'New Film Shows How Corporate America is Faking a Grassroots Revolution'


liberal / progressive
Jun 4, 2007
"The documentary film "(astro)Turf Wars: How Corporate America is Faking a Grassroots Revolution," explains the bizarre situation we face as America drowns in fake, corporate-funded "grassroots" movements. The 2009 "Tea Party Movement", for example, came out of nowhere, and through a string of well-funded activities, became a huge roadblock to reforming health care, financial services and more. Leaders portray the tea party "movement" as made up of hard-working, mom-and-pop patriots who love their country, but well-heeled players representing some of the biggest and most lucrative businesses in the country are really funding and organizing it. The Tea Party labels of "government takeover," "socialism" and "communism" stir up fear while disguising hidden corporate agendas. Real grassroots movements rarely make multimillion-dollar ad buys, tour the nation in custom-painted buses, or put on media events from coast to coast."

New Film Shows How Corporate America is Faking a Grassroots Revolution | Center for Media and Democracy

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Taking-Risk-Out-Democracy-Communication/dp/0252066162/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8]Amazon.com: Taking the Risk Out of Democracy: Corporate Propaganda versus Freedom and Liberty (History of Communication) (9780252066160): Alex Carey: Books: Reviews, Prices & more[/ame]

Check propaganda


That's what I am! A Paid Corporate flunky!

Keep telling yourselves that liberals.

And then be stupid enough to wonder why you are tanking in the polls.


You notice these hypocrites scream about the free speech of corporations but they don't scream about the free speech of unions??????????


And what are corporations? Computers? Aliens? Mole men from the center of the Earth?

They are PEOPLE! VOTERS! They are stock holders and employees.

Why shouldn't they have a right to free speech?

The ONLY reason liberals don't like it is because Obama has been hurting business and they KNOW what that free speech will be--TO STOP OBAMA!

That's why they are desperate to smear and shut them up.

Stop pretending otherwise libs!

1st: Blame Bush
2nd: Call them Racist
3rd: Blame the Corporations
4th: Play the race card one more time

For my softball team I got my Global Corporation, 1 bar and a print shop to sponsor us! I guess my softball team is a front for corporate propaganda! Give me a break.

These fools believe the that Tea Partiers are all dooped to by corporations? Again give me a break. Vast majority of the speakers and leaders are small business owners. These are the same people that compete with the big business. These are the same people who are having a much harder time competing with the big businesses because of the legislation coming out of Washington.

Second, Corporations donate money all the time. ALL THE TIME! Many times to liberal groups. However, its only when its given to conservative groups its bad. Hell Obama, Pelosi, Reid and EVERY politician receives money from Corporations! Yet its only when Conservatives get the money its bad!

Small businesses are considered 500 and less employees. But if you take companies that employee 100 and more employees then you take about 90% of the employers in the country. Nearly every one of the 100+ employers donate to various groups, charities and causes! Does that mean 90% of the business big and small are EVIL? You libtards keep screaming about evil corporations and then in the same breath scream about jobs, but when the job creating companies scream about the roadblocks and marxist policies that are preventing them from making a profits, hence hiring more people, you scream foul. Sorry libtards, corporations are NOT the enemy, they are the solution to a dire job market.

Why don't you liberals go after SEIU, the corrupt Union that DISALLOWS the USA from protecting the border and STOPPING ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION! What about the ACLU, these corrupt assholes keep the border open, make sure cities stay sanctuary cities, keep criminals on the street and make the tought job of law enforcement impossible.

Lastly, I find it ironic that an obvious propaganda piece is trying to scream that a righteous group like the Tea Party is a propaganda front!!! Hypocrisy at its WORST!!!

I leave you with a quote from the late, great Ronald Reagan:
"In these troubling times the Goverment is not the solution to our nation's problems, GOVERNMENT IS THE PROBLEM!"
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DHHS just spent $35M on advertising to promote health care bill most Americans did not want.

Yeah! You want to see a paid flunky? Look at Andy Griffith being paid to shill for Obamacare.

Or how about the paid flunkies that are on this board.

That's all they are about is floating trial balloons and "getting the Democrat message out."

Which is liberal for lying for the Democrats.

i wish i was paid to support limited government, fiscal responsibility, and American principles. :(

Oh wait, no I don't. I earn my own money.
Citizens United was not decided until September 2009, geniuses. 2010 is the first election cycle to be affected by it.

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission : SCOTUSblog

This SCOTUS decision found that a corporation is a "person" for First Amendment free speech purposes, opening the floodgates to money never before seen in a US election. As a consequence of this decision, there no longer are any spending limits nor (hardly any) meaningful reporting or disclosure requirements with respect to campaign contributions or funding.

There is a petition you can sign if you find this alarming, which urges Congress to pass a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United so that the states can ratify it. This is not a conservative vs. liberal issue; it is about preserving your right to vote.


You can read more about the subject here....

Citizens United: Before, After, What?s Next? : Veterans Today
"The documentary film "(astro)Turf Wars: How Corporate America is Faking a Grassroots Revolution," explains the bizarre situation we face as America drowns in fake, corporate-funded "grassroots" movements. The 2009 "Tea Party Movement", for example, came out of nowhere, and through a string of well-funded activities, became a huge roadblock to reforming health care, financial services and more. Leaders portray the tea party "movement" as made up of hard-working, mom-and-pop patriots who love their country, but well-heeled players representing some of the biggest and most lucrative businesses in the country are really funding and organizing it. The Tea Party labels of "government takeover," "socialism" and "communism" stir up fear while disguising hidden corporate agendas. Real grassroots movements rarely make multimillion-dollar ad buys, tour the nation in custom-painted buses, or put on media events from coast to coast."

