New poll shows Hillary beating all the current dems lol

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Oh shit, this would be better than Jpjo could ever be!!!

Hotair ^ | 121/09/2019


Caveat: These arenā€™t the numbers you get when you airdrop Clinton into the race and no one else. This is what the race looked like when Harvard-Harris added Clinton and Mike Bloomberg and John Kerry(?!) to the mix.

If you thought the Democratic top tier was lily-white now, imagine those three being stirred into the pot. Blinding white, one might call it.

I mean, the whiteness of Hillary and Kerry alone is so bright that you can scarcely find it elsewhere in nature.

Anyway, the interesting result here is the fact her entry wouldnā€™t collapse Joe Bidenā€™s numbers while leaving Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren unscathed. Thatā€™s what I would have expected, but nope.

Harvard-Harris, top 5 current 2020 field among Democratic voters:

Biden 29
Sanders 16
Warren 13
Buttigieg 8
Bloomberg 7

If Hillary Clinton and John Kerry get in race?

Clinton 21
Biden 20
Sanders 12
Warren 9
Buttigieg & Kerry 5

ā€” Tom Bevan (@TomBevanRCP) December 9, 2019

Biden takes the worst hit, as youā€™d assume, since he and Hillary would compete for center-left and black voters. But Sanders slips out of the teens and Warren falls out of double digits. Who are those voters? Which Bernie fan is sitting around like ā€œTime to right the mistake of 2016 ā€” unless I can vote for Clinton againā€?

Dick Morris thinks she really is thinking about it:

ā€œBiden and Warren were blocking the lanes Hillary needs to run in in order to get nominated. Warren, because sheā€™s a woman, and now with Kamala Harris out of the race, and Warren having slipped, that road may be open. Hillary may be able to say, ā€˜vote for me, because Iā€™m the only chance we have to elect a woman president.'ā€ā€¦

ā€œAnd the lane that Biden was occupying is the lane that people would say, ā€˜Well, letā€™s at least join somebody thatā€™s shown they can beat Donald Trump ā€“ thatā€™s shown they have the ability to win a national election like Biden did,ā€ Morris told host John Catsimatidis.

ā€œHillary will basically say, ā€˜I have that capacity. I got more votes than Donald Trump did last time. I know I can beat this guy. People should vote for me because Iā€™m the only proven warrior out there that can tackle him.'ā€

ā€œIā€™m the only one who can beat this guyā€ would be a ballsy assertion coming from someone who might well have been the only Democrat with a national profile capable of losing to someone as unpopular as Trump was in 2016. Her special cocktail of blandness, scandal, and mushy establishmentarianism gave him jussssst enough lesser-of-two-evils juice to make magic in the battleground states.

What Morris says about Clintonā€™s potential gender pitch is interesting, though. The freefall decline in the polls of one of the two most prominent women running this year, Kamala Harris, was masked in a way by the fact that Warren soared in polling over the same period. Because of that surge, no one at the time could credibly claim that Dem voters werenā€™t giving women candidates a fair chance this year the way critics are now claiming that they havenā€™t given black candidates a fair chance per Harrisā€™s and Cory Bookerā€™s poor showings. But now that Warren has lost nearly half her share of the national primary vote since October and has slipped to third in Iowa and New Hampshire, weā€™re poised for a full-fledged media freakout if she slips further.

Can you imagine the angry takes if the new year begins with a clear-cut top three of white dudes Biden, Bernie, and Buttigieg? The press might demand a Hillary reprise purely as a nod to diversity. Progressives might even endorse it for tactical reasons, believing that sheā€™d bleed votes mainly from Grandpa Joe and Mayor Pete, clearing a path for Sanders.

The DNC would have a collective panic attack for the same reason, especially since Clinton would be too late to qualify for the ballot in some primaries. One scenario is that sheā€™d divide the centrist vote and inadvertently help Sanders sweep to the nomination; a second scenario is that sheā€™d win just enough of the vote to cause a stalemate with Biden or Buttigieg and Sanders, ensuring a nightmarish brokered convention. Iā€™m not sure which scenario is worse from the DNCā€™s perspective. (Presumably the first one.) Letā€™s try it and see.

Hereā€™s Bernie discussing the coming match-up with Hillary. Sorry, I mean the last match-up with Hillary.

Sen. Bernie Sanders responds to Hillaryā€™s criticism of him: ā€œIā€™m sorry that Hillary Clinton is rerunning 2016ā€¦ I worked as hard as humanly possible. We did dozens and dozens of rallies around this country.ā€

ā€” Alex Salvi (@alexsalvinews) December 9, 2019
Even if Hillary thought that it would be a good idea to run again, there is no way in hell that the Dems would ever put her in as the nominee again. She's no longer politically viable, no matter how much the Trump supporters wish she would run.

LIFE NEWS ^ | Dec, 9, 2019

This and $1.10 will buy you a small cup of McDonaldā€™s coffee when itā€™s on sale. But, as someone who has expected Hillary Clinton to run again in 2020 from the night she lost in 2016, this is interesting.

Valerie Richardson of the Washington Times reported today that the former New York Senator and Secretary of State narrowly eased out former VP Joe Biden in a Harvard-Harris poll of registered Democrats.

When asked who they would support for the partyā€™s presidential nominee, 21% said Clinton as compared to 20% for Biden.

ā€œPlacing third in the hypothetical race was Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders at 12%, followed by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 9% and ex-New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg at 7%,ā€ Richardson wrote.

There are the usual caveats. It was an online survey and Bloombergā€™s numbers were probably slightly inflated because the survey of 1,859 voters came just after the former mayor of New York entered the race.

