New Poll Shows Trump Down by 3% Nationally

Yes this poll is cherry picked just like the left like to cherry pick the poll that shows Clinton up by more than she really is for example the CNN poll that shows her up by 9.
and the rasmussic poll has her up by 8 so what your point
The point is she's not up by 8 I know it you know it but feel free to continue to deny it I no longer try and convince blind partisans of anything. If your response is to be some claim about me being a blind Trump supporter I have not been a Trump backer at anytime ask any true Trump supporter for confirmation of this.
Trump raised $80 million in July overv$12million more than the bitch and unlike the bitch hasn't spent anything on ads...Can you subversives say October Surprise
is that when trump drops out and takes the money !!! surprise !!!! he's know for that sort of thing
Trump raised $80 million in July overv$12million more than the bitch and unlike the bitch hasn't spent anything on ads...Can you subversives say October Surprise
Clinton raised $90 million in July and most of her spending has been on future ad buys. She's buying up all the ad time in October through the election.
So given margin of error a virtual tie.
Margin of error can be as large as 5 points so all the polls are screaming virtual tie. Its a bunch of be that is needed to say who is winning.
There are literally zero current national polls with a MOE of 5. It is quite a stretch thinking every poll is off in favor of Trump as well, wishful thinking on your part.
Trump raised $80 million in July overv$12million more than the bitch and unlike the bitch hasn't spent anything on ads...Can you subversives say October Surprise

I thought Trump was going to self fund. Remember when you believed that shit?
I realize Jim lamely started the thread.


But given Trump's disaster week,

Yeah, like the many disasters of the medias making and that exist entirely within the Washington DC Echo Chamber.

Rather than a bounce, she may have just stopped the bleeding, and what we may be seeing is an implosion. And, no, I don't think Trump is capable of stopping his continued verbal incontinence

He hasnt misspoken; the media will crucify him no matter what he says, and the Democrats will crow like it was the biggest gaffe since 57 states..
So given margin of error a virtual tie.


Yeah, thats not what the Corporate Owned Media is saying to everyone.

New Poll: 2016 Race More Narrow Than Reported

The survey, taken entirely after the Democratic Convention, shows Trump a mere 3 points behind his Democratic presidential rival — despite widespread media reports of Clinton widening the lead she opened with a post-convention bump. In the head to head matchup, 43 percent of registered voters prefer Trump to be president, 46 percent prefer Hillary Clinton, and 9 percent are undecided....

Even more promising for Trump, the survey showed the GOP nominee received a 2 point bump after his party's convention, up from 41 percent to 43 percent, while Clinton was actually bumped down a point, from 47 percent in the most recent poll prior to the DNC to 46 percent Wednesday....

The YouGov poll also shows the vast majority of Republicans and conservatives have rallied behind Donald Trump as the first phase of the general election kicks off.

Trump earned the support of 88 percent of Republicans and 74 percent of conservatives overall.

Why don't you post that when your fellow loon Perez cherry picks polls instead of fawning all over them? Hypocrite

And you claim to objectively criticize both left and right?
These polls are bunk. Trump is in the LEAD nationally.
bless your loyal little sweet heart ... you keep believing that ... if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy
Here's how your silly polls work or should I say don't work. Polls had Huelskamp 9 points ahead, he LOST by 12.....that's a TWENTY ONE point miss :lol: :lol:

The polls are bunk and they've been bunk..period..end of story...fade to black...the end.
These polls are bunk. Trump is in the LEAD nationally.
bless your loyal little sweet heart ... you keep believing that ... if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy
Here's how your silly polls work or should I say don't work. Polls had Huelskamp 9 points ahead, he LOST by 12.....that's a TWENTY ONE point miss :lol: :lol:

The polls are bunk and they've been bunk..period..end of story...fade to black...the end.

I think what's funny is pointing out the exceptions to when polls don't call it right.

Here's a fun fact. Fox News poll has Clinton up by 10.
Here's how your silly polls work or should I say don't work. Polls had Huelskamp 9 points ahead, he LOST by 12.....that's a TWENTY ONE point miss :lol: :lol:

The polls are bunk and they've been bunk..period..end of story...fade to black...the end.
The public is 70%+ saying that the country is on the wrong track.

The public supposedly favors Obama by 54%, while he promotes the highly unfavorable (80% against) TPP treaty.

They also find Hillary to be untrustworthy, so when she says she no longer like TPP, even though her mentor she emulates is pushing it, do people believe that she genuinely does not like it, or do they think that Tim Kaine and other Democrat liaisons with the international corporate community are telling the truth that Hillary is only saying this till she gets elected?

The public wants to keep the gun rights, but Hillary is going to reduce them.

The public wants to keep taxes lower, but Hillary will raise them.

The public sees/hears Hillary lie every week, another big lie, some so big even the Washington Post (Hate Trump Central) gave her 4 Pinochios.

And yet despite all that, we are supposed to believe that Hillary is leading Trump by 12% or more?

roflmao, these are polls intended to encourage Democrats to not lose faith, and that is about all it is.

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