New Film Shows How Corporate America is Faking a Grassroots Revolution | Center for Media and Democracy

"Corporate propaganda directed outwards, that is, to the public at large, has two main objectives: to identify the free enterprise system in popular consciousness with every cherished value, and to identify interventionist governments and strong unions (the only agencies capable of checking a complete domination of society by corporations) with tyranny, oppression and even subversion. The techniques used to achieve these results are variously called 'public relations', 'corporate communications' and 'economic education'." Alex Carey

Amazon.com: Taking the Risk Out of Democracy: Corporate Propaganda versus Freedom and Liberty (History of Communication) (9780252066160): Alex Carey: Books: Reviews, Prices & more

Check propaganda


Middy, I'm certain you are unable to see this, but the touchstone of Leftist thinking is that regular folks are too dumb to know what is best for themselves, and if they don't agree with you guys, somebody must be paying them, or brainwashing them.

Woe betide ya' when Americans start paying attention: check out the polls.
PoliticalChic wrote:

Middy, I'm certain you are unable to see this, but the touchstone of Leftist thinking is that regular folks are too dumb to know what is best for themselves, and if they don't agree with you guys, somebody must be paying them, or brainwashing them.

Woe betide ya' when Americans start paying attention: check out the polls.

I am startled to read this -- surely you also found Citizens United a noxious weed of a decision? Lemme ask you, PoliticalChic...what happens if China decides it wants to influence our choice of president in 2012? What would prevent them from doing so?
PoliticalChic wrote:

Middy, I'm certain you are unable to see this, but the touchstone of Leftist thinking is that regular folks are too dumb to know what is best for themselves, and if they don't agree with you guys, somebody must be paying them, or brainwashing them.

Woe betide ya' when Americans start paying attention: check out the polls.

I am startled to read this -- surely you also found Citizens United a noxious weed of a decision? Lemme ask you, PoliticalChic...what happens if China decides it wants to influence our choice of president in 2012? What would prevent them from doing so?
Like they did in 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, and 2008?

Why the sudden concern? The unions have been doing it for 50 year.

You realize that corporations are finally getting the same rights as unions and individuals, right? Nothing wrong with that. Equality under the law is a good thing, remember.
PoliticalChic wrote:

Middy, I'm certain you are unable to see this, but the touchstone of Leftist thinking is that regular folks are too dumb to know what is best for themselves, and if they don't agree with you guys, somebody must be paying them, or brainwashing them.

Woe betide ya' when Americans start paying attention: check out the polls.

I am startled to read this -- surely you also found Citizens United a noxious weed of a decision? Lemme ask you, PoliticalChic...what happens if China decides it wants to influence our choice of president in 2012? What would prevent them from doing so?

“After unions spent more than $400 million on the election and mounted massive voter-turnout efforts for Mr. Obama, they're inclined to push for bringing the Employee Free Choice Act up for a vote early next year, believing they have a narrow window to get it passed.”
Labor Wants Obama to Take on Big Fight - WSJ.com

BTW, while lobbying for the EFCA, the SEIU fired 75 of its 220 employees, ‘cause, you know, they needed that $60 million for Obama, so the employees filed an NLRB unfair practices suit. (NATIONAL BRIEFING - LABOR - Union Is Accused of Violations - Brief - NYTimes.com)

"Lemme ask you, ...what happens if Leftist union leaders, who despise American traditions such as free enterprise, secret ballots, and private ownership, i.e., policies and decisons about employees, decide it wants to influence our choice of president in 2012? What would prevent them from doing so?"

How about we balance the millions that these unions use to 'choose the president,' and honor the American value of free speech, as represented by voluntary contributions in political elections.

How about that?

BTW, in case you were looking for evidence of China doing just that,

"Clinton and Gore solicited contributions from foreign nationals, some of whom have since been convicted of accepting reimbursements for those contributions from foreign governments, including Communist China."
House lets non-citizens contribute to campaigns | Human Events | Find Articles at BNET
Citizens United was not decided until September 2009, geniuses. 2010 is the first election cycle to be affected by it.

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission : SCOTUSblog

This SCOTUS decision found that a corporation is a "person" for First Amendment free speech purposes, opening the floodgates to money never before seen in a US election. As a consequence of this decision, there no longer are any spending limits nor (hardly any) meaningful reporting or disclosure requirements with respect to campaign contributions or funding.

There is a petition you can sign if you find this alarming, which urges Congress to pass a constitutional amendment overturning Citizens United so that the states can ratify it. This is not a conservative vs. liberal issue; it is about preserving your right to vote.


You can read more about the subject here....

Citizens United: Before, After, What?s Next? : Veterans Today

Can't allow that free speech!!!!!!!!!

It's dangerous!!!!!!! :cuckoo:

PoliticalChic wrote:

Middy, I'm certain you are unable to see this, but the touchstone of Leftist thinking is that regular folks are too dumb to know what is best for themselves, and if they don't agree with you guys, somebody must be paying them, or brainwashing them.

Woe betide ya' when Americans start paying attention: check out the polls.

I am startled to read this -- surely you also found Citizens United a noxious weed of a decision? Lemme ask you, PoliticalChic...what happens if China decides it wants to influence our choice of president in 2012? What would prevent them from doing so?

What happens??????? :rofl:

What part of the 90s did you miss?

Anyone remember all the Chinese money that went to the DEMOCRATS?????????? To Bill Clinton??????????

I don't recall liberals have a fit about that!


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