New Vermont Law Replaces Columbus Day With 'Indigenous Peoples' Day'


Platinum Member
Oct 13, 2016
Multi-Dimensional Warrior
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I have never encountered a democrat yet who refused to be paid for their offensive day off with pay.
Last week, Gov. Phil Scott signed legislation that eliminates Columbus Day from the list of official state holidays, and replaces it with a new holiday, called Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Once again Vermont does the right thing.
Christopher Columbus was a monster.

New Vermont Law Replaces Columbus Day With 'Indigenous Peoples' Day'

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This is a stupid thing....Columbus was a great man, he discovered this continent for the west, and brought advancement to the primitive peoples here.......the lies told about Columbus are many and disgusting....

If you want a real look at Columbus, Michael Knowles at the Daily Wire devoted a podcast to the true history of Columbus..

A great look at Christopher Columbus....the entire show...

Last week, Gov. Phil Scott signed legislation that eliminates Columbus Day from the list of official state holidays, and replaces it with a new holiday, called Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Once again Vermont does the right thing.
Christopher Columbus was a monster.

New Vermont Law Replaces Columbus Day With 'Indigenous Peoples' Day'

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According to the propagandists. You insult the Italian people. They are used to it though. MLK was a philanderer and rapist. Get rid of his day.
Last week, Gov. Phil Scott signed legislation that eliminates Columbus Day from the list of official state holidays, and replaces it with a new holiday, called Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Once again Vermont does the right thing.
Christopher Columbus was a monster.

New Vermont Law Replaces Columbus Day With 'Indigenous Peoples' Day'

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He may have been a monster, but he stumbled into the continent of North America (well, not really, but he got us in the neighborhood) and got all our European and other ancestors eventually interested in coming here. There is nothing wrong with that. I heard on the radio a few mornings ago that a town somewhere has stopped celebrating Thomas Jefferson's birthday because he was a slaveholder and is instead celebrating something to do with slaves' emancipation.

There is nothing wrong with celebrating slaves' emancipation or Native Americans. I wholeheartedly support it. What I DON'T support is taking the credit from Columbus (or Jefferson) for what they accomplished. Why can't we celebrate BOTH?
I hate the new name "Indigenous Peoples' Day" It is totally ridiculous. NO ONE uses the term "indigenous peoples" except the Canadians and a couple of Ph.D.'s and who listens to them anyway? Hell, we haven't got the whole country trained to use "Native Americans" instead of "Indians" yet, and we're going to start using an officious, elitist term like "indigenous peoples?" The other thing is, why in hell would the Native Americans want to have their culture celebrated on the very day that spelled the demise of that culture? And if you did a survey of actual Native Americans I am pretty sure you'd find that they don't want to be called "indigenous" either.

I hate this new name. Maine has already adopted it.
keep wishing away Columbus stupid fks it happens the only way that changes is when your IQ is low enough to keep telling yourself that celebrating INDOCTRINATED assholes day is completely going to MAKE the idiots of civilization feel 100 x's better cause that got changged IT'S MAM!! I SAID IT'S MAM BITCH!! just make it into celebrate COCK day that's all it is you anti American ******s want. lol
Last week, Gov. Phil Scott signed legislation that eliminates Columbus Day from the list of official state holidays, and replaces it with a new holiday, called Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Once again Vermont does the right thing.
Christopher Columbus was a monster.

New Vermont Law Replaces Columbus Day With 'Indigenous Peoples' Day'

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He may have been a monster, but he stumbled into the continent of North America (well, not really, but he got us in the neighborhood) and got all our European and other ancestors eventually interested in coming here. There is nothing wrong with that. I heard on the radio a few mornings ago that a town somewhere has stopped celebrating Thomas Jefferson's birthday because he was a slaveholder and is instead celebrating something to do with slaves' emancipation.

There is nothing wrong with celebrating slaves' emancipation or Native Americans. I wholeheartedly support it. What I DON'T support is taking the credit from Columbus (or Jefferson) for what they accomplished. Why can't we celebrate BOTH?
I hate the new name "Indigenous Peoples' Day" It is totally ridiculous. NO ONE uses the term "indigenous peoples" except the Canadians and a couple of Ph.D.'s and who listens to them anyway? Hell, we haven't got the whole country trained to use "Native Americans" instead of "Indians" yet, and we're going to start using an officious, elitist term like "indigenous peoples?" The other thing is, why in hell would the Native Americans want to have their culture celebrated on the very day that spelled the demise of that culture? And if you did a survey of actual Native Americans I am pretty sure you'd find that they don't want to be called "indigenous" either.

I hate this new name. Maine has already adopted it.

To answer your question... sorry, but it is true, the left has a long history of patronizing groups of people.
I agree it is a bit elitist and condescending to assume American Indians of old would want to celebrate the day set aside to celebrate the man who inadvertently led to their destruction. Or would even want the American government to set aside a holiday for them at all! They have their own celebrations, and if they want recognition for one of them nationally or in a state they are in...I wouldn't have a problem with it.
Last week, Gov. Phil Scott signed legislation that eliminates Columbus Day from the list of official state holidays, and replaces it with a new holiday, called Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Once again Vermont does the right thing.
Christopher Columbus was a monster.

New Vermont Law Replaces Columbus Day With 'Indigenous Peoples' Day'

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This is a stupid thing....Columbus was a great man, he discovered this continent for the west, and brought advancement to the primitive peoples here.......the lies told about Columbus are many and disgusting....

If you want a real look at Columbus, Michael Knowles at the Daily Wire devoted a podcast to the true history of Columbus..

A great look at Christopher Columbus....the entire show...

