowed Eckerd to open up, the lack of customers would close them down.....or maybe the desire to have them would result in a successful operation for Eckerd.
But you decided to allow personal emoption and anger to dictate decisions of others.
Quite interesting.

It wasn't just me with my fist in the air, but 80% of my town. Collective bargaining at its finest! :eusa_angel:


Exactly why people do not appreciate collective bargaining.

It is supported by threats of a few and usually winds up with results that are self serving and not in the best interest of the massses.

this is a good example perfect liberty... and i admire te use of the word appreciate, when it describes collective bargaining. collective bargaining isn't living off the phat of the land and creating political drama.
it's norma rae standing on the worktable with the handwritten sign that says "UNION" (thanks sally field for that eternal image).
it was kids and works and nasty conditions for profit to be made from the squaler of the others. read ayn rand if you want to understand the basics of objectivism and why the earth will never gaurantee mans's continuance...
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If the consumer preferred "better quality better customer service and unique merchandise", then a Walmart will not put them out of business.

There is no contradiction. Sadly, most Americans do not care about quality in anything they buy, so brainwashed with commercials and television. And even a slight dip in patronage can cause many Mom and Pops to go under.

My argument does hold water. Watch what happens to stores in a downtown when a large new mall moves in down the road. Are you denying that this happens? I hate malls... everything about them and I do not like to see great little stores struggle and close because most Americans are stupid sheep.

It happened because YOU demanded it.
Look at the shoes you wear. Made in China. And sold at Walmart or it's equivalent.
WalMart is as American as APPLE PIE.
the truth is there is little workmanship in products anymore coming from overseas. Everything is throw able. Nobody fixes anything because its all what they refer to as solid-state throwaway.
If you have a problem with an item you just dump it and go get a new one, it wasn't made to last very long anyway.

So any item that doesn't take precision workmanship is produce in a mass market esp. if it's not an item that people have to depend on to lead their life’s
So you believe in hate, anger and fear to dictate decisions.
Me? I believe in allowing the free market to dictate decisions.
You with the loud voices and fists in the air decided that your neighbors had no say.
Perhaps if you allowed Eckerd to open up, the lack of customers would close them down.....or maybe the desire to have them would result in a successful operation for Eckerd.
But you decided to allow personal emoption and anger to dictate decisions of others.
Quite interesting.

It wasn't just me with my fist in the air, but 80% of my town. Collective bargaining at its finest! :eusa_angel:

Riling up the Modern Day KKK, more likely. :lol:
the truth is there is little workmanship in products anymore coming from overseas. Everything is throw able. Nobody fixes anything because its all what they refer to as solid-state throwaway.
If you have a problem with an item you just dump it and go get a new one, it wasn't made to last very long anyway.

So any item that doesn't take precision workmanship is produce in a mass market esp. if it's not an item that people have to depend on to lead their life’s

Then buy the $3000 custom made suits like I do from the Korean tailor in Buckhead.
NO one forces you to buy anything.
the truth is there is little workmanship in products anymore coming from overseas. Everything is throw able. Nobody fixes anything because its all what they refer to as solid-state throwaway.
If you have a problem with an item you just dump it and go get a new one, it wasn't made to last very long anyway.

So any item that doesn't take precision workmanship is produce in a mass market esp. if it's not an item that people have to depend on to lead their life’s

Then buy the $3000 custom made suits like I do from the Korean tailor in Buckhead.
NO one forces you to buy anything.

I prefer a Ron Jon T and some flip-flops. :cool:
War on WalMart?

Fucking priceless. It just never ends with you guys...

Well Walmart is the conservative paradise. According to the that report it generates like 400 billion dollars in income, yearly, and the average salary of it's workers are around 14K. That makes many of them qualify for welfare..or some other type of public assistance. Walmart use to give their employees information of how to apply for government healthcare. So sure..seems like a good deal. Plant a Walmart in a Manhattan neighborhood. Kill several thousands jobs. Generate several hundred jobs with no benefits. Gum up our generous social programs. All to make the Waltons the some of the richest people on earth.


Then Conservatives can yammer on about all the lazy people getting "Gubmint cheese". It's a win-win.

Are they being forced to work there? If not then they are free to go look for work somewhere else. When you are offered a job and accept it, you accept it on the terms that it was offered. You cannot accept the job and then turn around and expect to have rights to something that was not offered to begin with.

The liberal mind is a scary thing. :D

Contrary to conservative can't lock up people against their will..

