New Trump/Republican Tax Plan


Gold Member
Aug 19, 2008
It seems that while Trump & the Republicans have been unable to build a wall, repeal & replace Obamacare, cancel NAFTA, or do anything else that they've promised, the one major piece of legislation that they seem to serious about is a new tax code that cuts taxes primarily for the wealthy and for corporations.

Why doesn't this surprise us liberals?

Could it be that Trump & the Republicans just don't give a damn about anyone but the wealthy?

Could it be that Trump & the Republicans blatantly lie and say anything to get elected?

Could it be that all those who believe that Trump and the Republicans cared about working class Americans were dup'd?

So, supply-side economics have been reborn - despite that fact that 'trickle-down' has proven to be a lie.

And so the American workers continues to reinforce the creation of an American royal class by voting for politicians that funnel all the wealth to a privileged few.
It seems that while Trump & the Republicans have been unable to build a wall, repeal & replace Obamacare, cancel NAFTA, or do anything else that they've promised, the one major piece of legislation that they seem to serious about is a new tax code that cuts taxes primarily for the wealthy and for corporations.

Why doesn't this surprise us liberals?

Could it be that Trump & the Republicans just don't give a damn about anyone but the wealthy?

Could it be that Trump & the Republicans blatantly lie and say anything to get elected?

Could it be that all those who believe that Trump and the Republicans cared about working class Americans were dup'd?

So, supply-side economics have been reborn - despite that fact that 'trickle-down' has proven to be a lie.

And so the American workers continues to reinforce the creation of an American royal class by voting for politicians that funnel all the wealth to a privileged few.
NO it's because those very liberals in congress and out are doing everything they can to screw up the country. Wait for 2018, much draining coming.
Could it be that Trump & the Republicans just don't give a damn about anyone but the wealthy?

It is not that it could be, but rather that it is. So how is that any different at all again from the "other" party?
It seems that while Trump & the Republicans have been unable to build a wall, repeal & replace Obamacare, cancel NAFTA, or do anything else that they've promised, the one major piece of legislation that they seem to serious about is a new tax code that cuts taxes primarily for the wealthy and for corporations.

Why doesn't this surprise us liberals?

Could it be that Trump & the Republicans just don't give a damn about anyone but the wealthy?

Could it be that Trump & the Republicans blatantly lie and say anything to get elected?

Could it be that all those who believe that Trump and the Republicans cared about working class Americans were dup'd?

So, supply-side economics have been reborn - despite that fact that 'trickle-down' has proven to be a lie.

And so the American workers continues to reinforce the creation of an American royal class by voting for politicians that funnel all the wealth to a privileged few.
NO it's because those very liberals in congress and out are doing everything they can to screw up the country. Wait for 2018, much draining coming.

Nice attempt at deflection. But, the issue is Trump & the Republicans failing to do anything that they promised except lower taxes for the wealthy.

BTW - the only thing that need draining is the puss between your ears.
Could it be that Trump & the Republicans just don't give a damn about anyone but the wealthy?

It is not that it could be, but rather that it is. So how is that any different at all again from the "other" party?

The other party may promote policies for benefit of various identity groups, and for a number of their donors, but there's huge variety of legislation and policies that they promote for the benefit of a huge variety of people.

The Republicans are laser focused of benefiting the wealthy and NOTHING else.
It seems that while Trump & the Republicans have been unable to build a wall, repeal & replace Obamacare, cancel NAFTA, or do anything else that they've promised, the one major piece of legislation that they seem to serious about is a new tax code that cuts taxes primarily for the wealthy and for corporations.

Why doesn't this surprise us liberals?

Could it be that Trump & the Republicans just don't give a damn about anyone but the wealthy?

Could it be that Trump & the Republicans blatantly lie and say anything to get elected?

Could it be that all those who believe that Trump and the Republicans cared about working class Americans were dup'd?

So, supply-side economics have been reborn - despite that fact that 'trickle-down' has proven to be a lie.

And so the American workers continues to reinforce the creation of an American royal class by voting for politicians that funnel all the wealth to a privileged few.

Could it be that you have no fricken clue?
It seems that while Trump & the Republicans have been unable to build a wall, repeal & replace Obamacare, cancel NAFTA, or do anything else that they've promised, the one major piece of legislation that they seem to serious about is a new tax code that cuts taxes primarily for the wealthy and for corporations.

Why doesn't this surprise us liberals?

Could it be that Trump & the Republicans just don't give a damn about anyone but the wealthy?

Could it be that Trump & the Republicans blatantly lie and say anything to get elected?

Could it be that all those who believe that Trump and the Republicans cared about working class Americans were dup'd?

So, supply-side economics have been reborn - despite that fact that 'trickle-down' has proven to be a lie.

And so the American workers continues to reinforce the creation of an American royal class by voting for politicians that funnel all the wealth to a privileged few.
NO it's because those very liberals in congress and out are doing everything they can to screw up the country. Wait for 2018, much draining coming.

Nice attempt at deflection. But, the issue is Trump & the Republicans failing to do anything that they promised except lower taxes for the wealthy.

BTW - the only thing that need draining is the puss between your ears.
Just wondering, did Nieto's check ever show up?
It seems that while Trump & the Republicans have been unable to build a wall, repeal & replace Obamacare, cancel NAFTA, or do anything else that they've promised, the one major piece of legislation that they seem to serious about is a new tax code that cuts taxes primarily for the wealthy and for corporations.

Why doesn't this surprise us liberals?