Read some history. Hell, read anything.
Last week, Gov. Phil Scott signed legislation that eliminates Columbus Day from the list of official state holidays, and replaces it with a new holiday, called Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Once again Vermont does the right thing.
Christopher Columbus was a monster.

New Vermont Law Replaces Columbus Day With 'Indigenous Peoples' Day'

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Well you and your antisemitic friends can keep on spreading antisemitism hate speeches. You Leftist always want to label Jews as monsters. You guys will not stop demonizing the Jews. And now you all wants to erase Jews from your history books. You Nazis are now trying to carry on out a secret holocaust. You guys cannot wait to exterminate the Jews from off of the earth.

Columbus, who was known in Spain as Cristóbal Colón and didn't speak Italian, signed his last will and testament on May 19, 1506, and made five curious -- and revealing -- provisions.
Two of his wishes -- tithe one-tenth of his income to the poor and provide an anonymous dowry for poor girls -- are part of Jewish customs. He also decreed to give money to a Jew who lived at the entrance of the Lisbon Jewish Quarter.
On those documents, Columbus used a triangular signature of dots and letters that resembled inscriptions found on gravestones of Jewish cemeteries in Spain. He ordered his heirs to use the signature in perpetuity.
According to British historian Cecil Roth's "The History of the Marranos," the anagram was a cryptic substitute for the Kaddish, a prayer recited in the synagogue by mourners after the death of a close relative. Thus, Columbus' subterfuge allowed his sons to say Kaddish for their crypto-Jewish father when he died. Finally, Columbus left money to support the crusade he hoped his successors would take up to liberate the Holy Land.
Was Columbus secretly a Jew? - CNN
Fuck that irrelevant, impotent little state. VT is the state that gave us the Ben & Jerry's ice cream, which donated millions of dollars to the violent hate group, Black Lives Fecal Matter. And it gave us Bernie Sanders, a loathsome, red-faced, sputtering, Bugs-Bunny-looking creature I find every bit as treasonous and odious as Hilarious Hillary (he's just better at hiding it).

In two and a half centuries, the only good thing Vermont came up with was Phish (my second-favorite jam band after the Grateful Dead).
Last week, Gov. Phil Scott signed legislation that eliminates Columbus Day from the list of official state holidays, and replaces it with a new holiday, called Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Once again Vermont does the right thing.
Christopher Columbus was a monster.

New Vermont Law Replaces Columbus Day With 'Indigenous Peoples' Day'

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This is a stupid thing....Columbus was a great man, he discovered this continent for the west, and brought advancement to the primitive peoples here.......the lies told about Columbus are many and disgusting....

If you want a real look at Columbus, Michael Knowles at the Daily Wire devoted a podcast to the true history of Columbus..

A great look at Christopher Columbus....the entire show...

The reason why they cannot find any paintings or statues of Christopher Columbus.

You asked specifically about drawing the human form, so I’ll give you a bit more history on how that issue is treated in rabbinic literature. The comments on the second commandment, and takes a very strict stance against producing images of faces, ruling it forbidden, but sanctioning owning images of faces that were created by non-Jews. (Avodah Zara 43a) The prohibition comes from a concern that even two-dimensional images could be worshipped, or could represent idols. In some Jewish communities during the Middle Ages artists got around this prohibition by drawing human bodies topped with heads of other animals, including birds. The famous bird head Haggadah from 12th-century Germany is an example of this phenomenon. Ask the Expert: Graven Images | My Jewish Learning
Last week, Gov. Phil Scott signed legislation that eliminates Columbus Day from the list of official state holidays, and replaces it with a new holiday, called Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Once again Vermont does the right thing.
Christopher Columbus was a monster.

New Vermont Law Replaces Columbus Day With 'Indigenous Peoples' Day'

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A kick in the teeth to the Italian People.

Indians already have Thanksgiving, now the goombas don't have any day to celebrate their unique heritage.
Last week, Gov. Phil Scott signed legislation that eliminates Columbus Day from the list of official state holidays, and replaces it with a new holiday, called Indigenous Peoples' Day.
Once again Vermont does the right thing.
Christopher Columbus was a monster.

New Vermont Law Replaces Columbus Day With 'Indigenous Peoples' Day'

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A kick in the teeth to the Italian People.

Indians already have Thanksgiving, now the goombas don't have any day to celebrate their unique heritage.
aint a kick in the teeth to me....and i was raised by those gumbas...
Fuck that irrelevant, impotent little state. VT is the state that gave us the Ben & Jerry's ice cream, which donated millions of dollars to the violent hate group, Black Lives Fecal Matter. And it gave us Bernie Sanders, a loathsome, red-faced, sputtering, Bugs-Bunny-looking creature I find every bit as treasonous and odious as Hilarious Hillary (he's just better at hiding it).

In two and a half centuries, the only good thing Vermont came up with was Phish (my second-favorite jam band after the Grateful Dead).
It always saddens me when I hear of a major league asshole that listens to the Dead. That`s you and Ann Coulter so far but she is somebody and you aren`t.
Fuck that irrelevant, impotent little state. VT is the state that gave us the Ben & Jerry's ice cream, which donated millions of dollars to the violent hate group, Black Lives Fecal Matter. And it gave us Bernie Sanders, a loathsome, red-faced, sputtering, Bugs-Bunny-looking creature I find every bit as treasonous and odious as Hilarious Hillary (he's just better at hiding it).

In two and a half centuries, the only good thing Vermont came up with was Phish (my second-favorite jam band after the Grateful Dead).
Another example of a conservative piece of shit who lies when he says he loves this country.
Rot in hell, scumbag.

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