I was going to write about something Clinton told the BBC Radio 5 Liveā€™s Emma Barnett last month, but didnā€™t. Richardson reminds us that although Clinton said she had no plans to enter the contest, she added, ā€œI never say never to anything.ā€

And she added the hopelessly self-serving comment

ā€œI will certainly tell you, Iā€™m under enormous pressure from many, many, many people to think about it,ā€ she said. ā€œBut as of this moment, sitting here in this studio talking to you, that is absolutely not in my plans.ā€

Richardson noted, ā€œIn the current primary field without Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Biden led the pack with 29%, followed by Mr. Sanders with 16%, Ms. Warren with 13% and Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg with 8%. Both Mr. Bloomberg and Mr. Kerry drew 5%.ā€


Having her called in, to save the day, has been the plan all along. Shame that the others actually thought, or think, they actually stood a chance. But theyā€™re Demented and Leftists, ergo, theyā€™re not as smart as they tell people they are.

A televised, one on one debate between Hildebeasty telling all that Tulsi is a RUSSIAN ASSET. and Gabbard would be awesome. While Iā€™m in no way supportive of Gabbard and her policies, I think sheā€™d mop the floor with The Beasty..... And itā€™d be two women and two DemonRATS so no excuses could be made.

Gabbard, seems to be genuine and passionate in her beliefs. Whereas Hildebeast is such a complete money hungry, power hungry hypocritical fraud that she will do and say anything to cash in on anything to get what she wants.

She even has it planned out going into the future if she is spurned again!

Obstacles are being removed as we read of this...


LIFE NEWS ^ | Dec, 9, 2019

This and $1.10 will buy you a small cup of McDonaldā€™s coffee when itā€™s on sale. But, as someone who has expected Hillary Clinton to run again in 2020 from the night she lost in 2016, this is interesting.

Valerie Richardson of the Washington Times reported today that the former New York Senator and Secretary of State narrowly eased out former VP Joe Biden in a Harvard-Harris poll of registered Democrats.

When asked who they would support for the partyā€™s presidential nominee, 21% said Clinton as compared to 20% for Biden.

ā€œPlacing third in the hypothetical race was Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders at 12%, followed by Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren at 9% and ex-New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg at 7%,ā€ Richardson wrote.

There are the usual caveats. It was an online survey and Bloombergā€™s numbers were probably slightly inflated because the survey of 1,859 voters came just after the former mayor of New York entered the race.

I was going to write about something Clinton told the BBC Radio 5 Liveā€™s Emma Barnett last month, but didnā€™t. Richardson reminds us that although Clinton said she had no plans to enter the contest, she added, ā€œI never say never to anything.ā€

And she added the hopelessly self-serving comment

ā€œI will certainly tell you, Iā€™m under enormous pressure from many, many, many people to think about it,ā€ she said. ā€œBut as of this moment, sitting here in this studio talking to you, that is absolutely not in my plans.ā€

Richardson noted, ā€œIn the current primary field without Mrs. Clinton, Mr. Biden led the pack with 29%, followed by Mr. Sanders with 16%, Ms. Warren with 13% and Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg with 8%. Both Mr. Bloomberg and Mr. Kerry drew 5%.ā€


Having her called in, to save the day, has been the plan all along. Shame that the others actually thought, or think, they actually stood a chance. But theyā€™re Demented and Leftists, ergo, theyā€™re not as smart as they tell people they are.

A televised, one on one debate between Hildebeasty telling all that Tulsi is a RUSSIAN ASSET. and Gabbard would be awesome. While Iā€™m in no way supportive of Gabbard and her policies, I think sheā€™d mop the floor with The Beasty..... And itā€™d be two women and two DemonRATS so no excuses could be made.

Gabbard, seems to be genuine and passionate in her beliefs. Whereas Hildebeast is such a complete money hungry, power hungry hypocritical fraud that she will do and say anything to cash in on anything to get what she wants.

She even has it planned out going into the future if she is spurned again!

Obstacles are being removed as we read of this...

The Dems are in QUITE a quandary. NONE of their current candidates could realistically beat Trump. But I believe the SANE Dems also realize that Killery wouldn't have much of a chance either. Poor Dim Dems!
Hillary Clinton isnā€™t electable! You honestly think that dossier was trump? Pal Iā€™m must be stupid or Iā€™m being like Joe Biden

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Hillary has successfully winnowed Bidens support down beneath hers if she, you know, hypothetically runs for President, again.

Will Democrats nominate that old crook before or after her indictment by Durham?

Poll: Hillary Clinton Top Pick Among Democrat Voters

and they can't see the " fake runners" stepping back which alex jones said today watch as Biden etc begin to step back allowing Clinton to come running in THIS IS AND HAS BEEN THE ENGINEERED PLAN".

and really TRUMP is KILLING all of them in WINS!!
Democrats won't support this woman coming in this late. They will despise her for it.

But they supported her before, so why not?
I've been following carefully the possible re-emergence of Hillary. She sure talks about it a lot!! The latest quote is that "many, many, many people" have asked her to think about it.

I think she's a plausible candidate, a lot more plausible than most of those commies.
Can you imagine the angry takes if the new year begins with a clear-cut top three of white dudes Biden, Bernie, and Buttigieg? The press might demand a Hillary reprise purely as a nod to diversity. Progressives might even endorse it for tactical reasons, believing that sheā€™d bleed votes mainly from Grandpa Joe and Mayor Pete, clearing a path for Sanders.

No, Buttigieg is not in the white category. He's a known homosexual and he's not going anywhere politically as people figure that out. He's way down even in the Dem primary maneuvering right now, and consider how well you think he'll do in the General election --- McGovern redux.

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