Could it be that Trump & the Republicans just don't give a damn about anyone but the wealthy?

Could it be that Trump & the Republicans blatantly lie and say anything to get elected?

Could it be that all those who believe that Trump and the Republicans cared about working class Americans were dup'd?

So, supply-side economics have been reborn - despite that fact that 'trickle-down' has proven to be a lie.

And so the American workers continues to reinforce the creation of an American royal class by voting for politicians that funnel all the wealth to a privileged few.

Could it be that you have no fricken clue?
Those who still believe that the system represents any but the concentrated wealth donor/"job creator" class few don't.
Could it be that Trump & the Republicans just don't give a damn about anyone but the wealthy?

It is not that it could be, but rather that it is. So how is that any different at all again from the "other" party?

The other party may promote policies for benefit of various identity groups, and for a number of their donors, but there's huge variety of legislation and policies that they promote for the benefit of a huge variety of people.

The Republicans are laser focused of benefiting the wealthy and NOTHING else.
Not when it comes to the societal wealth extraction paradigm, that's a "bipartisan" project..
Adding trillions more to our national debt is not "reform".
Could it be that Trump & the Republicans just don't give a damn about anyone but the wealthy?

It is not that it could be, but rather that it is. So how is that any different at all again from the "other" party?
If you believe that start voting for the other party every 2 years. If you don't think it matters try it and see.
It seems that while Trump & the Republicans have been unable to build a wall, repeal & replace Obamacare, cancel NAFTA, or do anything else that they've promised, the one major piece of legislation that they seem to serious about is a new tax code that cuts taxes primarily for the wealthy and for corporations.

Why doesn't this surprise us liberals?

Could it be that Trump & the Republicans just don't give a damn about anyone but the wealthy?

Could it be that Trump & the Republicans blatantly lie and say anything to get elected?

Could it be that all those who believe that Trump and the Republicans cared about working class Americans were dup'd?

So, supply-side economics have been reborn - despite that fact that 'trickle-down' has proven to be a lie.

And so the American workers continues to reinforce the creation of an American royal class by voting for politicians that funnel all the wealth to a privileged few.
NO it's because those very liberals in congress and out are doing everything they can to screw up the country. Wait for 2018, much draining coming.

Nice attempt at deflection. But, the issue is Trump & the Republicans failing to do anything that they promised except lower taxes for the wealthy.

BTW - the only thing that need draining is the puss between your ears.

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Depending on where you live, your education and job, things are either pretty great or pretty bad.

Which of these two scenarios describes the U.S. economy?

No. 1. The economy is better than ever: The stock market is near a record high, wages are rising, there are more job openings than applicants, household wealth has hit a record, gross domestic product is growing briskly, house values have recovered from the bust, and consumer confidence is back — and so is America!

No. 2. Real Americans are suffering: Inflation-adjusted wages are stagnant or even declining, economic mobility is nonexistent, gasoline is getting expensive as oil prices rise, labor force participation rates are stuck at levels not seen since the late 1970s, health care is brutally expensive and getting more so, and rents have been rising. There is a looming retirement crisis coming, as households have too little savings, and pensions are underfunded — the average American is getting crushed!

In reality, this binary choice is a false construct and both of these scenarios are very true. But who you are, where you live, your job and educational background very much determines which of those two descriptions you relate to more. And while there has always been a divide between rich and poor, it has grown especially acute during the past decade.

There are more than enough economic data series for dishonest commentators to cherry pick one in support of their biased positions.

I have four theories worth exploring:

No 1. The credit crisis changed everything: The financial crisis was so large and all-encompassing that even now it’s hard to grasp its import. It revealed enormous stresses that weren’t readily apparent before. You can draw a straight line from weak wage gains to rising home-equity withdrawals and from rising real-estate prices to aggressive home refinancing.

After the crisis, many families were forced to honestly recognize their own financial situations. Even though real wages had been mostly flat for decades, the easy credit made it possible for millions of people to pretend otherwise.

No. 2. Unions declined

No. 3. Capital was rewarded instead of labor: We can point to the Reagan, Clinton, Bush and Trump administrations for various changes to the tax code that were much friendlier to capital than to labor.

No. 4. The vast American middle class was a historical aberration: My pet thesis, admittedly not particularly one well-supported by data, is that the broad sharing of so much of the nation’s wealth was an anomaly, the result of an unusual confluence of forces that sprang from the Great Depression and World War II. It was a one-off that couldn’t resist powerful historical forces.

Let’s back up a bit. During the feudal era and early stages of capitalism, much of the population was impoverished and either engaged in agriculture, and later on, factory work; above that was a small cohort of craftsmen, shop owners and merchants; above that was an even smaller class of nobles and royals — and later on, industrial magnates — with fabulous wealth at their disposal. Extrapolate that to the present, and we have the working poor, the middle class and the professional class, and a similar pyramid-shaped wealth distribution.

The Great Depression wiped out much of the wealth of the richest Americans. Then, after World War II, 16 million American soldiers returned home. The GI Bill gave them a chance to get a college education; pent up postwar consumer demand meant manufacturing jobs were plentiful and well-paying. Most of the rest of the world was in ruins at the time so there was little competition for U.S. industry. From the American perspective, all seemed good.

Or it was until mean reversion began to rear its head. These postwar factors faded during the following decades. Eventually, the economy returned to its prewar stratifications.

The U.S. economic expansion is both robust and weak, broad and narrow, higher and lower than before the financial crisis. How these economic gains have been distributed is likely to have an impact for decades to come.

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