Slave days are ovah!
the truth is there is little workmanship in products anymore coming from overseas. Everything is throw able. Nobody fixes anything because its all what they refer to as solid-state throwaway.
If you have a problem with an item you just dump it and go get a new one, it wasn't made to last very long anyway.

So any item that doesn't take precision workmanship is produce in a mass market esp. if it's not an item that people have to depend on to lead their life’s

Then buy the $3000 custom made suits like I do from the Korean tailor in Buckhead.
NO one forces you to buy anything.

I prefer a Ron Jon T and some flip-flops. :cool:

I hate wearing my monkey suits.
When I am either in Negril or Puerto Morales I also prefer the flip flops and Columbia shirts. It is halter top season YEAR ROUND there.
New York is waking up !!!

Not from what I've been reading. Most of the news regarding Walmart's push into NYC shows that they are likely to succeed this time. In fact, polls I've seen show more than 70% of NYC residents favor a Walmart in the city limits.
Why do you hate success?

I don't consider Wal Mart to be a success, but an embarrassing parasite in our society. All that money they take in peddling cheap (probably toxic) crap made by impoverished near-slave labor does not stay here in the US, does it? Paying people 14K/year doesn't do much for our economy, does it? I wonder how many billions in profits they rake in each year instead of paying a living wage and actually giving back to their community instead of turning it into a small business ghost town and driving down all wages in the area...

So compete against them, if it suits you, don't shop in their stores. Their Success sort of contradicts your accusations. Why is that???

Well that would mean first starting a store..and then sending spies into your competitor's stores, checking their prices, and charging 10% less. You do this by buying cheap goods from overseas. When you run them out of business as well as American manufacturers, you then invest controlling interest in the bank that declined your loan..and then approve said loan to expand.

This is ethically all good with Conservatives.
Well Walmart is the conservative paradise. According to the that report it generates like 400 billion dollars in income, yearly, and the average salary of it's workers are around 14K. That makes many of them qualify for welfare..or some other type of public assistance.

I'm not defending Walmart. I'm pretty much ambivalent regarding the subject, but how much should a person who stocks shelves for a living or gives people change at a cash register make? These are unskilled jobs that a teenager can do. As for the welfare claim, how many people at Walmart making what you claim the average salary to be are the sole breadwinners of their families? I would make an educated guess that the majority of them are not single parents raising a family.

Plant a Walmart in a Manhattan neighborhood. Kill several thousands jobs.

What do you base this figure on? That sounds like an exaggerated number that you pulled straight out of your bum.
I don't consider Wal Mart to be a success, but an embarrassing parasite in our society. All that money they take in peddling cheap (probably toxic) crap made by impoverished near-slave labor does not stay here in the US, does it? Paying people 14K/year doesn't do much for our economy, does it? I wonder how many billions in profits they rake in each year instead of paying a living wage and actually giving back to their community instead of turning it into a small business ghost town and driving down all wages in the area...

So compete against them, if it suits you, don't shop in their stores. Their Success sort of contradicts your accusations. Why is that???

Well that would mean first starting a store..and then sending spies into your competitor's stores, checking their prices, and charging 10% less. You do this by buying cheap goods from overseas. When you run them out of business as well as American manufacturers, you then invest controlling interest in the bank that declined your loan..and then approve said loan to expand.

This is ethically all good with Conservatives.

If YOUR company was going broke what would you do?
You left out important facts:
Why do American manufacturers go overseas?:
Unions and high taxes.
Why else would American companies go overseas?
Don't you know we have TO COMPETE WITH OTHERS now?
What kills me are the people that WOULD FAVOR banning competition.
That is as unAmerican as it gets!
What kills me are the people that WOULD FAVOR banning competition.
That is as unAmerican as it gets!

Wal Mart isn't competition... it kills its competition. It becomes the monopoly.

Walmart is no where close to having a monopoly. As a matter of fact, their sales have dropped for seven straight quarters as CostCo, Dollar General, and Target have been gaining.
What kills me are the people that WOULD FAVOR banning competition.
That is as unAmerican as it gets!

Wal Mart isn't competition... it kills its competition. It becomes the monopoly.

You actually made that up.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
It is quite obvious you do not know what pure competition is all about.....and yes...that is an economic term....Pure Competition"
You actually made that up.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
It is quite obvious you do not know what pure competition is all about.....and yes...that is an economic term....Pure Competition"

I saw it happen in my community first with a mall, which almost destroyed a vibrant downtown and next with a Wal-Mart in the next town which drove out all of the little mom and pop stores - some that had been there for generations, so STFU. I don't feel like arguing with stupid today.... I'm not in the mood.

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